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Thessaloniki,Greece • +306949356244 •

Work Experience

2019 - Present Cloud Engineer

Deloitte Greece

2019 - Present STEAM Instructor

Instructor at MENSA camp on Robotics , Cryptography

2018 - Present f1inschool Comptetion Project Manager

Anatolia College
Responsible for the f1inschool teams at Anatolia College

2018 - Present STEAM Educator

Western Greece
Instuctor at Robotics, Science

2017 - Present STEAM Educator

Anatollia College
Instuctor at Robotics, Science at Anatolia College (elementary though high school)

2018 - Present WRO Instructor

Mensa Thessaloniki
Instructor at Mensa Thessaloniki Robotics,Science and Coding course. (ages 6-17)
Team Manager/Instructor (

2018 - Present CTY Lab Assisant

Anatolia College/CTY Greece
Lab Assistant at CTY engineering course

2018 - Present CNC Seminar Coordinator

American College Of Thessaloniki/Anatolia College
Tutor at the CNC training

2016 - Present Computer Lab Monitor

American College Of Thessaloniki
In charge of monitoring the fabrication lab , operator of 3D printers/CNC/3D scanners.

2018 - Present Assistant on EV3 training

American College Of Thessaloniki
Assistant at the training of Robotics, using EV3

2018 - Present WRO Judge

WRO Greece
Judge at the WRO competition.

2017 - Present Resident Assistant

American College Of Thessaloniki
In charge of freshman students living on campus.

2016 - 2017 Computer Lab Assistant

University Of Thessaly
Assistant in creating a computer cluster for the fluid-wind turbine lab at the department of
Mechanical Engineering(University of Thessaly).


2016 - 2019 Bachelor of Science

American College Of Thessaloniki
Computer Science

On Going Projects

Virtual Reality at Education

Virtual reality in education on gifted students. How the virtual reality can assist
students with high IQ in STEM (Robotics , engineering , chemistry , art, mathematics

Ecology Experiment
The aim of the project is to analyze the different growth rates of hydroponic plants
versus soil plants and the effects of sound on the plants' growth in a controlled
environment.To be more specific hydroponics is an innovative method where
plants grow inside water. This alternative method has to be as effective as the usual
method of growing plants. Sound in some cases has been observed to have helpful
effects in the plant’s growth.
In order to examine our research question: how sound affects the growth of
hydroponic and soil plants, we set up a state of the art laboratory where
two Arduino(micro-controller) collect data from sensors (humidity, soil-humidity,
temperature, water-temperature) and send them into a Raspberry Pi. The
Raspberry Pi controls two web-cameras, in order to measure the plant’s size and
implements special filters which evaluate the amount of photosynthesis by the
plants. The Raspberry (web-server) sends the data into a web-site, where the user is
able to evaluate all the set parameters at all times.
Specific algorithms receive data from the sensors and based on the specific plants'
needs, they automatically control the nutrition solution, the amount of light and
the watering system. An application has been created in order to inform the user of
the presence of values outside of the desirable range.
The colonization of any planet other than Earth will be very challenging for
humanity. The different environmental conditions are going to be one of the most
challenging obstacles for humans to surpass.The growth of plants will be of utmost
importance, hence, the human survival is possible only under those alternated
conditions. Due to the lack of the necessary environmental conditions that plants
need to grow, humanity is obliged to find alternative methods of plant growing.

Personal Site

Papathanisou Web-site



Presenting :The effect of sound in Hydroponics and Soil plants in a controlled environment.

Computer Skills

.NET C#, C++,SQL,GitHub,Algorithms,Data Structure


Deloitte Code School (Cloud Engineer) Attending now (November-December 2019)

Free Dive 2*
BLS-AED Provider/Instructor
Piano Diploma

Organizations/Volunteer Experience

Member of the Order Of AHEPA

Member of MENSA
Member of Rotaract CLub
MELISSA orphanage


Google Hash Code Competition 2017-2018 / 2018-2019

Team Manager at WRO competition of MENSA teams

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