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Transform Android App into a Savior from

Crime Against Women

Anjali Sharma#1, Adeeti Gupta*2, Muskan Jain#3
Assistant Professor, Student, Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, AKTU University
Meerut Institute of Engineering and Technology

Abstract — Today, the world is growing fast at a I.INTRODUCTION

very alarming rate. Each second a new In this modern era, each country is becoming
technology is developed. We are becoming democratic and gave rights to each individual in the
advanced day by day but this advancement is country. Violence against women is the damage
only in the terms of goods we are using. Our done to the individual’s right. This is against the
thinking, beliefs and conscious are still the same constitution of any democratic country. It is a
as it was 100 years ago. People still retains the damage to public health and thus needed to be
narrow minded thinking regarding women. curbed. Female comprises 49.6% of the total
“Today I wore a pair of faded old jeans and a population of the world. The phrase, “The best
plain grey baggy shirt. I hadn’t even taken a thermometer to the progress of the nation is the
shower and I did not put on an ounce of makeup. treatment of its women” shows the importance of
I grabbed a worn out black oversized jacket to women in the society. Violence against women is a
cover myself with even thought, it is warm significant public health problem, as well as a
outside. I have made conscious decisions lately to fundamental violation of women’s human rights.
look like less of what I felt a male would want to Despite the fact that advocacy groups like NOW
see .” ,these lines by Sierra D. Waters shows the have worked for over three decades to halt the
pathetic condition of women in the society. These epidemic of gender-based violence and sexual
lines clearly shows how crimes against women assaults, the number are still shocking. In 2005,
affects the mental state of women in this world. 1,182 women were murdered by an intimate partner.
Thus, it is the need of the hour to take some [9] According to the National Center for Inquiry
actions against it. Each individual should take Prevention and Control, women experience about
some step to prevent crimes against women. As 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults
technology rises the crime against women it can and rapes every year.[10]The Centers for Disease
also act as a very powerful equipment to prevent Control estimates that the cost of domestic violence
crimes against women. Smart phones are the in 2003 was more than over $7.3 billion.[11]Young
gifts given to us by the mankind and our aim is to women, low-income women and some minorities are
use it as a bodyguard of the women. Keeping this disproportionately victims of domestic violence and
aim of making technology the saviors of women rape. Women ages 19-25 are at greatest risk of
in mind, we have developed an android app nonfatal domestic violence, [12] and women age 23
which helps the woman in need. This application and under suffer from the highest rates of rape.
sends the danger message to all the registered [13]The Justice Department estimates that one in
numbers. “Instant identification “is the unique five women will experience rape or attempted rape
feature of this application which helps the women during their college years, and less than five percent
to ensure that their pickup is totally safe. This of these cases were reported. [14] According to the
feature captures the image of the driver and Family Violence Prevention Fund, “growing up in a
checks whether he has some crime record against violent home may be a terrifying and traumatic
him. Other features are “Sharing user’s experience that can affect every aspect of a child’s
location”, “Danger-alarm” etc. ”Domestic life, growth and development. Children who have
Violence Report” feature connects women to the been exposed to family violence suffer symptoms of
national women help website where women’s can post-traumatic stress disorder, such as bed-wetting
lodge complaint against domestic violence. This or nightmares, and were at greater risk than their
project is developed in Java Development Kit peers of having allergies, asthma, gastrointestinal
using Android Studio. problems, headaches and flu.” In addition, women
who experience physical abuse as children are at a
Keywords —Android App, Danger Message, greater risk of victimization as adults, and men have
Savior, Smartphone, Women Security, Dowry. a far greater (more than double) likelihood of

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perpetrating abuse. [15] Thus, women’s security is It will also act as a location tracker tool and thus
an issue of global concern and each one of us should provide you an all in one solution. As mobile phones
take steps to cure this menace. Keeping all this in have become the fundamental unit of our living, this
mind, we are presenting this android application application is the bliss for women’s to safeguard
(Eyecop) which will help women in the miserable themselves from unethical people of this society. As
and dangerous situations. This application will help this application can be operated through our smart
the women when they are far away from their family phones it is easy to carry and quite handy. Women’s
and comfort zone. are not supposed to carry some extra stuff to use this
An Android app is a software application running on application and they can use with the means
the Android platform. Because the Android platform available to them.
is built for mobile devices, a typical Android app is As women’s constitute a very large part of our total
designed for a smartphone or a tablet PC running on population and also play a vital role in the
the Android OS. Although an Android app can be upbringing of a child their security is a matter of
made available by developers through their websites, global concern. Our application is a step to
most Android apps are uploaded and published on contribute in the noble cause of preventing women
the Android Market, an online store dedicated to from rape, molestation, dowry, domestic violence,
these applications. The Android Market features prostitution, stalking etc. and empower women in
both free and priced apps. Android apps are written the society and support feminism.
in the Java programming language and use Java core
libraries. They are first compiled to executables to II.RELATED WORKS
run on the Dalvik virtual machine, which is a virtual
machine specially designed for mobile devices. In [1], This paper presents an Android App for
Developers may download the Android software Women safety and Security which can be presented
development kit (SDK) from the Android website. by a single snap. The snap feature of this application
The SDK includes tools, sample code and relevant differentiates the whole geographical area with the
documents for creating Android apps. Here, we help of GPS and sends some specific detail including
present an android application that ensures the the area’s Uniform Resource Locator (URL) to the
security and safety of women. Our application will main enlisted contact saved in the application. The
try to reduce the risks and destructive situation that a unique property of this application is its ceaseless
woman can come across. message sending feature. This application sends the
The Key features of our application that are not non-stop message to the enlisted contacts ceaselessly
equivalent to the underlying applications are as until the ”Stop” button is clicked by the person in
follows: 1) Initially, we have to sign up in the need. These ceaseless messages share the victim’s
application via filling the signup page. 2) After continuous geographical region details. This non-
signing up, we have to login in the application via stop detail of area provides a platform for non-stop
using the password setup during the signup phase. 3) tracking of area by using the details of the messages
Now, we have to enlist the two numbers of our and the victim can be saved at an appropriate time.
relatives or friends and click on the save button. 4) This feature makes the rescue operation of the
While travelling, run the application and use it when injured woman quicker and reliable.
something doubtful occurs. Now, click on the send
button which will send the “I am in Danger” In [2], This paper the existing women safety system
message to the enlisted contacts. 4) It has an has been audit on the versatile application and
“Danger Alarm” feature which will rang a siren by discussed various obstacles. A versatile application
clicking on the alarming button and people in the is somewhat unpleasant as an application, is a
surroundings become aware of the situation and functional programming expected to run
come forward to protect her. 5) There is a “Sharing continuously on smart phones, for instance, a PDA
User’s Location” feature which will send your exact or tablet. Compact applications serve as to outfit
location to the enlisted contacts and in the case of customers with equivalent organizations and can run
need it will help to track the person. 6) It has on their PCs. Applications are nothing but they are
“Instant Identification” feature which will capture just some simple programs which are designed to
the image of the driver and identify whether he has perform some specific functions. Each application as
some kind of criminal record against him. It will a program has its own limit. This type of
help women to ensure a safe drive. 7) It also has a programming is supported by Apple Inc. specifically
“Complaint Lodge” feature which will connect you its App Store, provides numerous uses for iPhone,
the National Women Cell website and the women iPad, iPod Touch.
can report any unethical incident that took place with
her. In [3], the work environment females have to face
Overall, this app is a twenty-four hour bodyguard more restrictions as compared to the males. A lot of
which will try to shield the women with the best of people say’s that the programming culture and
its ability. It is a type of self-defense tool for women. nation desires for restricting ladies from IT. The

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programming culture is dominant in the IT industry employed to develop mobile applications. Ruby on
and consist of long working hours, late evenings, Rails is utilized by Twitter, Bloomberg, Airbnb, and
profoundly busy and practical approach over the top Shopify to retain their online presence all over the
conduct. As IT industry is male dominating, it world.
demands a high security and safety for women’s
working in research centers alone during the 4) Js: Buildfire.js is used by developers to build
evenings and at the end of the week. Our way of life moile applications. It uses the Buildfire SDK and
and prevailing thinking assumes delivering man Javascript to develop mobile based applications. It
mastery in the advanced programming society is a makes the process quicker , reduces frustration as it
necessary and significant job. All these problems consist of 70% of the companies use cases and
give an insight into both the capabilities needed and developers are required to build only unique process
the open doors that exist for ladies to exist in the for the client as rest is available.
digital security world.
To make feel women safe and secure in a dreadful
1) Java: Java has always been the undisputed leader situation is the important aspect of the ladies
of being the most prominent and highly employed security. As we know, India is the country which is
mobile app coding language since its birth. Java is well known in the world for its rich culture and
mostly used for making desktop applications, Back- diversity, it has granted women a very high regarded
end web frameworks and Android applications, position in its culture. Despite of this, people in
which makes it the best platform for making mobile India treated women miserably. On one hand they
applications for developers. Java uses the JVM worship women while on the other they supports
which is platform independent and runs on every rituals like Sati, Dowry etc. The condition of women
machine. Organizations support java due to its has improved over the years and it is much better as
versatility and provides a flexible and error-free compared to the old times. Our undertaking is a
environment for making mobile based applications. minor step towards ensuring the well-being of
Being the most established language, Java acts as the women in the bad position. Our undertaking help
backbone of a huge community to help users women to travel fearlessly without any fear or dread
whenever they came across any technical problem. from the strangers.
Due to all these reasons we have built the Android
application (Eyecop) in java using Java REFERENCES
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4) Ruby: Ruby is a programming language used for 9. Bureau of Justice Statistics, Intimate Homicide Victims by
developing mobile applications. It is like PHP and Gender
10. Department of Justice, About Domestic Violence
laid come into market on the basis of its Rail 11.CDC, Understanding Intimate Partner Violence (PDF)
Structure. Its syntax are clear and it is widely

Page 3
12. Bureau of Justice Statistics (table 4, page 17) Criminal
Victimization in the United States, 2006 Statistical Tables (PDF)
13. Bureau of Justice Statistics, Victim Characteristics: Age
14. National Institute of Justice (pages 6-7), Sexual Assault on
Campus: What Colleges and Universities Are Doing About
It (PDF)
15. Family Violence Prevention Fund, The Facts on Children and
Domestic Violence

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