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Significance of e-retail

Online retailers can increase their sales and profits faster than a brick and mortar
establishment because selling online offers the advantage of being open twenty-four
hours a day, seven days a week. Selling online also allows retailers to sell their
merchandise in any part of the world without additional expense.

Flipkart is the leader of e-commerce in the fast growing Indian market founded in 2007
by Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal. The company focuses on goods such as electronics,
books, music and movies. Consumers can access the site online or through an app on
their mobile phones

E-business, also known as e-commerce, is the avenue companies use to sell goods and
services via the Internet. The past several years have seen an explosion in the world of
business technology. Companies implement technology to create a competitive advantage
in the business environment.


Companies also can use e-business to lower some business costs. Acquiring economic
resources for producing goods and services is much easier when using business
technology. Owners and managers can purchase the cheapest goods available using e-
business websites.


Marketing and advertising is another business function with significant e-business

benefits. Companies can send messages or stream content directly to a consumer’s
computer or personal computing device. This allows companies to advertise their
products in a real-time format.

he term commerce is treated as transaction between business partners. Therefore, the

terme-commerce seems to fairly narrow to people. Thus some time we use the term e-
business. Itis a broader definition of e-commerce. There is confusion among the
consultants and theacademicians over the use of this term. Some think that e-commerce
encompasses all worldsof electronically based organizational activities that support a
firm’s market exchanges

including a firm’s entire information system’s infrastructure. On the other hand, some

that e-business encompasses the entire world of internal and external electronically
basedactivities including e-commerce

Analysis of Customer Perception towards online shopping on Basically it

isimportant to investigate the motivation behind consumer purchase but it is equally
importantto find us how the consumers form perception and behaviours towards online
buying becauseconsumer perception towards purchasing online is a conspicuous factor
affecting actual buying behaviour. One of the researches is to work on factors that
influence customers to buyonline from, and have decided to study four
factors such as convenience, time

Scope of study is a general outline of what the study (e.g. class or seminar) will
cover."Scope" defines the parameters of this can be an object, or a theory process,
activity,describing either future, current or past knowledge or statements of descriptive
activity,experience etc. The topic chosen for this particular study is to analyze the
customer perception towards online shopping on The sample size chosen
was accordingto the convenience and the objectives of the study. To know about various
aspects of Flipkartin market, the improvements needed in case of features and process,
and the effect of factorson the buying behavior of online customers. The geographical
area that this study covers isBangalore (India)


No research is complete without admitting the limitations that was faced while
conducting astudy which will contribute to present learning. This study too like the others
have certainconstrains which has been discussed below.

The study is mainly concentrated on

The sample of the size will be limited to time and resources

The information will be collected valid until there is no any technical change or any

the result is assuming as the audience have given accurate information

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