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1.(a) Benefits of a good user iterface design

14 Benefits of Good User Interface Design. The most effective User
Interface (UI) Design is born from being a part of the wider User
Experience (UX) process.

1.Clarify your vision

As you’ll make UX and UI decisions relatively early, this process will help
you to define precisely how you need to satisfy the expectations of your
audience. It will also clarify who you are and what you want to do,
ultimately helping you to communicate exactly what makes you stand out
from your competition.

1.(b) Brief History of Screen Design

While developers have been designing screens since a cathode ray tube
display was first attached to a computer, more widespread interest in the
application of good design principles to screens did not begin to emerge
until the early 1970s, when IBM introduced its 3270 cathode ray tube text-
based terminal. The 3270 was used in myriad ways in the office, and
company-specific guidelines for good screen design occasionally began to
surface (e.g., Galitz and DiMatteo, 1974). Typically, however, design at this
time period had little to guide it, being driven by hardware and telephone
line transmission issues. A 1970s screen often resembled the one pictured
in Figure 1.1. It usually consisted of many fields (more than are illustrated
here) with very cryptic and often unintelligible captions. It was visually
cluttered, and often possessed a command field that challenged the user to
remember what had to be keyed into it. Ambiguous messages often
required referral to a manual to interpret. Effectively using this kind of
screen required a great deal of practice and patience. Most early screens
were monochromatic, typically presenting green text on black backgrounds.
Fig 1.1 A 1970s screen
At the turn of the decade guidelines for text-based screen design were
finally made widely available (Galitz, 1980, 1981) and many screens began
to take on a much less cluttered look through concepts such as grouping
and alignment of elements, as illustrated in Figure 1.2. User memory was
supported by providing clear and meaningful field captions and by listing
commands on the screen, and enabling them to be applied through
function keys. Messages also became clearer. These screens were not
entirely clutter-free, however. Instructions and reminders to the user had to
be inscribed on the screen in the form of prompts or completion aids such
as the codes PR and SC. Not all 1980s screens looked like this, however.
In the 1980s, 1970s-type screens were still being designed, and many still
reside in systems today. The advent of graphics yielded another milestone
in the evolution of screen design, as illustrated in Figure 1.3. While some
basic design principles did not change, groupings and alignment, for
example, borders were made available to visually enhance groupings, and
buttons and menus for implementing commands replaced function keys.

Multiple properties of elements were also provided, including many different

font sizes and styles, line thicknesses, and colors. The entry field was
supplemented by a multitude of other kinds of controls, including list boxes,
drop-down combination boxes, spin boxes, and so forth. These new
controls were much more effective in supporting a person’s memory, now
simply allowing for selection from a list instead of requiring a remembered
key entry. Completion aids disappeared from screens, replaced by one of
the new listing controls. Screens could also be simplified, the much more
powerful computers being able to quickly present a new screen. In the
1990s, our knowledge concerning what makes effective screen design
continued to expand. Coupled with ever-improving technology, the result
was even greater improvements in the user-computer screen interface as
the new century dawned.

Fig 1.2 A 1980s screen

Fig 1.3 A 1990s and beyond screen.

2 (a). Direct manipulation in screen design
• The system is portrayed as an extension of the real world: It is assumed
that a person is already familiar with the objects and actions in his or her
environment of interest.
• The system simply replicates them and portrays them on a different
medium, the screen.
• A person has the power to access and modify these objects, among
which are windows.
• A person is allowed to work in a familiar environment and in a familiar
way, focusing on the data, not the application and tools.
• The physical organization of the system, which most often is unfamiliar, is
hidden from view and is not a distraction. • Continuous visibility of objects
and actions: Like one's desktop, objects are continuously visible.
Reminders of actions to be performed are also obvious, labeled buttons
replacing complex syntax and command names.
• Cursor action and motion occurs in physically obvious and natural ways.
One problem in direct manipulation, however, is that there is no direct
analogy on the desk for all necessary windowing operations.
• A piece of paper on one's desk maintains a constant size, never
shrinking or growing. Windows can do both. Solving this problem required
embedding a control panel, a familiar concept to most people, in a
window's border.
• This control panel is manipulated, not the window itself. Actions are rapid
and incremental with visible display of results , the results of actions are
immediately displayed visually on the screen in their new and current form.
• Auditory feedback may also be provided. The impact of a previous action
is quickly seen, and the evolution of tasks is continuous and effortless.
Incremental actions are easily reversible.
• The concept of direct manipulation actually preceded the first graphical
system. The earliest full-screen text editors possessed similar
• Screens of text resembling a piece of paper on one's desk could be
created (extension of real world) and then reviewed in their entirety
(continuous visibility).
• Editing or restructuring could be easily accomplished (through rapid
incremental actions) and the results immediately seen.
• Actions could be reversed when necessary. It took the advent of
graphical systems to crystallize the direct manipulation concept, however.

2 (b). Charateristics of web user

The expansion of the World Wide Web since the early 1990s has been truly
amazing. Once simply a communication medium for scientists and
researchers, its many and pervasive tentacles have spread deeply into
businesses, organizations, and homes around the world. Unlike earlier text-
based and GUI systems that were developed and nurtured in an
organization's Data Processing and Information Systems groups, the Web's
roots were sown in a market-driven society thirsting for convenience and
Web interface design is essentially the design of navigation and the
presentation of information. It is about content, not data.
Proper interface design is largely a matter of properly balancing the
structure and relationships of menus, content, and other linked documents
or graphics. The design goal is to build a hierarchy of menus and pages
that feels natural, is well structured, is easy to use, and is truthful.
The Web is a navigation environment where people move between pages
of information, not an application environment. It is also a graphically rich
Web interface design is difficult for a number of reasons. First, its
underlying design language, HTML, was never intended for creating
screens to be used by the general population.
Its scope of users was expected to be technical. HTML was limited in
objects and interaction styles and did not provide a means for presenting
information in the most effective way for people.
Next, browser navigation retreated to the pre-GUI era. This era was
characterized by a "command" field whose contents had to be learned, and
a navigational organization and structure that lay hidden beneath a mostly
dark and blank screen.
GUIs eliminated the absolute necessity for a command field, providing
menus related to the task and the current contextual situation.
Browser navigation is mostly confined to a "Back" and "Forward" concept,
but "back-to where" and "forward-towhere" is often unremembered or
Web interface design is also more difficult because the main issues
concern information Architecture and task flow, neither of which is easy to
It is more difficult because of the availability of the various types of
multimedia, and the desire of many designers to use something simply
because it is available.
It is more difficult because users are ill defined, and the user's tools so
variable in nature.
The ultimate goal of a Web that feels natural, is well structured, and is easy
to use will reach fruition.


While the introduction of the graphical user interface revolutionized the user
interface, the Web has revolutionized computing.
It allows millions of people scattered across the globe to communicate,
access information, publish, and be heard.
• It allows people to control much of the display and the rendering of Web
• Aspects such as typography and colors can be changed, graphics turned
off, and decisions made whether or not to transmit certain data over non
secure channels or whether to accept or refuse cookies.
• Web usage has reflected this popularity. The number of Internet hosts
has risen dramatically:
• In 1984, hosts online exceeded 1,000;
• in 1987, 10,000;
• in 1989, 100,000,
• in 1990, 300,000;
• in 1992 hosts exceeded one million.
• Commercialization of the Internet saw even greater expansion of the
growth rate. In 1993, Internet traffic was expanding at a 341,634 percent
annual growth rate. In 1996, there were nearly 10 million hosts online and
40 million connected people (PBS Timeline).
• User control has had some decided disadvantages for some Web site
owners as well.
• Users have become much more discerning about good design.
• Slow download times, confusing navigation, confusing page organization,
disturbing animation, or other undesirable site features often results in user
abandonment of the site for others with a more agreeable interface.
• People are quick to vote with their mouse, and these warnings should not
go unheeded.

3 (a). Types of business junctions

4 (b). Ordering of Screen Data and Content
■ Divide information into units that are logical, meaningful, and sensible.
■ Organize by the degree interrelationship between data or information.
■ Provide an ordering of screen units of information and elements that is
prioritized according to the user’s expectations and needs.
■ Possible ordering schemes include: — Conventional. — Sequence of
use. — Frequency of use. — Function. — Importance. — General to
■ Form groups that cover all possibilities.
■ Ensure that information that must be compared is visible at the same
■ Ensure that only information relative to the users tasks or needs is
presented on the screen.
An organizational scheme’s goal is to keep to a minimum the number of
information variables the user must retain in short term memory. A logical,
meaningful, and sensible arrangement of screen data and content will
lower this memory requirement. In ordering screens or pages, units of
information and screen elements should be prioritized according to the
user’s needs and expectations.
Common information ordering schemes include the following:
Conventional. Through convention and custom, some ordering schemes
have evolved for certain elements. Examples are by days of the week, by
months of the year, by one’s name and address, or along a timeline. These
elements should always be ordered in the customary way.
Sequence of use. Sequence of use grouping involves arranging
information items in the order in which they are commonly received or
transmitted, or in natural groups. An address, for example, is normally
given by street, city, state, and zip code. Another example of natural
grouping is the league standings of football teams, appearing in order of
best to worst records.
Frequency of use. Frequency of use is a design technique based on the
principle that information items used most frequently should be grouped at
the beginning, the second most frequently used items grouped next, and so
Function or category. Information items are grouped according to their
purpose or by some common parameter. All items pertaining to insurance
coverage, for example, may be placed in one location. Transportation
vehicles may be grouped within the categories of planes, trains, and
automobiles. Such grouping also allows convenient group identification
using headings for the user. Sub-categories with sub-headings may also be
Importance. Importance grouping is based on the information’s importance
to the user’s task or need. Important items are placed first or in the most
prominent position. Items may be organized from best to worst or largest to
General to specific. If some data is more general than others, the general
elements should precede the specific elements. This will usually occur
when there is a hierarchical relationship among data elements. This is a
common Web site organization scheme.

5 (a). navigation schemes in screen design

• Provide an ordering of screen information and elements that:
 is rhythmic guiding a person’s eye through display
 encourages natural movement sequences.
 minimizes pointer and eye movement distances.
• Locate the most important and most frequently used elements or controls
at top left.
• Maintain top to bottom , left to right flow.
• Assist in navigation through a screen by
Aligning elements
Grouping elements
Use of line borders
• Through focus and emphasis, sequentially, direct attention to items that
 Critical
 Important
 Secondary
 Peripheral
• Tab through window in logical order of displayed information.
• locate command button at the end of the tabbing order sequence,
• When groups of related information must be broken and displayed on
separate screens, provide breaks at logical or natural points in the
information flow.
• In establishing eye movement through a screen, also consider that the
eye trends to move sequentially , for example –
 From dark areas to light areas
 From big objects to little objects
 From unusual shapes to common shapes.
 From highly saturated colors to unsaturated colors.
• These techniques can be initially used o focus a person’s attention.
• Maintain top to bottom, left to right through the screen.
This top to bottom orientation is Recommended for information entry for the
following reasons –
 Eye movements between items will be shorter.
 Control movements between items will be shorter.
 Groupings are more obvious perceptually.
 When one’s eyes moves away from the screen and then back, it
returns to about same place it left, even if it is seeking next item in
• Most product style guides recommend a left to right orientation.
• Our earliest display screens reflected this left to right entry orientation.
• Top to bottom orientation is also recommended for presenting displays of
read only information that must be scanned.


5 (b). Screen based contros used in screen

Screen-based controls, often simply calledcontrolsand sometimes called
widgets, are the elements of a screen that constitute its body. By definition,
they are graphic objects that represent the properties or operations of other
objects. A control may: Permit the entry or selection of a particular value.
Permit the changing or editing of a particular value. Display only a
particular piece of text, value, or graphic. Cause a command to be
performed. Possess a contextual pop-up window.
In this step we will:
- Identify the characteristics and capabilities of the various screen-based
controls, including:
- Buttons.
- Text entry/read-only controls.
- Selection controls.
- Combination entry/selection controls.
- Specialized operable controls.
- Custom controls.
- Presentation controls.
- Web controls.
- Select the proper controls for the user and tasks.
■ Description:
— A square or rectangular-shaped control with a label inside that indicates
action to be accomplished.
— The label may consist of text, graphics, or both.
■ Purpose:
— To start actions.
— To change properties.
— To display a pop-up menu.
■ Advantages:
— Always visible, reminding one of the choices available.
— Convenient.
— Can be logically organized in the work area.
— Can provide meaningful descriptions of the actions that will be
— Larger size generally provides faster selection target.
— Can possess 3-D appearance:
• Adds an aesthetically pleasing style to the screen.
• Provides visual feedback through button movement when activated.
— May permit use of keyboard equivalents and accelerators.
— Faster than using a two-step menu bar/pull-down sequence.
■ Disadvantages:
— Consumes screen space.
— Size limits the number that may be displayed.
— Requires looking away from main working area to activate.
— Requires moving the pointer to select.
■ Proper usage:
— Use for frequently used actions that are specific to a window.
• To cause something to happen immediately.
• To display another window.
• To display a menu of options.
• To set a mode or property value.
Text Entry/Read-Only Controls
A Text Entry/Read-Only control contains text that is exclusively entered or
modified through the keyboard. It may also contain entered text being
presented for reading or display purposes only.
Text Boxes
■ Description:
— A control, usually rectangular in shape, in which:
• Text may be entered or edited.
• Text may be displayed for read-only purposes. — Usually possesses a
caption describing the kind of information contained within it. — An
outline field border:
• Is included for enterable/editable text boxes.
• Is not included for read-only text boxes.
— Two types exist:
• Single line.
• Multiple line.
— When first displayed, the box may be blank or contain an initial value.
■ Purpose:
— To permit the display, entering, or editing of textual information.
— To display read-only information.
■ Advantages:
— Very flexible.
— Familiar.
— Consumes little screen space.
■ Disadvantages:
— Requires use of typewriter keyboard.
— Requires user to remember what must be keyed.
■ Proper usage:
— Most useful for data that is:
• Unlimited in scope.
• Difficult to categorize.
• Of a variety of different lengths.
— When using a selection list is not possible.
Selection Controls
A selection control presents on the screen all the possible alternatives,
conditions, or choices that may exist for an entity, property, or value. The
relevant item or items are selected from those displayed. Some selection
controls present all the alternatives together, visibly on a screen; others
may require an action to retrieve the entire listing and/ or scrolling to view
all the alternatives. Selection controls include radio buttons, check boxes,
list boxes, drop-down/pop-up list boxes, and palettes.
Combination Entry/Selection Controls
It is possible for a control to possess the characteristics of both a text field
and a selection field. In this type of control, information may either be keyed
into the field or selected and placed within it. The types of combination
entry/selection fields are spin boxes, attached combination boxes, and
drop-down/pop-up combination boxes.
Other Operable Controls
Other more specialized operable controls also exist. Among them are
sliders, tabs, datepickers, and scroll bars.
Presentation Controls
Presentation controls are purely informational. They provide details about
other screen elements or controls, or assist in giving the screen structure.
Common presentation controls are static text fields, group boxes column
headings, ToolTips, balloon tips, and progress indicators.

6 (a). role of text and messages in screen design

6 (b). choosing icons


7 (a). Interface building tools

Interface-Building Tools Benefits of high-level software tools in the context
of HCI
1. User interface independence
(A) Separate interface design from internals,
(B) enable multiple user interface strategies and multiple platform support,
(C) establish role of UI architect,
(D) enforce standards

2. Methodology and Notation

(A) Develop design procedures,
(B) find ways to talk about design,
(C) create project management

3. Rapid Prototyping
(A) Try out new ideas very early,
(B) test, revise, test, revise,...,
(C) engage end-users, managers and customers

4. Software Support
(A) Increase productivity,
(B) offer constraint and consistency checks,
(C) facilitate team approach,
(D) ease maintenance

Interface Mockup Tools

 Main purpose: Create quick sketches during early design to explore
multiple alternatives, facilitate communication
 Very important also in the pre-contract phase
 Examples: Slideshows, Macromedia Director, Flash, Dreamweaver, MS
Visio, JBuilder, VB, etc.
 Depending on the approach/tool: Either show simple slides of screens or
provide complete prototypes where users can select, navigate, click, scroll,
 Note: Prototypes are naturally limited

Software-engineering tools
 Main Purpose: Build the final product
 In earlier days, general purpose languages (e.g., Java, C++) were used
to build UIs from scratch
 Today, this is supported through software tools, APIs and Frameworks,
 A classification of UI building tools:
 Layer 1: Windowing Toolkit
 Layer 2: GUI Toolkit
 Layer 3: Application Framework/Specialized Languages
 Layer 4: Application Level
 General Trend:
 Lack of modifiability led to building architectures that separate the UI
from the application logic (e.g., MVC-Pattern), also supports cross
platform development

Windowing-system layer
 ≈ no widgets available, need to “draw” manually, no event support
encapsulated in objects
 Low-level work required
 Especially useful/important for new platforms or if resources are
 Build the basis for higher-level layers
 Pros: Performance, very flexible
 Cons: Requires extensive programming, long learning time, offers little
support for interactive tools, no visualization tools

GUI-toolkit layer
 ≈ provides software libraries and widgets (e.g., frames, dialog boxes,
scrollbars) including event encapsulation as building blocks
 Pros: Abstraction, shorter development times, great flexibility, often
based on general-purpose languages (makes it easier to combine UI with
application logic)
 Cons: Possibly high learning times, building and maintenance time is still
high, no support for consistency, experienced programmer needed
 Example for Toolkits: ILOG Views, Gtk, Qt, Java (AWT, Swing, SWT),
.Net GUI toolkit)

Application framework and specialized language layer

 Application Framework
 ≈ Software architecture specifically designed for building GUIs
 Idea: Many UI-based programs have a similar structure, capture
structure, translate it to classes, objects and methods, which can then
be extended/reused
 Commonly uses widgets from the GUI Toolkit layer
 Based on convenient visual programming, simple scripting
languages, or general purpose languages
 Less support for non-graphical part of the application
 Example: Cocoa, MFC, Macromedia Director
 Specialized Languages
 ≈ Languages specifically designed for building UIs
 Can also be used for rapid prototyping
 Example: Tcl, java script in combination with HTML

Application layer
 ≈ Interface Generators, also called: Model-Based Systems or UI
Management Systems
 Visual tools, that allow for most parts of an application to be built with
one tool and without coding
 Only available for a small class of applications (e.g., DB front-ends) or
research prototypes


7 (b). Backus-Naur specification method

8 (a). speech digitization technique

8 (b). image and vedio dispays

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