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FINE’ Frites Haus

-Take some fries for you…

A Tactical Plan

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for


Academic Track

Senior High School


Ma. Josefine H. Burac

Grade 12-ABM

‘Fine Frites Haus’ main goal is to increase customer awareness in the

community. To provide 100% satisfaction to our customers and maintaining the level of

excellent services among other competitors.

By the end of the month, ‘Fine Frites Haus’ is targeting to increase sales revenue

of 10% through creating a unique, innovative, entertaining menu that will differentiate us

from the rest of the competition.


 To increase the brand awareness of the target market by 50% at the end of the


 To establish a presence as a successful local fast food outlet for the next two


 To make ‘Fine Frites Haus’ a destination spot for mall-goers.


We will invite the target market to visit our outlet and try the product by

developing promotional materials that will reach and influence them.

From promotion, we will offer various merchandise with our logo and colors, from

hats to t-shirts to potato cutters to our signature sauces, for every 10 stars that they

receive. In every star, it is worth 100 pesos and above of Fine’ Frites specialty.

‘Fine Frites Haus’ will deploy two different marketing tactics to increase customer

awareness. Our most important tactic will be "word-of-mouth" and in-store marketing.

This will be by far the cheapest and most effective of our marketing programs.

The second tactic will be local store marketing. These will be low-budget plans

that will provide community support and awareness of our facility.

 In-Store Marketing

o In-store brochures containing our concept and philosophy.

o Wall posters.

o Design concept.

o In-store viewing of making fries process from cutting to frying.

o Merchandising items.

 Local Store Marketing

o Brochures.

o Free occasional t-shirts at local stores events.

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