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mine the optimum system size.

In the of the complete theoretical determination of increased to decrease their d-c short-circuit
case of old d-c systems it will enable us the rise of current to its maximum, and its current while d-c voltage regulators are in
to study them from the viewpoint of subsequent decay. operation to maintain voltage for normal
modernization of protective devices and to The responsibility for recommending a loads and overloads?
correct the weak spots as they are dis- short-circuit calculating procedure and an 5. Can industry establish for itself the
covered. application guide for interrupting devices design characteristics of small and large rec-
We extend to the authors our congratu- on d-c systems has been placed on a sub- tifiers so that the most economical combi-
lations on their excellent and practical committee of the Low Voltage Air Breaker nation of d-c circuit breakers and trans-
paper. Committee of the AIEE Committee on former reactance are selected and still satisfy
Switchgear. normal load characteristics?
There is still much to be learned about the 6. What are the short-circuit capabilities
W. R. Crites and A. G. Darling: Mr. actions of machines and other sources of and characteristics of metallic rectifiers? of
Eichenberg's comment concerning the short-circuit current. Among the more im- storage batteries? What are the outputs of
growth of d-c systems is very important. portant avenues of inv-2stigation which electrolytic cells when a fault occurs into
The increase in the use of d-c systems means could yield beneficial results, these are which they can feed?
that there is an increasing need for a stand- suggested: 7. In what terms can d-c interrupting
ardized method of calculating fault currents devices such as breakers, contactors and
in these systems. 1. A better understanding of d-c short- fuses be rated so that the application engi-
This paper is but one of several steps circuit currents from rectifiers feeding into neer will know the time that elapses before
toward an accepted practice for calculating external elements of resistance and induct- enough resistance is introduced into the cir-
fault currents in d-c systems. It could not ance. cuit to prevent the current from going to
have been written without the fundamental 2. When two or more sources of current higher values, and will also know the maxi-
theory given in the Linville paper and the feed into a common circuit, we need to mum current to which the breaker or con-
Linville and Ward papers. (See references know what relationship those currents take tactor or fuse may be subjected without re-
1 and 2 of the paper.) McClinton, Bran- with respect to each other as each tries to spect to the rate at which the current will
cato and Panoff checked the theory by test rise to its ultimate value. Does the pre- rise through the device?
and agreed, with some modification to the dominant current stay as predominant or
saturation factor, that the theory could become more so? These are some of the things that need to
represent actual conditions. (See reference 3. What happens to the rate of rise of be solved to design d-c systems intelligently
3.) current as the point of fault is moved in and economically.
The next step consisted in calculation of steps of increasing amounts of resistance or If the answers to these and similar ques-
machine characteristics, tabulating and inductance, or both, away from the termi- tions were known, a long step would have
plotting them as given in two reports to the nals of the source? This needs to be an- been taken toward the simplification of d-c
D-C Machinery Subcommittee.4,6 Snively swered for rectifiers as well as machines and fault calculation.
and Robinson showed how machine induct- in the case of rectifiers, the effect of chang- Besides the intent of the authors to indi-
ance could be obtained by calculation and ing the amounts and proportions of primary cate a simplified approach to obtaining the
by test. (See reference 5.) The character- and secondary resistance and inductance critical values of short-circuit current from
istics of some of the components of the ex- needs to be clarified. d-c motors and generators, it is their hope
ternal circuit are given in other works listed 4. Can adequate operating character- that, by so doing, broader and more inten-
in the references. The contribution which istics be obtained from rectifiers in their sive interest in the fault characteristics of
this paper makes is that of a simplification transformer or primary supply reactance is all d-c sources and circuits will be aroused.

Digital Load Flow Studies reference voltage in appropriate cards

from the master deck. The system en-
gineer would furnish these data to the
machine operator. The operator could
L. A. DUNSTAN then follow a schedule of machine opera-
MEMBER AIEE tions and without help from an engineer
could work and check all computations
THIS PAPER describes a network was done in a "master deck" which con- and print out the results on a circuit
analysis performed digitally using sisted of a set of cards for each step in the diagram.
International Business Machines equip- problem. Each card in the master deck The calculations required about 4
ment of the California Oregon Power had coding prepunched in it to control the hours with the use of a relatively slow-
Company at Medford, Oreg., to perform calculator used (602A) and to enable the speed mechanical multiplier (602A) to
the calculations and to print out the re- cards to be sorted into the proper se- run from a schedule of loads, generation,
sults on a specially prepared circuit dia- quence for computing or for printing out and transformer taps to a printed-out
gram. Fundamentally this is a discus- on a circuit diagram. Most of the cards circuit diagram. Some gain in computing
sion of improvements in the digital soltu- in the master deck were blank in the time was experienced by running two
tion of power networks described.' The computing space at the beginning of a cases simultaneouslv, and possibly three
basic method of coding the network by problem and were punched during the
loops and a track has been continued and computation, although a few sets such as Paper 54-143, recommended by the AIEE Trans-
mission and Distribution Committee and approved
is used for the example described herein. the impedance deck, inverted matrix by the AIEE Committee on Technical Operations
A fundamental difference from the pre- deck, and load deck had data prepunched for presentation at the AIEE Winter General
Meeting, New York, N. Y., January 18-22, 1954.
viously described method is that the in them. Manuscript submitted October 19, 1953; made
problem is worked in terms of currents To work a load flow problem a ma- available for printing December 7, 1953.
chine operator would reproduce a master L. A. DUNSTAN is with the Bonneville Power Ad-
so that the solution is exact although it ministration, Portland, Oreg.
may not fit the desired loading or trans- deck, so as to preserve the original for The author is indebted to the California Oregon
former taps. future use, and would punch the loads Power Company for furnishing equipment. and man-
expressed as currents, the transformer power to perform the study. Special appreciation
Several improvements in technique is expressed to Ralph Faber and Richard Issac of
were devised and used. All computing taps expressed as series voltages, and the that company.

AUGUST 1954 Dunstan-Digital Load Flow Studies 825

2800KW 5000KYAR Table 1. Master Deck for the California
DAY'Sp ~~~~~~KW KVAR 2300KW 8300KVAR Oregon Power Company Network Load Study
Is 7
12 KW KVAR K Numbers Titles

00 ........... Impedance in track

GRANT". 123 KVAAR2000KW 2700K5 W 0 01 . Impedance not in track
02 . Impedance matrix A
6KW 65002KVAR OK 03 . Unit matrix B
00KW 76500KVAR r W K 7 KW KVAR 04 . First reduction C
0 . Second reduction D
6000KW 20000KVAR 13 7KW KVAR 5600KW 18400KVAR 06 . Negative reciprocals E
07 . Inverted matrix F
99 . Matrix inversion special
08 . Load currents
GRANTS 8O250KW 41000KVAR KW KVAR KW 26000KVAR 09 . Special impedance set
PASS 66 10 . Sum of load current
11 . Special load sums
i T 234
KW KKVVARg KVAR 12 . Sum of load times impedance
2345KW KVAR 61000W~ IIBOOOKVAR 13 .
14 .
Transformer ratio
Sum of sets 12 and 13 by loops
iV, 2 KW KVAR/ 1 . Inverted matrix multiplier
I ~~KW 8 300 KVAR 16 . Loop flows
6000KW SOOOKVAR/ 4 KW KA QK V 17 . Sending line currents
PARK SI r- 2
13 30 McCLOUD
18 .
19 .
Receiving line currents
Voltage track currents
234KW KVAR/ 6000KW 18700KVAR 20 . Transformer currents
21 . Unit multipliers for transformers
22 Print voltage
23 . Load voltage
flr2345KW KVAR 6000KW 19800KVARKW VA 24 . Sending voltage
2 . Receiving voltage
26 . Load power
MEDFORD 27 . Load power correction
28 . Corrected load power
8 2500KW 70200KVAR KW1700330007KW KVAR 29 . Sending power
30 . Receiving power
31 . Bus check
5KW KVA 32 . Voltage check
KW I8000KVAR KW KVAR 30 . Spacing deck
16 27
COPCO 2 66
67 KW9 WE ED 66 '_;2 2 2 4
67 KW KVAR 2100OOKW 32300KVAR? KW KVAR invert, and it is estimated that a 12-loop
matrix in complex numbers -would re-
6 KW
1650OOKW 2 60OOKVA R
KVAR quire about 10 hours to invert and check
YREKA- 26 LITTLE SHASTA 25 CSEL 26200KW 41 500KVAR using the 602A. The coding for matrix
KW KVAR KW KVA R inversion used would become more com-
plex for more than 12 loops because of
only 12 punch positions in a card. The
Fig. 1. Coding and impedance diagram bulk of the time required to set up the
master deck was not devoted to matrix
inversion, but rather to the design and
cases could have been run simultaneously but the printed diagrams were redrafted drafting of the printout diagram and the
in 8 hours. The results have an accuracy to make better originals for reproduction punching and testing of control coding in
much better than that obtainable with a for this paper. the various sets of cards.
network analyzer, an important factor
when losses of power and reactive power Master Deck Network Coding
are studied or compared.
Table I shows the numbering and titles Fig. 1 is an impedance diagram and
Printout Diagram assigned to the 35 sets of cards comprising also shows how the network is coded by
the master deck. The first nine sets of loops and a "track." The track is a
A circuit diagram was prepared for a cards, sets 00 through set 99, were used closed path through all busses in the net-
proposed circuit under study with the to compute the inverted matrix which is work and could have been one of the
busses arranged in three columns and done only once for any number of studies loops if desired. The sending end quan-
spaced so that standard tabulating equip- of the same network. Only the imped- tities in Fig. 1 represent line impedances,
ment would print three columns of com- ance set and the sets beginning with 08 the sending kilowatts represent resistance,
plex numbers opposite the busses or direc- are used in working a specific load study, and the sending kilovars represent react-
tional arrows. Then ozalid prints of the and it is this phase of the work which ance. These quantities are in the per-
circuit diagram could be run through the may be performed by machine operators unit sv-stem at 100,000 kva base and are
tabulator along with the computing in about 4 hours without help from an given to 5 decimals. For example, the
cards and the numbers representing power engineer, line from Toketee at Dixonville (upper
flows and bus voltages could be printed Setting up the master deck for this right of diagram) is listed as 2,300 kw
on the diagram. All computing cards in problem required about a week's time and 8,300 kilovars to the sending end,
the master deck had printout coding, an working only evenings on the project. which means that the resistance of this
important aid in detecting sources of Inverting the 7-loop matrix in complex line is 0.023 per-unit ohm and the react-
errors. Figs. 1, 2, 3, and 4 were originally numbers took one evening. A larger ance is 0.083 per-unit ohm. The receiving
printed on circuit diagrams from cards, matrix would of course take longer to kilowatts in Fig. 1 represent the loop
826 Dunstan Digital Load Flow Studies AUGUST 1 954
numbers for each line. For example, the I5122000KW 5 00KVAR
receiving end of the line from Days KW KVAR + ~~KW KVAR 5 150OW 5 IOOOKVAR
Creek to Grants Pass 125 is marked 12 DAYS
00KW 9 3300KVAR 51K OtA
kw which means that this line is in loops __5 72050KW 4700KVAR S 28000KW 9 2000KVAR
1 and 2. _ KW KVARK
The numbers printed opposite the
busses in Fig. 1 are track sequence num-
bers and the track may be traced from GRANTS
~~~~~ - 820AR 9 OOVA- 9 2945OKW 9 1600KVAR

these numbers. Medford, the third bus PASS 125 KW KVA6LDRA PROSPECT 125-_
OO5230KW 9 5700KVAR |_ KW KVAR KW 'YA
from the bottom in the left column, is the s 4850KW 5 10400KVAR 9- 4
starting end of the track as shown by its KW K NE 00W
numbers 1, 15, and 32. For convenience ~~~iN'KW KVAF/
in tracing the track the first few busses are O
60KW 5 71 0KAR 664 5 27001KW 9 IOOOKVAR 9 29450KW 9 1600KVAR
Medford, Park Street, Grants Pass 66, PASS66 -;5~
~~~~~~~~K KVAWR260YR
_POPCT6 5 4750KW 9 11500KVAR
Gold Ray, Prospect 66, Prospect 125, KW KVA ,' 5 92450KW 9 6800KVAR ',
Days Creek, Dixonville, Toketee, Dixon-
ville, Days Creek, etc. KW KVAR
5 95150KW 9 7800KVAR
9 17500KW S 4500 KVAR
KW KVAR 5 17950KW 9 195001VAR
ST.-' '75_ 17500KW 9 4500K!V,
Current Flows PARK McCLOUD
KW KVAR 5 17950KW 9 19600KVAR
Fig. 2 shows the loads and generations KW KVAR|
expressed as currents, and the summation
of these currents flowing down the track. KVAR
5 46400KW 9 18200KVAR KW K(VA R
_ KW
|5 400KW 9 O1400KVAR KW KVAR
The line currents shown in Fig. 2 are MEDFORD COPC02 125- WEED 1255 '0
5 43700KW 9 17200KVAR
progressive totals of the load and gen- .5 48751)KW 5 10400KVAR
KW KYAR t 5 66700KW 9 9100KYAR
eration currents and are easily formed by
an addition run with load cards and line
cards properly interspersed. KW KVAR 595150KW 9 7800KVAR 5 920t)KW 9 3900KVAR
5 42650KW 5 26200KVAR
The currents in Figs. 2 and 3 are given FALL 'COPCO 2 66
-- ~~WUE
D666 - KW KVA R
to -a decimals in the per-unit system. CREEK '5 50000K<W 9 IOOOOKVAR
F 5 52500KW9 34000KVAR 5 5 800XKW 9 1200YAR
The 5's and 9's preceding the in-phase KW KVAR t KW KVAy I
and quadrature components of current
indicate signs, a 5 indicating a plus quan- 5 43900KW 5 58 00KVA R KW KVAR |
tity and a 9 indicating a negative quan- KW KVA R i5 56900KW 9 200KVAR I
tity or a current flowing opposite the YREKA _-
5 1300 KW 9 6000KVAR 5 IOOKW 9 IOOOKVAR
arrow. Generally the quadrature com- X5 5001KW 5 4000KVAR
ponent of current flows in the opposite
direction from reactive power which is Fig. 2. Summation load currents
the reason for the numerous instances of
the components of current flowing in op-
posite directions. and the series voltages inserted to repre- reactive power. Reactive power flows
A voltage in each of the seven loops sent off-nominal transformer taps. and reactive loads should be corrected for
resulting from the current flows in Fig. 2 line charging, -but this step was omitted
is obtained by multiplying these current Voltage Calculation because the small charging current for
flows by the line impedances and sum- this particular network did not warrant
ming the products by loops. Off-nominal Voltages in the network are computed the extra half-hour of computing involved.
transformer ratios are represented by a serially starting with an assumed voltage The transformer off-nominal voltage
series voltage inserted at the trans- at some reference bus and following the ratio was taken care of by a series volt-
former, and these series voltages must also track summiing the impedance drops and age, and the current ratio is accounted for
be summed by loops. The loop voltages series voltages for transformer taps by correcting the load at the transformer
from the currents in Fig. 2 and from the throughout the network. This computa- low-voltage bus.
transformer ratios are multiplied by the tion is discussed subsequently as an illus- The generation, load and loss listed at
inverse of the impedance matrix resulting tration of card handling. the top of Fig. 4 was formed by addition
in a set of loop currents which will pro- runs of the load cards. Generation was
duce compensating voltages in each loop Completed Study plus load and load was minus load so that
to satisfy Kirchhoff's law that the sum- the total of all load cards was the loss,
mation of voltage about each loop must Fig. 4 shows the completed study in- the total of the plus load cards was the
equal zero. cluding check quantities. Voltages were generation, and the total of the minus
Fig. 3 shows the line currents resulting determined as discussed and are printed load cards was the load.
from combining the loop flows which are out in rectangular co-ordinates. The
listed at the bottom of Fig. 3 with the voltage printed opposite each transformer Checks
line currents in Fig. 2. Fig. 3 is a cur- is the series voltage inserted to represent
rent diagram showing the actual currents the off-nominal ratio. The bus voltages In running a network study it is im-
which would flow under the assumed were multiplied by the conjugates of the portant to have a way of checking that
schedule of load and generation currents, currents in Fig. 3 to form the power and the series of calculations have been cor-

AUGUST 1954 Dunstan-Digital Load Flow Studies 827

t-0 CASE No. 2
LONE PINE 118750 7 1000 GENERATION 229254 125181
GR PASS 115000 7 1000 LOAD 210492 68678
PROSPECT 132000 7 1200 LOSSES 18762 56483
COPCO2 125000 71200
WEED 127500 71000

18474 W 5

59619 5 ON72KV 150089KW 5 38241KVAR 5 5 56916KVAR

CREEK 1976UILEN 59885 5 26160 ,5 103252 5 38633
5 917K:W572KV TOKETEE 5 155264KW 5 56916KVAR

GRNT 56190KW 519GOLDA 5 21744KW 529732KVAR 9354W58IKA

937424KW 54312K 5 664KV919KW AR46VA

GRANTSI 9F 956583KW 9 10032KVAR 5473W5I5KA

9 19335KW GOLD9 W43O2K3KVA

;;t PASS 66 175 27653KW 5 48483KVAR ~E 9
937W525KA 7532KW 5 28025KVAR
9 20743KW 5 6695KVA PN
;;t 5 3407KW 5
54427KW 5 2IOKA 24362KVAR 5
357026KW 5 91274KVAR
5 S6SKVAR 9 3565KW 9 7247KVAR 5680KW 9 330KVA 9
t'i .
5100000 5 OC2 5992 598WE055852 525
t4 . 5 437003KW 5 I700VA2 9 6370KW5 5
704KA 39836KW 5 68336KVAR
1-- 526KW 5 925K 04VR
2539KVAR 9K 85KA
t--, 5 102465 5 2426~~9660 585
(Z) 5 2120KW
5 332OKVAR 94670K 5 771PROKPAR5 8937KW 5 1049K6A
k 9 45963KW 1371KVAR 9~496KW9625VR5!13KW575KT
I.lj 47734KW
5 I0I96KVAR 5 43964KW 5 2S664KVAR 5 12146KVAR
I 9 41756KW 9 4967KVA
(Z) 5 62475KW 9 21785KVAR 549W93TKA
5 9IO00OVAR 9 52500KW 9 30780KVAR 5 34248KW 9 I3900KVAR _______________032 KW__71 4KV R
C-,) 5 910611 9 270562 939 9
12KW 5 49KVARr 5 Al 5 17618KW 484
R ~\_f5976264 9 649
86KW 9O5KVAR p

LITL SHASARCASTELLA656500KW52400KKAR FALL 5 412072KW 5 S2120KVAR 5 7118KW 5 31943KVA R 5 47162KW 9 19749KVAR

9 41830KW 9 1650KVAR 5F N10W 9OOKVAR

5 500KW 5 4000KVAR
LOOF P 5 3 1157 8 I8926
LOOF P2 9 37830 9220107 YREKA
LGOOF P3 9 1430 5 7746
LOOF P4 5 37573 9 e5204
LOOP P5 0 46459 9 1639
LOOP PI6 5 6467 5 21275
LOOF P 7 9 54551 9 91140

0 66 5 99193 9 1905
Fig. 3 (above). 9 WEED 125 5 5 2953
Current diagram GR PASS 66 5 5 COPCO66 2 96562
5 COPCO 125 5 97979 5 1944
COPCO 66 5 960 19 5 1634
?-3 PROSP 66 5
9 WEED 125 1
2 FALL CREEK 5 957 15 5 1246
PROSP 125 5 MC CLOUD MEDFORD 5 99994 9 4
DAYS CREEK 5 2 5 WEED 66 1 LONE P 66 5 10 1452 5 767
9 3884
Fig. 4 (right). Load flow LIT SHASTA 2 DIXONVILLE 5 5
diagram PAS 125 5 2 5 YREKA I 99865 26160
OR CREEK 5 96619 5 19976
LONE P 125 9 15 2
MEDFORD 5 99999 9 4
rent deck 19 and the voltages representing
transformer ratios 13. The answer decks
are all voltage decks and include the
print voltage deck 22, the load voltage
deck 23, the sending voltage deck 24, the
receiving voltage deck 25, and the volt-
age check deck 32. The cards are sorted
in reverse track sequence so that volt-
age drops may be added instead of sub-
tracted. Since the track closes upon it-
MANUALLY PLACE self, the sorted deck may be cut at any
THE DECKS IN THE FOLLOWING SEQUENCE bus in the network as reference for the
I. 00 DECK (MULTIPLIER) voltage run. That is, the engineer can
3. 13 DECK (M'CAND) set the voltage at any bus in the network,
4. 19 DECK (M'CAND) and all the other bus voltages will be
5. 22DECK(ANSWER) computed with reference to this lead-off
6. 23 DECK
(ANSWER) voltage.
7. 24 DECK
9. 32 DECK (ANSWER) Iterative Procedure
SORT The input data for the mechanized solu-
COLS. 76 TO 73 tion discussed herein are the loads and
PICK UP IN REVERSE ORDER generation expressed as currents, the
UNIT I REFERENCE transformer taps expressed as series volt-
MULTIPLIER THIRD VOLTAGE ages and a voltage at any specified point.
FIRST SECOND A machine operator can process these data
and return to the system engineer a dia-
THE REFERENCE BUS ON THE BACK OF THE DECK However, for the engineer to express the
I loads and generation as currents and the
CALCU LATOR transformer taps as series voltages he
MULTIPLY BOARD must know or estimate the various bus
CLEAR MACHINE voltages. Thus a study may have to be
I reworked to reach the desired loadings,
SORT transformer taps, and voltage levels.
TO SEPARATE DECKS This adjustment procedure may be easily
COLS. 26 a 25
I mastered by an engineer familiar with
his system.
Iterative procedure may also be used to
Fig. 5. Card-handling chart make a circuit change in a network. For
example if a line is to be added between
rectly performed. A voltage check and a it is probable that the multiplications of certain busses, the line current may be
bus check are listed at the bottom of the currents and voltages were correctly per- estimated and added to the receiving end
study in Fig. 4. The voltage check is a formed. bus, and deducted from the sending end
list of the voltages computed at busses bus, and a case run with the changed bus
a second or third time when summing Illustration of Card Handling loadings. The actual current in the
the voltage drops down the track. Thus added line equals the difference in ter-
all busses which have more than one track- One of the steps in the card-handling minal bus voltages multiplied by the line
sequence number in Fig. 1 appear in the procedure is illustrated in Fig. 5. This is conductance so that any case run with-
voltage check. The check voltages the step at which voltage throughout the out the line may be changed to a case
should compare with the voltage printed network is calculated. Fundamentally with the line by changing the loads at the
at the same bus in the circuit diagram this is a multiplication run wherein line line terminal busses. This concept ena-
except for round-off error. Inasmuch as impedances are multiplied by line cur- bles a system engineer to extend the use-
the voltages were calculated progressively, rents to form voltage drops which are fulness of a network which has been
it is probable that if a few bracketing progressively summed. Therefore, quan- coded for computation until there are a
voltages are correct, the intervening volt- tities which are to be added, such as the sufficient number of changes in the net-
ages are also correct. reference voltage and the series voltages work to justify a new coding and master
Each power and reactive power listed for transformer taps, are not added di- deck.
in Fig. 4 is the result of an independent rectly but are multiplied by a unit card to
multiplication of a bus voltage by the go in as products the same as the im- Conclusion
conjugate of an appropriate current. pedance drops. The multiplier decks
The bus check is the sum of the power are the line impedance deck 00 and the The digital load flow study appears to
and reactive power entering each bus and unit multipliers for transformer ratios 21. be attractive to those who have no net-
should equal zero. If this check holds, The multiplicand decks are the track cur- work analyzer available and to engineers

AUGUST 1 954 Dunstan-Digital Load Flow Studies 829

who must study losses either for system tially a trial-and-error process since it is separate busses, this division had proved to
economy or for contractual reasons. seldom possible to specify beforehand an be a time-consuming operation using a net-
Once a network is coded to a master deck adequate number of parameters to define the work calculator. On a digital computer this
problem. For this reason the equivalent of division of load was done automatically and
of computing cards and a printout dia- one study on a network analyzer requires, with no appreciable increase in time.
gram drafted, it is ready for instant use at in general, several runs on the digital com- Experience has given increased confidence
any future time and need not wait to be puter. Obviously, the number of runs re- in the use of the digital computer in solving
plugged and set. Although the setting quired on the digital machine to produce an network problems, and its use is being ex-
acceptable solution for the system condition tended to the other gaseous diffusion plants
up of the master deck is a rather special- under consideration increases with the com- of the Atomic Energy Commission.
ized procedure, the use of the digital load plexity of the system. Because of this, we
flow method can be mastered by any- have found that the digital solution of power REFERENCES
system engineer, and the computing re- flow problems on the card programmed cal- 1. See reference 1 of the paper.
culator is economical with respect to solu-
duced to routines familiar to machine tion on the network analyzer only when con-
operators. sidering relatively simple systems. For Transactions, vol. 67, pt. I, 1948, pp. 631-39.
systems containing more than four or five
Reference loops and with more than 24 lines, the net-
work analyzer has been found superior. Harold E. Miller and Charles B. Walton
1. MACHINE COMPUTATION OF POWER NETWORK (Federal Power Commission, Washington,
PERFORMANCE, L. A. Dunstan. AIEE Trans- D. C.): Mr. Dunstan has improved the
actions, vol. 66, 1947, pp. 610-24. J. L. Gabbard, Jr. (Carbide and Carbon technique of the application of his general
Chemicals Company, Oak Ridge, Tenn.): solution method to the analysis of power
. This paper presents a scheme for making networks. In his latest paper he demon-
load flow studies of power systems using a strates that an analysis can be performed
type of digital computing equipment acces- utilizing International Business Machines
sible to the engineers of many power sys- (IBM) equipment to perform the calcula-
Discussion tems. It also presents figures illustrating
how studies can be carried out on a routine
tions and to print the results on a circuit
diagram. Those who have studied his
J. M. Henderson (General Electric Com- basis without changing the character of the method know that it enables the general
pany, Schenectady, N. Y.): This paper is study. solution of any kind of a bilateral linear elec-
very interesting as it describes a simple Approximately 1 year ago Mr. Dunstan tric network in general terms. This general
method of making load flow studies on suggested to me a scheme similar to the one solution makes possible the application of
punched-card accounting machines. This presented in this paper that could be used in various voltage, current, and load conditions
development should be of considerable inter- making digital load flow studies. The sug- to the network and the rapid calculation of
est to utility companies, since many of them gestions were followed, and a number of the resulting flows. It is possible to deter-
have available the type of equipment which digital load flow studies have been made mine quickly the impedance between any
the author used in solving the problem out- successfully. For these studies a card pro- two points in a network. The initial solu-
lined in the paper. grammed calculator was used which made it tion is, however, tedious with an ordinary
The method given by Mr. Dunstan re- possible to calculate at a faster rate and electric calculating machine and the possi-
quires the system engineer to estimate, in with considerably less card handling than bility of error grows with the complexity of
advance, voltages and phase angles at all the author describes. Another advantage the problem. The application of the IBM
network load busses. This enables the was the ability to work directly from mega- equipment to the calculations reduces the
engineer to transform a given schedule of watt and megavar schedules. However, work and minimizes the possibility of error.
power and reactive loads to a set of complex the method of loop flows and trucks de- The automatic printing of the results on a
load currents. The load currents are then scribed in this and in previous papers was circuit diagram, which Mr. Dunstan has now
impressed on the network and the resulting used. 1,2 achieved, further eliminates the possibility
branch flows, bus voltages, and power and To date my work has been limited to the of transcription error.
reactive loading are readily determined. If gaseous diffusion plant system of the It is our opinion that the author's
the initial estimate of bus voltages and Atomic Energy Commission at Paducah, method warrants the attention of system
angles is not close, the resultant power and Ky., which is a small system from the stand- design and operating personnel. They may
reactive loading on the system will not point of the numbers of busses and loops. find that once a general solution has been
match the desired loading. In this case In studying this system digitally, it was obtained, it is easier and quicker to calculate
the engineer must modify the impressed divided into sections, a transmission section the effect of load changes than to depend on
load currents and determine system per- and a distribution section, which exhibited network analyzers whose use must be sched-
formance with the new set of load currents. different characteristics. The transmission uled. As they become more familiar with
Thus, by a cut-and-try process which some- system converged to a balanced condition the method, they may develop improve-
times might be quite laborious, the perform- (+1/2 per cent of desired generation and ments in both technique and method which
ance of the system can be determined for loads) within three iterations while the dis- will extend its application to problems be-
the desired system load schedule. tribution system required twice as many yond the capability of present network
I agree with the author that the method iterations. The difference is due to the analyzers.
is of considerable value to those who have greater impedance in the distribution system
no network analyzer available. I am also which was increased by representing in-
of the opinion that where available the net- ternal voltages of the loads. John Wallis (Oklahoma Gas and Electric
work analyzer will always be used in prefer- By writing equations for the slack ma- Company, Oklahoma City, Okla.): Engi-
ence to the method outlined in the paper, chine outputs, the successive iterations re- neers who plan new transmission lines, sub-
since the analogue approach gives suffi- quired to reach a balance were carried out stations, and power plants must continually
ciently accurate results much more quickly with no operator adjustments A program weigh the effects of alternative proposals on
and easily. for automatically adjusting transformer tap the power flows in lines, on bus voltages, on
We have also developed an iterative settings to hold regulated voltages has been power losses, etc. The increasing com-
method for the numerical solution of power used. Performing these system adjust- plexity of most power systems has therefore
flow problems. The process yields an accu- ments manually between iterations does not resulted in greater use being made of a-c
rate solution for a given set of impressed present a difficult problem, however, calculating boards.
power and reactive loads, as well as for A feature of digitally calculated load flows However, a-c calculating boards are not
fixed transformer voltage ratios and phase not mentioned in this paper is that the di- continuously available to all. How, then,
shifts. This method has been programmed vision of load between two suppliers can be can an engineer make the power-flow studies
for use on a card programmed calculator made with great accuracy and in accord- needed for evaluating alternatives and for
and has been applied frequently to relieve ance with a predetermined schedule. For formulating plans while awaiting an allo-
the work backlog on our network analyzers. the Paducah Plant where power is received cation of time on an a-c analyzer? Mr.
Solution of load flow problems is essen- from two suppliers over 17 lines and at four Dunstan has provided one answer in his

830 Dunstan-Digital Load Flow Studies AUGUST 1 954

paper describing an actual flow study made trix is simply a set of transfer conductances T. H. Lee (The Detroit Edison Company,
on a digital computer, yielding exact an- derived by inverting the matrix. The Detroit, Mich.): The recent advances in the
swers. methods of setting up the original matrix art of automatic digital computers and their
For some purposes, such as loss formula and of inverslon have been clearly explained general availability to the public have
studies, great accuracy may be necessary or by D. E. Richardson.2 Mr. Dunstan aptly created an atmosphere of eager receptiveness
desirable. For some flow studies, however, adopts a different convention for designat- and welcome to any new ideas of computer
forecasted loads are used. Errors are cer- ing positive directions of power or current applications for power system engineering.
tain to exist in predicting the magnitude and flow than is used by Mr. Richardson with the It is our opinion that with presently avail-
dispersion of individual future loads. result that a negative unity must be used in able digital computers, the network analyzer
Similarly, planned transmission lines may be the inversion mathematics where Mr. is preferred for most of the load flow
tried during a flow study. The length and Richardson uses positive unity. studies, but the digital solution deserves
exact characteristics of lines not yet built special scrutiny because of its greater pos-
will not be known. It would be of interest REFERENCES sible accuracy. Future improvements in
then if the author could state whether a 1. See reference 1 of the paper. digital computers, such as in input-output
substantial saving in computing time will 2. ELECTRICAL NETWORK CALCULATIONS (book), speed, memory access time and capacity,
be made if less accurate answers are re- D. E. Richardson. D. Van Nostrand Company, and reduction in computer costs may make
quired. New York, N. V., Chaps. I-VIII, 1946. the digital computer a competitive supple-
In the past 5 years of use by engineers in ment to the a-c network analyzer.
this company, the inverted matrix procedures The digital load flow studies described by
and the solving of networks by methods Donald S. Wilgus (White Sands Signal the author may be defined as a problem
presented in the author's previous paper' Corps Agency, Los Cruces, N. Mex.): This where the following quantities are specified:
have afforded reasonably correct answers paper is an excellent example of the results
from which planning can be done. Using that can be obtained by the use of a very- 1. Network: impedances, connections,
only the network reactances, problems for small-scale digital computer in the solution tap settings, etc.
parts of the system involving as many as 2. Currents or watts and vars entering
of digital load flow studies. Certainly the (or leaving) every load and generator bus
eight loops have been solved. In the IBM 602A is far from the ideal machine to
mathematical resolution of these networks, be used for these computations. If the except one.
flow coefficients were determined from the 3. Voltage at one bus.
production of load flow studies (after matrix
inverted matrices, flows in various lines were inversion) compares very favorably to the The answers are the watt and var flows in
determined by superposition, and voltage network analyzer, using the 602A, imagine each network element and voltages at all the
drop calculations were then made using both the results that could be obtained from some busses.
resistance and reactance. Where there was of the present-day high-speed computers! A common complaint against the digital
no great spread in the R to X ratio among As power systems grow larger and more load flow studies is that many such solu-
the various lines in the networks, the initial complex, more and more attention will have tions are required before the proper reactive
sets of answers have usually been acceptable to be given to the resulting line losses in the schedule and tap settings can satisfy the sys-
even with these approximate methods. over-all design and operation of the system. tem voltage conditions. In using the IBM
This experience is convincing evidence Digital load flows are a prerequisite to loss type 602A and other punched-card equip-
that the mathematical resolution of net- studies since the network analyzer does not ment, many external adjustments of input
works to determine flows is worthy of better give an accurate determination of these data are necessary in going from one digital
understanding by system engineers, espe- losses. In many instances, power com- solution to another in order to improve on
cially planning engineers. For smaller sys- panies who have network analyzers are voltages. The adjustment of input data
tems without many interconnections and for forced to turn to digital techniques to ob- (reactive schedules and tap settings) is anal-
segments of systems as large as ours, which tain more accurate data. ogous to "balancing" an a-c network
contains nearly 60 loops, the mathematical One of the largest time-consuming oper- analyzer study. Our experience with other
solutions are practicable and they do fulfill ations is the coding of a power system dia- types of digital computers to date leads us to
needs that arise when trips to a-c boards are gram. The usefulness of the pictorial pres- believe that it is possible to perform the
not feasible. entation should not be underestimated; balancing process as well as the digital load
For engineers who have access to IBM however, results could be obtained in much flow studies automatically, i.e., without re-
card punch calculators and who understand less time if merely a tabulation of the results quiring external adjustments or human
the setting up of the card decks and of would be made. The load flow diagram is, intervention. The idea of automatic solu-
boards needed in the use of these machines, to a large extent, an outgrowth of the use of tion of load flow studies where balancing is
the IBM equipment will undoubtedly fa- the network analyzer. Perhaps the accept- performed by the machine has not actually
cilitate matrix inversion and the solving of ance of the tabulated data will only come been tried out. Thus no figures on cost or
networks. It should be mentioned, how- into being after digital load flows replace the time are available at present.
ever, that where there are not too many network analyzer type of load flow studies. An automatic digital computer has the
loops involved solutions can be made with As brought out in the paper, after esti- following characteristics:
reasonable facility by using one of the auto- mating the loads and voltages at the busses
matic calculators commonly found in most (and supplying the network data), there is 1. It has a memory where data and in-
engineering offices. Depending upon the no further need for the attention of the structions are stored.
nature of the study to be made, sometimes a power system engineer. He is needed only 2. The stored instructions are executed
system containing many loops can be re- to evaluate the results and to determine con- one at a time, normally in a sequential
duced to a network of four to six loops by ditions for additional studies. As far as the manner. However, the computer can also
wye-delta transformations and satisfactory iterative procedure to balance the system is be instructed to make decisions on the
flow determinations can be derived for those concerned, mathematical techniques have yes-no type of question. Whether alter-
parts of the system of particular interest. been worked out which could also be per- nate instructions are selected or not will de-
Our matrix inversions and flow calculations formed by the machine operator. pend on the answer to the yes-no question.
have all been made on automatic key punch In the example, certain busses such as 3. Data and instructions stored in the
calculators. Copco 2 125, Copco 2 66, Fall Creek, Lone computer may be altered internally in the
Despite efforts that have been made to Pine 125, Lone Pine 66, and Medford are course of a problem.
popularize matrix algebra, it remains a mys- duplicated by the track (discounting the
tery to many engineers, including this dis- busses to which radial lines are attached). In an automatic solution of load flow stud-
cusser. Nevertheless, the little bit of ma- This duplication increases the time of ies, the problem starts with the best guess
trix mathematics needed for calculating machine computation. Since the track is that is possible in the reactive schedule and
flows in a power network can quickly be determined to a large extent by the loop flows, tap settings. After performing the digital
learned by anyone who is reasonably pro- how can it be known that the assumed loop load flow study described by the author,
ficient in ordinary algebraic solutions and flows will result in the minimum duplication the computer is instruc ed to balance the
methods. Often it is not understood that of busses by the track? This is also compli- study and a new reactive schedule and tap
the original matrix is a set of impedances cated by the fact that the track must go settings are made up. These new inputs
which, with a little practice, can readily be through the lines which have off-nominal are used for the next digital load flow study
written in matrix form. The inverted ma- tap settingrs on the transformers. and the process is repeated until satisfactory

AUGUST 1 954 Dunstan--Digital Load Flow Studies 831

voltage levels are reached. Balancing is clarifies the digital method. The procedure lation speed being applied to the same type
possible in an automatic digital computer as outlined in reference 1 of the paper was of problem. Mr. Wilgus and Mr. Lee sug-
because the questions which the a-c network not one that an IBM machine operator gest application of large high-speed com-
analyzer engineers ask themselves when they could be expected to follow as easily as that puters to network analysis. Thus far the
balance a board study can be reduced to the given in the present paper. machines used for computation by the au-
yes-no type of questions. For example, we Automatic printout of load flow diagrams thor and the discussers have been dictated
ask if the voltage of an area is within accept- is certainly one of the striking advantages of by the matter of availability rather than
able limits. If the voltage is too low, a pos- the digital method as compared to the a-c appropriateness to the problem. In my
sible question might be to ask if there is any network analyzer. Anyone who has read opinion a digital computer could be built
unused synchronous condenser capacity in or recorded load flow diagrams from an a-c especially tailored to network analysis which
that area. If the answer is yes, the reactive network analyzer will testify as to the tedi- could outstrip either network analyzers or
output of the condenser would be increased ousness and slowness of this task. In fact, present digital computers both in speed and
accordingly; if the answer is no, or if the re- because of this Bonneville Power Adminis- cost for this particular problem.
quired increase exceeds the permissible limit, tration hopes to have automatic printout of The question of number of iterations re-
the reactive output would be scheduled for load flow diagrams on its a-c analyzers some- quired to converge on a given load schedule
its maximum and the computer proceeds to time in the future. was brought up, and Mr. Lee and Mr.
ask similar questions of the generators affect- It is true that load flow studies made digi- Gabbard suggest automatic procedures to
ing that area. The amount of adjustment tally have greater accuracy than a-c network converge on the load schedule. I have used
necessary to improve the voltage can be pre- analyzers with respect to inflows and out- manual adjustment because it is quite simple
determined from the engineer's experience flows of real and reactive power at busses and there are a number of artifices which
with the system. Inquiries directed at tap and line losses, but one difficulty with digital might be difficult to program, and, more im-
changers would be more elegant because analysis which is not inherent in a-c network portant, it is quite probable that the system
voltages in other load areas will be affected. analyzers is that of converging to a given set engineer may wish to change his schedule of
However, the ability of the computer to of loads. For example, to compare losses taps and reactive loads based upon the re-
remember things can be utilized advantage- of a system for two operating conditions, sults of an iteration. Mr. Henderson states
ously. Several digital load flow studies with assuming the same set of bus loads for each that a greater number of iterations are neces-
automatic balancing may be necessary be- condition, an a-c analyzer is not adequate, sary to solve a large system than to solve a
fore a satisfactory study can be completed. but neither is the digital procedure unless it small system, but this is contrary to my ex-
These automatic load flow studies would is possible to converge accurately on a set of perience. In working a digital load study
correspond very closely to the a-c network loads. for any particular case the total load or total
analyzer approach, which in turn should re- Our experience in converging on loads generation, over-all power factor of load or
semble actual power system operating re- indicates considerable difficulty is to be generation, and over-all voltage level may
quirements and limitations. expected for systems which have more than be adjusted precisely to desired values by
The automatic load flow studies have the ten loops. What accuracy would Mr. Dun- adjusting all load and generation currents
following advantages: stan expect in converging on a given set of (and series voltages for taps) in proportion
loads with his system? Would it be prac- and by adjusting the reference voltage with-
1. Automatic solution of load flow studies tical to analyze systems having more than
in the manner desired by power system engi- out working another iteration. Thus for
20 loops by the digital technique assuming comparing losses for alternate plans the
neers. that a 602.A calculating punch is available?
2. A single program (or set of instruc- over-all loading and voltage level may be
If the convergence problem can be solved, held precisely the same even though the dis-
tions) for balancing may be used for a num- the digital method, utilizing high-speed, tribution of loads among the busses may not
ber of studies, e.g,. for all the winter peak large storage computers, should be able to
load studies at one stage of system expan- be exactly on schedule.
compete advantageously with a-c network Mr. Henderson suggests that the card
sion. analyzers.
3. Slight changes in the program could programmed calculator is economical with
adapt one set of system conditions to an- respect to the network analyzer only for
other, e.g., light load and peak load con- small studies and Mr. Bills questions whether
ditions might mean testing for different L. A. Dunstan: The discussers have brought the 602A may be used beyond 20 loops.
ranges of satisfactory voltages and reactive forth a number of ideas concerning comput- I am presently setting up a large study of
output limitations. ing machines and convergence which were 60 loops which exceeds the capacity of any
not included in the paper and I am appreci- network analyzer in the country today.
We believe that with cheaper and better ative, especially since most of the comments It is now estimated that this system will
automatic digital computers available in the come from engineers who had actual experi- require approximately 30 hours for a single
future, this type of network solution will ence at solving networks digitally. Mr. iteration using the 602A.
come into general acceptance. Henderson and Mr. Gabbard have applied Mr. Wilgus' question regarding optimi-
the card programmed calculator to network zation of network coding to minimize com-
analysis, a machine considerably more ele- putation is an interesting one and one to
G. W. Bills (Bonneville Power Administra- gant than the 602A I used, whereas Mr. which the author has no answer. An inter-
tion, Portland, Oreg.): This paper on the Miller, Mr. Walton, and Mr. Wallis have esting speculation along this line is to pro-
application of digital techniques to the load applied the desk calculator. This repre- gram the computer to code the network by
flow analysis of power systems greatly sents a spread of perhaps 50 to 1 in calcu- loops as well as solving it.

832 Dunstan-Digital Load Flow Studies AUGUST 1954

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