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Milling Machine and Cleaning Egg Cleaning Reballs

Automatically Completed With the Screw Conveyor

System and Auto Washer
1st Fajar Septiawan Dwi Angoro1, 2nd Aisyah Nur Khalifah2, 3rd Syahrul Gunawan3, 4th
Dandy Syah Putra4, 5th Fakhriyah Qothrun Nada5, 6th Wahyu Dwi Kurniawan6
{Fajar.17050754017@mhs.unesa.ac.id1, Aisyah.17050754014@mhs.unesa.ac.id2,

State University of Surabaya

Abstract. Milling Machine And Cleaning Egg Cleaning Reballs Automatically Completed
With The Screw Conveyor System And Auto Washer is made with the aim of increasing
productivity and the effectiveness of the production of SME quail egg satay in Surabaya.
Egg peeler This semi automatic quail is designed as simply as possible to make it easier
mass production and easy maintenance. This machine is added screw conveyor system
which is covered with sponge and machine walls, there is a polisher made from stainless
which serves as a boiled egg quail peeler. The addition of an auto water washer on this
machine uses a hose connected with a water tap to be able to clean automatically when the
engine have started working on peeling boiled eggs. Material in direct contact with eggs
using stainless steel type 430 SS foodgrade with 3mm thick to maintain the level of hygiene
of the production process. Then the system the drive on this machine uses a DC electric
motor with a power of ½ PK which transmitted by pulleys and V-belts to reduce input
power to more smooth round. Selection of the ½ PK motor is intended for rotation in this
engine can be smoother and softer, not too fast so the egg doesn't break. Dimension
machine made measuring 110 cm x 65 cm x 52 cm with stripping capacity 1200 quail eggs
/ hour. Features that have this machine can improve the productivity process of SME quail
eggs is threefold, so that the problem of SMEs is quail egg satay for stripping and cleaning
the eggs takes a long time to complete.

Keywords: quail eggs, peeler quail eggs, automatic quail egg cleaners.

1 Introduction

The amount of processed food in the city of Surabaya is made from raw chicken, fish, and
eggs. In this city, there are often small stalls and food stalls that sell typical snacks such as fried
foods, rice and one of them is quail egg satay. In some areas, quail eggs are considered ordinary
and a variety of special dishes. But behind its tiny shape, quail eggs have very high nutritional
value and are very suitable for pregnant women. According to researchers at Cornell University,
New York, the US revealed that people who consume, can reduce the risk of babies associated
with risk, high blood pressure, or diabetes.
Behind the value of a good quail egg content, there are most managers of processed quail
eggs that feel difficult. As has happened to the SME quail egg satay Ms. Ani Rikawati, during
this time the processing of quail egg satay is still using conventional methods and the manual is
considered currently less effective. The process of stripping and cleaning old boiled quail eggs
is a problem that is currently being complained of by partners. The process of stripping and
cleaning quail eggs done manually by hand makes this work takes a relatively long time around
3 hours to produce 6 kg of quail eggs and the process also consumes a lot of energy.
Based on observations, this team of partner SMEs produced an average of 6 kg of quail
eggs per day and each quail egg skewer contained 4 eggs. Price for quail egg skewers Rp. 2,500.
So that the partner's monthly turnover is Rp. 32,500 (1kg quail eggs and marinade) x 6kg x 30
= Rp. ± 5,850,000. Net income for a month is 30% of turnover, which is Rp. ± 5,850,000 x 30%
= Rp ± 1,755,000. But market demand wants Ibu Rika to produce 10 - 12 kg of quail egg satay.
With regard to business productivity, Sutantra (2001), said that a new business can be said
to be productive if the business can be carried out efficiently and effectively, or can use
resources that are as minimal as possible with results that are as accurate as possible. So if you
want to increase productivity a business can be done by increasing the efficiency and
effectiveness of the business.
According to Haryono et al. (1999), there are several ways that can be taken by
entrepreneurs to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their business, including: 1) By
increasing the skills or skills of their employees, and 2) By updating their production equipment.
The latter method is rarely pursued by small entrepreneurs. This is besides being caused by
limited capital, also due to limited knowledge, which generally cannot access the latest
information, especially those related to the development of increasingly sophisticated
production equipment. As is the case with the usual way taken by entrepreneurs who are already
big (professionals), they on average prefer to choose ways to update their production equipment
in order to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their business (Biegel, 1998).
Apart from large groups of entrepreneurs or small entrepreneurs, then before deciding on
the steps / ways to be taken to improve efficiency, entrepreneurs must really consider the way
to go before not losing money. This SMES in the Program is a small businessman who has a
problem like the one above, which is to increase efficiency and effectiveness to increase the
productivity of his business. SME leaders also realize that this can be done by updating their
equipment. But because it is financially incapable, and its knowledge in the field of development
of production equipment is also weak, and has no innovation to develop its equipment, it is
necessary to find the right solution to solve it.
Fuad (2001) states that in general the production problems faced by small and medium
enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia are not suitable if solved through the application / use of
sophisticated / sophisticated technology machines, but many are more suitable to be solved
through the application of appropriate technology. Because the investment costs for
implementing appropriate technology are relatively cheap, and mastery of technology does not
require too much knowledge.
Based on these problems, the researcher intends to help overcome the production problems
faced by partner SMEs. After holding intensive discussions, the SMEs will be assisted with a
semi-automatic peeler and egg cleaning machine. It is expected that by using these machines,
the quality and quantity of SME partner production can be improved. This condition is very
desirable for SME entrepreneurs, because the continuity and quality of production can be
maintained. This will have an impact on increasing the income earned by SMEs and increasing
welfare, both employers and employees.

2 Method

Activities carried out to resolve partner problems through the following stages.
2.1 Interview with partner SMES
Interviews were conducted to determine the quantitative portraits, profiles and
conditions of partners and the problems faced by partners related to the problem of the
manual stripping and cleaning process. Interviews were conducted at partner SMEs.
2.2 Team coordination
At this stage coordination is carried out with all teams to determine the scope of
work of each team member.
2.3 Design quail egg cleaning and cleaning machines
In designing semi automatic quail egg cleaning and peeling machines using
Autodesk SolidWorks 2015. This machine has a length of 590 mm, width of 300 mm,
height of 400 mm and thickness of 3 mm., And its frame is made of foodgrade material
which is stainless so it is safer for consumers . This machine is driven by a 1/2 pk
electric motor, which is connected to the transmission, ie pulleys and belts v. The
transmission is connected to the shaft, gears and screw conveyor, the shaft and screw
conveyor on this machine are divided into two-way screw conveyors rotating
clockwise and the shaft rotates counterclockwise, so the rotation can swipe and finally
peel the quail eggs perfectly. Then the auto washer will automatically channel water
through the pipe and be divided with hoses in the pipe to clean the remaining shells.
2.4 Procurement of tools and equipment needs
Previously, a price survey for supporting equipment and consumables was carried
out, which was then an advanced stage, namely in the form of procurement of
consumables and equipment needed to support the readiness of the manufacturing
process. Procurement of consumables is seen in terms of price and quality of goods to
be used so that products can be achieved in accordance with both functional and
structural targets and adjusting available funds.
2.5 Manufacturing and assembly processes
After getting all the components, equipment and materials then the team carried out
the machine manufacturing and assembly process. At this stage the tool manufacturing
process is carried out in the workshop of the Mechanical Engineering Department of
the State University of Surabaya.
2.6 Engine test
The machine that has been made is then tested for functions to determine the
functioning of each component of the tool made. After a function test, testing is carried
out by peeling and cleaning according to the engine capacity to determine the level of
engine performance. If the machine that is made is felt to be less than expected, then a
repair process is made on the machine made.
2.7 Engine refinement
After testing, the semi-automatic quail egg peeler and cleaning machine was refined
by refining, structuring the electrical system, and structuring the components so that
the machine made had good aesthetic value.
2.8 Application of machinery to partner SMES
After carrying out a series of steps above, the engine that has been refined is then
sent to the partner to be implemented, and a machine-taking data collection process is
carried out to be reported in the final PKM report. At this stage training on machine
operation and maintenance is also carried out.
2.9 Monitoring and evaluation
Monitoring is done by visiting SME partners to find out the achievements of the
programs that have been implemented. In the monitoring stage, feedback will be asked
in the form of criticism and suggestions from the SMES partners who have used the
technology of the results of this activity to be followed up in the improvement
3 Result and Discussion
3.1 Automatic Peeling and Cleaning Machine
Automatic peeler and cleaning machine equipped with screw conveyor and
auto washer function to simplify the stripping and cleaning process with the design as
shown in Figure Automatic peeler and cleaning machine equipped with screw conveyor
and auto washer function to simplify the stripping and cleaning process with the design
as shown in Figure 1

Fig. 1. Design semi-automatic quail egg peeling and cleaning machine design
1. Auto washer
2. Screw conveyor
3. Power shift gears
4. V belt
5. Pulley
6. Electric motor
7. Shaft
8. Egg container before peeling
9. As soon as the egg container is peeled
10. Egg shell containers
11. Engine frame
Referring to the design above, the manufacturing process and assembly are
immediately carried out with results as shown in Figure 2.

Fig. 2. Semi automatic quail egg peeler and cleaning machine

Semi automatic quail egg peeler and cleaning machine equipped with screw conveyor
and auto washer have specifications as shown in the following table 1.
Table 1. Specifications of semi-automatic quail egg cleaning and cleaning
machine equipped with screw conveyor and auto washer
Number Description Information
1 Dimensions 600 mm x 420 mm x 300 mm
2 Materials Holo ss 304, pipe, hose, motor,
wiper, gear, v-belt
3 Capacity 6 kg/hours
4 Power 180 watt
Semi-Automatic Quail Egg Peeling and Cleaning Machine equipped with
Screw Conveyor system and Auto Washer will work when the motor is turned on and
then the electric motor rotates the pulley connected to the electric motor. Then from
the round pulley that is connected to the electric motor will move the pulley that is
connected to the shaft through the v-belt. Pulley connected to the shaft is also
connected to the parallel 2 gear shaft, the other one is on the screw conveyor shaft,
the gear serves as a power transfer in the opposite direction so that when the shaft
rotates the screw conveyor will also rotate in the opposite direction. The rotation
between the shaft and screw conveyor is the main work process in stripping boiled
quail eggs. The rotation is used by the friction force to peel the egg.
The cleaning process is carried out by an auto washer that is connected
directly to the water pump faucet which is then channeled by several hoses located
above. When the stripping process occurs, the cleansing process will help in cleaning
quail egg shells so as not to damage the boiled eggs being peeled. Stripping quail
eggs goes forward according to the screw conveyor groove which will also bring the
eggs automatically into the shelled egg shelter. Exfoliated eggshells will also be
dragged by water which then falls on the skin shelter located under the screw
conveyor and shaft.

Table 2. Results of the application of semi automatic quail egg peeler and cleaning
Number Number of eggs Information Engine Capacity
1 ½ kg 5 minutes
2 1 kg 10 minutes 6 kg/hour
4 2 kg 20 minutes

Table 3. Comparison of Machines by Manual Method

Number Number of eggs Time required Number of eggs Time Required
(MIBERKUY) (MIBERKUY) (manualy) (manualy)
1 ½ kg 5 minutes ½ kg 15 minutes
2 1 kg 10 minutes 1 kg 30 minutes
4 2 kg 20 minutes 2 kg 60 minutes

4 Conclusions

Based on the results of the application of semi automatic quail egg peeler and cleaning
machines at the partner SMEs, it can be concluded that the cleaning and stripping process
becomes more effective and practical. Semi automatic quail egg peeler and cleaning machine
that has helped facilitate the work of the quail egg satay SMEs. Besides being able to save time,
the use of this machine also does not consume much energy. With the existence of a semi-
automatic quail egg peeler and cleaning machine, it can be used to support the production
process of SME quail egg partners in increasing business productivity so that it can grow and
be able to compete in the current era of globalization.


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