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Review of Related Literature and Studies

2.1 Foreign Literature

“I was happy to see that the explanations for each concept were short but still provided

a lot of detail. One of my favorite ways to learn is through interactive apps, especially

free ones, so I was excited to discover the SoloLearn app so I could develop my

programming skills further.” (Veronica, 2018)

One of the benefits of using a third party learning application such as SoloLearn is that it

is free. A learning application with such good reviews such as SoloLearn definitely

deserves recognition as a tried and tested way to learn how to program on specific

languages. With testimonies such as this from this article we can assure quality for the

application itself.

“I started learning Python at SoloLearn. The topics are well covered and in a perfect

order. The quiz they give after each concepts help you strengthen your basics. All in all.

It's an amazing place to learn programming. It's the Duolingo of Computer Science!”

(Rakshit, 2017)

Learning Python at SoloLearn are good, the topics in SoloLearn are in perfect order. It

can be a Duolingo of Computer Science has said that it is a platform that includes a
language-learning application as well as a digital language proficiency assessment


“Especially for beginners if you want to use your phone to get acquainted with

programming that is worthwhile option. But to find a good app on your phone is a pretty

touch thing.” (Anderson, 2018)

Using SoloLearn is better for beginners if they want to use their phone to learn

programming languages. SoloLearn is a great application to learn a lot it is a good

application for people who likes to use phones.

“SoloLearn is a diverse and impressive application for learning how to code. It provides

an assortment of features including the lessons, code playground, and discussion

forum. This is aimed to be a wonderful opportunity for students looking to learn the

nuances of coding, especially for beginners.” (Pandey, 2017)

The SoloLearn is a diverse and impressive application, it can help beginners learn how

to code. The features in the SoloLearn is compatible for the beginners because of the

lessons, code playground, and discussion forum about the programming languages. It

will really help students studied more about programming languages that can be used

through their studies.

“Despite the ability to use the platform on your phone it is the modular sections that are

the key selling points. Concepts are broken down into modules. The modules are then

broken down into three parts: the lesson, the quiz, and a section quiz. The lesson pages

are concise with little scrolling necessary. The section quizzes consist of small blocks of

code where the user is asked to use a combination of fill-in-the-blank, multiple choice,

word-drops, and rearrange words to complete the code.” (Adrienne, 2018)

2.2 Foreign Studies

“SoloLearn has done a beautiful job creating a mobile learning experience that

combines personal accomplishment with a community engagement. It took me less than

a minute to get started learning Ruby, and once I got going, I didn't want to quit and

about 93% of 18-24 year olds use this to learn programming” (Bernard, 2017)

Given the data the application is very popular to the given age demographic. The

SoloLearn have created a mobile learning experience to create personal

accomplishment for every programmer that wanted to use the application.

“Different learning styles were associated with significantly different learning scores and

that the online learner was associated with superior learning scores;” (Shaw, 2012)
Based on empirical evidence the online learner is relatable to the SoloLearn application.

The learning styles is associated with different learning scores well the learning in the

application is superior.

“Participation types were also associated with significantly different learning scores and

that the online learner is associated with superior learning scores;” (Ruey-Shiang. 2012)

Based on empirical evidence the online learner is relatable to the SoloLearn application.

The participation type is associated with the learning style of the online learners with a

better programming languages.

“Learning satisfaction is not significantly different with online learning among the

different learning styles or different participation types, but the average is significantly

higher than average values” ()

The students who learned from online learning application is more specifically satisfied

than the other learning styles. The average satisfaction is higher than the average

values that makes students be more different to the learning styles.

“The enrollment rates for online education in fall 2016 increased 19.7% while there was

only a 1.5% enrollment increase across the entire higher education student population.
Data also reveals in fall 2006 that nearly 20% of all higher education students in the

United States were taking at least one online course” (Allen & Seaman, 2017)

Based on the data the enrollment rates for online education in 2016 increase 19.7% that

said only a 1.5% enrollment increase across the entire higher education student

population. The percentage shows that the more students would like to enroll to online

education for a better learning for programming languages.

2.3 Local Literature

“The benefits of earning a college degree online go far beyond convenience. Students

often discover that in addition to the flexibility online learning affords, classes delivered

online may be more conducive to their personal learning style.” (Alfredo, 2017)

The benefits for online learning for the college degree go far beyond convenience. It

shows that in addition to the flexibility online will be good for student’s personal learning

style. Students will be compatible for the online learning experience.

“Depending on your personal learning style, you may learn better via a virtual

classroom. Learning this way takes a certain fortitude and self-discipline so you’ll also

grow a little, both personally and professionally.” (Aldwin, 2016)

The online learning for students is better than the other learning style of the students.

Learning through virtual classroom may give fortitude and self-discipline so a student

can grow both personally and professionally.

“One of the first to offer a quality online education, the mission to ensure that our online

classes and degree programs are equal in educational value to our traditional classes.”

(Pedro, 2016)

The quality for online education must be better for students to learn more about

programming languages. The online classes and degree programs must be equal to the

traditional classes.

“Online courses are designed with flexibility in mind. Since there are no scheduled

classes to attend, you can take advantage of studying at a time and place that is

convenient for you, from anywhere in the world. All you need is a computer and a

reliable Internet connection.” (Julio, 2017)

Taking online courses are designed to be flexible in mind. Since there’s no scheduled

classes to attend for other students, it can take advantage to study programming

languages in your phone or computer using application. Only a device and a reliable

internet to study for off time or within your houses.

“Online courses allow you to access the course material at any time. This means you can

refer to material as needed and have more time to review course information and concepts.”

(Joselito, 2015)

The online courses will allow students to access through course material at any time. They

can review their programming languages for more time to have more information and

concepts. The material will be just there in the online courses and can be read repeatedly.

2.4 Local Studies

“Learning satisfaction using the online forum was higher than the average score. Small

groups had higher learning satisfaction rates, and participation did not significantly

influence learning satisfaction.” (Baldos, 2017)

The satisfactory for the online forum was higher than the average score. The group of

students had a higher rate for satisfaction and the participation of the students to the

data shows that they are satisfied for the online learning lessons.

“The introduction of live e-learning into the program raised the completion rate up to

94% by addressing these needs. The improvement was attributed to the ability of a

scheduled live event to motivate learners to complete self-paced materials on time”

(Juanita, 2016)
The e-learning program rate is raise up to completion through the students wanting to

learn more about online learning. The improvement has motivated a lot of learners to

put more time to studying and using the online learning through their studies.

“Of even greater interest, this well-designed program was also able to demonstrate an

overall 10% better learning outcome than the traditional classroom learning format—the

first formal study to show significant improvements from e-learning rather than just

equivalent outcomes.” (Amadillo, 2013)

The learning outcome for the traditional classrooms has been better and improved. The

data show that the program is well-designed for students to use. The online learning

has satisfied a lot of students to make more improvements for further studies.

“The ability of the students to test their learning in the work context immediately and to

collaborate with peers in adaptation to their unique environments.” (Fernando, 2015)

The ability of the students shown is to test their learning through work with the help of

online learning. Adapting the expectation for the environment for students, the students

is satisfied for the online learning given to them.

“‘This study shares the results of a national survey targeting teacher education

programs’ efforts to help prepare preservice teachers for K-12 online learning. Data

show that only 1.3% of responding teacher education programs are addressing this

need via field experiences in virtual schools. Implications for policy and practice in the

field of teacher education are examined.” (Santos, 2012)

The study shows that the survey for teacher’s education through the online learning has

thoroughly examined for further studies. The data need more experience on virtual

experience of learning, practicing the online learning for students to learn more with

their time at home.

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