Mariusz Kondak & Michael Jagielka - Defensa Individual

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Individual Defending

Mariusz Kondak
Michal Jagielka

Published by

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First published March, 2014 by

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All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise,
without prior written permission of the publisher.

Edited by Tom Mura

Authors: Mariusz Kondak and Michal Jagielka
Cover Art: Barrie Bee

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1. Foreword to series Page 4

2. Introduction Page 5

3. Drill 1 Page 6

4. Drill 2 Page 11

5. Drill 3 Page 16

6. Drill 4 Page 21

7. Drill 5 Page 26

8. About the authors Page 31

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The series on individual training will show how we can improve our players’ skills during
additional work outside from the team’s training sessions. During such sessions, we can
separate technical and tactical elements and therefore work better on those. Over long period
that will allow us to work more closely and plan better the education of the player. By watching
this series, a coach can get to understand better the possibilities of improving individual skills in
In development years, especially for young players, it is crucial to help those most talented. If it
is impossible to fit that during team trainings, coach can organize specific sessions that would
suit individual players. All drills and games which we will present in those series should be
treated as recommendations and inspirations to use them as they are or to create own versions.
What is important in every drill we wanted to create possibly similar environment to the one
present in the match, with elements of decision-making and perception of the situation around.
Those elements are not easy to recreate and will never be just like in-game situations, because
of the presence of just one player. However, recreating it even in a slightest mode, would bear
fruits in the match.
During such training, we have just usual equipment and the figure of a coach or coaches.
Because of that we must be creative with how using cones and other elements we can create
specific environment. If you are interested in how to develop soccer skills and how to create
individual drills those series are for you.

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The defensive actions in soccer are all about stopping rivals from scoring goals and to achieve
that, the team out of possession needs good organization, but also successful individual
performance. Just as offensive players can make the difference due to their technical skills,
defenders can increase team’s chances of success by dominating in challenges against their
opponents. That includes technical abilities of winning clear 1v1 duels and the game intelligence
to intercept passes and control positioning of the rivals.
That second part will be the topic of this series as we will focus on how we can improve the
understanding of the game when it comes to stopping the rivals. Players need to know the
elements they should focus on and we will show few movements that significantly increase the
ability of the defensive player to make the impact during the game.
To play well in defense, the team needs coherent performance from all players, with the
responsibilities shared by all the team members. Still, individual skills of the player can also
make the difference and while we still focus mainly of soccer superstars who can score the
decisive goals, the result of their play often depends on the players they face. Smart defenders
can mark their opponents out of the game and impact the results the same way as brilliant
performance from the goalkeeper.
To be successful in defensive tasks, the player does not only need good heading abilities, well-
timed tackling or good play in defensive 1v1 challenges. The element that is a good benchmark
of the defensive player abilities is the number of interceptions, as that is a direct result of him
reading the game well. When player is observing the run of play and can predict opponents next
moves, he can prevent them and recover the ball even without making tackles or challenging for
it. We can often hear of commentators praising “elegant play” of the top defenders, as they
often can be seen by recovering the balls without much fight, but surely resulting from their
game intelligence and good positioning.
When we talk of game intelligence, we have to start with the ability of perception on the
football field, as to make good decisions, player needs key information. Without the element of
conscious observations and then makings decisions based on that knowledge, even though it
happens in split-seconds on the football pitch, we would be talking just about luck.
In this series, we focus on working on habit of constantly looking for information and fighting
the temptation to observe just ball. As this is series about individual training, we have 3 main
reference points for the defender, that is the ball, the opponent and the goal. It is also very
important to act in regard to the teammates, especial when in comes to the positioning in
defensive line, but that would be the topic for another discussion. It’s still important to work the
elements we focus on, even when working with older players, as the closer we get to our goal,
the more important it is for the player, to be responsible with his individual defensive task. The
material we’re presenting here, will surely help to develop that side of the game for our players.

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3. DRILL 1

We will start with a drill, where the player learns his reference points and reacting to the
situation on the field, but where those elements will be limited. Therefore, that is a good
introductory exercise.
The player learns to block a passing line to a static point. Although, his actions should be
performed in accordance to an element behind him, that element is static, therefore it will be
simpler for him. We have to highlight the importance of controlling what’s behind him,
therefore we should remind him of turning his head around, to check whether his position is

We see coaches with the ball in the end-zone, a line of 3 mannequins and another one deeper.
The player operates between the triangle of mannequins. While coaches exchange passes and
change their positions, the player moves as to block a passing line towards the deepest
mannequin. Such situation can resemble the action of defensive midfielder, who operates
below strikers and midfielders, while blocking the possible pass towards the rival’s offensive

What is important, such organization of the drill allow to learn basics reference points for
individual player in defensive phase. That is a perfect starting point to work on player’s tactical
awareness in defending. It is a basic situation, as he doesn’t have to cooperate with other
players and has limited number of changing factors, that he has to observe and react to. To
show the concept and to check if the positioning of the player is correct, the coaches would try
to play a pass towards the mannequin. If the player is positioned correctly, he would receive the

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ball. At first, the coaches would wait for the player and play a delicate pass, just for the player to
understand the point of the drill. Then, when it all become clearer, coaches should look to play a
successful pass as that would increase the difficulty and force the player to be always in right

We should start with such tasks, to explain the basic reference points to our player. That is a
starting point to learn zonal marking. As much as individual marking is simple, it is very
important element and it can be seen also in zonal organization. In modern soccer, the zonal
organization is omnipresent however and therefore, we should learn it step by step. To do that,
we have to explain concepts of zonal defence and to do it with systematic approach.

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In the first image we see how the defender positions himself. His reference point is the
mannequin behind him, the ball and the opponents and he moves accordingly to the ball

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position to protect the possible passing line to mannequin. Therefore, we can create an
imaginary triangle and that’s where he should be positioned.

Now, we can see how does blocking the passing line works. We can see “the shadow” that the
defender is creating and if the mannequin or opponents is in this shadow, the pass is very

Every now and then, we can stop the drill, correct the players positioning and give some
additional information. Also, to make it more clear for the player, the coach can try to make a
pass to the mannequin, so the defender can see himself is he is positioned correctly.

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When the player already understand the rules of the drill and the basics of defensive
positioning, we should start requiring form him execution of technical elements that will help
him, especially in more difficult situations. One of such basic elements is controlling the
positioning of the opponent, by scanning the field behind him.

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4. DRILL 2.

To progress from the previous drill, we will add another task for our player. So apart from
blocking the passing line, we will add for him to run forward to one of the cones, depending on
the colour named by the coach. That can resemble the situation, where defensive midfielder
steps up, to cover for the colleague, however in this example, we just want to increase the
number of stimuli.

In front of three mannequins, we place 3 cones od different colours. We will ask the player to
control the position of mannequins and the ball and to move to block the passing line and then,
at some point, the coach would name one of the cones and the player would have to react as
quickly as possible and run forward to touch the right cone. To increase the difficulty of the task,
we can use different methods to name the cone. The coach can shout the colour, the number of
the cone or can wave with accordingly colored cone in his hand.

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As we can see, the organization of the drill is very similar. We just add cones of different
colours. They are put in front of those three mannequins and in front of the coaches.

Now, the number of elements that player has to control is increased, so it will be more difficult
for him. That’s why, by now, he should already understand the importance of regular scanning
of the field.

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The player has to change his focus from the area behind him and in front of him. To make it
even more difficult, coaches can pass the ball and exchange their positions, so the drill will
become more dynamic.

When the coach stops the ball near one of the cones, the player has to react, by sprinting
towards the corresponding mannequin. As we can see in the picture, the positioning of the
cones is not symmetrical. The far-left one forces the player to run to the central mannequin.

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To make the drill more realistic and resembling of the match situation, the player should not
just sprint to his cone, but he should take up defensive position, as to block pass to that
mannequin. By that, he makes movement as a defender intercepting a pass to the opponent.

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5. DRILL 3.

The player observes the opponent in the box and another one behind his back. Therefore, he
not only already learns about the elements he should observe, but that will also naturally force
him to scan the field around him. Both in front and behind. That is a very important element
and one that makes a good defender as well.

We can start slowly, with the intensity of the drill set up by the movement of coaches in the end
zones and amount and type of passes played. At the beginning coaches can move more slowly
and giving the player time to react to it. Afterwards, the tempo may be increased, so that player
has to observe and react quickly.

In this drill the player has just to block passing line to the player behind him. All forwards and
midfielders often find themselves in such situation, where their position should be taken up in
accordance with the rivals behind them. More importantly though, such exercise significantly
increase the level of tactical awareness of the players, therefore it would be useful for all
players at all age groups.

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We can see two end zones, marked in red, and the player positioned in between of those zone.
The coaches activity will be limited to those red areas.

The player has to block the passing line to a moving opponent. Therefore, that is a significant
progression from previous drills. Now, to be effective, he has to scan the position of the coach
behind him. He has coordinate his movements and gathering the information.

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If he is positioned correctly, casting a shadow on the coach, the player forces the coach, to
change his movement and then the player has to update his information again.

If coaches are able to make the pass, played it down the ground, the player has to turn around
and block the pass to the other side. That will force him to constantly change his orientation.

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Again, player has to control the movement of the coach in front of him and the positioning of
one behind his back. Player can come closer to the ball or work deeper, just in front of the other
coach. In this drill, we do not play higher pass, to limit the player’s work to blocking the passing

Here we can see, how that casting the shadow works from different perspective. The coach
without the ball has limited view of the situation, but most importantly, any attempt of a direct
pass to him, would be intercepted by the player.

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6. DRILL 4.

The progression of the previous drill would be adding another possible match situation. During
the game, apart from protecting the area and blocking passing line, player should be ready to
react to the actions of the player with the ball, like trying to recover the ball or covering the
colleague being beaten. In this situation, we will add the possibility of the coach attacking the
space with the ball. The organization of the drill would be the same as before, but the coach
with the ball can at some point make a run with the ball, trying to dribble the ball himself
towards the end-zone. In such situation, the player should react and attack him, making a move
towards him, but with right body position and from the right angle. The player should try to
block the shortest, straight route towards the endline and trying to push the coach towards the
sideline, what would limit his options. However, we should remember about the main coaching
point of the drill, that is blocking the passing line.

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Having the same set-up as in the previous drill, now the work will be taking place also in the
middle zone, marked in white here.

The first phase of the drill works just like earlier. The player controls the position of the coach
behind him, constantly trying to block a possible pass to him.

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If the pass is successful, he has to turn around and change his positioning to block the pass in
other direction.

Player tries to block the coach behind him, forcing coaches to change their positions. Coaches
can sometimes try to play a pass, even though the player is blocking the line, to show him, what
effect his actions have. So that he stops the possible pass.

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Now, we move to the second phase of the drill. As in the game, player does not only tries to
block passes, but has to react to runs of the opponent with the ball. At some moment, the coach
enter the middle zone and tries to dribble the ball to the other side. The player reacts by closing
the coach down.

The player blocks the path to the endline and forces the coach to go the sideline, where he has
limited options.

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7. DRILL 5.

Now, we will be teaching the player the positioning in regard to his reference points, controlling
the situation on the field and then reacting to actions of the rival. Now, the right positioning of
the player will be just the start of main action. The player would have to take part in direct
challenge with the rival. As there are multiple factors involved, it is already an advanced drill.
That’s why we should start slowly, focusing on all important aspects and coaching points and
only then try to maintain normal pace.
The player learns his reference points, although they are made easier to understand. That is
why it is a perfect drill for younger players, as it puts some higher requirements, but is also a
stripped-down match situation, therefore a stepping stone for a footballer to develop his skills.
Here, he will have to focus on blocking the passing line, shifting according to the ball and then
reacting to the opponent initiating the individual run.

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In the last drill, we will also have 2 phases. The first one, where the player blocks the passing
line is shown here as the red triangle. In the second phase, we will have a direct challenge in
either of yellow-stripped grids.

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Coaches are exchanging passes and their positions, while the player moves around, trying to
block the pass to the mannequin. We can see here, how he is casting the shadow on the

Again, the player is positioned correctly here. Coaches can stop the play from time to time to
correct the positioning of the player and comment on his actions.

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At one point, either of the coaches decides to dribble the ball forward. He will try to transport
the ball higher and shot into the small goal. That movement starts the second phase, where we
will have a 1v1 challenge.

The player close down the coach, blocks the path to the goal, forces the coach outside and tries
to recover the ball. We don’t want longer actions here, so the coach does not turn around and
tries to block the ball, but undertakes the direct challenge.

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Mariusz Kondak – Tactical Analyst at Wisła Kraków. Former analyst at Chojniczanka (Polish 1st
Division) or Sandecja Nowy Sącz. UEFA B license holder, InStatFootball scout and the founder of
CzytamGre Soccer Services..

Michał Jagiełka – Former Assistant Coach at Chojniczanka (Polish 1st Division) or analyst at
Okocimski Brzesko. UEFA B license holder, InStatFootball scout and tactical analyst. Blogging
about tactical analysis. Internship at FC Barcelona.

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