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इंटरनेट मानक

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 3028 (1998): Automotive Vehicles - Noise Emitted by

Moving Vehicles - Method of Measurement [TED 4: Automotive
Braking Systems]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
IS 3028:1998

( Reaffirmed 2003 )


( wwl~-@o
Indian Standard


(Second Revision)

ICS 17.140.30

0 BIS 1998


NEW DELHI 110002

December 1998 Price Group 7

Automotive Vehicle Testing and Performance Evaluation Sectional Committee, TED 8


This Indian Standard (Second Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized
by the Automotive Vehicle Testing and Performance Evaluation Sectional Committee had been approved by
the Transport Engineering Division Council.

This standard was first revised in 1980 to incorporate the changes in accordance with latest ISO standards on
the subject. In view of the growing noise pollution, it has necessitated the Government to laydown limits for
different categories of vehicles in Central Motor Vehicle Rules (CMVR). Hence, the limits are not specified in
the standard. The standard is now being revised to bring it in line with the procedures outlined in the latest EEC

While revising the standard considerable assistance has been derived from the following:

971241EC Permissible sound level and exhaust system of Two or Three-wheel motor vehicles

70/ 157/EEc Amended by Directive 96/20iEC

IEC 651:1993 Sound level meters

1S0 10534-1:1996 Acoustics — Determination of sound absorption coefficient and impedence in

impedence tubes Part 1: Method using standing wave ratio

1S0 10534-2:1996 Acoustics — Determination of sound absorption coefficient and impedence in

impedence tubes Part 2: Method using two microphones

1S0 10844:1994 Acoustics — Specification for test tracks for the purpose of measuring noise emitted
by road vehicles

The noise emitted by stationary used vehicles is covered separately by IS 10399:1998 ‘Automotive vehicles
— Noise emitted by stationary vehicles — Method of measurement (@@ revision)’.

The composition of the committee responsible for preparation of this standard is given in Annex E.

For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2: 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. The number of significant places retained in
the rounded off value should be the same that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 3028:1998

Indian Standard


(Second Revision)
1 SCOPE 3.2.2 Every functional modification pertaining to
technical characteristics of noise performance of
This standard specifies the method for measuring the
vehicle declared in accordance with 3.1 shall be
external noise emitted by road vehicles in moving
intimated to the testing agency. Testing agency may
then consider, whether the vehicle with modifications
2 REFERENCES complies with specified performance requirements; or
any further testing is required. For considering
The following standards contain provisions which
whether testing is required or not, guidelines given in
through reference in this text, constitute provision of
Annex B shall be followed.
this standard. At the time of publication, the editions
indicated were valid. All standards are subject to After successful compliance to the performance
revision, and parties to agreements based on this requirements, if needed, the earlier test results shall be
standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility validated for the modifications/changes also. These
of applying the most recent editions of the standards conditions are applicable irrespective of any change in
indicated below: commercial name of the model.


9211:1979 Denominations and definitions of 4.1 Acoustic Measurements

weights of road vehicles
The apparatus used for measuring the noise level shall
9726:1984 Terms and definitions of weights of be a sound-level meter of the type described in
mopeds (first revision) IS 9779 or the equivalent IEC publication and the
measurements shall be carried out using the fast
9779:1981 Sound level meters
response of the sound-level meter and the ‘A’
11422: 986 Terms and definitions of weights of weighting curve which are also described in that
scooters and motorcycles publication. The frontal mode of operation of the
.. sound-level meter shall be used. At the beginning and
14272 Automotive vehicles — Types —
end of each set of measurements, the sound-level
(Part 1 :1995 Terminology: Part 1 Three and four
meter shall be calibrated according to the instructions
wheelers given by the manufacturer of the instrument, by
3 TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE means of an appropriate sound source such as piston
VEHICLE phone. The test shall be considered invalid, if the
sound-level meter errors registered during these
3.1 Technical characteristics of the vehicle as relevant
calibrations exceed 1 dB.
to noise performance, shall be declared by vehicle
manufacturer and shall contain atleast the details given 4.2 Speed Measurements
in Annex A.
NOTE — If the specifications submitted for complete type
m, . ..— >... 2.. -1-! -1-.
1IEeng:ne Speeu 2UKI VC[l IUC SpCUJ W 111~
shall be determined to within f 3 percent by the
approval of a vehicle contain the details given in Annex A, there
is no necessity of submitting this information again. suitable instrumentation.

,3.2 Modifications/Changes in Technical 5 CONDITIONS OF MEASUREMENT

Characteristics 5.1 Test Site
3.2.1 In case test is conducted for verification of The test site shall consist of a central acceleration
compliance to statutory requirement the following section surrounded by a substantially flat test area.
shall be carried out. The test acceleration section shall be level; the track

IS 3028:1998

surface shall be dry and such that rolling noise 6 PREPARATION OF THE VEHICLE
remains low. The test site shall be such that the
6.1 The vehicle shall conform in all its parts,
variations in the free sound field between the sound
components and systems to the design andlor
source at the centre of the acceleration section and the
production series as applicable.
microphone are within 1 dB (A). These conditions
shall be deemed to have been met, if there are no large 6.2 Prior to test, the vehicle shall be run-in as
sound-reflecting objects such as fences, rocks, bridges recommended by the manufacturer.
or buildings within 50 metres radius of the centre of
6.3 The vehicle’s tyres shall be of the type normally
the acceleration section. The test-track surface shall
fitted to such vehicles by the manufacturer. Tyres that
comply with the requirements specified in Annex C.
have covered only 10 percent or less of their expected
There shall be no obstacle that affects the sound field
life shall be fitted on the veh:cle.
within the vicinity of the microphone and no person
shall stand between the microphone and the sound 6.4 The tyres shall be inflated to the appropriate
source. The observer carrying out the measurement pressure(s) for the load condition prescribed for the
shall so position himself as not to affect the readings test as specified by the vehicle manufacturer.
of the measuring instrument.
6.5 Before the measurements are obtained, the engine
5.2 Meteorological Conditions shall be brought to its normal operating condition with
The measurement shall not be made in adverse regard to temperatures, settings, fuel, spark plugs,
weather conditions such as rain, storm and heavy carburetor, etc.
winds that would affect noise, instruments and test
6.6 If the vehicle is fitted with fan(s) having an
automatic actuating mechanism, this system shall not
5.3 Ambient Noise be interfered duringthe’measurements.

For measurements, the A-weighted sound level of 6.7 Prior to testing it shall be ensured that the vehicle
sound sources other than those of the vehicle to be is in running order as defined for the kerb weight
tested and of wind effects shall be at least 10 dB (A) condition, and with the test driver/rider. The kerb
below the sound level produced by the vehicle. A weight condition shall be the same as defined in
suitable windscreen shall be fitted to the microphone IS 9211, IS 9726, IS 11422 as appropriate. In the case
provided that care is taken of its effect on the of two and three wheelers the combined weight of the
sensitivity and directional characteristics of the rider and the test equipment used on the vehicle shall
microphone. If the difference between the ambient be within 80 * 10 kg. If necessary additional weights
noise and the measured noise is between 10 and 16 may be added to the vehicle to meet this requirement.
dB (A), in order to calculate the test results an
6.8 If the vehicle is designed to be attached with
appropriate correction shall be subtracted from the
trailer or semi-frailer, they shall be uncoupled except
readings on the sound level meter, as shown in Fig. 1.




0.2 CJ


I dB(A)
-’v- 11 12 13 14 15 16


IS 3028:1998

in the case of vehicles where trailer or semi-trailer 7 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT

cannot be uncoupled.
7.1 Nature and Number of Measurements
6.9 Only the normal highway drive shall reengaged
in vehicle with more than two drive wheels The maximum sound level expressed in A-weighted
decibels [dB(A)] shall be measured as the vehicle is
6.10 Incaseoftwo wheelers fitted withasidecar, the driven between lines AA’ and BB’ (Fig. 2). The
side car shall be detached. measurement shall be invalid if an abnormal
6.11 The test shall be carried out on fully built discrepancy between the peak value and the general
vehicles where applicable including cabin and load sound level is recorded. At least two measurements
body or on a drive away chassi$ on manufacturer’s shall be taken on each side of the vehicle. The
request. If the manufacturer so desires the drive away measurements are considered valid if the difference ‘
chassis may be loaded according to Table 1 below to between two consecutive measurements on the same
compensate the weight of the cab and load body. side of the vehicle does not exceed 2 dB (A).
7.2 Positioning of the Microphone
Table 1 Load Schedule
The microphone shall be located at a distance of 7.5
GrossVehicle Cab Weight BodyWeight + 0.2 m from the reference line CC’ (Fig. 2) of the
Weightin Tonne (t) in Tonne(t) in Tonne(t) track and 1.2 t 0.1 m above the ground. Its axis of
(1) (2) (3)
maximum sensitivity shall be horizontal and
Below 3 Not applicable 0.12 perpendicular to the path of the vehicle (line CC’).
3 and above Not applicable 0.20
but less than 4 7.3 Operating Conditions
4 and above Not applicable 0.40
but less than 6 7.3.1 For all measurements, the vehicle shall be
6 and above 0.40 0.70 driven in a straight line over the acceleration section
but less than 10
in such a way that the median longitudinal plane of
10 and above 0.40 1,00
the vehicle is as close as possible to the line CC’.


B B’
o+1 I


‘T’ Ic

1S 3028:1998

7.3.2 The vehicle shall approach the line AA’ at a 8.4 For Four Wheelers and Multi-Axle Vehicles
steady approach speed as specified in 8, with the gear
8.4.1 The approach speed shall be that corresponding
engaged as per 9. When the front end of the vehicle
LOthe lower of the following two speeds:
has reached the lineAA’, the accelerator control is fully
— 50 km /h.
operated as rapidly and smoothly as possible and held — The speed corresponding to an engine speed equal
in the fully opened position until the rear of the
to three-quarters of the speed (S) at which the
vehicle reaches the line BB’; the accelerator control
engine develops its rated maximum power, in the
shall be released as quickly as possible. The trailers of
case of vehicles of category Ml and in the case of
articulated vehicles which cannot be uncoupled shall
vehicles of the other categories having an engine
not be taken into account with regard to crossing of
power not greater than 225 kW.
line BB’. — The speed corresponding to an engine speed equal
8 APPROACH SPEED to half the speed (S) at which the engine develops
its rated maximum power, in the case of vehicles
8.1 For two wheelers with maximum design speed
not belonging to category M 1 having an engine
not exceeding 45 km/h and if fitted with a thermic
power greater than 225 kW.
engine, engine capacity not exceeding 50cc.
8.4.2 However, if in the case of vehicles equipped
The approach speed shall be 30 km/h or top speed, if with an automatic transmission having more than two
this is less than 30 km/h. discrete ratios there is a possibility for change-down
8.2 For All Other Two Wheelers to first gear during the test. In such cases the
manufacturer may select either of the following test
8.2.1 Vehicle with Manual Shiji Gear Box procedures:
— The speed (S) of the vehicle is increased to a
The approach speed shall be the lowest of the
following: maximum of 60 kfi in order to avoid such a
— 50 kmlh. change-down, or
— The speed (S) shall remain at 50 km/h and fuel
speed corresponding to an engine rpm equal to
75 percent of the engine rpm at which supply to the engine limited to 95 percent of the
maximum rated power is developed. supply necessary for full load. This condition is
speed corresponding to an engine rpm equal to considered to be satisfied:
— In the case of a spark-ignition engine, when
75 percent of the maximum engine rpm permitted
by the governor. the angle of the throttle opening is 90 percent,
8.2.2 Vehicle with Automatic Gear Box — In the case of a compression-ignition engine,
when the movement of the central rack of the
a) Vehicle without a manual selector or with injection pump is limited to 90 percent of its
fixed transmission ratio travel.
The tests shall be carried out at approach
8.4.3 If the vehicle is equipped with an automatic
speeds of 30, 40 and 50 km/h. If any of the
transmission that has no manual override, it shall be
above speeds exceed 75 percent of maximum
tested at different approach speeds, such as 30,40 and
design speed the test need not be conducted for
50 krrdh, or at three-quarters of maximum road speed
those speeds (see 11.4).
in case this value is lower.
b) Vehicle equipped with manual selector with
‘X’ forward drive positions 9 SELECTION OF GEAR RATIOS

The approach speed shall be as per 8.2.1. How- 9.1 For Two Wheelers (with Maximum Design
ever, during the test at an approach speed of Speed not Exceeding 45 krnh and if Fitted with a
50 krnlh, the kick down occurs, the approach Thermic Engine with Capacity not Exceeding
speed of the vehicle may be increased to a 50 cc)
maximum of 60 km/h to avoid the kick down.
If the velicle is fitted with a manual-shift gearbox the
8.3 For Three Wheelers highest gear which allows it to cross line AA’ with at
a) For vehicles with fixed transmission ratio or least half the full-power engine rpm shall be selected.
with manual shift gear box the approach speed
9.2 For All Other Two Wheelers
shall be as given in 8.2.1.
b) For vehicle with automatic gear box the ap- 9.2.1 Vehicle with Manual Shijl Gear Box
proach speed shall be 50 kmlh or three-
quarters of its maximum design speed, Vehicle fitted with a gear box having a
whichever is the lowest. maximum of four ratios, shall be tested only in second

IS 3028:1998

gear, whatever may be the cylinder capacities subject (S) at which the engine develops its rated
to maximum power, the test shall be Vehicles fitted withengineshaving acylinder repeated with an approach speed andlor
capacity not exceeding 175 cc and a gearbox with approach engine speed reduced in steps
of 5 percent of S until the engine speed
five or more ratios shall be tested only in third gear.
attained no longer exceeds S. If the en- Vehicles tittedwith engines having acylinder gine speed ‘S’ is still attained with an
capacity of more than 175 cc and a gear box with five approach engine speed corresponding to
or more ratios shall be tested once in second gear and the idle speed, then the test shall be
once in third gear, subject to (see 11.2). performed only in the third gear and the If during the test in second gear (see relevant results shall be evaluated.
and, the engine speed on the approach to the ii) However, the vehicles in category M 1
line marking the end of the test area (at the line Bl?’) having more than four forward gears and
exceeds 100 percent of the speed at which the engine equipped with an engine developing a
develops rated maximum power, the test shall be maximum power greater than 140 kW,
performed in third gear (see 11.3). and whose permissible maximum
power/maximum mass ratio exceeds
9.3 For Three Wheelers 75 kW/t, may be tested in third gear only,
9.3.1 Vehicle with Manual Shifi Gear Box provided that the speed at which the rear
of the vehicle passes the line BB’ in third
If the vehicle is fitted with gear box with two, three or gear is greater than61 ktnh.
four ratios, second gear shall be used. If the gear box NOTE — The category of vehicles such as M 1and N 1
has more than four ratios, third gear shall be used. If are defined in 1S 14272 (Pml1).
the engine reaches a speed of rotation beyond its b) Vehicle categories other than Ml and N i in
maximum power at a line BB’, instead of second or which the total number of forward gear ratio is
third gear the next higher gear shall be engaged to x ( including the ratios obtained by means of
reach line BB’ on the test track without exceeding this an auxiliary gear box or a multi-ratio drive
engine speed. Over drive shall not be selected, during axle) shall be tested using, in turn, ratios equal
the test. If the vehicle has a dual ratio final drive, the to or higher than X/n, where:
ratio selected shall be that corresponding to that of i) n=2, for vehicles having an engine
highest speed of the vehicle. power not greater than 225 kW;
ii) n=3, for vehicles having an engine
9.3.2 Vehicle with Automatic Gear Box
power greater than 225 kW.
Where several forward drive positions are available, If tin does not correspond to a whole number,
the position that produces highest average acceleration the nearest higher gear ratio shall be used.
of the vehicle between lines AA’ and BB’ shall be The test results shall be those obtained from
selected. The selector position used for braking, the ratio producing maximum sound level.
maneuvering or similar slow movements shall not be Shifting of gears from tin shall be terminated in ‘‘
used. the gear X where the engine speed (S) at which
the engine develops its rated maximum power
9.4 For Four Wheelers
and is reached earlier while passing the line BB’.
9.4.1 Choice of Gear Ratios (for Vehicles Fitted with In case of vehicles having different overall
Gear Boxes) gear ratios (including a different number of Manually-operated, non-automatic gear box gears) the representative type of the test
vehicle shall be determined as follows:
a) The category M 1 and N 1 vehicles equipped — If the highest sound level is obtained
with a manually operated gear box having four between the ratio tin and X the vehicle
or less forward gear ratios shall be tested in selected is deemed to be the representative
second gear. Vehicles in these categories of this type,
equipped with a manually operated gear box — If the highest sound level is obtained at
having more than four forward gear ratios shall ratio tin the vehicle selected is deemed
be tested in second and third gears successive- representative of its type only for those
ly. Only overall gear ratios intended for normal vehicles which have a lower overall gear
road usage shall be considered. The arithmetic ratio at tin, and
mean of the sound levels recorded for each of — If the highest sound level is obtained at
these two conditions shall be calculated. ratio X the vehicle selected is deemed to
i) If during the test in second gear, the be the representative of this type only for
engine speed exceeds the engine speed

IS 3028:1998

‘ those vehicles which haveahigheroverall 10.2,3 For Ml category of vehicles, equipped with a
gear ratio at X. manually operated gear box having more than four
However, the vehicle is deemed to be the rep- forward gears and with an engine developing a
resentative of this type also, if, at the request maximum power exceeding 140 kW/t and whose
of”the vehicle manufacturer, the tests are ex- permissible maximum power/maximum mass ratio
tended over more ratios than foreseen, and the exceeds 75 kW/t the values obtained as per 10.1, shall
highest sound level is obtained between the be reduced by 1 dB (A) if the speed at which the rear
extreme ratios test. of the vehicle passes the line BB’ (Fig. 1) in third gear Automatic transmission equipped with is greater than 61 km/h.
tnanual override 11 FINAL RESULTS OF TEST
The test is conducted with the selector in a position 11.1 The arithmetic average of the four results of the “
recommended by the manufacturer for normal driving. measurements as per 7.1, corrected and valid as
External downshifts (for example, kick down) shall be per 10.1 rounded off to the nearest decibel shall
put out of operation constitute the final result of the test.
10 INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS 11.2 In the case of (subject to the
10.1 In order to take into account the inaccuracies in average of tlnal results of tests once in second gear
the measuring instruments, the result obtained from and once in third gear shall be constituted as the end
each measurement is determined by deducting result,
1 dB (A) from the meter reading. 11.3 In case of the final result of the test
10.2 Correction of Results for Different conducted in third gear only shall be constituted as the
Categories of Vehicles end result.

10.2.1 For vehicles of category M2, with GVW not 11.4 In case of 8.2.2 (a) and 8.4.3 the values obtained
exceeding 3.5 tonnes, and in categories M 1 and N1, during each test with different approach speeds shall
the values obtained as per 10.1, shall be reduced by 1 be interpreted in accordance with 10.1 and their final
dB(A) if they are equipped with a direct injection result as per 11.1 shall be calculated. The highest of
diesel engine, the reading rounding off to the nearest decibel shall
constitute the final test result.
10.2.2 For vehicles with maximum permissible
mass of over two tonnes designed for off-road use, 11.5 Should the result exceed the minimum
the values obtained as per 10.1, shall be reduced by 1 permissible sound level for the category of vehicle
dB (A) if their engine power is less than 150 kW and tested by 1dB (A), two further measurements made on
2 dB (A), if their engine power is 150 kW or more. each side at the corresponding microphone position
shall fall within the prescribed limits.
IS 3028:1998

(Clause 3.1)

A-1.l Name andaddress of the Manufacturer

A-1.2 Vehicle Model

A-1.3 Variants

A-1.4 Category of Vehicle:

[As per IS 14272 (Part 1) where applicable]

A-1.5 Kerb Weight

Front Axle:
Rear Axle:

A-1.6 Gross Vehicle Weight

Front Axle:
Rear Axle:
A-1.7 No. of Axles


A-2.1 Type: Automatic/Semiautomatic/Manual

A-2.2 No. of Gears:

A-2.3 Overall Transmission Ratio:
(Gear box ratic x Drive axle ratio x Any other ratio)
1st gear:
2nd gear:
3rd gear:
4th gear:
and so on


A-3.1 Name and Address of Manufacturer

A-3.2 Type — Diesel/petrol, 2 stroke/4 stroke, N.WTC/DUIDI

A-3.3 Number and arrangement of cylinders

A-3.4 Cubic capacity

A-3.5 Rated maximum power (Specify relevant standard)

A-3.6 Engine speed at rated maximum power

A-3.7 Maximum governed engine speed (if applicable)


A-4.1 Air filter

A-4.1.1 Name of manufacturer

A-4.1.2 Type and identification

A-4.2 Description of complete intake system:

(with a general arrangement drawing including duct length and cross section sizes)

IS 3028:1998


A-5.1 Silencer
A-5.1.1 Name of manufacturer

A-5.1.2 Identification marking

A-5.2 Description of exhaust system:
(With a general arrangement drawing of exhaust system
indicating the lengths of exhaust pipe. tail pipe, exhaust
outlet location, and internal diameter of exhaust pipe)

A-6.1 Type (Natural Air/Forced Air/Liquid)

A-6.2 Tip diameter of radiator fan

A-6.3 Maximum rpm of fan

A-6.4 Radiator core open area


A-7.1 Carburetor Type: Side draughtldown draught, single “

barrel/multi barrel

A-7.2 Fuel Injection Type: Inline/rotary


A-8.1 Size and ply rating

A-8.1.1 Front

A-8.1.2 Rear
A-8.1.3 Others
A-8.2 Type (Radial/Cross Ply)
A-8.3 No. of tyres

A-8.4 Inflation pressure (Unladen)

IS 3028:1998

(Clause 3.2.2)

B-1 This Annex gives factors to be considered while performance adversely, and is still within the
selecting a vehicle to represent a range or variants for stipulated limits, the type approval certificate can he
testing the vehicle for type approval as per this extended. The changes in parameters that affect the
standard and the extension of type approval certificate noise performance are listed in B-3.
of one model to changes in technical specifications, or
B-3 In the cases of following changes, with respect to
its variant(s).
the vehicle tested, in the details submitted as per
B-2 In general, when changes in technical Annex A, tests are necessary for establishing
specifications of vehicle do not affect the noise compliance:
1 ~Engine type, capacity, number and To be tested
I arrangement of cylinders
2 ~Change in maximum power To be tested if the power is increased in excess
of 5 percent (see also B-4)

3 Approach speed for test, due to change in To be tested in case of decrease in excess of 5 percent
parameters such as (see also B-4)
Engine rpm at peak power, Maximum
governed rpm, Transmission ratio, Change
of tyre size, etc.

4 Intake System
Construction, duct length, cross section To be tested in case of any change
Air filter type To be tested in case of any change
Fuel system To be tested in case of any change
Turbocharger, supercharger To be tested in case of inclusion or deletion

5 Exhaust System
Silencer To be tested in case of any change design
Exhaust front and rear pipe To be tested in case of decrease in length
Internal diameter To be tested in case of any change
Tail pipe location To be tested in case of any change

6 Type of Transmission To be tested in case of any change

71 Transmission Ratio (i) If approach speed is affected, as per S1 No. 3

(ii) If the engine rpm at line Hi’ is affected such that
the gear in which testis conducted is not same

8 Unladen Weight To be tested if decrease in excess of 5 percent (see also


9 Body, Cab To be tested if the change caused a decrease in the

engine enclosure (such as sleeper cab to normal cab)

10 Tyre
Size To be tested if the diameter is reduced
Type To be tested if change is from cross ply to radial ply
Number of tyres ~

11 Cooling System
Fan tip speed To be tested in case of increase in the fan tip speed
Change in radiator core To be tested if the open area of the radiator core is

IS 3028:1998

B-4 Inthecase ofchangesat SI No. 2,3and8 (as in which the test has to be carried out. In the case of
given in B-3), even if the changes are within the limits evaluating changes in type approval test has been
prescribed, retest needs to be conducted to establish carried out, except in the case of S1 No. 3 (as given in
compliance, it’the difference between the final results B-3). In the case of S1 No. 3 (as given in B-3) the
“ as per 11 and the statutory limits is not more than appropriate gear in relation to engine rpm at line BB’,
1 dB(A). shall b“echosen for the test, as given in 9.

B-5 On manufacturer’s request, during the type B-6 Changes other than those listed above, are
approval , a separate test may be conducted to decide considered to be having no adverse effect on the sound
the engine rpm at the end of test area (line BB’), before level.
carrying out the noise test, in order to decide the gear

(Clause 5.1)

C-O This Ann~x specifies requirements relating to the C-1.5 Period of Testing
physical characteristics of the paving and the layout of
In order to check whether the surface continues to ,.,
the test track paving.
conform to the texture and voids content or sound
C-1 REQUIREMENTS OF SURFACE absorption requirements stipulated in this standard,
CHARACTERISTICS periodic testing of the surface shall be performed at the
following intervals:
A surface is considered to conform to this standard
a) For residual voids content or sound absorption:
provided that the texture and voids content or sound
— when the surface is new, s
absorption coefficient have been measured and found — if the surface meets the requirements
to fu!fill all the requirements given in C-1.l to C-1.4
when it is new, it may do so later because
and provided that the design requirements (see C-2.2)
surfaces tend to become clogged and
have been met.
compacted with time.
C-1.l Residual Voids Content b) For texture depth (TD) :
— when the surface is new,
The residual voids content (Vc) of the test track paving — when the noise testing starts (not before
mixture shall not exceed 8 percent. The measurement
four weeks after laying),
procedure is outlined in C-3.1. — then every twelve months.
C-1.2 Sound Absorption Coefllcient
If the surface fails to comply with the residual voids C-2.1 Area
content requirement, the surface shall be acceptable
only if its sound absorption coefficient (cx) is less than When designing the test track layout it is important to
or equal to O. 10. The measurement procedure is ensure that, as a minimum requirement, the area
outlined in C-3.2. The requirements specified in C-1.l traversed by the vehicles running through the test strip
and C-1.2 shall only be considered as met if only sound is covered with the specified test material with suitable
absorption coefficient has been measured and found to margins for safe and practical driving. This requires a
be less than or equal to 0.10. width of at least 3 m and length of the track extended
beyond the lines AA’ and BB’ by at least 10 metres at
C-1.3 Texture Depth either end. Figure 3 shows the plan of a suitable test
The texture depth (TD) measured according to the site that indicates the minimum area which, shall be
volumetric method (.ree C-3.3) shall be: laid and compacted by a machine with the specitled
TD 20.4 mm. test surface material.
C-1.4 Homogeneity of the Surface C-2.2 Design Requirements for the Surlace
Every possible effort shall be undertaken to ensure that The test surface shall comply with the following four
the surface is made to be as homogeneous as possible design requirements:
within the test area. This includes the texture and voids a) It shall be of dense asphaltic concrete;
content, but it shall also be observed that if the rolling b) The maximum chipping size shall be 8 mm
process results in more effective rolling at some (tolerance value between 6.3 and 10 mm);
places than at others, the texture may be different and c) The thickness of the wearing course shall be
unevenness causing bumps may also occur. greater than or equal to 30 mm; and

1s 3U.U5 : lYY?$

d) The binder shall be a straight penetration grade Table 2 Design Guidelines

bitumen without any modification. (Clause C-2.2)
As a guide to the test surface constructor, an aggregate
AggregateSize TargetValues Tolerance
grading curve which shall give desired characteristics *
/ \
is shown in Fig. 4. In addition, Table 2 gives some By Total By Mass
guidelines in order to obtain the desired texture and Mass of of the
durability. The grading curve fits the following Mixture,Approcase,
Percent Percent
(1) (2) (3) (4)
P (percent passing) – lf)() (d’h/dMa.) Mass of stones, Square Mesh sieve 47.6 50.5 *5
where (SM) >2 mm
Mass of sand 0.63< SM <2 mm 38 40.2 &5
d = square mesh sieve size, in mm; and +-~
Mass of tiller SM <0,63 mm 8.8 9.3
dM,,, = 8 mm for the mean curve, Mass of binder ( bitumen ) 5.8 N.A * 0.5
10 mm for the lower tolerance curve, Maximum clipping size ._8 mm_ 6.3-10
6.3 mm for the upper tolerance curve. Binder hardness 4- (.ree below)+
Polished stone value (PSV) - >50-
In addition to the above, the following Compactness, relative to Marshall _98-
recommendations shall also be considered: compactness
The sand fraction (0.063 mm< square mesh sieve
size < 2 mm) shall include no more than 55 C-3.1.1 If there is a suspicion that the condition of
percent natural sand and atleast 45 percent homogeneity is not met (see C-1.4), cores shall be
crushed sand; taken from more locations within the test area.
. The base and sub-base shall ensure a good
stability and evenness, according to best road C-3.1.2 The residual voids content shall be
construction practice; determined for each core. Then the average value from
— The chippings shall be crushed (100 percent all cores is calculated and compared with the
crushed faces) and of a material with a high requirement of C-1.l. In addition, no single core shall
resistance to crushing; have a voids value higher than 10 percent.
— The chippings used in the mix shall be washed; C-3.1.3 The test surface constructor shall be
— No extra chippings shall be added on to the reminded of the problem which may arise when the
surface; test area is heated by pipes or electrical wires and cores
— The binder hardness expressed as PEN value shall shall be taken from this area. Such installations shall
be 40 to 60,60 to 80 or even 80 to 100, depending be carefully planned with respect to future core drilling
on the climatic conditions of that place. It is locations. It is recommended to leave a few locations
recommended that to the extent possible a hard of size approximately 200 mm x 300 mm where there
binder shall be used; and are no wires or pipes, or where the latter are located
— The temperature of the mix before rolling shall be
deep enough not to get damaged by cores taken from
chosen so as to achieve by subsequent rolling the the surface layer.
required voids content. In order to increase the
probability or complying with the requirements of C-3.2 Sound Absorption Coefficient
C-1.l to C-1.4, the compactness shall be studied The sound absorption coefficient (normal incidence)
not only by an appropriate choice of mixing shall be measured by the impedance tube method using
temperature, but also by an appropriate number of the procedure specified in 1S0 10534-1 and 2:1996
passing and also by the choice of compacting ‘Acoustics — Determination of sound absorption
vehicle. coefficient and impedance by a tube method Part 1:
C-3 SOUND ABSORPTION AND RESIDUAL Method using standing wave ratio, Part 2: Method
VOIDS CONTENT using two microphones’. Regarding test specimens,
the requirements outlined in C-3.1 for the
C-3.1 Measurement of the Residual Voids Content
measurement of residual voids contents shall be
For the purpose of this measurement, cores shall be followed. The sound absorption shall be measured in
taken from the track at least at four different positions the range 400 to 800 Hz and in the range 80(1 to 1600
which are equally distributed in the test area between Hz (at least at the centre frequencies of third octave
lines AA’ and BB’ (see Fig. 2). In order to avoid bands) and the maximum values shall be identified for
inhomogeneity and unevenness in the wheel tracks, both of these frequency ranges. Then the average of
cores shall not be taken in the wheel tracks themselves, these values, for all test cores constitute the final result.
but close to them. Two cores (minimum) shall be taken
C-3.3 Volumetric Macro Texture Measurement
close to the wheel tracks and one core (minimum) shall
be taken approximately midway between the wheel For the purpose of this standard, texture depth
tracks and each microphone location. measurements shall be carried out on atleast at 10

IS 3028:1998

I >,
1 *3 m ,~~//~/
f 10m ‘
1 m~ <<S
1 I 1
7.5m 10m
//, ,,,
,/ /////

I I /I
10WI 10m 10m 10m
\ ,
\ /
\ A B /
\ /

1+ Mlcl?oPHoNE (HElGH71.2m)




1S 3028:1998

positions evenly spaced along the wheel tracks of the a) Location of the test track;
test strip and the average value obtained shall be b) Type of binder, binder hardness, type of ag-
compared with the specified minimum texture depth, gregate, maximum theoretical density of the
The measurement procedure is outlined in Annex D. concrete (’DR’), thickness of the wearing
course and grading curve determined from
cores from the test track;
c) Method of compaction (for example, type of
C-4.1 Age Influence roller mass, roller mass, number of passes);
d) Temperature of the mix, temperature of the
It is a known fact that the tyre/road noise levels
ambient air and wind speed during laying of
measured on the test surface may increase slightly
the surface;
during the first 6 to 12 months after construction. The
e) Date when the surface was laid and con-
surface shall achieve its required characteristics not
earlier than four weeks after construction.
f) All or atleast the latest test result, including:
The stability over time is determined mainly by the i) Residual voids content of each core;-
polishing and compaction by vehicles driving on the ii) Locations in the test area from where the
surface. It shall be periodically checked as stated cores for voids measurement have been
in C-1.5. taken; .
iii) Sound absorption coefficient of each
C-4.2 Maintenance of the Surface
core (if measured), specify the results
Loose debris or dust which could significantly reduce both for each core and each frequency
the effective texture depth shall be removed from the range as well as the overall average;
surface. iv) Locations in the test area from where the
cores for absorption measurement have
C-4.3 Repaving the Test Area been taken;
If it is necessary to repave the test track, it is usually v) Texture depth, including the number of
unnecessary to repave more than the test strip (of 3 m tests and standard deviation;
width as shown in Fig. 3) where vehicles are driving, vi) Institution responsible for tests (i) and
provided the test area outside the strip met the (iii) and the type of equipment used; and
requirement of residual voids content or sound vii) Date of the test(s) and date when the
absorption when it is measured. cores were taken from the test track.

C-5 RECORD OF THE SURFACE AND THE C-5.2 The record of vehicle noise tests concluded on
TESTS PERFORMED ON IT the surface. In the format describing the vehicle noise
test(s) it shall be stated whether all the requirements
C-5.1 Record of the Test Surface have been fulfilled or not. Reference shall be made to
The following shall be recorded in a format describing the format in accordance with C-5.1.
the test surface:

(Clause C-3.3)

D-1 SCOPE D-1.2 This text method is suitable for field tests to
determine the average macrotexture depth of a
D-1.l This annex describes a procedure for
pavement surface. When used in conjunction with
determining the average depth of pavement surface
other physical tests, the macrotexture depth values
macrotexture by careful application of a known
derived from this test method may be used to
volume of material on the surface and subsequent
determine the pavement skid resistance capability,
measurement of the total area covered. The technique
noise characteristics and the suitability of paving
is designed to provide an average depth value of only
materials or finishing techniques. When used with
the pavement macrotexture and is considered in-
other tests, care should be taken that all tests are
sensitive to pavement microtexture characteristics.
applied at the same location.

IS 3028:1998


The standard materials and test apparatus consist of a A suitable screen or shield may be placed on the
quantity of uniform material, a container of known pavement surface to protect the material sample from
volume, a suitable wind screen or shield, brushes for the wind and turbulence created by traffic.
cleaning the surface, a flat disc for spreading the
D-3.6 Scale and Balance
material on the surface, and a ruler or other measuring
device for determining the area covered by the A standard scale 300 mm or greater in length and
material. A laboratory balance is also recommended having 1 mm divisions should be used.
to ensure consistent amounts for each measurement
Use of a laboratory baiance, sensitive to 0.1 g, is
recommended with this test method to provide
The test procedure involves spreading a known additional control and to ensure that the mass of
volume of material on a clean and dry pavement material used for the surface macrotexture depth
surface, measuring the area covered and subsequently measurement is constant.
calculating the average depth between the bottom of
the pavement surface voids and the tops of surface D-4 PROCEDURE
aggregate particles. D-4.1 Test Surface
In spreading the material specified in this test method,
Inspect the pavement surface to be measured and
the surface voids are completely filled flush to the tips
select a dry, homogeneous area that contains no
of the surrounding aggregate particles.
unique, localized features such as cracks and joints.
Pavement aggregate particle shape, size and Thoroughly clean the surface using the stiff wire brush
distribution surface texture features not addressed in first and subsequently using the soft bristle brush to
this procedure. The method is not meant to provide a remove any residpe, debris or loosely bonded
complete assessment of pavement surface texture aggregate particles from the surface. Position the
characteristics. In particular, care should be exercised portable windshield around the surface test area.
in interpreting the result if the method if applied to
porous surfaces and to deeply grooved surfaces. D-4.2 Material Sample
The method can be applied to a wide range of surfaces. Fill a cylinder of known volume with dry material and
Nevertheless, care should be taken in interpreting gently tap the base of the cylinder serveral times on a
results falling outside the range of 0.25 to 5 mm in rigid surface. Add more material to fill the cylinder to
texture depth. the top, and level with a straightedge. If a laboratory
D-3 MATERIALS AND APPARATUS balance is available, determine the mass of material in
the cylinder and use this mass of material sample for
D-3.1 Material each measurement.
Solid glass spheres being essentially round shall be D-4.3 Determination
used. The spheres shall be graded to have a minimum
of 90 percent by weight passing a 0.250 mm sieve and Pour the measured volume or mass of material on to
retained on a 0.180 m sieve complying with ISO 565. the cleaned test surface. Carefully spread the material
into a circular patch, with the disc tool, rubber-covered
D-3.2 Sample Container
side down, filling the surface voids flush with the
A cylindrical metal or plastic container with a aggregate particle tips. Use a slight pressure on the
predetermined internal volume of at least 25000 mm3 hand, just ~nough to ensure that the disc will spread
(25 m) shall be used to determine the volume of sand out the material so that the disc touches the surface
spread. aggregate particle tips.

D-3.3 Spreader Tool Measure and record the diameter of the circular area
covered by the material at a minimum of four equally
A flat, hard disc approximately 25 mm thick and 60 to
spaced locations around the sample circumference.
75 mm in diameter shall be used to spread the sand.
Calculate and record the average diameter.
The bottom surface or face of the disc shall be covered
with a hard rubber material and a suitable handle may For very smooth pavement surfaces where the patch
be attached to the top surface of the disc. diameters are greater than 300 mm, it is recommended
that half the normal volume of material be used.
D-3.4 Brushes
D-4.4 Number of Measurements
A stiff wire brush and a soft bristle brush shall be used
to clean thoroughly the pavement surface prior to The same operator shall perform at least four randomly
application of the material sample. spaced measurements on a given test pavement
surface type. The arithmetic average of the i ndi vidual

IS 3028:1998

values shall be considered to be the average surface ‘ -~./ - ‘1’BSK

‘--- KJ$J’UKI
texture (macrotexture) depth of the tested pavement
The test report for each pavement test surface shall
surf ace.
contain data on the following items:
D-5 CALCULATION . location and identification of test pavement
surface date;
D-5.1 Cylinder Volume — identification of the operator;
. volume of material used for each test
Calculate the internal volume of the sample cylinder measurement, in cubic millimetres;
as follows: . number of test measurements;
V= xd2h/4 — average diameter of the area covered by the
material, in millimetres for each test;
— surface texture depth, in millimetres, for each test;
v = internal cylinder volume in mm3; and
d = internal cylinder diameter, in mm; and — average texture depth, in millimetres, for total
h = cylinder height, in mm. pavement text surface.
D-5.2 Surface Mean Texture Depth
Controlled tests have been conducted on laboratory
Calculate the mean texture depth (MTD) using the specimens having a range of macrotexture depth 0.5
following equation: to 1.2 mm.
The standard deviation of the repeated measurements
where by the same operator on the same surface can be as low
MTD = mean texture depth, in mm; as 1 percent of the average texture depth.
v= sample volume (that is, internal cylinder The standard deviation of the repeated measurement
volume) in mm3; and by different operators on the surface can be as low as
D= average diameter of the area covered by 2 percent of the average texture depth.
the material, in mm. The standard deviation of the site-to-site variation may
be as large as 27 percent of the average texture depth.
Here, site defines a randomly selected location within
This test method may involve hazardous operations a nominally homogeneous pavement section. This
when measurements are made on trafficked means that a large number of measurement
pavements. This standard does not support to address observations would be necessary to estimate the
all the safety problems associated with its use. It is the average texture depth reliably for given pavement
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish types with large variations in texture, despite the fact
appropriate safety and health practices and determine that the method is highly repeatable and not subject to
the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. large operational influences.

IS 3028:1998


Automotive Testing and Performance Evaluation Sectional Committee, TED 8

28, ICross Road, Kasturi Bai Nagw, Adyar, Chennai 600020
Memfrer.s Representing

St!w R R. G. MENON Ashok Leyland Ltd, Chenncri

Stmi R. C. BALAKRISHANAN (Alternate)
SHRI RAJAT NANDI Association of Indian Automobile Manufactures, New Delhi
SHRI S. G. SHAH (A/fernafe)
SHRI V. K. BHA’t’IA Association of State Road Transport Undertakings, New Delhi
SHRI K, E. TAKAVALE Automotive Research Association of Indirr Ltd, Pune
SHRI T. M. BALARAMAN Bajaj Auto Ltd, Pune
SHRI V. M. MANEL (Alternate)
SHRI V. M, MLINDADA Bajaj Tempo Ltd, Pune
SHRI R, M. KANITKAR (Alfernafe)
SIIRI S. R. TAPADE Central Institute of Road Transport, Pune
SHRI P, C. BARJATIA (Ahernafe)
SHRI R. S. DASS Central Farm Machine Training and Testing Institute, Budni
SIIRI M. L. MEHTA (Akrnafe)
Sfnu P. K. SAHA Controllerate of Quality Assurance (Vehicles) [DGAQ(V)],
Ministry of Defence Ahmednagar
SHRI DINJNI TYAGI Daewoo Motors India Ltd, New Delhi
SHRI N. K. KAUSHAL Directorate General of Supplies and Disposrds. New Delhi
Stw S. K. GAUTAM (Alternate)
SHRI S. K. BHARIJ Department of Industrial Development, New Delhi
SFiRIR. K. TRIPATI (Alfernafe)
SHRI VEENLI MA’rHuR Royal Enfield Motors Ltd, Chennai
SHRI K. C. JAIN Escorts Ltd, Faridabad
SHRTR. K. GuM’A (Alfernafe)
SHRI S. B. GLTPTA Hero Honda Motors Ltd, New Delhi
SHRI U K. KINI Hindustan Motors Ltd, Hooghly
SHW M. G. JHINGRAN (Alternate)
DR K. K. GANDf+I Indian Institute of Petroleum Dehradun
SHRI P. V. BHANDARE Kinetic Engg Ltd, Pune
SIIRI S. K. MUKHERJEE Mahindra and Mahindra Ltd, Mumbai
SHRI Z. A. MUJAWAR (AUerrrafe)
SHRI 1. V. RACJ Maruti Udyog Ltd, Gurgaon
SHRI P. PANDA (Alternate)
SHRI S. N. SRINIVASAN Premier Automobiles Ltd, Mumbai
SHRI K. D. DIGHE (Alternate)
DR Y, SATYANARAYANA Standing Committee (Technology & Stores) CIRT,Pune
SHRI M. L. GORE (Akernate)
SHRI LAKHINDERSINGH Swaraj Mazda Ltd, Chcardigarh
SHRI S. R. AGRAHARI (Altewrate)
SHRI A. T. PHATAK Tata Engg & Locomotive Co Ltd, Pune
Stwa A. V. KULKARNI (Alternate)
SHRI R. C. SETHI Vehicle Research and Develpoment Establishment, Ahmednagar
SHiU R. RAJARAMAN (Alternate)
SHRI M. K. MISHRA Vehicle Factory, Jabalpur, Ministry of Defence, OFB
SHRI R. G. KAREMORE(Alfernute)
SHRI P, N. RANGAN Volvo India Pvt Ltd, Bangalore
SIIRI A. R. GULAn, Director Geneml, BIS (Ex-oficio member)
Director (Transport Engg)

Member- Secretary

Additional Director (Transport Engg), BIS

Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also
reviewed periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that
no changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users
of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by
referring to the latest issue of ‘BIS Handbook’ and ‘Standards: Monthly Additions’.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc : No. TED 8 ( 4754 ).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected



Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110002 Telegrams : Manaksanstha
Telephones :3230131, 3233375, 3239402 (Common to all offices)

Regional Offices’ : Telephone

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NEW DELHI 1.10002 3233841
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Printedat Printo!zrauh. New Delh, Ph.: 5726847


,lxl IRI)hl I;NT N(). 2 ,1[1.}’ 2007

‘lo IX

( .!kwtd Revision )

[Paxe 3, .’iaz[.$e6.11(.we a/so Atnendment No I)] — Insert the following at

the end:

‘Actual weight during testing shall not vary from the specified unladen weight by
more than 15 percent of described weight.’

(’rED 4)

Reprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India

‘, -...,—. :

,. -.— ‘-” .. ----- -:


( Second Revision )

[Page 5, clause] ― Insert the following at the end:

‘In the case of vehicles having different overall gear ratios the representative of
the type by the test vehicle is determined as follows:

a) If the highest sound level is obtained between the ratio x/n and ratio X
the vehicle shall be deemed representative of its type;

b) If the highest sound level is obtained at ratio x/n the vehicle selected
shall be deemed representative of its type only for those vehicles which
have a lower overall gear ratio at x/n;

c) If the highest sound level is obtained at ratio X the vehicle selected shall
be deemed representative of its type only for those vehicles which have
a higher overall gear ratio than the gear ratio X.

d) However the vehicle is deemed representative of its type also, if at the

applicant's request the tests are extended over more ratios and the
highest sound level is obtained between the extreme ratios tested.’

(TED 4)

Reprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India

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