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H/CAMS Technical Bulletin No.



HSI Crude Management System

Support Update
23 November 1994
CAL-II Technical Note No. 6

This technical note describes enhancements and corrections to the HSI Crude Management
System incorporated in 1994. It is followed by a short description of the work planned for 1995.

Crude Manager (DOS v1.01c, Windows v1.01e)

Crude Manager is the graphical user interface for running the crude management software. It
was first delivered in 1993 in functionally identical versions for both DOS and Windows.
Changes for 1994 include:

• Added ‘Append Raw Data’ field to Template options. You may now append crude assay
data generated outside CAL-II to the rawdata generated by CAL-II. One example use is
to classify crudes by their ability to create various grades of asphalt, where the asphalt-
specific data is stored in appended files. It also may be used to add property information
not native to CAL-II. For processing groups of crudes, for example, *.ADD files may be
used to store the extra data, then *.ADD is entered in the new Crude Manager append-
data field. When run, the extra data in the *.ADD files will be appended to each
respective *.RAW file and input to Template. For example, ARL.ADD will be appended

• A third slot for an additional CPROP cut file was added, bringing the maximum number
of cutpoints to ninety.

• FORMULA need not be selected on the Template Options panel as it is recognized

automatically when the FORMULA field is non-blank.

iCDM v3.90
iCDM has been enhanced to add the capability to modify delivered library assays (Chevron or
BP) using the smoothing functions. Users can extend, supplement or modify yield and property
curves of library assays with all of the smoothing tools available in iCDM. This is a significant
enhancement and is described in the attached technical note titled iCDM Version 3.90 Update.

CAL-II v4.07
Following are updates and bug corrections made in CAL-II in 1994:

• User definable CPROP report width (80-255 characters). CPROP reports can now be
easily viewed on a 80x25 text screen or printed in portrait mode. To activate this

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H/CAMS Technical Bulletin No. 6

feature, a new entry is required in the last row of USER.PRF. If this row is missing, the
reports default to 132 columns wide.

USER.PRF (example)

* -- CAL II User Profile --

* Order of entries is important (refer to user manual).
* Comments begin in column 33.
MS-DOS Operating System
c:\chevlib CAL II Chevron Research Library
c:\grtassay CAL II System and Corporate Library
1 Diagnostic Level
F CPROP report generation
B GC analysis report
T Rawdata file generation
S Stored whole-crude data
C Rawdata cut names from cuts file
A Automatic property adjustment (Chevron crudes)
A Automatic cloud point method selection
D Separation inefficiency selection
I TBP Boiling point curve calculation method
N Sulfur wt% calculation adjustment (Yes/No)
I GC TBP curve calculation method
80 Number of columns in CPROP report (80-255)

• CUTS.PRF file is no longer required when cut names are given via the cut point file

• Starting WT% set to zero when initial point of the cut is less than the initial point of the

• Property predictions for crude mixtures were made less sensitive to the order of mixture

• Other updates include:

- Corrected report titles for metric users.
- Corrected property calculations for some GC components.
- Added BENZ to rawdata file.
- Added MCRT property (as Conradson Carbon)
- Corrected math overflow error when blending certain crude mixtures.
- Corrected rawdata file for missing whole crude properties.
- Removed blank padding at end of report lines.

Template v1.14
Template accepts rawdata information from CAL-II, performs user-defined intermediate
calculations and creates a formatted text file for another application; usually the GRTMPS LP.
Working with several customers this year, Template was used to connect CAL-II to other
applications including HYSIM. Combined with HSI’s text-to-spreadsheet conversion utility
(UTILFE), an input file can be created for nearly any application accepting text or spreadsheet

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formatted data. (For information regarding the creation of an input file for HYSIM or any other
application, contact HSI's California office.)

Updates to Template for 1994 include:

- Corrected a bug reading literals that contained key characters.
- Trap arithmetic errors such as divide by zero, and log of a negative number.
- Trap illegal formulas.
- Accept international characters on Template file, except as part of keys.

Chevron Library
The addition of 32 crudes to the Chevron Library this year brings the total to 491 crude assays
in the Chevron Library. A complete listing of the new crude assays is attached.

H/BP Library
The BP Crude Assay Library was made available by HSI this year in a format compatible with
CAL-II. Combining the BP rawdata and PPEFA expanded and smoothed data, the H/BP Library
contains over 250 crudes from around the world and can be cut and blended with Chevron or in-
house assays. BP anticipates adding 40-45 crudes per year.

A Look at 1995
There are several significant improvements scheduled for completion this next year.

It is anticipated that the Windows version of iCDM will be released in the second quarter of
1995. The new iCDM will include:

- Ability to view and edit multiple assays.

- Ability to view multiple property curves simultaneously. This will be especially helpful for
related properties like pour point and freeze point; or PNA.
- Ability to modify property curves in ‘index view’. This will be especially helpful with
properties such as viscosity which plot linearly in index view.

The new iCDM will expand in scope to include those tasks presently performed by
CrudeManager, thus providing a single, integrated Windows interface to iCDM, CAL-II and
Template. Optionally, crude files (.CRU) created by iCDM will be automatically initialized by
CRINIT. Useful features in CrudeManager, like processing crudes in groups, will be retained.

Like any other Windows program, the new iCDM will have access to all of the standard
Windows utilities including improved memory management, multi-tasking, copy/paste to the
Clipboard, printing, etc.

The following enhancements are planned for CAL-II:

• Enhanced Deep Cut Capabilities

There is a growing interest in estimating deep cut properties so in a cooperative effort
with Chevron Technical Research Center, HSI is enhancing CAL-II to provide deep cut

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data. The enhancements will include a new, more sophisticated method for
extrapolating the yield curve and an improved method for extrapolating property curves.

• Blending Module
The present system is restricted to predicting properties and yields where there is
overlap with all blend components. This is a particular problem when blending a crude
with a condensate. A new blending module is being implemented which will remove this

• New Property Correlations

There will be new correlations added to CAL-II this year (eg., refractive index, smoke
point, octanes) to provide property estimates when the data is missing from the assay.

H/BP Library
Beginning in January 1995, the following properties will be added to the BP assays:
- Neutralization Number (Acidity)
- Refractive Index

Until the following properties appear in the PPEFA packs, the BP rawdata will be included in the
HSI BP library:
- Mercaptan Sulfur
- Neutralization Number (Total Acid Number)

To create custom reports comparing various crudes side-by-side, CrudeStacker was created.
CrudeStacker is a Lotus spreadsheet macro that works with Template to combine (or “stack”)
formatted crude-related datafiles into one report. The same program can be used to create
input files for applications which require assay information for multiple files in one spreadsheet
or text file. The following diagrams illustrate the use of CrudeStacker.

CrudeStacker is essentially completed, but the production version was not yet available for this
CAL-II release in November. A pre-release test version is available now by contacting HSI's
California office.

iCDM Version 3.90 Update
CAL-II Chevron Assay Library, 1994 Additions
Using the Haverly Systems PC Install Program

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