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UBAF1033 APR 2017

 Sec A
o SOCI: Gross Profit = 95,700; Net Loss = (13,634)
o SOFP: Working Capital = 90,844; Balancing = 145,854
 Sec B
o Q1 (a)
 Adjusted Cash Book balance = 74,106
 Bank Reconciliation Bank Statement Balance = 103,746
o Q1 (b)
 For Y/E 2015: Decrease in ADD = 875
 For Y/E 2016: Increase in ADD = 55
o Q3 (b)
 For Y/E 2016: Depreciation (Plant) = 69,750
 For Y/E 2016: Acc. Dep of disposed asset (Plant) = 78,000
 For Y/E 2016: Depreciation (MV) = 37,820
 For Y/E 2016: Gain on disposal (Plant) = 6,500

UBAF1033 SEP 2018

 Sec A
o SOCI: Gross Profit = 364,500; Net Profit = 134,400
o SOFP: Working Capital = 666,100; Balancing = 1,122,400
 Sec B
o Q1 (a)
 Adjusted Cash Book balance = 4,000
 Bank Reconciliation Bank Statement Balance = 15,000
o Q1 (b)
 For Y/E 2016: Decrease in ADD = 8,500
 For Y/E 2017: Increase in ADD = 8,500
o Q2 (a)
 Adjusted Debtors Control balance = 269,300
 Adjusted Creditors Control balance = 191,700
o Q3 (a)
 For Y/E 2016, MV final balance = 95,000
 For Y/E 2013: Depreciation (MV) = 11,750
 For Y/E 2014: Depreciation (MV) = 19,000
 For Y/E 2015: Depreciation (MV) = 21,375
 For Y/E 2015: Acc. Dep of disposed asset (MV) = 9,750
 For Y/E 2016: Depreciation (MV) = 14,500
 For Y/E 2016: Acc. Dep of disposed asset (MV) = 20,000
 For Y/E 2015: Loss on disposal (MV) = 5,250
 For Y/E 2016: Gain on disposal (MV) = 15,000

UBAF1033 DEC 2018

 Sec A
o SOCI: Gross Profit = 225,500; Net Profit = 35,650
o SOFP: Working Capital = 425,150; Balancing = 1,131,650

UBAF1033 APR 2019

 Sec A
o SOCI: Gross Profit = 442,500; Net Loss = (11,100)
o SOFP: Working Capital = 428,900; Balancing = 882,900
 Sec B
o Q1 (a)
 Adjusted Cash Book balance = 19,233
 Bank Reconciliation Bank Statement Balance = 15,959
o Q2 (a)
 For Y/E 2018, Machinery final balance = 270,000
 For Y/E 2017: Depreciation (Mac) = 23,500
 For Y/E 2018: Depreciation (Mac) = 27,250
 For Y/E 2017: Acc. Dep of disposed asset (Mac) = 22,000
 For Y/E 2018: Acc. Dep of disposed asset (Mac) = 5,000
 For Y/E 2017: Gain on disposal (Mac) = 2,000
 For Y/E 2018: Loss on disposal (Mac) = 2,000
o Q2 (b)
 For Y/E 2017: Decrease in ADD = 17,000
 For Y/E 2018: Increase in ADD = 11,000
o Q3 (a)
 Adjusted Debtors Control balance = 373,111
 Adjusted Creditors Control balance = 293,711

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