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Shiga Like Toxins Producing Escherichia coli

Noman Hafeez Khosa

M.Phil. Microbiology, Reg. No. F19-1520
University of Haripur, KPK, Pakistan

Shiga toxins were named after the Kiyoshi Shiga who first described the dysentery due
to these types of toxins produced by Shigella dysentery. There are two major toxins
Shiga toxins1 and Shiga toxins2 (Stx1 and Stx2). These were initially mentioned similar
toxins as verocytotoxins produced by vero cells. Shiga like toxins of two types (SLT1
and SLT2) were then studied and found in some somatic (O) serogroups of Escherichia
coli strains O157:H7 as well as many other strains which were not found of much
importance initially. In many of the different cases, Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli
and Enterohaemorrhagic coli were also studied for the strain O157:H7 producing Shiga
toxins in vegetables. These toxins were being named as STEC when they were found
being produced by Escherichia coli. It was found that rather than the major Shiga toxins
producing Escherichia coli (STEC) strain O157:H7, many of the other strains of
serogroup (O) were also identified as Shiga toxins producing Escherichia coli (STEC)
including O104, O26, O111, O103 and O145 strains. Out the aforementioned strains
STEC O104:H4 was noticed as very common for Shiga toxins production and O26 and
O111 were having also been reported in many studies. The study designs used in
different studies were interviews, questionnaire, case-control studies, and cohort-
studies. However techniques used for detection of E.coli were, PFGE (pulse-field gel
electrophoresis), PCR (polymerase chain reaction), immunomagnetic separation (IMS)
procedures and culturing of E.coli. Owing to the multiple studies from different areas, we
found that leafy vegetables have been the major cause of carrying E.coli O157:H7
producing Shiga toxins. Many of them were reported due to unhygienic methodologies
of harvesting, transporting, storage and cooking.

Introduction Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli

(EPEC) is also only termed as E.coli
Shiga toxin belongs to family of toxins associated with somatic (O) serogroups
Stx1 and Stx2 which are expressed by a alleged as pathogen. One of the
gene eae which encode for adhesion cytotoxin for which the vero cells are
called intimin. Shiga like toxin (SLT) are responsible is produced by
similar toxins to verocytotoxin, produced Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli. It
by some serotypes of Escherichia coli was suggested in previous studies that
including strains O157:H7 and O104:H4.
Shiga like toxin production is similar hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS).In
toxin as verotoxin. previous studies Shiga like toxins were
also noted similar toxin as verotoxin.
Shiga toxin producing Escherichia coli The major strain producing Shiga toxin
were reported as an emerging infectious is O157:H7 but many of others have
agent in respect of food borne diseases. also been studied in different periods of
The infections or diseases reported in times.
respect of SLT 1 and SLT2 ranges from
mild diarrhea, hemorrhagic colitis (HC), Shiga like toxin referred as SLT1 and
hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), SLT2 are produced by Escherichia coli
thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. and owing to which, they are also
abbreviated as STEC. STEC were
Hereby, we overview the Shiga like toxin reported as an emerging infectious
producing Escherichia coli in vegetables agent in respect of food borne diseases.
which is going a serious health The infections or diseases reported in
challenge, previously studied mostly on respect of SLT 1 and SLT2 ranges from
beef, meat and cattle farms and many of mild diarrhea, hemorrhagic colitis (HC),
other research areas. hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS),
thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura.
Study Discussion
For the identification of Shiga like
Shiga toxins are found in form of Stx1 toxins1 (SLT1) and Shiga like toxins2
and Stx2 which are expressed by the (SLT2) in vegetables, meat, cattle and
genes that are part of genome of farm animals in Thailand, specific DNA
lambdoid phages. Shiga toxin firstly probes from were used. The cases afore
described in case of dysentery due to mentioned were literally reported in
Shigella dysentery and named after children, adults and immuno-
‘Kiyoshi Shiga’ who described it. compromised patients. Shiga toxin
producing E.coli causative agent for
Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli human infection is found due to the
(EPEC) also termed as E. coli feckless ingestion of fecal matter, albeit
associated with somatic (O) serogroups the unusual occurrence of infections due
alleged as pathogens, albeit their to hemolytic-uremic syndrome with
pathogenic mechanism doesn’t belongs prodromal diarrhea. The capability of
to enteroinvasion or to production of pathogenicity of STEC is occupied by
heat stable or heat labile enterotoxin. A the many of agents of virulence; those
cytotoxin which is detectable in Vero are Shiga toxins (Stx1 and Stx2), intimin
cells is also produced by some EPEC (eae), enterohaemolysin (Ehly) and
strains. The term Enterohaemorrhagic STEC auto agglutinating adhesin.
Escherichia coli (EHEC) was also used
to study toxins producing strains those The study designs in different studies
causing hemorrhagic colitis (HC) and conducted questionnaires, interviews,
case-control study and cohort study In another study for the prevalence of
along with analysis by using SAS EHEC O157:H7 from Nigeria, three
(statistical analysis software). The different types of vegetables, cabbage,
laboratory techniques included were lettuce and tomatoes, were included.
PFGE (pulse field gel-electrophoresis), The samples collected were 72 each of
PCR (polymerase chain reaction), cabbage, lettuce and tomatoes. This
immunomagnetic separation (IMS) study was actually carried out to
procedures and cultivation of strains determine the presence of E.coli
with different culture media. It is easy O157:H7 in meat and vegetables sold in
and economical to identify the Benin City, Nigeria. So hereby, it is
Escherichia coli O157:H7 in the necessary to describe the sum of total
laboratory with the usage of sorbitol- samples collected that was 432, and
MacConkey (s-Mac) agar as E.coli 216 samples were of vegetables, out of
O157:H7 doesn’t ferment the sorbitol these 432 samples. The Escherichia coli
after overnight incubation. found in cabbage, lettuce and tomatoes
were 48 (66.67%), 68(94.99%) and
Studies have been carried out in respect 64(88.8%) respectively. Escherichia coli
of Shige toxin producing Escherichia O157:H7 was not found in these
coli in vegetables. An outbreak of samples of vegetables.
Escherichia coli O157:H7 in 1996,
among school children was reported in During one of the study on meat and
Sakai city, Osaka, Japan. Schools of vegetables, the samples that were
those districts included in study had a positive for Stx2 were also processed
trend of serving lunch to school children for the identification of Shiga toxins
having same menu. This study was due producing Escherichia coli strains O104,
to consumption of white radish sprouts. O103, O111, O145, O26 and O157.
In this study hospitalized and non- There were found no serogroup-
hospitalized children were studied concerning genes in vegetables, albeit
separately. Major symptoms in both found in meat samples. It was confirmed
hospitalized and non-hospitalized in some of the studies that Shiga toxins
children were abdominal pain, diarrhea producing Escherichia coli (STEC) strain
and fever, albeit bloody diarrhea was O104:H4 is Stx2 positive negative for
reported on an average of 33.5%. The Stx1 and intimin (‘eae gene).
major reason was ignorance and
unavailability of hygienic conditions. The According to According to Rangel et al.
unavailability of refrigeration or freezing (2), fresh produce resulted for 21% of
and other caring methods while outbreaks and 34% of cases reported in
irrigation, harvesting, transporting and
the United States between 1982 and
storage. The probability of proliferation
of Escherichia coli O157:H7 was 2002, and lettuce was the only most
confirmed in this study. regularly concerned product. The other
cases concerning freshcut lettuce, streptomycin, tetracycline, ciprofloxacin,
parsley, and spinach have been nalidixic acid, ampicillin, sulfisoxazole,
kanamycin, gentamicin, ceftriaxone and
reported since 2002. At that time of their
amoxicillin-clavulanic acid.
writing, an ongoing outbreak linked to
fresh-cut, packaged spinach has led to
199 confirmed infections resulting in 102
(51%) hospitalizations, 31 (16%) cases
of HUS, and 3 deaths (1.5%) (4). These
tragic vents clearly demonstrate that
leafy vegetables are currently a
significant vector for the transmission of
E. coli O157:H7 and point to the vital
necessitate for the development of
measures that will reduce the risk to
public health and restore confidence in a
key agricultural sector.
Human infection can result from direct
or in-direct contact with infected animals
(6, 8) or individuals (3, 7) and
contaminated surfaces

The elimination of pathogenicity of

salmonella and Escherichia coli
O157:H7 was studied by treating mung-
bean and radish sprouts. This study
resulted with the reduction or
inactivation of Escherichia coli O157:H7
to non-noticeable level. An adhesin
called intimin which is encoded by
genes ‘eae’ is found to be also
responsible for the attachment of STEC
strains to intestinal epithelial cells to
form lesions. Shiga toxins1 and Shiga
toxins2 (Stx1 and Stx2) were found
susceptible chloramphenicol, tri-
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