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South Cluster Campus

Tagudin, Ilocos Sur
Tel. No. (077)-748-7177

Course Syllabus

I. Course Code: Eng 152/CCE101

Course Title: Structure of English Language
Number of units: 3 units
Lecture Hours: 3 hours per week
Prerequisite: none

II. Course Description:

This three-unit course focuses on some grammatical features of contemporary English. It provides practice and training on the
phonology of English. It is also through the study that the students become proficient in the English language through aids or tools
applied to the process of communication which include spelling, accuracy, mastery of the patterns of usage on grammatical structure
and critical thinking.
III. Course Objective:
At the end of the semester, the students enrolled in this subject will be able to have achieved the target objectives.
A. General
1. To know by heart the college mission, vision goals, and objectives
2. To communicate well with others in English and thus functioning effectively in the modern world.
3. To acquire skills and knowledge to help them understand themselves and others in performing their development task in
ensuring more satisfying lives as human beings.
4. To use the library and books effectively in widening their knowledge and skills in relating themselves to the changing world.
B. Specific
1. To recite by heart the College Mission, Vision, Goals and Objectives.
2. To answer sensibly questions that may arise regarding the College Mission, Vision, Goals and Objectives.
3. To pursue, to store and to analyze information for speaking and writing through the use of library and books
4. To explain the broad functions of language communication
5. To identify the type and goals of communication
6. To construct sentences according to patterns
7. To construct sentences effectively through the use of word order inflection and structure words or the grammatical devises.
8. To compose sentences using the agreement of subjects and verb rule
9. To make comparisons through the use of adverbs and objectives
10.To relate words to one another through the use of structure words.
C. Values Integration
1. To realize that communication as an integral part of human living together with others
2. To deepen perception and standards through the simple process of reading.
3. To appreciate English as a language for advancing technology and better relationships with the changing world.
4. To speak the English language effectively in an intellectual, personal and social growth and therefore uplifting in its sense.

IV. Course Requirements:

1. Regular class attendance
2. Active participation in class activities
3. Quizzes and examinations
4. Projects/outputs

Grading System: Breakdown of Class Standing:

Class Standing 60% Quizzes 30%

Term Exams 40% Recitations/Practical Test 30%
Total 100% Projects/assignments/Researches 30%
Attendance 10%
Total 100%
V. Course Outline
Topic Expected Outcomes Suggested Suggested Suggested Evaluation Suggested Readings
Time Frame Activities/Strat Instructional Measures values to and
egies Materials be Referenc
integrated es

1. ISPSC VMGO To learn by heart the 1 ½ hrs Lecture Copy of the Oral/Written The ability Handouts
ISPSC Vision and Brainstorming VMGO tests to express relative to
Mission, Goals of the Sharing ideas VMGO
College of Arts and Student’s
Sciences /Objectives of Manual
the Bachelor of Arts

2. Overview
To be able to identify 1 ½ hrs Lecture Hand outs Recitations Consistenc Alma
2.1 What y in the ”Spelling”
grammar and its type Brainstorming Books Written tests
grammar is Sharing Research use of Grammar
2.2 Types of Materials from the grammar and
grammar 3 hrs Internet Usage
2.3 Linguistics To differentiate New York
grammar vs. linguistic from Prentice
pedagogical pedagogical grammar Inc.
2.4 Grammatica To apply the proper 3 hrs Lecture Fernando
l usage of grammatical Individual et al
metalanguage reporting College
Researching Recitations English
ge 2 hrs Written tests For Today
2.5 Parts of To identify the different Activities (2nd ed.)
Speech parts of speech and 3 hrs using the National
2.6 The Lexicon apply it in writings different parts Book
of speech Store Inc.

To explain the 2 hrs Lecture Hand outs Recitations

2.7 Functions of functions of language Individual Books Written Murcia,
language and be able to identify reporting Research Activities on Marianne
each Researching Materials from the the Different C and
3. Structures with Discussion Internet Functions of Larsen,Di
Phonetics language anne F.
Integrated To be able to practice with
3.1 The copula the correct sentence 3 hrs Lecture Hand outs Recitations Howard
and subject- structures Individual Books Written Williams
verb reporting Research Activities on 1999.
agreement To be able to Researching Materials from the how to use The
differentiate the 3 hrs Discussion Internet the copula Grammar
3.2 The active
different ways on how and sv Book; An
and passive to ask questions agreement ESL/EFL
voice Teacher’s
3.3 Wh-H To use the correct 12 hrs Recitations Course 2nd
questions articles in sentences Writing e.
To differentiate sentences USA;Heinl
adjectives from using the Wh- e & Heinle
adverbials H questions
Written Ramos,
3.4 Articles activities Carmen
3.5 Prepositions To identify the different identifying M.
3.6 Yes-No parts of sentence and adjectives and Developin
questions its function adverbials g Skills in
3.7 Adjectives Identifying Grammar
3.8 Adverbials the different and
logical Compositi
3.9 Logical
connectors ons
connectors To identify the topic Mandaluy
3.10 Imperative sentence in a ong City,
s paragraph National
3.11 Request Book
and To write sensible Store Inc.
paragraphs 1998
Recitations Accuracy Ur, Penny
4. Sentence Craft To identify the 10 hrs Lecture Hand outs Written Consistenc 1996
4.1 Immediate mechanics of Individual Books activities y Teaching
parts of composition and be reporting Research identifying the Grammar:
sentence able to apply it when Researching Materials from the different parts A Course
4.2 Function writing Discussion Internet of sentence in
units in Language
sentences Teaching:
5. Paragraph Recitations Cambridg
Introduction 10 hrs Writing Express e
5.1 Definition Lecture Hand outs paragraph one’s idea University
Individual Books observing the through press
5.2 Topic
reporting Research elements and writing
sentence Researching Materials from the mechanics Internet
5.3 Characterist Discussion Internet sources
ics and
elements of
a good
5.4 Mechanics

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