Reviewer GPPC

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- Opposite of high cultural art forms People Unique & easy to People are some
- Includes many form of cultural comm distinguish sorts of activities
Connect to family, and occupations
Berkley tribe, trads are connected
- Everything from common culture to folk culture to Psychology Know place & role Have to find their
mass culture in society role engage in
Fiske Feel free inside voyage of
their trads discovery
- More a cultue of process than products
Coming of age Free in ability to
ceremonies shake off past
QUANTITATIVE DIMENSION: culture w/c is widely favored Sociology P committed to P committed own
INFERIOR CULTURE: left over after high culture health of commu wellbeing. Youth
There is no such thing as inferior or superior culture, there are Clothing and Styles passed Created for entert
only various cultural patterns w/c make up this beau, fashion from gen to gen High degree/pr
multicolored mosaic –Tashima Nascia expertise.
Probably focused
HIGH CULTURE: associated w/ art forms, widely perceived as on love
work of pro artists, serous in intent, valuable, and aimed mainly Food Unique and Multiple sources
at an elite & educated audience related to grown of ingr
in physical envi Tends to be
MASS CULTURE: originates from the people blander
Site of struggle bet “resistane’ of subordinate grps in
society and forces of “incorpo” operating in interest of
dominant grps in society
Formed by recent thinking around postmodernism
debate (claim that postmodern culture no longer
recognizes distinction bet high and pop culture

HIGH ART – Realm of wealthy & educated classes

LOW ART / POP CULTURE – commercial ent for lower class
1950-60 – High and low art closed w/ the rise of Pop art


- Combination of west and east
- Recent conern of awareness, exploration, and recent
*Filipino: identity created as result of pre-colonial cultures,
colonial influences & Asian (Chinese) traders intermixing
- Blend of trad’t Fil & Spanish Catholic traditions

FILIPINO CULTURE: summation of indi forces & foreign influ

that had come to bear upon people in varying degrees during
last centuries


- Produced by cultural industries
- Differs from folk culture
- It’s everywhere
- Fills a social function

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