Fire Survey Technical Report Scoring Rubric

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Fire Survey Technical Report Scoring Rubric (Assessment of written communications)

Item Exceptional (3) Acceptable (2) Marginal (1) Unacceptable (0) Points
Writing – effectiveness of [ ] The writer’s decisions about focus, [ ] The writer has made good decisions [ ] The writers decisions about focus, [ ] The writers decisions about focus,
communication organisation, style and content made reading a about focus, organisation, style and content organisation, style and content sometimes organisation, style and content interfere
pleasurable experience. Report could be used to communicate clearly and effectively. The interfere with clear, effective with communication.
as a model of how to fulfil the assignment. The purpose and focus of the writing are clear to communication. The purpose of the writing
purpose and focus of the writing are clear to the reader and the organisation and content is not fully achieved. All requirements of the
the reader and the organisation and content achieve the purpose well. Writing follows all assignment may not be fulfilled.
achieve the purpose well. Writing follows all requirements for the assignment.
requirements of the assignment.
Clarity of writing [ ] Writing flows smoothly from one idea to [ ] Sentences are structured and words are [ ] Sentence structure and/ or word choice [ ] Sentence structure, word choice, lack of
another. The writer has made a big effort to chosen to communicate ideas clearly. sometimes interfere with clarity. Needs to transitions and/ or sequencing of ideas
assist the reader in following the logic of the Sequencing of ideas within paragraphs and improve sequencing of ideas within make reading and understanding difficult.
ideas expressed. Sequencing of ideas within transitions between paragraphs make the paragraphs and transitions between
paragraphs make the writers points easy to writers points easy to follow. paragraphs to make the writing easy to
follow. follow.
Writing mechanics and [ ] Report has few or no errors in spelling, [ ] Report has a few to several errors in [ ] Report has many errors in spelling, [ ] Report is unreadable.
readability punctuation, and/ or grammar. Report is easy spelling, punctuation, and/ or grammar. punctuation, and/ or grammar. Report is
to read. Report is readable. difficult read.
Demonstration of [ ] Demonstration of full knowledge of the [ ] Writer is at ease with content and able to [ ] Writer is uncomfortable with content. [ ] No grasp of required subject matter. No
knowledge subject with explanations and elaboration. elaborate and explain to some degree. Only basic concepts are demonstrated and understanding of major issues. No
interpreted. interpretation or analysis of results.
Flow of information [ ] Information is presented in a logical, [ ] Information is presented in a logical [ ] Work is hard to follow as there is very [ ] Sequence of information is difficult to
interesting way, which is easy to follow. manner, which is easily followed. little continuity. follow. No structure or continuity.
Format and Aesthetics [ ] Report format is consistent throughout [ ] Report format is generally consistent. [ ] Many departures from required report [ ] Work fails to follow required report
including heading styles, fonts, margins, white format. Different headings, styles etc. format. Poor formatting and aesthetics.
space etc. throughout.
Format of photos, figures [ ] Good formatting is observed in all photos [ ] Minor inconsistencies between photos [ ] Many inconsistencies between photos [ ] Poor formatting of photos and figures.
and captions and figures. Captions are numbered and and figures. Captions effectively and figures. Captions do not effectively No captions included.
effectively communicate content. Photos and communicate content. Photos and figures communicate content. Photos and figures
figures are referenced in the text. are referenced in the text. not referenced in the text.
Sketches [ ] Very clear and detailed sketches which [ ] Some sketches included. Sketches may [ ] Poor sketches which are difficult to [ ] No annotated sketches included.
provides a link between the photos and TDG not be of adequate quality or detail. follow and do not allow a consistent link
Part B Sketches are easy to follow and have a between the photos and TGD Part B.
logical sequence.
Adherence to the project [ ] The project brief has been complied with in [ ] One element of the project brief has not [ ] Two elements of the project brief have [ ] More than 2 elements of the project
brief its entirety to include; reference to TGD Part B, been included and is therefore incomplete. not been included. brief have not been included. Poor
sketches, photos, identification of compliance adherence to instructions provided.
and non-compliance.
Internal and external fabric [ ] Report includes elements of the internal [ ] Report includes elements of the internal [ ] One element of the fabric has not been [ ] Two elements of the fabric have not
and external fabric. and external fabric but one completed with included and is therefore incomplete. been included.
poor detail.
TGD Part B sections [ ] Report includes B6 – B10 [ ] One section missing. [ ] Two sections missing. [ ] More than 2 sections missing.

Plagiarism statement [ ] Statement inserted at beginning of [ ] Statement included and signed but [ ] Statement included but not signed. [ ] No statement included.
document to confirm that this report is your contains a poor level of detail.
own work and signed.
Total out of 10% /36
Fire Risk Assessment [ ] Risk assessment included with a good level [ ] Risk assessment included and completed [ ] Risk assessment included but not [ ] No risk assessment included.
of detail. but contains a poor level of detail. completed.
Total out of 2.5% /3

Fire Safety checklist [ ] Checklist included with a good level of [ ] Checklist included and completed but [ ] Checklist included but not completed. [ ] No checklist included.
detail. contains poor level of detail.
Total out of 2.5% /3

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