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1. Noval : Did you enjoy the musical play last night?

Rudy : Sure! … I couldn’t stop my hands to clap at the last stage.
Noval : I did it too!
A. I wasn’t entertained by it at all D. The music was played too loud
B. The performance was good but not extraordinary E. That was the most outstanding play I’ve ever seen
C. It was too bored.
2. John : Hi! I have two free tickets for a concert of “NOAH” next Sunday, would you like to join?
Marry : Oh, ….
John : Let’s meet at the spot at 7 p.m.
A. That sounds cool D. She likes “NOAH”
B. I have other plan E. Tania will reserve the tickets for us
C. I have something to do at home
3. Aina : What are you doing in your free time?
Dina : Well, ….
Aina : Can you teach me how to make Rainbow Cake?
Dina : Sure.
A. I like playing instruments D. I love travelling
B. I enjoy cooking E. I am fond of reading novels
C. I need my mom to help me
4. Ade : Sorry, I couldn’t attend your wedding party last weekends.
Fani : It’s all right, but why?
Ade : Well, when I was about to go, suddenly my mom got sick and I had to hurriedly take her to the hospital.
Fani : … I hope she gets better.
A. Sorry to hear that D. That’s very incredible
B. Thanks for the information E. I’m very delighted to hear that
C. I don't have money
5. Said : I’m thinking of what movie we’re going to watch tonight.
Yoga : ….
Said : Oh yeah! That sounds great. I have watched the trailer. It is worth watching.
A. Let’s go to the cinema D. How about XXI?
B. What about watching The Avengers? E. What if we are going to watch TV?
C. it's better if we go to the café
6. Ana : What do you think we should give Nisa for her birthday?
Putri : How about a pair of sport shoes? She can wear them for playing basketball.
Ana : ... She already has a lot. I think a new backpack will be useful for her.
A. I disagree with you D. I couldn’t agree with you more
B. I think the same way E. You’re absolutely right
C. I don't have some money
7. Boy : May I help you, madam?
Old lady : … The bags are too heavy for me to lift.
A. No, thanks. D. I can do it myself
B. Yes, please. E. She wants some help
C. Don't disturb me

The text is for question number 8 - 10

“Bill Gates started studying at Harvard University in 1973 where he met up with Paul Allen.Gates and Allen
worked on a version of the programing language BASIC,that was the basis for the MITS Altair{the first
microcomputer available}.He did not go on graduating from Harvard University,as he left in his junior year to
start what was to become the largest computer software company in the world;Microsoft Corporation.”

8. What is the main idea of the paragraph?

A. Harvard University D. The Programing Language
B. MITS Altair E. The story of Paul Allen
C. The story of Bill Gates
9. Why did Bill left in his junior year?
A. To meet Paul Allen D. To become a programmer
B. To work on BASIC E. To start a company
C. To get some money
10. ”He did not 'go on' ...”(paragraph 3 sentence 3).
The underlined word has a similar meaning to the word...
A. Stop D. Make up
B. Continue E. Tired
C. Learn
11. Old Lady : I'm sorry to bother you,but could you turn your music down please?
Young man : .....
A. Yes,please D. Sorry Ma'am. I'll turn it down now
B. Well,you can move to another place E. Mind your own business
C. Sorry,that's not me
12. Joan : .....
Alan : I'm sorry. I'm still reading it.
A. Hello,how are you? D. Close the window,please
B. Excuse me,Sir. You sit in my seat E. can I order a coffee?
C. Excuse me. May I borrow your newspaper?

This "Procedure Text" is for question number 13 -15

Insert your card into the slot and select the language. Enter your Personal Identification Number (PIN) and select
the transaction you want, cash deposit. Put in your account number and then verify the number and the account
holder name before proceeding with the transaction. Place the cash you want to deposit into the box and it will
be proceed. Remember that the process includes verification of the amount and number of bank notes. You will
see the confirmation of the deposited cash amount on the screen. After that, choose to continue or cancel the
transaction.If you click continue, the transaction will proceed. Once the transaction is completed, you can take
the receipt.

13. The procedure is mainly talking about ...

A. How to deposit cash into an ATM D. How to make a bank loan in an ATM
B. How to withdraw money from an ATM E. How to use an ATM to transfer money
C. How to Check an ATM card
14. What should we do before proceeding with the transaction?
A. Place the cash we want to deposit D. Take the receipt of our transaction
B. Enter your Personal Identification Number E. Verify the number and account holder’s name
C. Take the money
15. “Once the transaction is completed, ...” (step 7)
The synonym of the word “transaction” is ...
A. Deal B. Purpose C. Activity D. Function E. Money
16. John : .....
Jill : No,thanks. I can carry it myself
A. Why don't you get a taxi? D. Do you need a hand?
B. Would you like some? E. How about dinner?
C. Do you need My hand
17. Jimy : .....
Vera : Yes,please. That's very kind of you
A. Do you want a blanket,miss? D. How do you do?
B. Can you clean the bathroom today? E. Close the door,please
C. What can I do for you?
18. To ask for someone help, we can say.....
A. Could you give me some food,please? D. Can I borrow your book?
B. Can you give me a hand,please? E. Do you mind taking a queue?
C. Do you know where this place is?
19. Jeny : I have the new comic of Naruto. Do you want to read it?
Iyan : .....
A. Yes,please. I'd like that D. Yes. Can I borrow your book?
B. Should I read it? E. No,thanks. I've had enough requests for today
C. That'll be great. I really need some sleep
20. Anita : would you like a cup of tea?
To accept it politely, we can say .....
A. Many thanks, but I'm not thirsty D. No,that won't be necessary
B. Okay, I'll wait for you E. Yes, please. I'd like that
C. Sorry, I don't have tea
21. Waiter : How can I help you, Sir?
Mr.Bima : I'd like to order a cup of coffee, please
The conversation most likely takes place in.....
A. bus B. An airport C. A hotel D. A café E. A train station
22. "It's looks delicious, but I'm already full" is an expression to refuse....
A. An Invitation B. A request C. Food offer D. Clothes offer E. Help offer
23. Argo : Hi, Budi. I'm sorry,but I've got bad news for you
Budi : What is it?
Argo : Your father called me saying that your brother got an accident. He is in the hospital now
Budi : .....
A. That's great! B. I'm glad to hear that C. Sounds great! D. Congratulations E. My goodness!
24. Anggi : Was the firework show beautiful?
Laras : Yes it was. It was such a beautiful firework show that we watched with awe
From the dialogue above, Laras is.....
A. Asking for information D. Giving information
B. Giving help E. Offering help
C. Asking for an opinion
25. Since She is scared of clowns,.....
A. She never goes to the circus D. She work in the circus
B. She didn't have a happy childhood E. She collects many picture of clowns
C. She invites a clown to do a show on her birthday party
26. A : I’d like to book a seat for Surabaya,please!
B : Single or round trip ?
A : Single,please
This dialogue takes place in.......
A. A hotel B. A market C. A travel agency D. A Hospital E. A restaurant
27. Hadi : You look so.......after working all day
Yoga : ”Yes,I think I should have a rest now
A. Busy B. Tired C. Angry D. Happy E. Bored
28. Nisa : Your mother often tries new recipe, doesn’t she?
Putri : That’s true. Her hobby is.....
A. Trying B. Writing C. New things D. Cooking E. Buying medicines
29. Beni : Hi,Fery. Where shall we go this afternoon?
Fery : Well,........
Beni : Sounds good! It serves good quality of coffee
A. What about having some drinks at the Mall? D. Do you feel like singing at Nasa karaoke
B. Shall we dance together? E. How about calling Rudi to join us?
C. We have better playing futsal
30. Feny : You wouldn’t believe if you meet Ida now
Yuli : Really? What does she look like now?
Feny : ..........
A. She is a lot slimmer and more beautiful D. She would like to meet you so much
B. She always looks at her teacher E. She likes eating sea food
C. She comes to the party
31. Rama : Maybe we need to try the new seafood restaurant down the street next week
Sani : That will be great, but I am not free on Wednesday or Friday
Rama : ...........
A. Why don’t we try the new recipe ? D. How about going fishing on Friday afternoon

B. What about going there on Monday ? E. My mom loves to cook for my family
C. Let’s go find out what we can eat this afternoon After work ?
32. Yuli : I believe that Dessy is in the library
Nita : How do you know?
Yuli :.......She comes there everyday
A. She likes reading books D. Her interest is about model
B. Her hobby is Collecting accessories E. She prefers shopping to watching
C. She always brings her cat
33. Irma : I am Irma. I would like to see the director. Is he in?
Secretary : ........
A. Irma is in her office D. Have you made an appointment?
B. OK,I will see you E. Let me see the director
C. I know you
34. Alma : I went to Malang last week
Dini : .........
Alma : By plane
A. Where did you go? D. How did you go there?
B. What did you do? E. How long did you go there?
C. Why did you go there?
35. Rere : Today is very hot, isn’t it?
EmIl : ..........
Rere : That sounds good idea
A. Let’s go swimming then D. Let’s study
B. Let’s play basketball E. Turn off the AC
C. I will help my mom
36. Fikri : What should you do if you see someone get an accident,San?
Hasan : ............
A. I will help him D. I won’t care of him
B. I will leave him E. I will give him a pill
C. I won't see the accident
37. Helen : Can you show me where the drugstore is?
Widia : .........
A. I will go there soon D. It is in that street next to the bank
B. I want to go to the drugstore E. You can take bus no.5
C. I don't know the place
38. A : .....
B : Let me check if the ticket available Sir
The correct sentence to complete the dialogue is.....
A. Can you help me? D. I’d like to reserve a room for this weekend
B. How much does the ticket cost? E. Could I book a ticket to Jakarta for tomorrow departure,please?
C. I have lost my own ticket
39. Receptionist : How would you like to pay,sir?
Mr.Budiman : .....
The correct sentence to complete the dialogue is.....
A. I want to pay now. D. Can I pay it by using credit card?
B. I want to book a single room E. How much does it cost?
C. I forget to bring my wallet
40. Andi : I’m going to deliver my speech and I feel very nervous
Doni :.....I’m sure it will help you feel relaxed and more confident
A. I suggest that you speak English D. How about going to the mall?
B. Why don’t you take a deep breath? E. You should take enough rest
C. You should drink a glass of milk
41. A : “I’d like to make a reservation.”
B : “Yes Ma’am,what kind of room do you need ?”
From the dialogue above, we know that A is making…….reservation.
A. Hotel. D. Concert.
B. Restaurant. E. cinema
C. Plane.
42. Mr.Robby works in a restaurant. He cooks and prepares fine cuisine for the customers of the Restaurant.
He is a………
A. Waiter. D. Customer service.
B. Restaurant owner. E. Guest
C. Chef.
43. Receptionist : “How would you like to pay ?
Guest : “………”
Receptionist : “Yes,Sir you can.”
A. I need a table for two. D. Can I pay when I check in ?
B. It is about Rp.250.000,00 E. I will come tomorrow
C. I and my wife.
44. My a new tv set if he gets some money.
A.Will D.Must
B.Won’t E.Need
45. Mother is cooking vegetables in the..........
A.Toilet D.Dining room
B.Bed room E.Living room
46. Bani : “May I Smoke in this AC Bus,sir ?”
Driver : “............”
A.That’s a good idea D.Thank you
B.I’m sorry.That’s not allowed E.Up to you
C.You’re welcome
47. Santi : Why do you look so sad?
Rama : I’ve just lost my job.
Santi : ......
A.I’m so curious. D.Now what?
B.What big news! E.Wow !
C.I’m sorry to hear that
48. If you go to USA, you have to speak........with the people there.
A.English D.German
B.Spanish E.Indian
49. Ahmad : Your shirt looks good on you. Where did you buy it?
Budi : My father bought it in Jakarta a few days ago.
Ahmad : … if it’s not too expensive.
Budi : I have two in different color. They’re cheap. You can have the other one if you want it.
A. You would go to the shop D. I’d take the red and blue ones
B. I’ll buy one for my brother E. Can I borrow it ?
C. You’ll buy it
50. Mom :...
Ihya : I would like some soup,Mom.Thank you
A. What do you want to eat for lunch,honey? D. Let's just go on diet today
B. What time do you want to eat for lunch,honey? E. Would you like some refreshments?
C. Do you want me to cook for you?

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