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Structures II, MACE, University of Manchester

Topic 2 Column Buckling

Axially Loaded Beam

d 4w d 2w
Governing equation for deflection: EI − N =q (1)
dx 4 dx 2

Boundary conditions:
Built-in: w = 0 and = 0; (2)
d 2w
Simple-support: w = 0 and M =0 or = 0; (3)
dx 2
d 2w
Free-end: M =0 or =0
dx 2
d 3w dw
and Q=0 or − EI 3 + N =0 (4)
dx dx


As previous mentioned that the applied axial tensile load reinforces the beam while a
compressive axial load weakens the beam. In fact, as the compression increases, the beam
will come to a state such that its stiffness is lost completely. In other words, the beam may
bend without applied transverse loads, such as distributed q or concentrated ones. This
incident is called buckling. Mathematically, the state corresponds to such an axial load N,
under which, a non-trivial, i.e. non-zero solution exists for the governing equation above
when q=0.

Because only compressive axial loads are interested as far as buckling problems are
concerned, introducing P=−N, then P will be positive for compression (opposite to the
tension convention as in the analysis of frame structures). Beam under axial compression and
subject to buckling are called columns or struts. The governing equation for the buckling of
column is then

d 4w d 2w
EI + P =0 (5)
dx 4 dx 2
Obviously, w=0 always satisfies the above equation but this is called a trivial solution and not
what we are interested in.

The above 4th order ordinary differential equation can be solved in general mathematically.
The corresponding characteristic equation is

EIλ4 + Pλ2 = 0 or λ2 (λ2 + β 2 ) = 0 (6)

where β = . (7)

The 4 characteristic roots can be found as

Structures II, MACE, University of Manchester

λ1 = λ2 = 0 and λ3 & λ3 = ±iβ (8)

The solution to the governing equation (5) can be given in general as the deflection of the
w = A + Bx + C sin β x + D cos β x (9)

where A, B, C and D are integration constants to be determined by boundary conditions.

There are two ends in a column and there are two conditions at each end, altogether four
conditions for these four integration constants.

From the deflection in (9), the following useful quantities can be obtained about the
deformation and the loads over a cross-section of the column:

Rotation of the cross-section: = B + Cβ cos β x − Dβ sin β x
d 2w
Bending moment: M = − EI 2 = EIβ 2 (C sin β x + D cos β x ) (10)
d w dw  d 3w dw 
Shear force: Q = − EI 3 − P = − EI  3 + β 2  = − EIβ 2 B

dx dx  dx dx 

Boundary Conditions

Boundary conditions may involve the following logical combinations

♦ Built-in & built-in:

w = 0 and = 0 at x=0
and w = 0 and = 0 at x=l. (11)

♦ Built-in & simple-support:

w = 0 and = 0 at x=0
and w = 0 and M = 0 at x=l. (12)

♦ Built-in & free-end:

w = 0 and = 0 at x=0
and M = 0 and Q = 0 at x=l. (13)

♦ Simple-support & simple-support:

w = 0 and M = 0 at x=0
and w = 0 and M = 0 at x=l. (14)

Other combinations, e.g. simple-support and free-end, would allow some rigid-body motion
and therefore cannot be considered as appropriate boundary conditions for columns.

Structures II, MACE, University of Manchester

Buckling Loads under Various Boundary Conditions

Simple-support (at x=0) & simple-support (at x=l):

Take the simple-support & simple-support boundary conditions for example. The four
conditions, with common factors β2 cancelled as it cannot be zero (why?), result in
A+ D = 0
A + Bl + C sin β l + D cos β l = 0 (15)
C sin β l + D cos β l = 0

Substituting the 2nd equation of (15) D=0 into the 1st and 4th equations, one obtains A=0 and
Csinβl=0, respectively. The 3rd equation results in B=0 since l≠0. As A=B=D=0 already, C
cannot be zero for non-trivial solution. Otherwise, one would end up with a trivial solution.
Since Csinβl=0 and neither β nor l can be zero, the only possibility is
sin β l = 0 or β l = nπ (n=1,2,3,…). (16)

Substitute the expression of β as given in eq.(7) into the above, one obtains

P n 2π 2 EI
βl = l = nπ or P= (n=1,2,3,…). (17)
EI l2
When P reaches a value as given for any n, there can be non-trivial value for C, representing
the no-trivial solutions for the governing equation (5), i.e. the column will bend without any
transverse loading, while maintaining perfect equilibrium.

Consider P as the load applied to the column, as P increases from zero, the first incident when
the column start to give way to sideway deformation, corresponding to n=1, is obviously of
ultimate significance. This incident is called buckling of the column. The corresponding load

π 2 EI
Pcr = (18)
It is the buckling load of the column, sometimes called critical load or Euler load as it was
first obtained by Euler (1707-1783). Alternative description of buckling is instability as the
column loses its stability of the equilibrium state at this load level.

Higher orders of n may satisfy equilibrium, boundary conditions and non-trivial solution
condition. The loads corresponding to them are of little practical significance. Before these
load levels can be reached, the column has lost it stability and will not be capable of carrying
on any further loads anymore.

The non-trivial solution for w can be actually obtained by substituting the condition sinβl=0
back into eqs. (15) and then (9). In this case, eqs.(15) result in A=B=D=0 while C can be any
arbitrary non-zero constant. Thus the non-trivial solution to (5) is obtained as

w = C sin (19)

Structures II, MACE, University of Manchester

The non-trivial solution as obtained above is called the buckling mode, which describes the
pattern of the deflection immediately after buckling has taken place. However, due to the
arbitrariness of constant C, it is not uniquely defined in the sense that the magnitude of the
deflection arbitrary. The implication is that the deflection can take any magnitude without
violating the equilibrium and boundary conditions, provided that it remains small. As the
deflection grows beyond the small deformation regime, nonlinearity will get involved in the
problem and the behaviour will be governed by a much more complicated nonlinear equation
than (5). This is described as problem of post-buckling deformation, which is beyond the
scope of the present subject.

Example 1: A pin-jointed frame structure is A C

loaded by P as shown. The bars are made of the
same material of Young’s modulus E=200GPa
and have a solid circular cross-section of a
radius R= 0.01m. The length of the vertical and {0} {0} {√ 2P}
horizontal bars is 1m. Assuming failure of this {−√ 2P}
frame is dictated by buckling of the bars under
compression and bars can be considered as {−P} {−P}
simply supported columns. Find the load B E
carrying capacity of the structure in terms of P.
Solution: Using the node method to determine the forces in all the bars. Results are shown
inside curly brackets beside the bars.
The 2nd moment of cross-section area of the bar is I = πR 4 = 7.854 × 10 −9 m 4
π EI
Critical bar BC P cr = 2 = N BC = 2 P
l BC

π 2 EI π 2 × 200 × 10 9 × 7.854 × 10 −9
Loading capacity P max = = = 5481.2 N
2l BC 2× ( )
2 ×1

Built-in (at x=0) & built-in (at x=l):

The four equations from the end support conditions in this case are obtained as
A+ D = 0
B + βC = 0
A + Bl + C sin β l + D cos β l = 0 (20)
B + β C cos β l − β D sin β l = 0

Since A = − D and B = − β C , substituting these back to the 3rd and 4th equations, we have

C (sin β l − β l ) + D(cos β l − 1) = 0
C (cos β l − 1) − D sin β l = 0 (21)

Eliminating C from the above equations leads to

Structures II, MACE, University of Manchester

D (sin β l − β l ) sin β l + (cos β l − 1) = 0
] (22)

For non-trivial solution, we must have

(sin β l − β l )sin β l + (cos β l − 1)2 = 0 (23)

Bearing in mind sin 2 β l + cos 2 β l = 1 , the above equation can be rewritten as,

β l sin β l + 2 cos β l − 2 = 0
 βl   βl 
Then β l sin β l + 2 cos β l − 2 = β l sin 2  + 2 cos 2  − 2 = 0
 2   2 
Employing the following trigonometry formulae
sin 2ϕ = 2 sin ϕ cos ϕ βl
and let ϕ=
cos 2ϕ = 1 − 2 sin ϕ 2

the above equation can be further simplified to

βl  βl βl βl 
4 sin  cos − sin  = 0 . (24)
2  2 2 2 

There are two possibilities

βl βl βl βl
sin =0 or cos =0 − sin (25)
2 2 2 2
It can be found that it is the former possibility that tends to produce the lowest load for
4n 2π 2 EI
buckling. β l = 2nπ , (n=1,2,3,…), satisfy that equation, i.e. P = . The buckling
load in this case is given by the lowest (non-zero) value, i.e.

4π 2 EI
Pcr = (26)
This is four time of the Euler load, the one for simply-supported column. Substituting
condition sin = 0 or β l = 2π back into eqs.(20), bearing in mind that sin 2π = 0 and
cos 2π = 1 , one obtains A=−D and B=C=0. The buckling mode is then

 2π x 
w = − D1 − cos  (27)
 l 

where D is an arbitrary constant.

The lowest load from the second possibility as given in (25) would produce a load at
Pcr = 40.382 2 for a nontrivial solution. This is slightly higher than that given by (26)
which is Pcr = 39.478 2 .

Structures II, MACE, University of Manchester

Built-in (at x=0) & free-end (at x=l):

Buckling load and buckling mode are

π 2 EI
Pcr = (28)
4l 2

 πx
w = − D1 − cos  (29)
 2l 
where D is an arbitrary constant. Buckling load is quarter of the Euler load, the one for
simply-supported column.

Built-in (at x=0) & simple-support (at x=l):

Buckling load and the buckling mode are

Pcr = 20.191 (30)

  kx   kx kx 
w = C k 1 − cos  −  − sin  (31)
  l   l l 
where C is an arbitrary constant and k ≈ 4.4934 . Buckling load is just over twice of the Euler

Example 2: Find the buckling loads of a column of rectangular cross-section (a×b) and
length l under the above mentioned four possible combinations of boundary conditions,
assuming E=1GPa, a=30mm, b=3mm and l=300mm.

Solution: Buckling takes place in a weakest plane where the second moment of cross-section
area the lowest. In this case, the lowest is
I= = 67.5 × 10−12
π 2 EI
Simple-support & simple-support Pcr = 2 = 7.40( N )
4π 2 EI
Built-in & built-in Pcr = = 29.61( N )
π 2 EI
Built-in & free-end Pcr = = 1.85( N )
4l 2
Built-in & simple-support Pcr = 20.191 2 = 15.14( N )

The range of the buckling loads obtained here indicates the effects of end supports to the
column. It should be noted that other factors, such as I, E and l, have their effects on the
buckling load as well.

Structures II, MACE, University of Manchester

Tutorial Questions (Set 2)

2.1 Derive the non-trivial solution conditions, buckling load and buckling modes for
columns with built-in & free-end and built-in & simple-support boundary conditions.

2.2 Discuss all possible ways of enhancing buckling load of columns and compare their

2.3 A column of elliptical cross-section, whose long and short semi-axes are a=40mm and
b=30mm, respectively, is simply supported at both ends. The length of the column is
l=3m. The Young’s modulus of the material is E=20GPa. Determine the buckling
load. If one of the ends is clamped (built-in), how much increase in the column’s
buckling load is expected?
Answer: 18.6kN, 38.06kN

2.4 Two bars are pin-jointed and supported as A B

shown in the figure. They are to be
designed to sustain a load as indicated.
The bars have to be of solid square cross-
sections and are made of the same
material of Young’s modulus E=200GPa.
Determine the side lengths a and b of the α h
cross-sections of bar AC and BC, β
respectively, so that they will buckle at
the same time if P=10kN, h=0.3m, α=30°
and β=60°. P
Answer: 8.915mm, 10.228mm

2.5 A bar of solid circular cross-section, with a permissible stress σ=120MPa, has a cross-
section area which is just sufficient to support an axial load P=20kN. When the bar is
constrained with built-in end conditions, it is just capable of sustaining the same P in
compression before buckling. It is now desirable to set one end free from any
constraint. The bar is obviously unable to take the same compressive load as it is.
However, the load carrying capacity can be maintained without consuming extra
material but by making the bar hallow to increase the second moment of cross-section
area. Determine the external diameter of such a hollow bar.
Answer: 42.5mm


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