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Steam Cracking: Kinetics and Feed Characterisation

João Vilhena Moreira

Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal

November 2015

In the present work a mathematical steam cracking furnace model is presented and several kinetic
schemes from literature, both molecular and radical, were implemented and validated against data from
industrial ethane, propane and naphtha feedstocks processing furnaces. The results showed that, for
gaseous feedstocks, the implemented kinetics were able to accurately predict product yields, with the
radical scheme superseding the molecular one. Regarding naphtha cracking, however, the implemented
radical kinetics from literature seemed to fail at predicting plant data. A steady-state study on alternative
diluents relatively to steam was also carried out and it was concluded that there may actually be no
difference between diluents if one is not willing to further increase the coil outlet temperature, although
helium posed the best alternative if no constraints on temperature exist. At last, since the implementation
of kinetic schemes require the molecular composition of the feed and because liquid feedstocks are
usually characterised by other indices rather than a detailed hydrocarbon analysis, a feed characterisation
model was developed. This model had the objective to determine the molecular composition of naphtha
feedstocks given the commercial indices that usually characterise such petroleum fractions. The results,
however, showed that the model is not able to accurately determine such compositions, having been
concluded that a priori knowledge had to be included to improve its predictions.

Keywords: Steam cracking, Ethane, Propane, Naphtha, Kinetics, Feed characterisation

1. Introduction 1.1. Motivation

The steam cracking process is a cornerstone of The production of ethylene and propylene from
the chemical industry as it generates highly valu- ethane, propane and other light alkanes via pyrol-
able olefins – from which ethylene, propylene and ysis is a vital element to the chemical industry. It
butadiene are the most relevant ones – from lower has become even more prominent following the re-
value feedstocks. Feedstocks for this process usu- cent advances in the exploitation of shale gas in
ally have fossil origin and range from gaseous the United States and elsewhere.
feedstocks, like ethane and propane, to liquid, On the other hand, the fact that refineries have
heavier feedstocks, such as naphtha, gas oil and been processing increasingly heavier crude oils
gas condensates [1]. has brought much attention to liquid feedstocks,
Ethylene is the major product of a steam crack- with heavier cuts such as atmospheric and vacuum
ing unit and it is almost exclusively produced by this gas oils being considered as possible hydrocarbon
process. Being the largest volume building block, sources. Amongst the liquid feedstocks, naphtha
it is mainly used in the manufacture of polyethy- has historically been by far the most widely used.
lene, ethylene oxide, vinyl acetate, ethylbenzene In this regard, the need arises for the develop-
and ethylene dichloride [2]. ment of high-fidelity mathematical models, able to
Propylene, on the other hand, is considered a fully describe an olefins plant operation and whose
co-product of an olefins plant as nearly 60% of application in whole-plant optimisation is of the ut-
its production is associated with ethylene’s man- most interest of the petrochemical industry.
ufacture [3]. Nevertheless, propylene is a valu-
able olefin – in fact, the most relevant steam crack- 1.2. Scope
ing co-product – being involved in the produc- The current work was intended to bring a much
tion of polypropylene, acrylonitrile, propylene ox- better understanding on literature kinetic schemes
ide, cumene and isopropanol [4]. for steam cracking, namely on how well do these
suffice in accurately predicting product distribu-

tion for different feedstocks: ethane, propane and
naphtha. To accomplish this, a furnace mathemat-
ical model would have to be used in order to im-
plement different kinetics and compare simulation
results against industrial data.
Having the kinetics been studied, it was also
intended to perform a study on different diluents
which could pose a beneficial alternative relatively
to steam.
Finally, since a detailed molecular composition is
required in these kind of models, this work was also
expected to involve the development and validation
of a naphtha feed characterisation model which
could provide such information based on easily-
obtainable average properties of the mixture. Figure 2: Schematic diagram of a thermal cracking
furnace in a typical olefin plant [8].
2. Background
Since the first refinery, built in Romania in 1856,
crude oil has been fractionated in order to obtain After being cooled in the TLEs, the radiant
lighter, more valuable cuts. However, the satu- coil effluent enters the recovery front-end section
rated hydrocarbons that are usually found in these where it is first submitted to further cooling. In the
fractions lack the chemical reactivity needed for case of liquid feedstocks, for process reasons, the
the development of several other petrochemicals of cracked gas leaves the TLEs at higher tempera-
varying complexity. Therefore, industrial processes tures and thus require an oil quench followed by
such as steam cracking have been developed in a primary fractionator in order to reduce tempera-
order to convert these compounds into more reac- ture down to 230 ◦ C and condense pyrolysis fuel
tive unsaturated hydrocarbons, such as olefins and oil. Gaseous feedstocks, on the other hand, do not
aromatics [5, 6]. require any of these operations, being thus cooled
from about 300 ◦ C to about 200 ◦ C in secondary
2.1. Steam cracking process TLEs [1, 9].
Ethylene is almost exclusively produced by ther- The hydrocarbon product stream, in order to be
mally cracking petroleum hydrocarbons in the pres- subjected to downstream processing, then needs
ence of steam (over 97% of the annual volume), in to be cooled to near ambient temperature by con-
a process known as steam cracking or pyrolysis [7], tacting with a large descending water stream in a
whose simplified flowsheet is shown in Figure 1. subsequent water quench tower [1].
First, the hydrocarbon feedstock enters the fur- Next, a series of compression stages and acid
nace in the convection section (Figure 2), where it gas removal units compress the cracked gas to
is pre-heated, mixed with dilution steam, and the about 35 bar and remove CO 2 and H2 S from the
resulting mixture further heated to incipient crack- gas stream, which is subsequently dried in molec-

ing temperatures of 500-680 C . The feed immedi- ular sieve beds to remove practically all the water
ately heads to fired tubular reactors hanged verti- [1, 9].
cally in the radiant section of the furnace (radiant Finally, the gas is chilled and separated into its
coils), where high firebox temperatures of 1000- product streams by means of a fractionation train.
1200 ◦ C favour highly-endothermic pyrolytic de- In order to further increase light olefins yield, acety-
composition reactions, which convert the feed into lene, methylacetylene and propadiene are usually
valuable products [1]. The usage of steam de- converted in catalytic hydrogenation units [1, 9].
creases hydrocarbon partial pressure which in turn
reduces coke-forming reactions thriving in such 2.2. Cracking reactions
conditions, thus avoiding premature furnace shut- Generally cracking refers to those reactions in
down due to excessive coke build-up. which large molecule hydrocarbons are cracked,
The cracked gas then leaves the radiant coil at thus yielding smaller hydrocarbon compounds.
800-850 ◦ C and is abruptly cooled to 550-650 ◦ C These reactions can be divided into two classes:
by indirect quenching in transfer-line exchangers thermal cracking – in which large hydrocarbon
(TLEs), so that further cracking of valuable reaction breakdown is induced by high temperatures – and
products and coke formation are prevented [1]. catalytic cracking – in which a selective catalyst
plays the major role in the hydrocarbon decom-
position. Steam cracking relies on thermal crack-

Ethane/propane recycle
Gas/liquid Hydrocarbon Propylene
feed Cracking Oil Water Gas
Compression fractionation & Crude C4
furnace quench quench drying
hydrogenation Byproducts
Primary drying
Light distillate
fractionation Acid-gas

Dilution steam Gasoline Pyrolysis gasoline

generation stripping
Pyrolysis fuel oil

Figure 1: Simplified flowsheet of the steam cracking process; elements in blue only exist in liquid feedstocks
cracking plants (adapt. [1])

ing reactions in the presence of steam to convert (b) Radical addition/decomposition

low-value hydrocarbons into valuable olefins whilst
keeping coke forming reactions to a minimum. R1· + R2 − −−
−R3 ↽−⇀
− R1 −R2 −R3
Since the pioneer work of F.O. Rice in the 1930s
[10], it is well known that the largest part of gas Radicals may react with olefins, thus
phase hydrocarbon pyrolysis proceeds through a forming heavier, less saturated, radicals
free radical mechanism which is inherently charac- and/or the opposite may occur, i.e. the
terized by a vast number of species and reactions. C-C bond of large molecules at the β po-
Although specific reactions taking place in a free- sition relatively to the radical is ruptured
radical scheme depend on the feed employed, the (β scission), thereby producing an olefin
mechanisms are simply summarized with the fol- and a new radical.
lowing three main reaction classes [11]: (c) Radical isomerization reactions

1. Initiation and termination reactions

R1· −R2 −R3 −R4 −R5 −R6
· · · (4a)
R1 −R2 −−→ R1 + R2 (1a) −
− R1 −R2 −R3 −R4 −R5 −R6

R3· + R4· −−→ R3 −R4 (1b) R1· −R2 −R3 −R4 −R5 −R6
· (4b)

− R1 −R2 −R3 −R4 −R5 −R6
These unimolecular reactions involve either R1· −R2 −R3 −R4 −R5 −R6
· (4c)
the C-C bond scission, thus forming two −
− R1 −R2 −R3 −R4 −R5 −R6
smaller radicals (Eq. 1a), or the formation of a
new bond (C-C or C-H) as two radicals come R1· −R2 − −−
−R3 ↽−− R1 −
⇀ −R2 −R3
together and produce a single molecule (Eq.
Isomerization reactions of radicals com-
pete with the decomposition reactions,
2. Propagation reactions being responsible for the transfer of the
Once initiation occurs, radicals undergo a se- active radical position to another. This
ries of propagation reactions in which a radical can be accomplished whether by in-
reacts with a molecule and produces a smaller tramolecular H-abstractions (Eqs. 4a- 4c)
molecule and a new radical, keeping the reac- or by an internal addition of the radical
tion chain going. position on unsaturated bonds (Eq. 5).

(a) Hydrogen abstraction reactions 3. Implementation

This work was developed and carried out in
· ·
R1 + R2 −−→ R1 + R2 (2)
gPROMS ProcessBuilder® , having been thor-
oughly used for both model development, flow-
According to these reactions, smaller re- sheeting and results acquisition, along with the
active radicals abstract a hydrogen atom external physical properties packages MultiflashTM
from a molecule, thus forming both a new and gSAFT® . gPROMS® Optimisation and Param-
molecule and a new radical. eter Estimation tools were also employed.

3.1. Model equations process heat transfer film coefficient, the coke ther-
A description of the model equations contained mal conductivity and the tube wall thermal conduc-
within the mathematical furnace model used in this tivity, respectively. The Dittus-Boelter correlation
work is presented. This first-principles model is was used to obtain hprocess .
composed of several sub-models which each one For the heat flux q comes equation 11:
performing different and separate calculations to
bring the whole furnace model together. q = Nt ht (11)
The component mass balance in a plug-flow re-
actor (PFR) is defined as (Eq. 6): where Nt is the total mass flux, ht is the specific
enthalpy of the process stream, obtained by the ex-
d ternal physical properties package MultiflashTM .
[Ni A] = M Wi Arf orm,i (6) The momentum equation, which determines the
pressure P variation with axis z, is defined by
where Ni stands for the component mass flux, A
equation 12:
is the cross-sectional area of the tube, M Wi is the
component molecular weight and rf orm,i the com-
ponent rate of formation (or disappearance, if neg- d dv v 2 Aρ 2fF

n B fb

ative). [P A] = −N t A − + (12)
dz dz 2 R L
The reaction rate for a given reaction j, rj , is
given by equation 7: where v is the process gas linear velocity, ρ is
the process gas density, fF is the Fanning friction
factor, L is the reactor length and nB and fb are
NReactants NP roducts
Y n
Y n the number and friction factor of bends, respec-
rj = kf,j (Ck j,k ) − kb,j (Cl j,l )
tively. The Churchill equation was used to obtain
k l
(7) fF whilst fb was calculated using the Nekraskov
where kf,j and kb,j are the forward and backward equation.
reaction constants for a given reaction j, respec- At last, the external heat flux, qext , is related
tively, nj,k is the individual component reaction or- to the tube metal temperature and the effective
der and C the component molar concentration. temperature of the flames produced by the fur-
The component rate of formation, rf orm,j , used nace burners through equation 13, derived from
in the component mass balance, is computed us- the Stefan-Boltzmann law:
ing the following equation 8:
qext = ϵσ(Tf4lame − T M T 4 ) (13)
being ϵ the emissivity, σ the Stefan-Boltzmann con-
rf orm,i = (rj νi,j ) (8)
stant and Tf lame the effective flame temperature.

where νi,j stands for the stoichiometric coefficient 3.2. Ethane cracking
of component i in reaction j. In this section, the molecular and radical kinet-
The energy balance, on the other hand, is de- ics for ethane cracking published by Sundaram and
scribed by equation 9: Froment in 1977 [12] and 1978 [13], respectively,
were used. Apart from validating these literature
[qA] = qext 2πRe (9) kinetics, it was intended to verify to what extent
dz do radical schemes’ predictions supersede those
where Re is the external radius of the tube, qext , of molecular ones.
the external heat flux supplied to the tube and q The industrial furnace configuration and operat-
the heat flux. qext is calculated by equation 10: ing conditions considered in this ethane cracking
kinetics study were published by Yancheshmeh et
al. [14].
T M T − Tprocess Therefore, once the furnace model has been set
qext =   (10)
1 ln(Ri/R) ln(Re/Ri )
Re hprocess R + λcoke + λwall
and inputs provided, the above mentioned kinet-
ics were implemented and simulation results com-
with Ri standing for the inner radius of the tube, R pared against plant data reported by Yancheshmeh
for the radius from the center to the deposited coke (Table 1).
surface, T M T standing for the outer wall temper- Interesting conclusions may be withdrawn from
ature of the tube, Tprocess for the process stream Table 1. The radical kinetics seem to clearly su-
temperature and hprocess , λcoke and λwall being the persede the molecular ones as conversion, selec-

Table 1: Comparison between literature and simulation [15].
results for ethane cracking.
Likewise, once the furnace model has been set
and inputs provided, the above mentioned kinet-
Plant Molecular Radical ics were implemented and simulation results com-
data [14] kinetics [12] kinetics [13] pared against plant data reported by Van Damme
(Table 2).
COP (bara) 2.12 2.15 2.16
Conv. (%) 65.8 69.4 65.2
Table 2: Comparison between literature and simulation
Select. (%) 87.1 76.8 82.9
results for propane cracking.
Yields (dry mol%)
H2 37.36 38.49 37.92
CH4 5.81 6.60 4.34 Plant Molecular Radical
C2 H2 0.27 0.25 0.03 data [15] kinetics [12] kinetics [13]
C2 H4 34.56 32.56 33.85 COP (bara) 2 1.94 2.00
C2 H6 20.6 18.74 21.82 Conv. (%) 90.6 97.7 83.20
C3 H6 0.51 0.22 0.48 Select. (%) 59.8 21.8 64.6
C3 H8 0.08 0.41 0.00
Yields (dry mol%)
C4 H6 0.44 2.73 0.62
H2 1.2 4.23 0.81
AADmain a - 19.9% 8.8%
CH4 24.0 8.62 24.71
Average absolute deviation of the main product yields: ethy- C2 H2 0.4 1.41 1.24
lene, propylene, hydrogen and methane
C2 H4 34.5 13.55 34.15
C2 H6 5.8 1.06 3.13
C3 H6 14.7 57.23 15.28
C3 H8 9.3 2.34 16.87
tivity and every product yield are much more accu- C4 H6 1.5 1.03 2.80
rately predicted, with an AADmain of 8.8% against C4 H8 s 1.0 0.27 0.00
the 19.9% of the molecular scheme. These results C4 H10 s 0.1 0.00 0.01
thus support the statement that radical schemes C5+ 7.0 10.26 1.01
are more predictive than the molecular ones and AADmain a - 166.6% 10.1%
thus the increasing trend there has been in devel- a
Average absolute deviation of the main product yields: ethy-
oping and implementing such schemes. lene, propylene, hydrogen and methane
Nevertheless, the radical scheme for ethane
cracking still fails at predicting some product yields
such as methane, acetylene, propane and butadi- Surprisingly, Table 2 shows an enormous dis-
ene. Although it would be interesting to tune some crepancy between results predicted by molecular
key kinetic parameters to better match these indi- kinetics and by radical kinetics, with the molecular
vidual yields and verify the extensiveness of the ones being completely unable to predict any entry
tuned reaction set to other industrial cases, that of industrial data.
work would fall out of the scope of the current work Although one could foresee a higher struggle of
and consequently will not be considered. these schemes to predict propane cracking results
The results summarised in Table 1 therefore – due to the higher complexity relatively to ethane
validate not only the implemented radical kinetics cracking – one could not have anticipated such dis-
from Sundaram and Froment [13] but also the first- parity between plant data and simulation results
principles furnace model itself. using molecular kinetics, even more so when it is
shown in the paper that this scheme is able to ac-
3.3. Propane cracking curately predict industrial data.
In this section, the molecular and radical ki- A likely explanation therefore lies in the fact that
netics for propane cracking published, along with the published kinetic parameters were tuned using
the ethane cracking ones, by Sundaram and Fro- a rather narrow set of experimental/plant data and,
ment in 1977 [12] and 1978 [13], respectively, were therefore, are not able to predict results outside a
used. Once again, the objective was to analyse the given range of operating conditions.
performance of literature kinetics in terms of prod- Radical kinetics-wise, it is noted that it is able
uct distribution prediction and to verify if radical ki- produce results with an acceptable agreement
netics pose a more predictive alternative relatively with industrial data, with an AADmain of 10.1%.
to the molecular ones. Nevertheless, although ethylene, propylene and
The industrial furnace configuration and operat- methane yields are rather well met, ethane conver-
ing conditions considered in this propane cracking sion, in spite of being within 10% deviation, is still
kinetics study were published by Van Damme et al. being significantly underpredicted.

This means if one was to meet the same conver- Table 3: Comparison between literature and simulation
sion, one would not probably get the same reason- results for naphtha cracking.
able agreement in terms of product yields. More-
over, ethylene selectivity, which is already being
Plant Towfighi’s Joo’s
overpredicted, would further increase its deviation data [18] kinetics [16] kinetics [17]
relatively to the industrial value.
Residence (s) 0.4 0.42 0.42
Apart from the above observations, the predic- COP (bara) 1.55 1.75 1.76
tions of other product yields are quite unsatisfac-
Yields (dry mol%)
tory, with most of deviations relatively to plant data
surpassing 80%. H2 1.2 0.35 0.35
CH4 17.7 16.61 13.92
Once again, although falling out of the scope of
C2 H2 0.93 1.34 -
the current work, it would be of one’s interest to C2 H4 35.42 37.20 32.59
optimise some key kinetic parameters to match in- C2 H6 6.04 0.10 3.24
dustrial data and evaluate the extensiveness of the C3 H6 12.05 7.99 13.59
optimised reaction set to other industrial cases. C3 H8 0.48 0.01 0.00
The results from Table 1 thus somewhat vali- C4 H6 4.23 10.09 7.35
date the implemented radical kinetics from Sun- C4 H8 s 1.8 0.01 5.56
daram and Froment [13]. The first-principles fur- C4 H10 s 0.24 0.12 0.23
nace model is once again validated. Aromatics 10.82 4.48 2.99
Others 9.09 21.70 19.36
3.4. Naphtha cracking AADmain a - 68.7% 52.3%
Here, two different radical kinetic schemes for Average absolute deviation of the main yields: hydrogen,
methane, ethylene, ethane, propylene, 1,3-butadiene, aromat-
naphtha cracking will have their ability to accurately
ics and ”others”.
predict product distribution evaluated by compar-
ison against published industrial data. Molecular
schemes do not accurately represent the complex
cracking phenomena occurring in liquid feedstocks
pyrolysis and, therefore, will not be considered. and almost twice the chemical species than the
one from Towfighi and Karimzadeh – seems to
Towfighi and Karimzadeh published in 1993 [16]
show a better agreement with plant data reported
a naphtha cracking radical scheme comprising 150
by Niaei et al. [18], with an AADmain of 52.3%
reactions and involving 22 molecular and 18 radical
against 68.7% from Towfighi and Karimzadeh’s
species, covering the pyrolysis of species up to C6 .
scheme, even though methane and ethylene yields
Furthermore, Joo published in 2000 [17] a seem- are worsened. Once again, the C5+ non-aromatic
ingly more complex kinetic set describing the free- fraction yield is being considerably overpredicted.
radical mechanisms occurring in naphtha pyrolysis,
It is also noteworthy that in the reference pa-
totalling 233 reactions. This radical scheme covers
per the authors used the same industrial case
the thermal cracking of species up to C8 , involving
to validate their own mathematical model, achiev-
31 molecular and 48 radical species.
ing a quite reasonable agreement with plant data
The industrial furnace configuration, operating (AADmain = 4.4%). It is stated that the de-
conditions and detailed naphtha composition con- tailed mechanistic kinetic model used by the au-
sidered in this naphtha cracking radical kinetics thors involved 1230 reactions and 122 chemical
study was published by Niaei et al. [18]. species. However, the references of the used ki-
Having the furnace model been set and in- netic model point to the radical scheme of Towfighi
puts provided, the above mentioned kinetics were and Karimzadeh [16] and to the one reported by
implemented and simulation results compared Sundaram and Froment, whose total number of re-
against plant data reported by Niaei (Table 1). actions combined does not exceed 300.
Apparently neither of the kinetic schemes seems This observation, along with the fact that the
to accurately predict the product distribution. In cracking of meaningful naphtha components is not
fact, the published scheme by Towfighi and taken into account by neither of the implemented
Karimzadeh remarkably fails to predict most of the kinetic schemes, supports the suspicion that not all
yields, with the exception of methane and ethylene. information regarding the complete kinetic models
From all the yields, the one corresponding to the may have been entirely disclosed. As a matter of
C5+ non-aromatic fraction, noted by ”Others”, has fact, many kinetic models are often proprietary and
the largest deviation, being greatly overpredicted. confidential and, in this sense, may not be of the
On the other hand, the reported scheme from authors’ interest to publicly disclose information so
Joo – which takes into account 81 more reactions that others can exactly reproduce their results.

In order to be able to predict product yields, not 1.20

Dulient ratio (mol/molethane)

only more reactions would probably have to be 1.00
added but also a kinetic parameter tuning process 0.80
would have to be carried out. Once again, al- 0.60 N2
though interesting, this would fall out of the scope 0.40 He
of the current work and, therefore, will not be im- 0.20 H2

plemented. CH4
55 57.5 60 62.5 65 67.5 70
Conversion (%)
3.5. Alternative diluents study
Steam plays a crucial role in the steam crack-
ing furnace but its usage is costly and, in this Figure 3: Molar diluent ratios at different ethane
conversions (1.1bar ≤ ∆P , 845◦ C ≤ COT ).
sense, there has been an increasing trend in study-
ing other diluents which may pose an alternative
to steam, with increased ethylene selectivity and
lower energy consumption. 89
A steady-state study was carried out in order to

C2H4 selectivity (%)

85 Steam
solely analyse the influence of two physical prop- 83 CO2

erties of a diluent: molecular weight and heat ca- N2

pacity. Apart from carbon dioxide, several other di- 79
luting agents were taken into account (Table 4). CH4
55 57.5 60 62.5 65 67.5 70
Conversion (%)
Table 4: Molecular weights of diluting agents being
Figure 4: Ethylene selectivity at different ethane
conversions (1.1bar ≤ ∆P , 845◦ C ≤ COT ).
Diluent MW (g/mol) Cp1000K (J/mol/K)
H2 2.02 30.3 7.50
Energy consumption(MJ/kgC2H4)

He 4.00 20.8 7.40

CH4 16.04 71.8
7.20 Steam
Steam 18.02 41.2 7.10 CO2
N2 28.01 32.7 7.00
CO2 44.01 54.3 6.80 He
6.70 H2
55 57.5 60 62.5 65 67.5 70
Conversion (%)
This study was based on the ethane industrial
case reported by Yancheshmeh [14] and on the
radical kinetics published by Sundaram and Fro- Figure 5: Specific energy consumption (relatively to
ment [13]. The study consisted of several steady- ethylene produced) at different ethane conversions
state optimisations, each one corresponding to a (1.1bar ≤ ∆P , 845◦ C ≤ COT ).
different fixed valued for conversion, in which the
hydrocarbon feed flowrate, coil inlet pressure and First, at low conversions pressure drop hit the
inlet temperature were kept constant. upper bound. This happened since the model tries
The objective was to maximise ethylene selectiv- to minimise not only the hydrocarbon partial pres-
ity by allowing the model to vary each diluent ratio sure but also the residence time by increasing the
(relatively to hydrocarbon), being the optimisation diluent ratio as much as possible.
subjected to both pressure drop (<1.1 bar) and coil Hence, the denser the diluent, the lower will be
outlet temperature constraints (<845 ◦ C ). The cor- the molar ratio for the same pressure drop. Be-
responding results are summarised in Figures 3-5. cause the molar diluent ratio is lower, the velocity
Interesting observations can be made from Fig- will also be lower, consequently leading to higher
ures 3-5. It is observed that for low conversions residence times and lower selectivities. Further-
the molar diluent ratios and ethylene selectivity fol- more, because of higher residence times, a lower
low the descending order of the molecular weight COT is required to achieve a given conversion,
whilst for high conversions these steeply decrease which contributes to lower energy consumption.
and become coincident towards higher conversion Energy consumption, however, must also take
values. Energy consumption, on the other hand, into account the heat capacity of the diluent. One
seems not to follow in order in particular. is now able to understand why methane is the one

leading to the highest energy consumption – it has
low density and the highest heat capacity – and wV,i = f (wL,i ) (15a)
why nitrogen is the one with the lowest energy con-
sumption – it is relatively dense and has a relatively T = f (wL,i ) (15b)
low heat capacity.
Finally, at high conversions the coil outlet tem- where F is the total vapour flowrate, wV,i is the
perature was the variable hitting the upper bound. vapour mass fraction of component i, wL,i the liq-
This can easily be explained because of the uid mass fraction of component i and M and T the
strong relation between temperature and conver- total mass and temperature inside the distilling, re-
sion. Since temperature is being constrained, the spectively. The volume percent recovered is cal-
only existing solution to meet the fixed conversions culated based on the volume difference relatively
is to increase residence time and the model ac- to the initial volume of the mixture in the distilling
complishes this by abruptly lowering diluent ratios. flask.
With decreasing diluent ratios, comes lower pres- The physical properties packages MultiflashTM
sure drop, lower selectivities and lower energy con- and gSAFT® were initially considered, having a
sumption. careful analysis proved that Multiflash’s Redlich-
Moreover, since COT hits its upper bound at Kwong-Soave Advanced (RKSA) thermodynamic
high conversions, heat capacity effect on energy model provided the most accurate results.
consumption will become predominant over den- Having the model been developed, it is now pos-
sity and this is the reason behind the helium be- sible to evaluate its performance using experimen-
coming the least energy demanding diluent at high tal data. An analytical report from a sweetened
conversions. naphtha sample [19] was obtained and deemed to
At last, because residence time has to increase be appropriate for this purpose. This data pos-
to meet the high conversions being specified, the sessed not only the commercial indices but also
higher the conversion, the less slack there will be the corresponding detailed hydrocarbon analysis,
for the diluent ratio to change between diluents. As thus all the information required to validate the de-
a matter of fact, at the limit, to meet maximum con- veloped model.
version, all the diluent ratios would have to be zero The validation of the feed model was performed
and this justifies why variables became coincident using the powerful gPROMS® ’ Parameter Estima-
towards very high conversion values. tion tool. This entity uses a set of measurements
The main conclusion one may draw from these (commercial indices) and estimates a defined set
results is that, at high conversions, if one is not of parameters (feed component mass fractions) so
willing to let COT increase above a certain value, that a maximum likelihood goal, which involves the
there may actually be no difference between dilu- minimisation of a dedicated objective function, is
ents. On the other hand, if COT is allowed to in- achieved. In addition to the commercial indices,
crease, helium seems the best alternative to steam Shannon’s entropy criterion has also been included
as it leads to significantly higher ethylene selectivi- in the Parameter Estimation entity.
ties and lower specific energy consumption. The parameter estimation results are sum-
marised in Figure 6 and Tables 5 and 6.
4. Feed characterisation
The implementation of kinetic schemes requires 130
Exp. PE results

the molecular composition of the feed. However,

liquid feedstocks such as naphtha, are usually
Temperature (°C)

characterised by easily-obtainable average prop- 90

erties of the mixture, the so-called commercial in- 70

dices. In this sense, a feed characterisation model 50

was developed.
The majority of the commercial indices are con- 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
volume percent recovered
70 80 90 100

siderably straightforward to obtain. The only ex-

ception are the ASTM D86 boiling points which re- Figure 6: Comparison between parameter estimation
quire the following equations 14, 15a and 15b to results and experimental data [19]: ASTM D86 boiling
model the distillation experiment: points.

The results show that the estimated composi-

dM wL,i tions are significantly off in comparison to the ex-
0 = F wV,i + (14) perimental ones, even though the agreement with

Table 5: Comparison between parameter estimation 5. Conclusions
results and experimental data: commercial indices.
In this work a mathematical model of a steam
cracking furnace was used and several literature
Commercial index Exp. [19] Result Dev. molecular and radical kinetics were implemented
and validated against plant data from industrial
Density at 15°C (kg/m ) 678.2 683.2 1% ethane, propane and naphtha cracking furnaces.
Molecular Weight (g/mol) 81 80.4 -1%
PONA (vol%) Relatively to ethane and propane it was con-
Paraffins 72.1 75.1 4% cluded that the implemented molecular kinetics
Olefins 0.1 0.0 - from Sundaram and Froment failed at predicting
Naphthenes 20.9 20.1 -4% the main product yields whilst the radical ones
Aromatics 6.9 5.0 -28% seemed to accurately predict industrial data, thus
AAD - 3.6% supporting the statement that radical schemes are
more predictive than molecular ones. In addition,
the results from the ethane cracking case showed
a better agreement with plant data relatively to the
Table 6: Comparison between parameter estimation propane cracking case.
results and experimental data: compositions Naphtha-wise, the radical kinetics from Towfighi
and Karimzadeh and Joo were implemented. How-
Compositions (wt%) Exp. [19] Result Dev. ever, the simulation results showed a quite pro-
found disagreement with industrial data. The con-
2,3-dimethylbutane 1.80 11.41 - clusion on the implemented kinetics for naphtha
2,3-dimethylpentane 0.76 0.35 -
cracking was that most probably these are confi-
2-methylbutane 11.04 10.28 7%
2-methylhexane 1.06 1.60 -
dential property, therefore not being of the authors’
2-methylpentane 11.56 16.40 42% interest to make all the information regarding these
3-methylhexane 1.20 0.71 - schemes publicly available or absolutely correct.
3-methylpentane 7.92 6.33 20% The ethane industrial case was used to study al-
benzene 5.12 5.40 6% ternative diluents which could replace steam in the
dimethylcyclopentane 2.58 0.96 - steam cracking process. Two effects were studied:
cyclohexane 5.04 1.33 74% molecular weight and heat capacity. It was con-
cyclopentane 2.63 6.10 - cluded that molecular weight plays the major role
methylcyclohexane 1.06 1.01 -
whilst heat capacity only has a significant impact
methylcyclopentane 9.33 12.82 37%
n-butane 1.13 5.54 -
in energy consumption. Another conclusion was
n-heptane 1.25 0.24 - that if one is not willing to further increase the coil
n-hexane 15.76 5.80 63% outlet temperature, there may actually be no dif-
n-octane 0.16 3.36 - ference between diluents. Helium, however, posed
n-pentane 19.73 9.32 53% the best alternative if no COT constraints exist.
toluene 0.63 1.02 - Finally, a feed characterisation model was de-
AAD - 38% veloped in order to conveniently obtain molecular
compositions for naphthas from easily-obtainable
commercial indices. A parameter estimation was
set in order to fit simulated commercial indices to
experimental ones by varying the composition of
experimental commercial indices is rather accept-
the naphtha feed.
The results showed that although the commer-
One can therefore conclude that the model, as it
cial indices were met, the estimated compositions
is, does not suffice in obtaining reasonable naph-
were quite unsatisfactory. It was concluded that the
tha compositions. As a matter of fact, there may
solution to obtain more accurate results would be
exist several compositions which may lead to the
the inclusion of a priori knowledge in the estimation
same commercial indices. To overcome such mul-
problem. This could, for instance, provide tighter
tiplicity of solutions the approach followed in this
bounds for the parameters to be estimated and fur-
work would probably have to be supplemented by
ther improvements may exist if historical data, if
a considerable amount of a priori knowledge, for in-
available, is used as input to the parameter esti-
stance, typical naphtha compositions which would
provide tighter bounds on the estimated parame-
ters. In addition, the estimation could be tailored
to a given refinery if historical analytical data from
produced naphthas exist.

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