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A. Background of The Problem

Vocabulary is one of the important aspects in learning a language. It is

learned to support communication in a language. In other words, if the

students learn a language without mastering the vocabulary then they will be

difficult to communicate with others. Rivers as quoted by Nunan stated that it

would be impossible to learn a language without vocabulary because learning

language means learning its vocabulary. 1 It means that a language will be

meaningful because of its vocabulary. In addition, mastering vocabulary does

not only ease the students in communication but also help students in gaining,

understanding and enhancing knowledge of a language. Thus, vocabulary has

primary role in learning a language.

In learning English, vocabulary is one of language components that must

be taught to the students because it can develop students’ English skills

comprehension. According to Richard and Renandya, vocabulary is the basic

component that must be reached by the students in order to comprehend

English skills, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing2. In listening,

students’ vocabulary mastery influences their understanding toward teachers’

speech, class discussion, and other speeches. In speaking, the words that they

choose in speaking affect how well they deliver a message. In reading,

David Nunan, Language Teaching Methodology: A Textbook for Teachers (London:
Prentice Hall, 1991), p. 117
Jack C. Richard & Willy A. Renandya, Methodology in Language Teaching: An
Anthology of Current Practice (New York: Cmbridge, 2002), p. 255

students’ vocabulary affects their ability to understand and comprehend a

text. In addition, dealing with writing, students vocabulary also influences

how clear they deliver their messages to the reader. Indeed, vocabulary is the

language components that should be mastered in order to reach English skills


As a basic component of learning English, vocabulary is taught from

primary level until high level of educational institutions. In elementary school

school, the teaching of English is focused on students’ vocabulary mastery.

The teacher introduces the vocabulary to the students and the students try to

understand meanings of the vocabulary, for instance name of animals, name

of fruits, etc. In junior high school, students learn how to create sentences by

using the vocabulary that they have acquired. However, in senior high school,

vocabulary is not a spesific subject that is taught in the class. In fact,

vocabulary is not taught separatedly but it is taught integratedly into four

English skills. Indeed, vocabulary is taught and learned by the students from

primary level until high level of educational institutions.

Based on preliminary research which was conducted by the researcher at

SMAN 1 Bukittinggi on January 2020, there was found some problems. The

first problem was related to the vocabulary memorization. That was

strengthen by the teacher’s interview, the teacher said that the students had

difficulties to memorize the vocabulary that they had already gotten before.

Consequently, the students’ vocabulary mastery was still low and the students

had difficulties to comprehend the intermediate level of vocabulary and


differentiate the word classes which contained in the text. It can be proven by

the data of researcher’s observations in the classroom. The second problem

was found that the students had lack of stimulation in mastering and learning

vocabulary. The researcher assumed that instructional media which used by

the teacher was monotonous. It was reinforced by the students’ interviews,

the students said that the teacher was tend to use whiteboard and power point.

Based on the problems above, the researcher realizes that the teacher needs

to consider the use of instructional media in the classroom. Moreover,

instructional media is one of the important elements in learning process that

used to stimulate students’ interests in learning process. According to Gagne

in Sadiman et al, instructional media is defined as the tools that used in the

process of learning to deliver the materials which can arise learners’ curiosity

and encourage them to learn more active.3 Thus, the teacher should consider

the use of instructional media to encourage students’ motivation in the

process of learning.

Generally, there are several types of instructional media which classified

by some experts. Harmer classified the various instructional media, that are

realia, pictures, course book, boards, OHP (Overhead Projectors), flipchart,

and computer based-technology.4 By the integration of technology and

internet, some experts stated that there are many types of instructional media

namely print technology media, audio-visual technlogy, media technology

based on computer and the combination of between print and computer

Dr. Arief S. Sadiman et al, Media Pendidikan, (PT. Raja Grafindo Persada: Jakarta,
2010), p. 6

technology. There are some applications that represent media based on the

computer such as, quizzes, duolingo, kahoot, etc. In brief, there are several

types of media that can be applied in the process of learning.

The instructional media that will be applied to improve students’

vocabulary mastery is Kahoot. Kahoot is one of the digital game based

learning which is played as an instructional media. According to Dellos,

Kahoot is one of attractive instructional media that can be used to foster

students’ participation and involvement because of its game-based platform. 5

In addition, game based learning potentially can be an effective instructional

media because of its stimulation from visual and verbal components. In

addition, the games which are delivered on Kahoot can be created by the

teacher based on appropriate material and curriculum which can be played

using smartphone or computer in individual mode or team mode. The

advantages of using kahoot, besides strengthen students’ understanding in

mastering vocabulary, the students can also see the video or picture while join

the game. Although, Kahoot has several advantages, but still the teacher

needs to be aware with some features of Kahoot which can give

disadvantages such as, students should provide internet data connection to

play Kahoot. In short, Kahoot is one of digital game based learning its used as

instructional media that will be applied by the researcher to improve students’

vocabulary mastery.

Ryan Dellos, Kahoot! A Digital Game Resource for Learning (International Journal of
Instructional Technology and Distance Learning: 2015) p. 49-52

Based on the background above, the researcher intends to conduct an

experimental research entitled: “The Effect of Kahoot The Digital Game

Based Learning (DGBL) Towards Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at

Tenth Grade of SMAN 1 Bukittinggi”

B. Identification of The Problem

Based on background of the problem, the researcher identified some problems

were as follows:

1. The students had difficulties in vocabulary memorization.

2. The students had lack stimulation in mastering and learning vocabulary.

C. Limitation of The Problem

Based on the identification above, the researcher focuses on the effect of

using Kahoot the Digital Game Based Learning (GDBL) toward students’

vocabulary mastery at tenth grade of SMA 1 Bukittinggi.

D. Formulation of The Problem

Based on the limitation of problem above, the problems of the research

formulated into following questions:

1. Is there any significant effect of using Kahoot toward students’ vocabulary


2. Is there any significant difference between using Kahoot or traditional

media towards students’ vocabulary mastery?


3. Is vocabulary mastery of students who are taught with Kahoot better than

the students who are taught without Kahoot?

E. Purpose of The Research

Based on the formulation of the problem above, the purposes of this

research are as follows:

1. to find out whether there is a significant effect using Kahoot towards

students’ vocabulary mastery.

2. to find out whether there is a significant difference between using Kahoot

or traditional media in improving students’ vocabulary.

3. to know whether teaching by using Kahoot is better than teaching without

using Kahoot toward students’ vocabulary mastery.

F. Significance of the Research

The researcher hopes the result of the research will be beneficial for the

following groups, they are:

1. The teacher

The results of the research can be used for English teacher as information

or being consideration to apply Kahoot in teaching vocabulary in order to

improve students’ vocabulary mastery.

2. The students

The researcher hopes that applying Kahoot as instructional media can

solve their problems in vocabulary mastery.


3. The researcher

The results of the research are useful to gain the knowledge and valuable


4. The further researcher

The results of this research are expected to be useful for future researcher

as a reference to conduct further research related to the application of

Kahoot as media of teaching vocabulary mastery.

G. Definition of the Key Term

In order to avoid misunderstanding, the researcher defines the terms used

in this research as follow:

1. Kahoot

Kahoot is an application that used as attractive media which can foster

students’ participation and involvement because of its game-based

platform. Kahoot can be played by the students using smartphone or

computer in individual mode or team mode. Kahoot has several features,

that are quiz, quick poll (discussion) and survey.6

2. Digital Game Based Learning (DGBL)

DGBL is connected to educational content wtih computer or smartphone

that consist video or picture based material that contained by game. DGBL

provides opportunities that engage students in interactive instruction.7

Ryan Dellos, Kahoot! A digital Game Resource for Learning (International Journal of
Instructional Technology and Distance Learning: 2015) p. 49-52
Mark Prensky, Digital Game Based Learning (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001) p.6

3. Vocabulary Mastery

Vocabulary mastery is the students’ capability in learning, understanding

and practicing the words of language contextually.8

Carollin T. Linse, Practical English Language Teaching Young Learners, (New York:
McGrow Hill Company, 2005) p.121



A. Review of Related Theories

1. The Concept of Vocabulary Mastery

a. Definition of Vocabulary

There are some definitions of vocabulary that were proposed by

some experts. According to Hornby, vocabulary is defined as the total

number of words in a language and it is also a list of words with their

meanings.9 Besides, Hatch and Brown argued that vocabulary is a

collection of words for a particular language or a list of words that

might be used by the speaker.10 Moreover, words are signs or symbols

that used for communication and expressing the ideas, so that the more

words that learnt by the students, the more ideas that can be expressed.

Meanwhile, According to Penny Ur, vocabulary is defined as the

words that taught in foreign language. However, a new item of

vocabulary may be more than a single, for example, post office and

sister-in-law, which are formed of two or three but express a single


In addition, Thornbury stated that vocabulary refers to the

knowledge of words.12 Knowing a word involves knowing its form and

A.S Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English (London: Oxford
University Press, 1995), p. 1331
Hatch, E.M & C. Brown, Vocabulary, Semantic and Language Education (Cambridge:
Cambridge University, 1995), p. 10
Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching: practice and theory (UK: Cambridge
University, 1996), p. 60
Scott Thornbury, How to Teach Vocabulary (United Kingdom: Pearson Education
Limited, 2002), p. 15

meaning. In line with Thornbury, Harmer argued that knowing a word

means knowing about word meaning, word use, word formation, and

word grammar.13

From the definitions above, it can be concluded that vocabulary

refers to the a number of words in a language, the words are signs or

symbols that used for communication. The knowledge of words means

that knowing its form, meaning, use, formation and grammar.

b. Kinds of Vocabulary

There are many kinds of vocabulary according to some experts.

Harmer mentioned that there are two kinds of vocabulary. The first kind

of vocabulary refers to the stock of words which have been taught by

the teacher or learnt by the students and which are expected to be able

to use. While the second kind of vocabulary refers to the words which

the students will recognize when they acquire them, but they will

probably not be able to pronounce the words.14

According to Nation, there are two kinds of vocabulary. They are:

receptive and productive vocabulary.15 Receptive vocabulary refers to

the words that can be recognized and understood by the native speakers

and foreign learners but rarely to be used. By the words, It is used in

either listening or reading. Nevertheless, productive vocabulary refers

to the words that actively used either in speaking or writing. Therefore,

Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching (New York: Longman,
1991), p. 158
Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching (New York: Longman,
1991), p. 150
Paul Nation, Learning Vocabulary in Another Language (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2001), p. 24

vocabulary can be presented in four units, they are: listening

vocabulary, reading vocabulary, speaking vocabulary, and writing

vocabulary. Reading vocabulary consists of the words that found by the

students when they are reading. While listening vocabulary is the words

that heard and understood when they are talking to others or listening to

radio and television. Speaking vocabulary includes the words that

used in their conversation. The last is writing vocabulary that consists

of the words that used in writing essays, reports, letter, etc.

Furthermore, it can be conclude that there are two kinds of

vocabulary mastery. The first is receptive vocabulary that related to the

vocabulary used in listening and reading. The second is productive

vocabulary that related to the vocabulary that used in speaking and


c. Importance of Learning Vocabulary

Vocabulary has important role in learning a language. According to

David Wilkins as quoted by Thornbury, vocabulary mastery is more

important than grammar mastery because someone who has less

grammar mastery can deliver messages to others. However, someone

who don’t master vocabulary can not deliver messages to others. 16 It

means that someone needs to learn vocabulary first in building

communication with others.

Scott Thornbury, How to Teach Vocabulary (United Kingdom: Pearson Education
Limited, 2002), p. 13

In addition, vocabulary is the basic component of language.

Richard and Renandya argued that vocabulary is the basic of English

component that must be reached by the students in order to master

English skills, that are listening, speaking, reading and writing 17. In

listening, students’ vocabulary mastery influences their understanding

toward teachers’ speech, class discussion, and other speeches. In

speaking, the words that they choose in speaking affect how well they

deliver a message. In reading, students’ vocabulary mastery affects their

ability to understand and comprehend a text. In addition, dealing with

writing, students’ vocabulary mastery also influences how clear they

deliver their messages to the reader.

To show the importance of vocabulary, Bromley stated that

vocabulary holds some important roles in teaching learning process.

They are as follows:18

1) Promoting fluency

Students who recognize and understand many words can read

more quickly and easily than those with lack of vocabulary.

2) Boosting comprehension

Vocabulary mastery strongly influences comprehension. On a

component analysis of comprehension, word meanings were

found to form 74% of comprehension.

Jack C. Richard & Willy A. Renandya, Methodology in Language Teaching: An
Anthology of Current Practice (New York: Cmbridge, 2002), p. 255
Karen Bromley, Rethinking Vocabulary Instruction (The Language and Literacy
Spectrum, 2004), p.3-4

3) Improving achievement

A large number of vocabulary mastery means that having a

large of conceptual knowledge which makes academic learning

easier. Students with large vocabulary mastery can get higher

score during the test then those with students who have lack


4) Enhancing thinking and communication

A large number vocabulary mastery allows for communicating

in ways that are precise, powerful, persuasive and interesting.

Based on explanation above, it can be concluded that the

knowledge of vocabulary is very important in learning language. The

learning of vocabulary can increase students’ comprehension on

English skill. Besides, if someone have a large number of vocabulary

mastery, they can be able to promote and express the ideas fluently,

boosting comprehension, improve achievment in English skill and

enhancing thinking and communication ability.

b. Vocabulary Mastery

According to the previous discussion, vocabulary refers to the

number of words in a language, the words are signs or symbols that

used for communication

c. . The knowledge of words means that knowing its form, meaning, use,

formation and grammar.


Oxford English Dictionary defined that mastery as comprehensive

knowledge or skill in particular subject or activity. In other words,

mastery is a construct that can not be observed directly but it can be

interferred from observable performance on a set of items or tasks

related to a particular concept, skill and subject. In addition, the mastery

level of particular subject can be verified by asking individuals to

respond a series of questions or to perform a sequence of tasks.

From both definitions of vocabulary and mastery above, it can be

summarized that vocabulary mastery is the basic knowledge that

students should master first before mastering English because

vocabulary mastery is the total number of words that someone knows.

According to John, vocabulary mastery is knowledge of the meanings

of words that can be proven using tests. 19 In brief, vocabulary mastery

can be defined as the knowledge of vocabulary in a language which

contains information about its meaning, form, and usage in context of


c. Aspect of Vocabulary Mastery

According to Harmer, there are some aspects that have to be

mastered in vocabulary, namely: word meaning (synonym, antonym,

connotation, and denotation), extending word use such as idioms,

John Read, Assessing Vocabulary, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000), p.

word combination or collocation, and the grammar of words which

comprises noun, verb, adjective, and adverb.20

1) Meaning

The meaning can be classified according to its forms. It can be

classified into three forms: lexical meaning, morphological

meaning, and syntactic meaning. Lexical meaning refers to the

definition of word. For example, the meaning of a building for

human habitation is a house, then it is defined as lexical

meaning. Morphological meaning refers to the concept of

morpheme. Morpheme is the smallest unit of word that has

meaning or function. And the meaning that refers to the word

arrangement in a sentence is defined as syntactic meaning. A

word meaning can also be defined by its relationship with

other words.

2) Denotation

Denotative meaning refers to the some terms such as

dennotational meaning, cognitive meaning, conceptual meaning,

ideational meaning, referential meaning, or proportional

meaning. It means that the meaning refers to a certain referent,

concept, or idea from the reference.

3) Connotation

Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching 3rd Ed (New York: Person
Educational Limited, 2001), p. 16

Connotation is more complicated than denotation. Connotation

is feeling and emotion that occurs within a word. Thus, it can

be said that connotation is denotative meaning which is

stretched. In other words, connotation is the feeling and emotion

associated with a meaning.

4) Synonym

The term synonymy derived from Greek: syn- + -nymy. The

two parts mean “same and name”. Synonymy deals with similar

meaning, more than one word having the similar same meaning,

alternatively the similar meaning being expressed by more than

one word.

5) Antonym

Antonym is the opposite of meaning. It derived from Greek,

“ant- and -nymy”, the two parts mean “opposite + name”.

Antonym dealswith oppositeness of meaning.

6) Use

According to Nation there are some ways to draw the attentions

to the use of words by quickly showing the grammatical pattern

the word fits into (countable/uncountable, transitive/intransitive,

etc.), giving a few similar collocates, mentioning any

restrictions on the use of the word (formal, informal, impolite,

only used with children, etc.), and giving a well-known


opposite or a well-known word describing the group or lexical

set it fits into.21

7) Spelling

Spelling is the writing of a word or words with the necessary

letters and diacritics present in an accepted standard order and

an arrangement of letters that form a word or part of a

word; the process of forming words by putting letters


According to Penny Ur, there are some important points that

should be considered when teaching vocabulary, they are the form of

pronunciation and spelling.22 The learners have to know how a word

utters like (its pronunciation) and what it looks like (its spelling).

8) Pronunciation

Pronunciation of a language is the main components of speech

which combine together. These components range from the

individual sounds that form speech, to the way in pitch (the rise

and fall of the voice is used to convey meaning). Pronunciation

can be said as the act of uttering with articulation; the act of

giving the proper sound and accent; utterance; as, the

pronunciation of syllables of words; distinct or indistinct

pronunciation.It is a way in which language is spoken. It

Paul Nation, Learning Vocabulary in Another Language (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2001), p. 1
Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching: practice and theory (UK: Cambridge
University Press, 1996), p. 61-62

includes segmental feature, vowel, and the intonation patterns.

The listeners are supposed to apply them well and correctly.

From the explanation above, the researcher concluded that there are

some aspects that should be mastered in learning vocabulary in the form

meaning, use, formation and grammar.

f. Teaching Vocabulary

Teaching vocabulary is the crucial part in language teaching. The

process of teaching helps students to gain the knowledge and master a

subject. According to Hornby, teaching is defined as giving instruction

to improve somebody knowledge, skill, etc.23 Based on the explanation,

teaching vocabulary is an activity where the teacher gives the students

knowledge about vocabulary and how to use it in daily life.

Harmer gives the wide explanation about some technique for

teaching vocabulary that is summarized as follows:

1) Demonstration

The teacher demonstrates the vocabulary which will be learned

by the students. The teacher can demonstrate the vocabulary by

using action and utterances that can be followed by the students.

2) Explanation

In the process of explanation, the teacher construct the

vocabulary by using diagram, textbook, using board or OHP as

teaching media.

A.S Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English (London: Oxford
University Press, 1995), 125

3) Discovery

The students can be encouraged to understand new language

form by discovering them in a test or by looking at grammatical

evidence in order to work out a grammar rule.

4) Check Question

The teacher can check question or giving tests to observe

whether students have understood the meaning or not. Then, the

students can understand the meaning of words that used in the

text or paragraph.

5) Presentation

The teacher presents the vocabulary by using some technique

and media for example, picture, video and also use the mime,

action, and gesture to present the words.

Based on description above, it can be conclude that teaching

vocabulary teaching vocabulary is an activity where the teacher gives

the students knowledge about vocabulary and how to use it in daily life.

Teaching vocabulary is not easy to do, then the teacher should consider

the better technique, method, approach, strategies and media that can

ease to learn vocabulary.


g. Principle of Teaching Vocabulary

When teaching vocabulary, several principles should be kept in mind.

David Nunan mentioned the principle of teaching vocabulary as


1) Focus on the most useful vocabulary first

The most useful vocabulary that every language learner needs

whether they use the language for listening, speaking, reading

and writing or whether they use the language in formal and

informal situations is the most frequent 1000 words families of


2) Focus on the vocabulary in the most appropriate way

3) Give attention to the high frequency words across the four

strands of a course

4) Encourage learner to reflect on and take responsibility for


In summary, it can be concluded that the teacher should

consider the principles of teaching vocabulary above to

encourage students on vocabulary mastery.

h. Vocabulary Assessment

Vocabulary assessment consists of two words “vocabulary” and

assessment”. In the previous explanation, it has already discussed about

the definitions of vocabulary. Furthermore, in this explanation, it will

David Nunan, Language Teaching Methodology: A Textbook for Teachers (London:
Prentice Hall, 1991), p. 117

discuss about assessment. Assessment is very important in the process

of learning, it is used to know how well students’ comprehension about

the subjects. According to Brown, asssessment is an ongoing process

that encompasses a much wider domain. 25 It means thaat assessment

should be done in the process of learning to ensure the achievement of

the objectives of a learning.

In teaching and learning vocabulary process, the teacher needs to

consider the vocabulary assessment because it is very important to

know how well students’ vocabulary mastery and to know how many

vocabulary that acquired by the students. For doing an assessment, the

teacher can use the test as form of assesment. Moreover, vocabulary

tests usually try to measure how many words that students acquired and

understood how to use it. Read said that vocabulary tests are used to

find out whether the students can match each words with the

components of words.26

According to Penny Ur, there are many different types of

vocabulary testing techniques, that are:27

1) Multiple Choice

Multiple choice or objective response is a form of an objective

tests in which respondents are asked to select only correct

answers from the choices offered as a list. The biggest

H. Douglas Brown, Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practices,
(California: Longman University Press, 2003), p. 4
John Read, Assessing Vocabulary, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000), p. 8-
Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching: practice and theory (UK: Cambridge
University Press, 1996), p. 69-72

advantage of this kind of test is that the teacher do not have to

worry about subjectivity because only one answer should be

correct. In addition, it is very easy and quick to correct this test.

Nevertheless, multiple choice items also have disadvantages, for

instance, the teacher have to find the distractors. Therefore, it is

hard to create a good multiple choice test.

2) Matching

In matching items, there are two groups of words mostly in two

columns, the student has to make pairs from these word which

make sense somehow. Those are especially good for practising

vocabulary such as adjectives of opposite meaning. Matching

items are quicker easier to compose than multiple choice and it

is more interesting to do.

3) Cloze test

Cloze test is a test based on a text with gaps which are put there

regularly after every seventh, eighth or ninth word. The student

has to complete the gaps with appropriate words. The advantage

of this test is it is quite easy to be created. The teacher just needs

to find a suitable text and delete words from it. Nevertheless,

cloze test is considered not reliable because some deleted words

are difficult to determine.

4) Dictation

Dictation test is aural recognition and spelling. By the words, if

the students can recognize an spell the items correctly then they

also know what it means but it is so extremely difficult to

perceive, let alone spell, words do not know.

5) Transformation

In this test, students are given sentences then they have to

change the sentence into anothe form, for instance, to change the

simple past form into past perfect form.

6) Definition

In this test, the teacher gives several words to the students and

students should identify the definitions of each words.

7) Rearranging

In this test, students have to rearrange given words so that the

sentence having meaning and grammatical correct.

8) Odd One Out

In odd one Out students have to determine which item does not

belong among the words.

Based on explanation above, it can be concluded that

vocabulary assessment is very important in the process of

teaching and learning vocabulary process. It is used to ensure

students’ achievement about a material. For doing the

vocabulary assessment, the teacher can use the test to measure

students’ vocabulary mestery. There are many tests that can be


used to measure students’ vocabulary mastery, they are:

multiple choice, matching, dictation, cloze test, dictation,

transformation, definition, rearranging and odd one out. From

the tests above, it expected that can motivate students to review

vocabulary and learning more seriously.

2. The Concept of Kahoot

a. Definition of Kahoot

According to Official website, Kahoot

is one of the application that innovated by Johan Brand, Jamie Brooker

and Morten Versvik in collaboration with the Norwegian University of

Technology & Science in March 2013 that teamed up by Professor Alf

Inge Wang and later joined by Norwegian entrepreneur Asmund

Furuseth. Then, Kahoot was launched in private beta in March 2013 at

SXSWedu. In September 2013, the beta was opened to public and it has

been known.

By the development of technology, Kahoot is known as one of

applications that is available on Google Play Store application which

can be installed by using smartphone, laptop, PC and other devices. In

addition, Kahoot can also be applied using two different websites. The

first is for the teacher and for the


In addition, Dellos stated that Kahoot is one of application that

used as attractive instructional media which can foster students’

participation and involvement because of its game-based platform.

Kahoot can be played by the students using smartphone or computer. It

also can be played in individual mode or team mode. There are several

features of kahoot, there are: quiz, discussion and survey.28

Meanwhile, Kahoot is one of free online learning platform that has

recently been accepted worldwide with more than 30 million users and

it is based on behavioral design methodologies and is current user-

centered. It is supported by Kapuler who listed Kahoot as one of the top

100 new online apps to use in the classroom.

In addition, Darren and Iwato stated that Kahoot is an game based

learning where quizzes can be developed and presented based on game

digital format. Students’ points and participations will immediatley

effect on the result of the responses. Kahoot is also game based learning

that used as media that stimulated visual and verbal component.29

According to Krista Graham in Irma and Tatie, Kahoot is free,

question based online learning media that used in teaching and learning

activities in order to evaluate the result of students’ learning process,

reviewing the material and stimulating students’ interest to have a good

discussion that related to the question on Kahoot.30

Ryan Dellos, Kahoot! A digital Game Resource for Learning (International Journal of
Instructional Technology and Distance Learning: 2015) p. 49-52
Darren H. Iwamoto et al, Analyzing the Efficacy of The Testing Effect Using Kahoot on
Student Performance, Turkish Online Journal Education-TOJDE, Vol.18. No.2. April 2017, p. 82
Irma Rasita Gloria and Tatie Soedewo, Using Kahoot Media! In learning of English
structure, Seminar Nasional ISSBN:978-602-71928-1-2) p. 590

Based on some definitions above, it can be concluded that Kahoot

is one of online applications used as instructional media based on

digital game based learning that stimulates students to have better result

in learning process.

b. Types of Kahoot

Kahoot is a collection of quizzes on spesific topics. It can be

created by the teachers, students, business people and social users,

Kahoot can be played on the real-time with unlimited players that can

create fun learning environment.31 Currently, there are 3 features of


1) Quiz

Quiz is the most common type of Kahoot that represents

game-based approach to blending learning. Quiz that used on

Kahoot, they are: multiple choice, true/false, matching list,

completion test aand fill in the blank. Teacher can create quiz by

including picture, video and sound. Afterwards, teacher can set

2-4 multiple choice answers. There must be at least one correct

answer (but more can be chosen). Then, teacher can set the time

limit for each question approximately from 5 seconds to 2


Quiz is a great way to engage and focus a whole of

classroom. Moreover, quiz can be used formatively to assess the

Ima Chusnul Khotimah & Muhammad Farhan Rafi, “The Effectiveness of Using Kahoot
as Media in Teaching Reading”, E-Link Journal Vol. 5 No. 1, 2018, p 22-23

knowledge of each students. Students as players answer

questions displayed at the front of classroom on their personal

devices. It can motivate students to answer correctly and achieve

lots of points. The top 5 highest points are displayed on the

leaderboard at the front after each questions have been answered

by the students. Ultimately, the result of each students can be

downloaded at the end of game.

2) Discussion (previously ‘Quick poll)

Discussion is designed to creat conversation. It contains short

question without true or false answer which can include picture

or video with 2-4 alternatives answers. It can be used to obtain

opinions on current situations. Then, students can create

conversation on their devices with time limit which provided by

the teacher.

3) Survey

There are no limits to the number of questions in a survey. On

survey, each questions can be associated by picture or video.

Each questions consist of 2-4 multiple choice answers.

However, there are no right or wrong answers in srvey feature.

c. The Procedure of Applying Kahoot

To apply Kahoot as an instructional media, there are 2 steps that

must be done . First step is preparation. In this step, the teacher can

create quizzes using Kahoot. The second step is Playing Kahoot in the

classroom or while teaching.

1) Preparation

In language learning environment, the teacher ordinarily

follow the steps to create quizzes using Kahoot, they are:

 Open Kahoot website, that is

 Next, click sign up at the top right corner or sign up for free

at the top left on Kahoot screen. (See the picture 1)

Picture 1

 Choose four choices, they are: as a teacher, as a student,

socially and as work. Then, the teacher should click “as a

teacher”. (See the picture 2)


Picture 2

 Connect Kahoot Application with Gmail, Microsoft or

other accounts.

 Choose quiz if the teacher want to creat the quiz. . (See

the picture 3)

Picture 3

 Click save

 Create the learning game by adding questions, answers,

and imagery or video based on teaching material.

Follow the instructions on-screen to add questions,

answers, images and video clips. You can also fine-tune


the kahoot using different timer and points settings or

setting multiple correct answers. (See picture 4)

Picture 4

2) Playing Kahoot in the classroom

 Student browse the link on in the internet to

join the game.

 Teacher shares pin to join the game (See picture 5)

Picture 5

 Click start to begin the game

 At the end of the game, click Feedback and Results, and then

Final Results to save and download the scores, favorite, play

again, or play in Ghost Mode.


d. Advantages of Using Kahoot

According to Mansur and Dian, there are several advantages of

using Kahoot, as follows:32

1) Kahoot allows teacher to create quizzes, discussions, and

surveys by including various elements such as video, pictures,

sound and text.

2) Students can access Kahoot using different devices such as

smartphones, laptops or other devices.

3) Teacher can set time limit for answering quzzes or surveys.

4) Teacher can obtain directly feedback from the students.

In addition, Grace Natania mentioned the advantages of using

Kahoot, as follows:33

1) Kahoot is freely used, created and shared by the teacher.

2) Kahoot can make learning process more fun and


3) The teacher can create the quizzes based on teaching

material in curriculum.

In brief, it can be concluded that using Kahoot as an instructional

media give several advantages for the teacher and the students. The

advantages can be seen in the classroom when the students can apply

Kahoot freely. The students get fun experiences in learning process and

Moh. Mansur, Dian Fadhilawati, Applying Kahoot Improve the Senior High School
Vocabulary Achievement, vol.3. No. 1. 2019, p.165
Grace Nathania Clara Sabandar, Kahoot! Bring the Fun into the Classroom!, Indonesial
Journalof Informatic Education Vol. 2. No.2, December 2018, p.129

also stimulate students’ engagement in learning process. Besides, using

Kahoot as instructional media helps teacher to present the learning

material easily.

e. Disadvantages of Using Kahoot

Although using Kahoot as media of learning has several

advantages, it also has the disadvantages. Grace stated that there are

disadvantages of using Kahoot, as follows:34

1. The users of Kahoot need a good wifi connection to apply it.

2. There are limits of character tht used for the question.

Based on explanation above, the researcher conclude that Kahoot

also has several disadvantage. The disadvantages of Kahoot can

become the consideration by the teacher as media of teaching


B. Review of The Previous Related Studies

To support this research, the researcher summarizes the relevant previous

studies to improve the originality of the research. First is a research

conducted that Putri Desmala Sari (2019), the thesis entitled “The Use of

Kahoot! Media in Teaching Reading at The First Grade of SMA Hang Tuah

Belawan in Academic Year 2019/2020. The research method used on this

research was Classroom Action Research (CAR), then there are four steps in

conducted this classroom action research, namely: Planning, Action,

Grace Nathania Clara Sabandar, Kahoot! Bring the Fun into the Classroom!, Indonesial
Journalof Informatic Education Vol. 2. No.2, December 2018, p.132-133

Observation, and Reflection. The result of the research showed the

improvement of the means of students’ score namely, the mean of test of

cycle 1 (66,66) and the mean of cycle 2 (90,83) was higher than the mean of

the students’ score in cycle 1 (66,66). It can be stated that the score

continuously improved from the cycle 1 until cycle 2. Furthermore, It can be

concluded that using Kahoot as a media can create students’ classroom

environment more active in learning English and also improve students

ability in reading comprehension. In other words, teaching reading by

Classroom Kahoot! was successfully done and gave good improvement to

the students’ reading achievement.

In addition, Kun Handayani (University of Islam Malang) conducted the

research entitled “The Effect of Using Kahoot Game on Students’

Vocabulary. The research used experimental research and she proved that one

strategy can be introduced into the classrom is Kahoot. It can be a powerful

machine to attract the students’ attention and retention to the new vocabulary.

Studying in a fun and competitive atmosphere makes the students memorize

the words better and affect to the students; achievement.

Based on the previous related studies above, it can be concluded that using

Kahoot as media in learning English gave positive result. The result that

learning English was more fun and competitive. Furthermore, researcher is

interested to conduct the research that related to using Kahoot toward

students’ vocabulary mastery at tenth grade of SMAN 1 Bukittinggi.


C. Conceptual Framework

Coceptually, the research framework is illustrated as bellow.

The Students’ Problems

Vocabulary Mastery
1. Students’ difficulties in
2. The use of monotonous
instructional media in

Students’ Kahoot The Digital Game Based

Vocabulary Mastery Learning

Procedure of Applying Kahoot

Test 1. Preparation
1. Open Kahoot website
2. Click sign up
3. Choose one of four selections
4. Connect Kahoot with other account
5. Choose quiz to create the game
6. Click save
7. Create learning game

2. While Teaching
1. Students access link
2. Teacher shares pin to for students
3. Click start to begin
4. Click feedback and result

1. Is there any significant effect of using Kahoot toward students’

vocabulary mastery?
2. Is there any significant difference between using Kahoot or traditional
media towards students’ vocabulary mastery?
3. Is vocabulary mastery of students who are taught with Kahoot better than
the students who are taught without Kahoot?

From the conceptual framework above, the researcher finds some

problems in vocabulary mastery, then the researcher applies Kahoot the digital

game based learning. There are some pocedures to access Kahoot, the first

procedure is preparation. There are seven steps that should be followed by the

teacher in the step of preparation. The second is while teaching. While teaching

means when the students play Kahoot in the classroom. There are four steps that

should be followed by the students.

In this research, the researcher is purposed to find out the significant effect

of using Kahoot toward students vocabulary mastery at tenth grade of SMA 1

Bukittinggi, how significan different using kahoot then conventional media in the

classroom, and to know applying Kahoot is better than conventional media used

by the teacher.

C. Hypothesis

Based on the theories and the conceptual framework, the writer formulated

the hypotheses as follows:

1. Ha: there is a siginificant effect of using Kahoot towards students’

vocabulary mastery.

Ho: there is no siginificant effect of using Kahoot towards students’

vocabulary mastery.

2. Ha: there is a siginificant difference between using Kahoot or traditional

media towards students’ vocabulary mastery.

Ho: there is no siginificant difference between using Kahoot or traditional

media towards students’ vocabulary mastery.


3. Ha: the students’ vocabulary mastery that is taught with Kahoot is better

than the students who are taught without using Kahoot.

Ho: the students’ vocabulary mastery that is taught with Kahoot is not

better than the students who are taught without using Kahoot.



A. Design of the Research

The design of this research is an experimental research. Experimental

research is used to establish the cause and effect relationship. According to

Gay, experimental research is one of the research that used to establish the

possible between cause and effect of independent and dependent variables.35

It means that experimental research is used to manipulate at least one

independent variable and control other relevant variables. Furthermore, this

research consists of two variables; the independent variable is symbolized by

“X” that is the effect of applying Kahoot the digital game based learning and

the dependent one as “Y” which refers to students’ vocabulary mastery.

There are several types of experimental research that can be conducted by

the researcher to manipulate the variables. The researcher decides to conduct

quasi experimental research. This research is aimed to search whether there is

or there is no effect of treatment which is done to the experimental subject

without random assignment. Creswell argued that quasi experimental includes

assignments, but not random assignment of participants to groups. 36 The

design of this quasi experimental research focuses on nonequivalent control

group design which the pretest-posttest control group design requires at least

two groups, that are experimental and control. The experimental group will be

L. R. Gay, et al, Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications
(USA: Pearson Education Inc, 2000), p. 249
John W Creswell, Educational Research, (University of Nebraska Lincoln: Pearson
Merrill Prentice Hall, 2005), p. 313

treated by applying Kahoot as instructional media to improve students’

vocabulary mastery and control group will be treated by applying

conventional media in the same English vocabulary material. In brief, the

research is described by the following table.

Table 3.1
Research Design
Group Test Treatment Test
Experimental Class T1 X T2

Control Class T3 - T4


T1 : the pre-test for the experimental class

T2 : the post-test for the experimental class

X : the treatment

T3 : the pre-test for the control class

T4 : the post-test for the control class

Based on the explanation, it can be concluded that the researcher will use

quasi experimental design by using nonequivalent control group design. It

means that pre-test and post-test involves two groups that are experimental

and control class. Experimental class will be given a new or unusual

treatment and control class will be given usual treatment as previously. Based

on this research, the experimental class will be treated by applying Kahoot as

media in teaching vocabulary, while the control class will be treated without

applying Kahoot. Although these class will be treated differently but the

material, the length of time, pre-test and post-test will be the same.

B. Population and Sample

1. Population

Population is an important element of the research. According to

Sugiyono, population means the generalization region that consists of:

objects/subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics which are

determined by the researcher to be studied and concluded. 37In line with

Sugiyono, Margono argued that population is totality of the research

object consist of human, things, animal, plants, indications, test value, or

the event as data source that have spesific characteristic in a research.38

Thus, population means the totality of research objects that have specific

characteristic that will be researched.

Furthermore, the population of this research is the totality of tenth

grade students (X) at SMA N 1 Bukittinggi. The population is described

in following table:

Table 3.2
The Population of the Tenth Grade Students at SMA N 1
Bukittinggi on Academic Year 2019/2020
Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kombinasi (Mixed Methods), Bandung: ALFABETA CV,
2015), p. 119
Margono, Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan, (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2007), p.118

No Class Total Number of Students

1. X IPA 1 35
2. X IPA 2 36
3. X IPA 3 36
4. X IPA 4 36
5. X IPA 5 36
6. X IPA 6 36
7. X IPA 7 36
8. X IPA 8 36
9. X IPA 9 36
10 X IPS 1 33
11 X IPS 2 34
12 X IPS 3 34
Total 424
Source : English Teacher of SMA N 1 Bukittinggi

From this table, the population from this research was 424 students that is

the total of the students in twelve classes of the tenth grade at SMA N 1


2. Sample

Sample is a part of population which represents the quality and

characteristic of population. According to Sugiyono, sample is a part of

number and characteristic possessed by the population.39 In addition,

Margono stated that sample is part of population which is taken by using

certain ways.40 Thus, sample should represent the characteristic and quality of

the population that can conclude the characteristic of population.

To know the sample that will be used on the research, the researcher

should define the sampling technique which is appropriate with the research

Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kombinasi (Mixed Methods), Bandung: ALFABETA CV,
2015), p. 120
Margono, Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan, (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2007), p.128

design. There are some sampling techniques to the determine the sample.

Based on this research, the researcher will use purposive sampling technique.

According to Margono, the purposive sampling is a sampling technique of

data resources with particular consideration and purposes. The samples of this

research are two classes of tenth grade of SMA 1 Bukittinggi that are X IPS 2

and X IPS 3 because of some consideration and some purposes. The first

consideration, these classes have equal abilty in learning English. The second

condideration, these are in the some majors. The third consideration, these

classes are suggested by the teacher to be researched.

To deermine the experiment and control class from these classes, the

researcher will follow some procedures below:

a. Collect the score of students’ test

Before doing the research, the researcher will collect the score of

students’ test to test the normality and homogeneity of the data.

b. Test the normality of the data

The purpose of testing the normality of the data is to know whether

the data spread out normally or not. Liliefors test will be used to

test the normality of the data. There are some steps that suggested

by Arifmiboy to test the normality of the data using Liliefors. It

can be done with the steps below:

1. Arrange the data from the lowest to the highest

2. Find the mean score ( x́ ), the standard deviation (SD) and the


( X )=

SD= √ ∑ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿

S2 =
∑ (fx)

3. Find the score of Zi by using this formula:

X i−x
Zi =

4. Find the score of F (Zi) by consult the score of Zi with Ztable

5. Find S (Zi)

6. Find the absolute score of F (Zi) – S (Zi)

7. Determine the higher score of absolute mark F (Zi) – S (Zi). It

is named with LO (Liliefors)

8. Test the LO score with Liliefors table with the certain degree of

freedom (α) : 0,05

9. Take the conclusion, if LO < Ltab or if Ltab > LO it can be

conclude that the data is distributed normally.41

c. Test the homogeneity of the data

The purpose of homogeneity test is to know whether the

population has the homogeneous or not. The test that will be used

is F test. The steps to use F as below:

1. Find the mean score ( x́ )

x́ =

Arifmiboy, Statistik Pendidikan, (Bukittinggi: IAIN Bukittinggi) p.73

2. Find the Standars Deviation (SD)

SD= √ ∑ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿

3. Find the Variant (S2)

S2 =
∑ ( fx)

thehigher variant
4. Find the F-obtained=
the lower variant

find the score of F-table with the certain of level significant (α)

0,05. It can be conclude that if F-obtained < F-table, the


C. Instrumentation

Instrumentation is the whole process of collecting data by using the

instument. In exprimental research, the instrument that will be used by the

researcher is the test. The test is used to measure the knowledge, skill, feeling,

intelligent, or attitude of an individual or group. There are two kinds of test,

that are:

a) Pre test

Pretest is used to measure on some attribute or characteristic that will

be assessed for participants in an experimental research before giving

the treatment.

b) Post test

Arifmiboy, Statistik Pendidikan, (Bukittinggi: IAIN Bukittinggi) p.83

Post test is used to measure on some attribute or characteristic that

will be assessed for participants in an experimental research after

giving the treatment.

Based on this research, the researcher will give pre test and post test to

identify the effect of Kahoot the digital game based learning toward students’

vocabulary mastery in experimental class. However, the researcher will give

usual treatment in control class. The test consist of 40 items which are

formulated in multiple choice. The pretest was used to know the students’

reading ability at the beginning and posttest used to know the development of

the students’ vocabulary mastery after applying Kahoot as media of teaching


The test was created by considering the validity and reliability, as explain


1. Validity

Validity in testing has been understood to discover whether a test

measures accurately what is intendeed to measure or it measures what

is purposed to measure. Arikunto states that a test can be said as a

valid if it test can measure what is purposed to measure.43 In this

research, the researcher used the expert validity. In expert validity, the

researcher gave to the three lecturers to validate the test. Test is used

after being declared valid by the expert. From the result of validation,

the validator stated that the instrument of this research was valid.

Suharsimi Arikunto, Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Pendididkan, (Jakarta : Bumi
Aksara,1997), p. 57

2. Reliability

Good test should have high validity and have reliability too. If the

test give the current result as the same as the previous test that has

been conducted. It means that the test has a high reliability. In this

research, to test the reliability of instrument the researcher used

internal consistency reliability. According to Sugiyono, internal

consistency reliability is conducted just for once, then the data

analyzed by with certain technique. 44 To measure the reliability of the

test, the researcher used the formula K-R 20 as follow:45

( k −1
r11 = ) ¿ Vt−Vtpq ¿
In which :

r11 = Reliability instrument

k = The sum of item

Vt = Total variant

p = The proportion of students who give the right answer

q = The proportion of students who give the wrong answer

General descriptive of coefficient correlation as follows:

0,8 <r11≤ 1,00 : very high

0,6 <r11≤ 0,8 : higher

0,4 <r11≤ 0,6 : average

0,2 <r11≤ 0,4 : low

Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D,
(Bandung: Alfabeta, 2015), p. 185
Suharsimi Arikunto, Manajemen Penelitian, ( Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 1995), p. 229

0,0 <r11≤ 0,2 : very low 46

From the results obtained by the researcher, the instrument of in this

research was reliable.

D. Technique of Data Collection

The data was collected by giving students’ vocabulary tests at two sample

class. For the first time, the researcher gave the pre-test to the sample

classes before teaching vocabulary. After that, the researcher give diffferent

treatment in teaching vocabulary. The experimental class was treated by

using Kahoot, while the control class was treated by using conventional

media. Then, the researcher gave the post test as the comparison and the

evaluation of students’ before and after treatment is done.

The researcher corrected and analyzed the students’ answer sheet

one by one. In scoring the data, this case each item gots five point. If the

students give the correct answer all the items, the students get the score is

100. Then, the researcher compared the result of the test gained by the

experimental and control class in order to know whether Kahoot can give

significant effect or not towards students’ vocabulary mastery.

E. Technique of Data Analysis

The data analysis is aimed to test the hypothesis of the research. The

researcher used the t-test in analyzing the data. Arikunto states that in

experimental research, the researcher uses t –test to analyze the data. 47 For

Suharsimi Arikunto, Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Pendididkan, (Jakarta: Bumi
Aksara,1997), p. 71
Suharsimi Arikunto, Manajemen Penelitian, ( Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 1995), p. 504

hypothesis 1, the researcher used the formula of Z- test suggested by

Arifmiboy, as the description:

x́ 1− x́ 2
Zo = S 12 S 2 2
√ +
n1 n 2

Zo = The value of Z-obtained

x1 = Mean score of posttest experimental class

x2 = Mean score of pretest experimental class

s1 = Standar deviation of posttest experimental class

s2 = Standar deviation of pretest experimental class

n1 = sample side of experimental class

n2 = sample side of experimental class

From the description above, the researcher used the Z-test to analyzed the

data with comparing the pretest and posttest score of experimental class.

For the 2 and 3 hypothesis, the researcher uses the formula of t-test

suggested by Gay, as the description:

x ₁−x ₂
SS ₁+ SS ₂ 1 1

√( n ₁+ n ₂−2

)( +
n₁ n₂

= The value of t- calculated

x1 = Mean score of posttest the experimental class

x2 = Mean score of posttest the control class

ss1 = Sum of Square of the experimental class

ss2 = Sum of Square of the control class


n1 = Sample side of the experiment class

n2 = Sample side of the control class

From the description above, the researcher comparing the score of

posttest experimental class and contral class to analyzed the data.

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