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Annotated Bibliography for the Research Methodology course


Darian R Laitphlang

PRN: Div:c Batch:2018-21

Topic:Corporate Social Responsibility and Vocational Training

Lechner, M. (2000). An Evaluation of Public-Sector-Sponsored Continuous Vocational
Training Programs in East Germany. The Journal of Human Resources, 35(2), 347-375.

The above mentioned research paper analyzes the influence of Vocational Training Schemes for
former German Democratic Republican Citizens in response to the labour market imbalances
created by the imposition of West German Capitalism on the former Socialist State. The papers
findings suggest that there is no significant empirical evidence to indicate that the large sums of
public expenditure spent on the restructuring of the East German Labour markets after
unification with West Germany was in any way justified given the one disproportionate benefits
induced to cost incurred during the entire project from July 1990 to April 1993. Furthermore
according to the author the entire exercise had some counter productive element in it as it
facilitated a lack in the urgency for job browsing during the years in which the unemployed
individual was undergoing training. However given the absence of experimental data the validity
of the entire study hinges on the practicality and cogency of the axioms used and drawing on the
contrivertable nature of the various assumptions made throughout the history of economic
thought it is safe to conclude that we should take such conclusions with a grain of salt which is
the most appropriate thing to do in every field of human behavioural inquiry.

Malamud, O., & Pop-Eleches, C. (2010). GENERAL EDUCATION VERSUS

Review of Economics and Statistics, 92(1), 43-60. Retrieved January 26, 2020, from

The following paper discusses about the role and benefits of Vocational or European style
Education (i.e apprenticeships) versus the American form of higher education. The author in the
paper first made a distinction between these two schools of educational philosophies, the
European style represented the historical tradition of imapating and honing knowledge and skills
with the help of a mentor in a particular specialized occupation like a plumber or smith whereas
the American version of Education involved a more broad and expansive approach whereby
students are molded to face the dynamic nature of a modern job economy characterized by its
rapid changes. Given the transition of the Romanian Economy into a fully fledged market based
economy the versatility of the American form of education made it compatible to handle
industry requirements in contrast to the Apprenticeship model being more applicable in a static
environment.This appraisal is supported by observational data like the likelihood of general
education graduates being more probable of being employed in the service sector and less likely
to end up in agriculture or unemployed. This could also account for the rationale behind
supplementing two additional years of general education without extending the entire time span
of a child’s education during the 1973 educational reforms. The apparent attractiveness of
general education was even more conspicuous with the decline in the number of enrollments in
vocational training between 1973-1976 complimented with a fall in the number of teachers in
vocational fields.

Agrawal, R., & Indrakumar. (2014). Role of Vocational Education in Shaping Socio-
Economic Landscape in India. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 49(3), 483-498.
Retrieved January 27, 2020, from

The research paper talks about the potential role formal vocational education has in contributing
to the economic growth and development of the country by imbibing skills and training which
would necessarily result in higher per capita productivity in the indian workforce which was in
fact the entire aim of the NSDP(National Skill Development Program).Desite the tremendous
government effort in realizing this goal , the results were far from satisfactory owing to two main
repellents which are impeding its success i.e,1)The Socio-Economic climate in the nation
whereby Vocational education is frowned upon by a majority of the populus as a route destined
for students with a lower aptitude for learning and succeeding in fields deemed more
economically alluring 2)The poor synchronization between institution which provide vocational
training and the market demand makes it all the more obvious why students are weary to enroll
in such schools which are by no means free and fraught with risk.

Gordon, H., & Weldon, B. (2003). The Impact of Career and Technical Education
Programs on Adult Offenders: Learning Behind Bars. Journal of Correctional Education,
54(4), 200-209. Retrieved January 27, 2020, from,
H., & Weldon, B. (2003). The Impact of Career and Technical Education Programs on
Adult Offenders: Learning Behind Bars. Journal of Correctional Education, 54(4), 200-
209. Retrieved January 27, 2020, from

The paper talks about the benefits induced from vocational training , career and technical
education for inmates thereby making a positive case for rehabilitation or correctional prison
systems because of lower recidivism i.e rate at which previous imprisoned convicts re-enter the
criminal justice system after their release from their internment . The rationale behind this
conclusion stems from the fact that by equipping the inmates with the required expertise to
secure them a job in order to sustain themselves it would be less probable that there would be
any difficulty when they transition back into mainstream society. A corollary of such schemes
would be the added perks of financial pressure being lifted off the federal government's budget
attributed to the decline in funding funneled for the proper functioning of the american prison
system supplemented with the added baggage of incarceration of previous convicts being
curtailed with the aid of an effective prison correctional facility.

After surveying four research papers on Vocational Training initiatives , it is incontrovertible
that the structure and the mechanism by which vocational training has been disseminated in our
society has left much to be desired. The mere fact of the demand-supply mismatch which plague
most of these noble endeavours implies how detach these programs really are from the reality of
our modern economy. Without addressing some of these critical issues it would seem highly
unlikely that any participant would benefit from it however credit must be given when due.Their
ability to facilitate as an instrumental cause in the reintegration efforts of the state for prison
conflict shows us a glimpse of its power which when properly harnessed produces marvelous

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