Science Sea Animals

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Centre: Fishing- fine motor Explicit / Intentional Centre: Sea animal small

On the back of felt fish there will be Teaching: world- sensory

paper clips. These fish will be placed The educator would have set up in a
Topic: Sea Animals
in a container of water and the container some sand, water,
Mat session:
educator would have made fishing seaweed, shells and sea animals.
rods with magnets on them. The The children will then have the
To introduce the topic of sea animals
children will need to use their fine opportunity to use their senses to
we will have a group discussion of
motor skills to manoeuvre the fishing explore the small world of the sea
any sea animals they know of and if
rod to catch the fish. animals.
they have a favourite sea animal.
The educator will then read the book
“Commotion in the ocean” by Giles
Andreae. While reading the book the
educator will point to each of the sea
animals and ask the children if they
know what the animal is.
The educator will then explain each of the learning centres and the
children will then go off and explore
one of their choice.
Centre: Fish stamping- Conclusion: Centre: Sea animal sort-
creative To wrap up what the children learnt cognitive
On the arts and crafts table there will during the lesson the educator will On this table there will be a variety
be a variety of different coloured ask the children: of different sea animals. There will
paints. The children will have the “What are some sea animals that be coloured containers and the
opportunity to make their own sea can be found in the ocean?” children will need to sort the sea
animal collage by stamping a sea The educator will fill out some of the animals based on their colour. This
animal of their choice into paint then children’s answers on a checklist and game can also be done by sorting
over their paper to reveal different anecdotal notes. size, shape etc.
shapes and patterns. The children will then finish off with a
fun game of sea animal charades
which summarises all the sea
animals learnt during the lesson.
One child will choose a card which
has a sea animal on it, and they will
need to act out that animal. The
other children will need to guess
what sea animal they are.

Centre: Fish, Fish, Shark! – Objective/s: Centre: Sea animal yoga-

social 1. Name at least two sea animals spiritual
This game is a social game and is found in the ocean. In the meditation area there will be a
the same as “duck, duck, goose!” basket of yoga mats rolled up. The
except children will say “fish, fish, children would have been taught
shark!” The children will sit in a that when they want to do yoga that
circle and take it in turns to say they can go to this area and unroll a
these words by tapping their peers mat. As the focus is on sea animals
head and walking clockwise. If they there will be some sea animal yoga
say shark to a child that child needs cards for the children to look at and
to stand up and chase them around copy. In this area there will also be
the circle and tag them. The child beach music. This area also supports
getting chased will need to sit on the children’s gross motor development.
other child’s spot then the game
repeats. This game is good as it
teaches children turn taking as they
will need to wait their turn.
Assessment & Recording: (What are we assessing? How are we assessing? How are we recording?)
 Assessment 1: Name at least two sea animals found in the ocean.
 The assessment will take place in the conclusion of the lesson.
 This will be assessed through observation, questioning and it will be recorded through a checklist and
anecdotal notes

Highlight one or two outcomes specifically connected to your objective/s.

1 Children have a strong 2 Children are connected 3 Children have a strong 4 Children are confident 5 Children are effective
sense of identity with and contribute to sense of wellbeing and involved learners communicators
1.1 Children feel safe, their world 3.1 Children become strong 4.1 Children develop 5.1 Children interact
secure and supported 2.1 Children develop a in their social and dispositions for learning verbally and non-
1.2 Children develop their sense of belonging to emotional wellbeing such as curiosity, verbally with others for a
emerging autonomy, groups and communities 3.2 Children take increasing cooperation, confidence, range of purposes
inter-dependence, and an understanding of responsibility for their creativity, commitment, 5.2 Children engage with a
resilience and sense of the reciprocal rights and own health and physical enthusiasm, persistence, range of texts and gain
agency responsibilities wellbeing imagination meaning from these
1.3 Children develop necessary and reflexivity texts
knowledgeable and for active community 4.2 Children develop a 5.3 Children express ideas
confident self-identities participation range of skills and and make meaning
1.4 Children learn to interact 2.2 Children respond to processes such as using a range of media
in relation to others with diversity with respect problem solving, inquiry, 5.4 Children begin to
care, empathy and 2.3 Children become aware experimentation, understand how symbols
respect of fairness hypothesising, and pattern systems
2.4 Children become socially researching and work
responsible and show investigating 5.5 Children use information
respect for the 4.3 Children transfer and and communication
environment adapt what they have technologies to access
learned from one information, investigate
context to another ideas and represent
4.4 Children resource their their thinking
own learning through
connecting with people,
place, technologies and
natural and processed

Objective: Name at least two sea animals found in the ocean
Childs Checklist Anecdotal notes
Mia (example) *** Mia was able to name two sea animals such as a fish and a shark.

Checklist key:

* Could not
name any sea
** Could name
one sea
*** Could name
two or more
sea animals

Department of Education and Training. (2009). Belonging, being and becoming - The early years learning

framework for Australia. Retrieved from

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