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The second edition


Unit 1. Properties and Shapes

Part 1: Choose the words or phrases which best complete the following
1. Glass is used for window pane because it is............................
A. opaque B. combustible C. transparent D. permeable
2. The church in the diagram.............. a triangular prism.
A. shapes like B. has shape like C. is shaped like D. is like
3. Asbestos sheeting can be used to fireproof doors because it
A. impermeable B. non-combustible
C. corrosion resistant D. transparent
4. Which arch is ……………………?
A. horseshoed-shape B. shaped-horseshoe
C. horseshoe - shape D. horseshoe-shaped
5. The cross-section of the brick is ………….. in shape.
A. square B. triangular C. circular D.
6. A tile of rubber can be bent because rubber is …………………….
A. rigid. B. plastic. C. flexible. D. heavy.
7. Light sheet materials acts as space-divider, but do not ….
A. support structural loads B. support loading structure
B. support for structural loads D. load to structural support
8. Glass wool is used to keep the heat in hot-water tanks because it has……
A. thermal insulation is good B. the property of good thermal
C. a good property of heat insulation C. insulation of heat is good
9. Walls made up of block materials can ……………………..
A. support the building. B. divide the space in the building.
C. prevent the moisture. D. both A and B.
10. Walls .......... up of block materials can support the loads and divide the
space in the
A. are making B. made C. are made D. make
11. A rubber tile can be ……..…..easily because it is flexible.
A. scratched B. stretched C. bent D. dented

12. Sheet materials are used to form walls which act as both ……and
structural support.
A. roof-dividers B. space-dividers C. floor-dividers D. hall-
13. …………….. materials can be used for structural support only.
A. Block B. Sheet C. Rod D. all are
14. 2. Some steel is covered with a thin layer of zinc because zinc is
A. flexible B. transparent
C. permeable D. corrosion resistant
15. Wall made up of blocks act as both space-dividers and………………..
A. structural support B. cladding C. partitions D.
external envelops
16. Bitumen can be dented or scratched easily because it is .............................
A. elastic B. plastic C. flexible D. soft
17. You can see through glass because glass is ...................
A. opaque B. combustible C. permeable D.
18. These buildings are lighter and faster …………..than buildings made up
of blocks.
A. construct B. constructed C. to construct D. constructing
19…………… is used for window panes because it is transparent.
A. Wood B. Clay C. Glass D. Zinc

20. The polythene membrane can prevent moisture ………...rising into the
concrete floor.
A. out B. from C. in D. of
21. ………….are used to support the loads on a building.
A. Materials build B. Built materials
C. Materials building D. Building materials
22. The cross section of a square prism is…………….
A. a square shape B. square in shape
C. in shape square D. square in shape
23. Sheet materials are typically used for……………. construction buildings
A. mass B. planar C. frame D. primitive

Part 2: Use the correct form of the word given in brackets at the end of
each item to complete the sentence.
1. Rod materials can be fixed together to form ………….…..structures.
2. Sheet materials act as both space-dividers and ………….support.
3. The form of a component is ………….….. to the way in which it is used.
4. Stainless steel does not go rusty because it is …………...…….resistant.
5. Some steel is……………..….. with a thin layer of zinc. (COVER)
6. Sheet materials are used for ………………… (DIVIDE)
7. A concrete arch bridge is a bridge with an arch……. of reinforced concrete.
8. Rubber can be ……………… and will then return to its original shape.
9. Copper is a good …………………. of heat (CONDUCT)
Part 3: Use the words and phrases in each item to build a complete
sentence. You can make any changes or additions if necessary .
1. cross-section / rectangular prism / be / rectangular / shape
2. steel beam / be / I-shaped / cross-section.
3. concrete / can be / form / rods / and / use / columns
4. polythene membrane / prevent / moisture / rise / concrete floor.
5. which building component / be / C-shaped / cross-section?
6. the dome / an Egyptian house / shaped like / hemisphere .
................... 7. longitudinal section / cylinder / be / rectangular / shape.
8. you / can see / glass / but / not / wood.
9. spaces / between / rods / can / fill / light / sheet materials.
10. which building / have / diamond-shaped / window ?
11. black cloth blinds / can / used / keep / light / out of / room.
12. glass wool / not / transmit / heat / easy

13. these walls/ act / both / space-divider / structural support
14. glass / cannot / be / dent / or / scratch / easy
15. stone / have / property / high / compressive strength.

Part 4: Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it

means exactly the same as the sentence printed above it.
1. Steel has the property of high tensile strength.
2. The minaret is shaped like a pencil.
The minaret is
3. The church has diamond-shaped windows.
4. Timber can resist high tensile forces.
Timber has
5. Wood is combustible, so it can burn.

6. Brick has the property of good sound insulation.
Brick does
7. The windows of the church are shaped like diamonds.
The church has ………. …………………………………………………..
8. Mineral wool does not transmit heat easily.
Mineral wool has………………………………………………………….
9. The Arabic arch is horseshoe-shaped.
The Arabic arch
10. Heat can be transferred through copper easily because it is a good
conductor of heat.
Copper is
11. Stainless steel is corrosion resistant.
Stainless steel

Part 5. Read the following passage and answer the questions.

Block is a building unit made of concrete whose nominal size is 8’’ x 8’’
x16’’, but whose actual size is 75/8’’ x 75/8’’ x 155/8’’.
Today block is popular for building everything from a foundation wall to
a complete building. Blocks weigh between forty and fifty pounds each;
the weight variance is mainly due to the different weights of the
aggregate used. Block may be solid – which means they are totally solid
or have small air cells in them – or contain voids, or “cores” (either two
or three), to reduce the weight of the block.
Although most blocks are very strong and can be used for most
purposes, whether they are suitable for a particular application should be
checked with a supplier before purchase. Blocks are also arranged in
grades according to where they can be used.
Type N blocks are designed for use above or below grade, whether
subject to water penetration or not. Type S blocks are designed for use
inside, where they are protected from the weather. The basic difference
between the two types of blocks is the aggregate used.

1. What is the actual size of block?
2. What is the weight variance mainly due to?
3. Why are there small air cells in the blocks?
4. How many kinds of blocks are mentioned in this passage? What are they?
5. What is basic difference between the two types of blocks?

Unit 2. Location
Part 1: Choose the words or phrases which best complete the following
1. The covered porch is placed……………… the entrance.
A. beyond B. under C. over D. at the top of
2. There is a ……………. under the window opening
A. lintel B. shutter C. sill D. edge
3. The front wall of the house is ………………. to the side walls.
A. parallel B. perpendicular C. opposite D. beyond
4. The windows are placed……………………
A. either side of the door B. on either side of door
C. on either side of the door D. in either side of the door
5. The side walls are ………………. to each other.
A. parallel B. perpendicular C. opposite D. beyond
6. House A has the best ……….....for a hot country.
A. orientation B. dimension C. direction D.
7. The gutter runs.................... the edge of the roof.
A. under B. over C. along D. on either side
8. A view looking straight down on a cut-away view of the interior of a
building is known
A. a plan. B. an elevation. C. a perspection. D. a
9. The longer walls of the house face north and south to minimise the area of
A. exposes to the sun B. exposed to the sun
C. is exposing to the sun D. to expose the sun
10. The back door of the house does not have a ………………… over it.
A. covered porch B. lintel C. canopy D. roof
11. The chimney stack extends ...................the top of the roof.
A. out B. beyond C. over D. along
12. The short …………..… of the building is orientated east-west.
A. axis B. direction C. dimension D.
13. The ……………. is in the centre of the chimney stack.
A. fire place B. down pipe C. flue D.
waste pipe
14. The building site………..….
A. bounds a road to the west B. bounded to a west road
C. is bounded with a west road D. is bounded by a road to the
15. There is a ………… the bottom of the chimney stack.
A. flue B. fire place C. waste pipe D.
letter box
16. In which ……………..… the longer walls of the stadium face?
A. orientation B. direction C. axis D.
17. There are ………………... on either side of the windows.
A. shutters B. gutters C. knockers D. lintels
18. The entrance is situated ……………. stairs.
A. at the bottom of the stairs B. at the top of the stairs
C. in front of the stairs D. in the centre of the stairs
19. The ………… is in the centre of the door.
A. canopy B. flue C. sill D. knocker
20. The ground slab foundation …………….beyond the perimeter walls.
A. runs B. extends C. is orientated D. faces

Part 2: Use the correct form of the word given in brackets at the end of
each item
to complete the sentence.

1. The dining room is……………….next to the kitchen. (SITUATE)

2. ………………….south, the living room is to the right of the bedroom.
3. The …………………. of the long axis is north-south. (ORIENTATE)
4. The hall is ………………….in the centre of the first floor. (LOCATE)
5. People waiting to enter the house need……………from the weather.
6. The architect placed the kitchen next to the dining room because it makes
….……….……. food easier.
7. ……...…from the rear, the chimney stack is on the left-hand side of the
house. (VIEW)
8. An irrigation ditch runs along the northern ………………. (BOUND)
9. This house has the …………………. length of wall exposed to the
prevailing breeze?

10 .The client complained about the ……...….position of the bedroom and
living room.
11. The situated dining room is on the left of the……………….. (ENTER)

Part 3: Use the words and phrases in each item to build a complete
sentence. You can make any changes or additions if necessary.
1. car park / bounded / road / the west.
2. irrigation ditch / run / along / north / boundary / building site.
3. people / wait / enter / house / need / protect / weather.
4. building site / have / vehicular access / road / north.
5. dining room / situate / front / kitchen.
6. short axis / theatre / orientate / east-west
7. side walls / right angles / front wall.
8. front / wall / parallel / back wall.
9. main bedroom / locate / over / dining room.
10. entrance / locate / north side / lead / hall.

11. this / help / keep / inside / house / cool / summer .
12. chimney stack / extend / top / roof.
13. there / letter box / bottom / door.

14. architect / placed / bathroom / left / bedroom.

15. orientation / long axis / house A / be / north-south.
16. which direction / longer walls / house / face?
17. this / help / inside / house / warm / winter?

Part 4: Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it

means exactly the same as the sentence printed above it.

1. The back of the building faces north.

The back of the building is
2. The orientation of the long axis of the building is east-west.
The long
3. The hospital is bounded by a high wall to the south.
A high
4. The side walls are perpendicular to the front wall.
The front
5. The kitchen is next to the dining room.
The dining
6. Viewed from the front, the kitchen is behind the living room.
Viewed from the front, the living
7. A road runs along the northern boundary of the factory.
The building…………………………………………………………….
8. The front of the house is a south-facing wall.
The front of the
9. There are two windows on either side of the door.
10. The family room is located under bedroom 2.
Bedroom 2

Part 5: Read the following passage and answer the questions.

Principles of good home design
Any design process is usually guided by recognized values of some sort.
How those values are interpreted by the designer is what makes the difference
between good and bad design.

The primary purpose of a home is to serve the specific, individual needs of
the home’s occupants, rather than the needs of a generalized house
In addition to serving its occupants, a home should recognise the influence
that climate, topography, solar access, vegetation, culture, etc., can and
should have on its design.
A home also should recognise and work with other homes in the area.
When a home fits in well with its neighbors it helps build the fabric of the
community. But that doesn’t mean it has to look like the other houses in
the area.
A carefully planned home doesn’t use any more material than necessary
for function and aesthetics, and uses construction systems that are
appropriate for the home’s site.
Nothing dooms a house to obsolescence quicker than designing it for just
one stage of life. A home should be able to easily adapt to a family’s
changing needs, keeping families in their homes and neighborhoods
In home design, quality always wins over quantity. Quality in materials,
details, finishes, workmanship and design enriches the lives of the
occupants, makes the house last longer without needing repair and
contributes to the quality image of the whole community.

1. What is the primary purpose of a home?

2. What influence should a home recognise?
3. What is a carefully planned home?
4. What makes a house become obsolete quickly?
5. According to the passage, why is quality very important in a home design?

Unit 3. Structure

Part 1: Choose the words or phrases which best complete the following
1. The floor structure of the factory is ................... panels.
A. made from B. made into C. made of D. made up
2. The horizontal members which connect steel frames together are called
A. tie beams B. floor beams C. roof beams D. steel
3. Materials......................... for the post-and-lintel structure include stone and
A. use B. are using. C. are used D. used
4. The beams and stanchions are made.......................steel.
A. up of B. of C. from D. into
5. The roof structure of the factory is…………….. of joists and slabs..
A. consisted B. included C. composed D. used
6. The vertical members in the structure are called …………….
A. lintels B. beams C. joists D. posts
7. The wall is………….. from four compound units.
A. made B. constructed C. included D. consisted
8. The wooden joists ………….a distance of 2 metres.
A. space B. span C. carry D. support
9. The arch is a type of ……………structure.
A. trabeated B. arcuated C. framed D. vault
10. The roof beams cantilever a short distance ……… the stanchion.
A. under B above C .beyond D. below
11. The steel stanchions are spaced …………………….
A . at 4 metre centres B. at a centre of 4 metres
C. at 4 metres centres D. at 4 metres centre
12. The force on the floorboard is transmitted ……… nails …… the joist.
A. from…to B. through…to C. between…and D.
13. The first thin sheet is……………… to the second one by glue.
A. welded B. bolted C. joined D.

14. The tie beams span …………………

A. 3 metres of distance B. a 3 metres distance
C. a 3 distance of metres D. a distance of 3 metres
15. The factory is constructed …………... four elements.
A. of B. from C. up of D. into
16. The stone ………………… the arch is called the keystone.
A. over B. under C. in the centre of D.

Part 2: Use the correct form of the word given in brackets at the end of
each item to complete the sentence.
1. The contact faces of the joint are ……………….…..flat.
2. The roof is constructed from a roof structure and a waterproof ……..….
3. Materials …………for post-and-lintel structures include stone and timber.
4. The ……………….. surface is made up of vinyl tiles. (WEAR)
5. The steel angles are fixed across the end of the beams and…………......
into the brick
walls. (BUILD)
6. What is the …………..…between a base plate and a column base filled
with? (JOIN)
Part 3: Use the words and phrases in each item to build a complete
sentence. You can make any changes or additions if necessary.

1. wooden joists / span / distance / 2 / metre.

2. . sideways force / floor board / transmitted / nails / joist.
3. the steel skeleton / compose / straight members.
4. steel frames / space / 4 metre centres.
5. beams / bolt / steel stanchion caps.

6. brick walls / carry / wooden joists / support / floor.

7. what centres / be / steel frames / space?
8. factory / be / construct / four elements.
9. foundations / factory / made / precast concrete panels.

10. steel channel / join / steel column / weld
11. joint / between / base plate / column base /filled / mortar bed.
12. corrugated sheets / make /steel

Part 4: Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it

means exactly the same as the sentence printed above it.

1. The roof beam is joined to the steel stanchion by bolts.

The roof beam and
2. The stanchions carry the floor beams and the roof beams.
3. What is the span of the vault?

4. The steel channel and the steel column are welded together.
The steel channel
5. What does the post-and-lintel structure consist of?
6. The arch spans a distance of one metre.

7. The floorboard is nailed to the joist.
The floorboard is ………………………………………………………...

8. The floorboard is nailed to the joist.

The floorboard
is ...............................................................................................................

Part 5: Read the following passage and answer the questions.

Roofs may be pitched (sloped) or flat, depending on a large degree on

the area of the country. In areas with heavy rain or snow, pitched roofs
are a must if the roofs are made of materials such as asphalt shingles,
ceramic tile, slate, or wood is used. Roofs made of such materials are not
impervious to water, and if they are not slanted, they will not shed the
water, which can then work its way into the house.

Flat roofs, also called shed roofs, are practical only where precipitation
is minimal. Even so, they should be covered with some waterproof
roofing and be pitched to some degree to shed water. Water left to
evaporate on a flat surface can cause problems, no matter what the
covering. Flat roofs may be slightly angled, dead flat, or slightly raised
in the center to ensure water runoff. A parapet may or may not run
around the perimeter.
1. Name the types of roofs mentioned in this passage.
2. What does the use of different types of roofs depend on ?
3. Where must pitched roofs be used?
4. What can cause problems to flat roofs?
5. Why are flat roofs slightly angled or raised in the center?

Unit 4. Measurement 1
Part 1: Choose the words or phrases which best complete the following
1. The noise level of the radio is measured in ……………
A. joules B. decibels C. lumens D. amperes
2. When deciding on ……….. architect should base his calculations on the
length of lower leg in a group of people.
A. the width of a doorway B. the height of a seat above
C. the height of notices D. the width of a sink unit
3. The …………………….. to the air conditioner is measured in amperes.
A. electric current B. heat C. temperature D. stress
4. The ………………… from the light bulb is 50 lux.
A. stress B. illumination C. ampere D. density
5. The ………………… of the concrete foundation is 2,400 kg /m3.
A. mass B. weight C. density D. stress
6. Concrete is made …….. cement, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and
A. from B. of C. up of D. into
7. The …………………. of the swimming pool is 500 square metres.
A. volume B. length C. area D. width
8. …………………are used to measure the heat flow rate of the radiator.
A. Amperes B. Joules C. Lumens D. Decibels
9. The height in a group of three people varies………. X mm ………Zmm
A. between ...and B. from ….to C. between ….to D.
from …and
10. When the …………rods are close together, the maximum size of
aggregate used
should be 10 mm.
A. reinforce B. reinforcing C. reinforcement D. reinforced
11. The temperature of the room is measured in ........................
A. lumens B. amperes C. decibels D. degrees
12. When deciding on the length of a seat surface from backrest to front edge,
architect bases his calculations on …………in our group..
A. the average eye height B. the minimum forward
C. the maximum shoulder with D. the maximum length of
upper leg

Part 2: Use the correct form of the word given in brackets at the end of
each item to complete the sentence.
1. The room has a ……………………of five metres. (LONG)
2. The building site is …………..… 250 square metres.
3. Estimate the internal ……………. of your classroom. (MEASURE)
4. The library has a …………….… of 29 metres. (HIGH)

5. When designing the …………….of a sink unit, an architect should base
calculations on the minimum forward reach. ( WIDE)
6. Coarse aggregate ………from 5 mm to 40 mm may be used for normal
7. What is the maximum size of coarse aggregate that should be used for
reinforced sections. (HEAVY)
8. Where………………… close together, the maximum size of coarse
aggregate that
should be used is 10 mm. (REINFORCE)
9. The maximum ……………………of the finished concrete is 100 mm.
10. What are the ……………….…..requirements of a building.

Part 3: Use the words and phrases in each item to build a complete
sentence. You can make any changes or additions if necessary.

1. treatment room / have / length / approximately 12 / metre.

2. kitchen window / approximately /3 / square metre / area.
3. stress / the concrete block / measured / newton / square metre
4. coarse aggregate / range / size / 5 mm / 40 mm.
5. library / approximately 240 / cubic metre / volume.

6. classroom / 4 / metre / high.
7. maximum density / concrete / require / be / 2200 / kilogramme / cubic
8. area / room / should not / be / great / than / 50 / square metre.
9. architect / want / build / concrete wall / volume / 10 cubic metres.
10. maximum compressive stress / concrete / allow / 5N/mm².

Part 4: Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it

means exactly the same as the sentence printed above it.

1. The auditorium has a length of approximately 50 metres.

The auditorium

2. Concrete is made from cement, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and water.


3. The internal area of the dining room is 25 metres.

The dining room

4. The height of the treatment room is 3 metres.

The treatment room


5. The tables used in universities are higher than the ones used in infant

The tables used in infant schools are


6. Coarse aggregate ranges in size from 5 mm to 40 mm.

Coarse aggregate varies…………………………………………………….


7. The doorway height in Britain is usually 2100 mm, although some Britons
are taller

than 2100 mm.

Some Britons are taller than 2100 mm……………………………..


Part 5. Read the following passage and answer the questions.

Self-compacting concrete distinguishes itself by high flowability and
capacity of self compacting under its own mass gravity without any
mechanical effect. It can serve as a good building material, which
reduces defects on the surface of the concrete structure and increases
durability of concrete. Self-compacting concrete is suitable for structures
of complex shape, thin-wall structures and those of heavy reinforcement
or those requiring high surface finishing quality.
The quality of self-compacting concrete depends on properties of the
concrete mixture such as bleeding, flowability and self-compactness. To
achieve these requirements, it is strongly recommended to use a large
amount of fine particles (known as micro-fillers) in the concrete mixture.
Micro-fillers play an important role in improving particle gradation,
decreasing cement content and water demand and increasing plasticity of
the concrete mixture.

1. How does self-compacting concrete differ from conventional concrete?

2. Why is self-compacting concrete considered a good building material?
3. What is it suitable for?
4. What determines the quality of self-compacting concrete?
5. What should we do to improve the quality of self-compacting concrete?

Unit 5. Process 1. Function and Ability

Part 1: Choose the words or phrases which best complete the following
1. The expansion tank is designed.......................... the water to expand safely.
A. to act B. to serve C. to enable D. to
2. The ……………is used for carrying out experiments.
A. lecture room B. laboratory C. treatment room D.
3. The…….. serves as a device of controlling the temperature of the water in
the boiler.
A. thermostat B. aquastat C. radiator D. pump
4. When the pump is switched on………………
A. the aquastat shuts down the burner B. the thermostat switches on
the burner
C. the aquastat starts up the burner D. the safety valve relieves the
5. The………… is designed to relieve the pressure in the boiler if it is too
A. safety valve B. pump C. expansion tankD.
6. The lowest floor..................... a moisture barrier.
A. enables B. acts as C. functions D. is
7. The……….. functions as a device of controlling the temperature of the air
in the room.
A. radiator B. pump C. thermostat D. aquastat
8. A house functions as a place for ………….. a family.
A. treating B. accommodating C. examing D.
9. The ………is designed to transfer the heat from the hot water to the air in
the room.
A. boiler B. burner C. radiator D. thermostat
10. The library is used for………………………………..
A. giving lectures B. dispensing medicine
C. storing materials D. storing and keeping books
11. The partition……………the building to provide visual screening
A. enables B. serves C. acts D. functions
12. The post office is …………….. of handling up to 1000 letters per day.
A. able B. ability C. capable D. capacity
13. ………..enables the occupants in a building to read during the light time.
A. Artificial light B. Natural light C. Windows D.

14. The partition acts as ……………………..

A. a thermal insulator B. a sound insulator
C. a space divider D. B&C
15. Mineral wool has low thermal………….....and is therefore used to
provide thermal
insulation for walls.
A. combustibility B. conductivity C. ability D. capacity
16. ………….enables the inside of a building to be kept warm.
A. The radiator B. The thermostatC. Hot water D.
The aquastat

Part 2: Use the correct form of the word given in brackets at the end of
each item to complete the sentence.
1. Concrete is …………..…..of withstanding high temperature.
2. The external wall acts as a thermal…………………….
3. Aluminium has the ………….…….to keep out water. (ABLE)
4. What are the most important design………………of the building.
5. Concrete has low………….….. and high density. (COMBUSTIBLE)
6. Aluminium is ………………,so it is able to keep out water .
7. Steel is used for the frame structure because it has high ……………..…
8. Concrete is used to provide sound insulation and fire …………... for
walls. (RESIST)
9. Water is ……………… at a constant temperature by a thermostat device.
10. The functions of this air conditioner are to control the temperature,
and control noise. (REMOVAL)

Part 3: Use the words and phrases in each item to build a complete
sentence. You can make any changes or additions if necessary.
1. library / used / storing and reading / book.
2. the function / air conditioner / control the temperature
3. lecture room / serve / place / give / lecture.
4. heat flow rate / radiator / measure / joules.
5. the university / function / place / educate / students.
6. mineral wool / provide / thermal insulation / walls.
7. function / the pump / be / circulate / hot water through radiators.(xem lại
bài 5 p39 ex11 câu 6)
8. external walls / design / resist loads.
9. what / enable / occupants / building / be / safe / fire?
10. The partition /enable / building / provide / visual screening.
11. Ceramic tile / used / provide / good appearance /walls.
12. function / a radiator / transfer / heat / hot water / air/ room.

Part 4: Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it

means exactly the same as the sentence printed above it.

1. The hamburger shop has the capacity to serve up to 100 customers in one

The hamburger shop


2. Solid walls are able to support the structural loads.

Solid wall have………………..………………………………………..


3. The restaurant is capable of serving up to 350 customers a day

The restaurant

4. The lowest floor acts as a moisture barrier of the building.

The lowest floor enables the building ………………….………………….


5. This building structure has the ability to withstand wind and earthquakes.

This building structure


6. The partition is designed to divide the space in the building.

The partition

7. The lowest floor enables the building to control the passage of moisture.

The lowest floor acts


8. The lowest floor acts as a thermal insulator.

The lowest floor is


Part 5. Read the following passage and answer the questions.

Wall systems are the vertical planes of a building, which define and
enclose its internal spaces. They may be bearing walls of homogenous or
composite construction or they may be constructed of linear columns and
beams with non-structural panels filling in between them. The major
function of the exterior walls of a building is to provide protection from
weather for its interior spaces. Their construction should control the
passage of heat and cold, air, and water vapour. The exterior skin should

be durable and resistant to the weathering effects of sun, wind and
precipitation. The interior walls, which subdivide the internal space of a
building, may be either non-structural or load-bearing. The size and
location of door and window openings are determined by the requirements
for natural light, ventilation, view, physical access and some esthetic
factors. In China and some eastern countries they are also determined by
superstitious belief.

1. What are wall systems?

2. What is the major function of the exterior walls ?
3. What should the exterior skin be like?
4. What determines the size and location of door and window openings?
5. What else also determines them in China and some other countries?

Unit 6. Process 2. Actions in Sequence

Part 1: Choose the words or phrases which best complete the following
1. After …………………..the partitions, the workmen lay the floor finishes.
A. erecting B. excavating C. laying D. installing
2. The foundations…………… before the column base plates are fixed
A. are constructing B. construct
C. have constructed D. have been constructed
3. The ……………....installs the heating equipment from the beginning of
week 26 to the

end of week 40
A. roofing contractor B. cladding fixer C. heating contractor D.
steel erector
4. Having erected the partitions, the workmen ……………..…the floor
A. construct B. install C. lay D. excavate
5. The balustrade fixing plates have been fixed before the weatherproof roof
A. erected B. fixed C. installed D. laid.
6. The suspended ceiling are fixed, after the …..……………..…have been
A. services B. corner units C. floor finishes D. partitions
7. The …………………..…is installed during this phase.
A. electric wiring B. balustrade fixing plate
C. vertical cladding panel D. concrete floor slab
8. From the beginning of week 21 to the end of week 30 the plumbers
installed the ……
A. roof covering B. heating equipment
C. electrical equipment D. pipe work and sanitary equipment
9. While the cladding ……………., some of the electrical equipment is
A. is fixed B. is fixing C. is being fixed D. fixes
10. The building was completed ……………..schedule.
A. on B. in C. at D. of
11. The wrong paint was ………………….. to the decorators.
A. settled B. delivered C. taken D. carried
12. Immediately after the cladding fixers……………….., the carpenters
A. have finished B. finished C. finish D are
Part 2: Use the correct form of the word given in brackets at the end of
each item to complete the sentence.
1. Before ……………these, the workmen erect the Conner units. (FIX)
2. The ……………… started one week late. (DECORATE)

3. This resulted in the bricklayers …………..three weeks longer than
expected. (WORK)
4………………………was delayed for two weeks. (EXCAVATE)
5. For six months after ……………….., there is a period known as the
‘defects liability
period’ (COMPLETE)
6. Several building ……………….. are invited to bid for the job of
constructing the
building. (CONTRACT)
7. The architect makes sure that the materials ……................…in the contract
are being
used. (SPECIFY)
8. By …………….…..on extra men , the building was completed on
schedule. (PUT)

Part 3: Use the words and phrases in each item to build a complete
sentence. You can make any changes or additions if necessary.

1. excavation / delay / 2 weeks / because / excavator / break down.

2. work / now start / the building.

3. by / put on extra men / building / complete / schedule
4. this result / bricklayers / work / 3 weeks longer /expected.
5. why / steel frames / erect / before / wall planks / fix?
6. workmen / begin / initial state / by / excavate /ground.
7. concrete foundations / require / solid ground / support them.
8. weatherproof membrane / lay / balustrade fixing plates.
9. as soon as / plumber / finish / carpenter / begin.
10. while / cladding / fix / some / heating equipment / install.
11. decorators / should / finish / no later / end / week 50.
12. bricks / short supply / during / week 15 / 20.

Part 4: Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it

means exactly the same as the sentence printed above it.

1. Why have the foundations been constructed before the column base plates
are fixed?
Why are………………………..
2. The plumbers begin their work as soon as the bricklayers have finished.
The plumbers............immediately
3. Several building contractors are invited to bid for the job of constructing
the building.
Several building contractors are invited
4. Excavation was delayed for 2 weeks because the excavator broke down.
5. The steel erectors work simultaneously with the bricklayers.
The steel
6. The machine drivers should finish no later than the end of week 8.
The machine drivers
7. The plumbers work at the same time as the roofing contractor.
8. Having completed the preparation of the site, the workmen begin the initial
After the workmen
9. The decorators work up to the end of week 50.
10.This architect has received a commission for a building.
This architect has been ………………………………………
11.The roofing constructor spent seven weeks laying the roof covering.
It took……………………………………………………………..….
12.The services have been installed before the suspended ceilings are fixed.
The suspended
13.The glaziers should finish their work by the end of week 44.
The glaziers
14.The cladding fixers work until the end of week 30.
The cladding

Part 5: Part 2: Read the following passage carefully, and then answer the

Today the engineer has the advantage not only of empirical information, but
also of scientific data that permit him to make careful calculation in advance.
When a modern engineer plans a structure, he takes into account the total
weight of all its component materials. This is known as the dead load, which
is the weight of the structure itself. He must also consider the live load, the
weight of all the people, cars, furniture, machines, and so on that the structure
will support when it is in use. In structures such as bridges that will handle
fast automobile traffic, he must consider the impact, the force at which the
live load will be extended on the structure. He must also determine the safety
factor that is an additional capability to make the structure stronger than the
combination of the three other factors.

The modern engineer must also understand the different stresses to which the
materials in a structure are subject. These include the opposite forces of
compression and tension. In compression the material is pressed or pushed
together; in tension the material is pulled apart or stretched, like a rubber

In addition to tension and compression, another force is at work, namely

shear, which we defined as the tendency of a material to fracture along the
line of stress. The shear might occur in a vertical plane, but it also might run
along the horizontal axis of the beam, the neutral plane, where there is neither
tension nor compression.

1. What advantage do the engineers of modern times have over those earlier
2. What four factors must an engineer consider when he plans a structure?
3. According to the passage, what is a live load?
4. What stresses on materials must the engineer understand?.
5. Where might a material fracture?

Time allotted: 60 minutes

name: ........................................................................................................
Student’s number: ................................... Class:
Part 1: Choose the words or phrases which best complete the following
1. The back wall is ………………… to the front wall.
A. next B. perpendicular C. parallel D. adjacent
2. The column is ………………………………. a cylinder.
A. shape like B. shaped liked C. shaped like D. shape
3. An ……………material has the ability to keep out water.
A. flexible B. impervious C. combustible D. pervious
4. The radiator …………… transfer the heat from the hot water to the air
in the room.
A. functions B. serves C. acts D. is
5. The illumination from the lamp is 60……………
A. lumens B. lux C. amperes D.

Part 2: Read the following passage carefully, and then answer the
Concrete and reinforced concrete are widely used throughout the non-
temperate zones. Cement is manufactured locally in many places. Sand is
found almost everywhere but it may be contaminated with soluble salts.
Suitable aggregate may be difficult to find. Concrete is most frequently used
for the structure, foundations and floor slabs of buildings. Care must be taken
when using concrete for walls and roofs. Heat builds up on the exterior of
concrete walls and roofs due to solar radiation and surface temperatures
usually exceed air temperatures. Then, because concrete walls tend to be thin
and concrete has a low resistance to the passage of heat, heat is conducted
into the interior. Salts in aggregates and water can cause corrosion of the
reinforcement and subsequent spalling of the concrete cover. In hot-dry areas
the rapid evaporation and shortage of water can result in low strength,
cracking and high permeability.

6. Where are concrete and reinforced concrete widely used?

… …….…
7. What is concrete most frequently used for?

8. Why are houses using concrete for walls and roofs usually hot?

9. What causes corrosion of the reinforcement and spalling of the concrete
10. What results in low strength, cracking and high permeability of concrete?

Part 3: Used the words and phrases given to write a complete sentence.
You can make any changes or additions if necessary
11. church / shaped like / triangular prism.

…… …...
12. short axis / factory / orientated / north-south.
13. stone posts / spaced / 1 metre centers.
14. mineral wool / not transmit / heat / easy.
15. electric current / room / measured / amperes

… .…..

Part 4: Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means
exactly the same as the sentence printed above it.
16. What element is designed to divide space in the building?
What element acts
………………………………………………………………… .?
17. The bottom of each stanchion is welded to a base plate.
The bottom of each stanchion ………………..
18. The concrete column is capable of taking a compressive force of 2000
The concrete column has
19. The building is bounded by a high wall to the south.

A high
20. The classroom has a length of 10 metres.
The classroom is
Part 5: Write a description of the following plan. (About 100 words)




name: ..................................................................................................................
Student’s number: ................................... Class:

Part 1: Choose the words or phrases which best complete the following
1. The partition………………the building to provide visual screening.
A. enables B. acts C. serves D. functions
2. The dome of the Egyptian house is ……………..
A. egged-shaped B. egg-shaped C. egged-shape D. egg-shape
3. Asbestos sheeting can be used to fireproof doors because asbestos is
A. pervious B. combustible C. soft D.

4. The vertical members which are used to make the structure are called
A. beams B. posts C. lintels D. joists
5. The covered porch is ……………… the entrance.
A. on B. under C. over D. at the top of

Part 2: Read the following passage and answer the questions.

By the simplest definition, architecture is the design of buildings, executed by
architects. However, of course, it is much more. It is the expressions of
thought in building. It never should be simply understood as construction, the
piling of stones, the spanning of spaces with steel rods and bars. It is the
intelligent creation of forms and spaces that in themselves express an idea.
Construction only became a basic factor in architectural thought during the
Roman era at the time of the birth of Christ. Before the time, architecture had
been symbolic in forms and decoration. The symbols that were materialized
in Egyptian pyramids, Hindu temples and Japanese pagodas were the most
powerful expression of each culture’s beliefs. They were works of
architecture but not of construction.
Today, architecture is the art and the technique of construction. Architects
provide expert knowledge in design and construction for both buildings and
their landscape.
6.What is the simplest definition of architecture?
7.What does the pronoun it in the second line refer to?
8.What happened during the Roman era?
9.What was architecture like before that time?
10.What do modern architects do?

Part 3: Used the words and phrases given to write a complete sentence. You
can make any changes or additions if necessary
11. cross-section / library / be / rectangular / shape.
12. post-and-lintel structure / composed / straight members.
13. function / air conditioner / control the temperature
14. university / function / place / educate / students.
15. chimney stack / extend / roof / house.
Part 4: Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means
the same as the sentence printed above it.
16. A railway line runs along the eastern boundary of the site.
The site is ……………………..……………………………….
17. Brick has the property of high compressive strength.
18. The steel channel is joined to the steel column by bolts.
The steel channel and the steel collumn are bolted together
19.The roofing constructor spent seven weeks laying the roof covering.

It took……………………………………………..……………………..
20. The shop is capable of serving up to 200 customers per day.
The shop has…………….
Part 5: Write a description of the following plan. (About 100 words)


Time allotted: 60 minutes

name: ..................................................................................................................
Student’s number: ................................... Class:

Part 1: Choose the words or phrases which best complete the following
1. These beams and stanchions are .......................steel.
A. made up of B. made of C. made from D. made
2. The gutter runs ........................... the edge of the roof.
A. over B. on the top C. beyond D. along

3. The partition……………the building to provide visual screening.
A. enables B. acts as C. serves D. is designed
4. Black cloth blinds can be used to keep the light out of room because they
A. transparent B. impermeable C. opaque D. non-
5. The noise level of the television is measured in ........................
A. lumens B. decibels C. joules D. newtons
Part 2: Read the following passage carefully, and then answer the

As a building material, wood is strong durable, light in weight, and easy to

work. In addition, it offers natural beauty and warmth to sight and tough.
Although it has become necessary to employ conversation measures to ensure
a continued supply, wood is still used in construction in many and varied
There are two major classes of wood: softwoods and hardwoods. These terms
do not indicate the relative hardness, softness, or strength of wood. Softwoods
are evergreens, and are used for general construction. Hardwoods come from
deciduous or broadleaf trees, and are typically used for flooring, stairs,
paneling, furniture, and interior trim. The manner in which a tree grows
affects its strength, its susceptibility to expansion and contraction, and its
effectiveness as an insulator. Tree growth also affects how pieces of sawn
wood (lumber) may be joined to form structure and enclosure.
Grain direction is the major determining factor in the use of wood as a
structural material. Tensile and compressive forces are best handled by wood
in a direction parallel to its grain. Tensile forces perpendicular to the grain
will cause the wood to split.
6. What property does wood have?
7. According to the passage, how many major classes of wood are there?
What are they?
8. What are hardwoods used for?
...................9. What does the manner in which a tree grows affect?
10. What will cause the wood to split?

Part 3: Used the words and phrases given to write a complete sentence. You
can make any changes or additions if necessary
11. stadium / bounded / motorway / the east.
12. apartment / have / width / approximately 9 / metre.
13. mineral wool / provide / thermal insulation / walls.
14. lowest floor / designed / resist / passage of moisture.
15. wooden joists / span / distance / 3 /
metre. .................................................................................................................
Part 4: Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means
exactly the same as the sentence printed above it.
16. Steel has the property of high tensile strength.

17. The decorators work up to the end of week 50.

18. The suspended ceilings have been fixed before the partitions are erected.
The partitions
19. The factory has the capacity to manufacture up to 200 windows a day.
20. The orientation of the short axis of the library is north-south.
The short
Part 5: Write a description of the following plan. (About 100 words)



Unit 1. Properties and Shapes

Part 1.
1.C 2.C 3. B 4. D 5. D 6. C 7.A 8. B
9. D 10.D 11.C 12. B 13. C 14.D 15.A 16.D
17.D 18.C 19.C 20.B 21. D 22.B 23.B

Part 2:

1. framed 2. structural 3. related 4. corrosion 5. covered

6. dividing 7. made 8. stretched 9.


Part 3:
1. The cross-section of a rectangular prism is rectangular in shape.
2. The steel beam is I-shaped in cross-section.
3. Concrete can be formed into rods and used as columns.
4. The polythene membrane prevents moisture from rising into the concrete
5. Which building component is C-shaped in cross-section?
6. The dome of an Egyptian house is shaped like a hemisphere .
7. The longitudinal section of a cylinder is rectangular in shape.
8. You can see through glass, but not through wood.
9. The spaces between the rods can be filled with light sheet materials.
10. Which building has diamond-shaped windows ?
11. Black cloth blinds can be used to keep light out of a room.
12. Glass wool does not transmit heat easily.
13. These walls act as both space-dividers and structural support
14. Glass cannot be dented or scratched easily.
15. Stone has the property of high compressive strength.
Part 4:
1. Steel can resist high tensile forces.
2. The minaret is pencil-shaped
3. The windows are diamond-shaped
4. Timber has the property of high tensile strength
5. Wood can burn because it is combustible
6. Brick does not transmit sound easily.
7. The church has diamond-shaped windows.
8. Mineral wool has the property of high thermal insulation.
9. The Arabic arch is shaped like a horseshoe/
10. Copper is a good conductor of heat, so it can be transferred through
copper easily .
11. Stainless steel can resist corrosion.

Part 5:
1. The actual size of block is 75/8’’ x 75/8’’ x 155/8’’.
2. The weight variance is mainly due to the different weights of the aggregate
3. There are small cells in the blocks to reduce the weight of the block.
4. Two kinds of blocks are mentioned in this passage. They are type N and
type S.
5. The difference between the two types of blocks is the aggregate used.

Unit 2. Location
Part 1:

1.C 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A 6. A 7.C 8.A

9.B 10.C 11.B 12.A 13.C 14.D 15.B 16.B
17.A 18.C 19.D 20.B

Part 2:

1. situated 2. Looking 3. 4. located 5. protecting

6. serving 7. Viewed 8. boundary 9.maximum 10. relative
11. entrance

Part 3:
1. A car park is bounded by a road to the west.
2. An irrigation ditch runs along the northern of the building site
3. People waiting to enter the house need protecting from the weather.
4.The building site has vehicular access from a road to the north.
5. The dining room is situated in front the kitchen.
6. The short axis of the theatre is orientated east-west
7. The side walls are right angles to the front wall.
8. The front wall is parallel to the back wall.
9. The main bedroom is located over the dining room..
10. The entrance is located on the north side leads into a hall.
11. This helps to keep the inside of the house cool in summer.
12. The chimney stack extends beyond the top of the roof.
13. There is a letter box at the bottom of the door.
14. The architect placed the bathroom to the left of the bedroom.
15. The orientation of the long axis of house A is north-south.
16. In which direction does the longer walls of the house face?
17. Does this help the inside of the house warm in winter?

Part 4:
1. The back of the building is a north-facing wall.
2. The long axis of the building is orientated east-west
3. A high wall runs along the southern boundary of the hospital.
4. The front wall is at right angles to the side walls
5. The dining room is adjacent to the kitchen
6. Viewed from the front, the living room is in front of the kitchen
7. The factory is bounded by a road to the north.
8. The front of the house faces south
9. There is a door between the windows.
10. Bedroom 2 is located over the family room

Part 5
1. The primary purpose of a home is to serve the specific, individual needs of
home’s occupants
2. A home should recognise the influence that climate, topography, solar
vegetation, culture, etc., can and should have on its design
3. It is a home that doesn’t use any more material than necessary for function
aesthetics, and uses construction systems that are appropriate for the
home’s site.
4. What makes a house become obsolete quickly?
Designing a house for just one stage of life makes it become obsolete
5. According to the passage, why is quality very important in a home design?
Because it enriches the lives of the occupants, makes the house last longer
needing repair and contributes to the quality image of the whole
New words:dooms (băt phải chịu) obsolescence (sự lỗi thời)

Unit 3. Structure
Part 1.

1.D 2. A 3.D 4.B 5.C 6. D 7. B 8.B

9.B 10.C 11.A 12.B 13. C 14.D 15.B 16.C

Part 2.
1. 2.covering 3. used 4.wearing 5. built 6. joint

Part 3.
1. The wooden joists span a distance of 2 metres.
2. The sideways force on the floor board is transmitted through the nails to
the joist.
3. The steel skeleton is composed of straight members.
4. The steel frames is spaced at 4 metre centres.
5. The beams is bolted to the steel stanchion caps.
6. The rick walls carry the wooden joists which support the floor.
7. At what centres is the steel frames spaced?
8. The factory is constructed from four elements.
9. The foundations of the factory is made up of precast concrete panels.
10. The steel channel is joined to the steel column by welds.
11. The joint between the base plate and the column base is filled with
mortar bed.
12. The corrugated sheets are made of steel.

Part 4: Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it

means exactly the same as the sentence printed above it.
1. The roof beam and the steel stanchion are bolted together.
2. The stanchions support the floor beams and the roof beams.
3. People make concrete from cement, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and
4. The steel channel is welded to the steel column./ joined to the steel column
by welds.
5. What is the post-and-lintel structure composed of?
6. The span of the arch is one metre
7. What distance does the vault span?
8. The floorboard is joined to the joist by nails.
Part 5.
1 .The types of roofs mentioned in this passage are pitched (sloped) and flat
2. The use of different types of roofs depends on a large degree on the area of
the country.
3. Pitched roofs must be used in areas with heavy rain or snow.
4. Water left to evaporate on a flat surface can cause problems.
5. Flat roofs are slightly angled or raised in the center to ensure water run off.

Unit 4. Measurement 1
1.B 2. B 3.A 4. B 5. C 6.A 7.C 8.B
9.A 10. B 11.D 12.D
Part 2.
1. length 2. 3.measurement 4. height 5.width
6. ranging 7. heavily 8.reinforcement 9. 10.
thickness performance

Part 3.
1. The treatment room has a length of approximately 12 metres.
2.The kitchen window is approximately 3 square metres in area.
3. The stress of the concrete block is measured in newtons per square metre
4. Coarse aggregate ranges in size from 5 mm to 40 mm.
5. The library is approximately 240 cubic metres in volume.
6. The classroom is 4 metres high.
7. The maximum density of concrete require is 2200 kilogrammes per cubic
8. The area of the room should not be greater than 50 square metres.
9. An architect wants to build a concrete wall with a volume of 10 cubic
10. The maximum compressive stress of concrete allowed is 5N/mm².
Part 4:
1. The auditorium is approximately 50 metres long.
2. They make concrete from cement, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and
3. The dining room is 25 metres in internal area.
4. The treatment room has a height of 3 metres
5. The tables used in infant schools are not as high as the ones used in
6. Coarse aggregate varies between 5 mm and 40 mm.

7.Some Britons are taller than 2100 mm, but the doorway height in Britain is
2100 mm
Part 5.
1. Self-compacting concrete differs from conventional concrete in high flow-
ability and
capacity to self-compact under its own mass gravity without any
mechanical effect.
2.Self-compacting concrete is considered a good building material because it
defects on the surface of the concrete structure and increases durability of
3. It is suitable for structures of complex shape, thin-wall structures and those
of heavy
reinforcement or those requiring high surface finishing quality.
4. Properties of the concrete mixture such as bleeding, flow-ability and self-
determine the quality of self-compacting concrete.
5. We should use a large amount of fine particles (known as micro-fillers) in
the concrete

Unit 5. Process 1. Function and Ability

Part 1.
1.C 2.B 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. B 7.C 8. B
9. C 10.D 11.A 12. C 13. A 14.D 15.B 16.C

Part 2:

1. capable 2. insulator 3. ability 4. 5.

requirement combustibility
6. impervious 7. strength 8. 9. kept 10. remove

Part 3:
1. A library is used for storing and reading books.
2. The function of air conditioner is to control the temperature
3. A lecture room serves as a place for giving lectures.
4.The heat flow rate of the radiator is measured in joules.
5. The university functions as a place for educating students.
6. Mineral wool provides thermal insulation for walls.
7. The function of the pump is to circulate hot water through radiators.
8. The external walls are designed to resist loads.
9. What enables the occupants of a building to be safe from fire?
10. The partition enables the building to provide visual screening.
11. Ceramic tile is used to provide good appearance for walls.
12. The function of a radiator is to transfer heat from hot water to the air in
the room.

Part 4:
1. The hamburger shop is capable of serving up to 100 customers in one
2. Solid wall have the ability to support the structural loads.
3. The restaurant has the capacity to serve up to 350 customers a day.
4. The lowest floor enables the building to prevent/control the passage of
5. This building structure is able to withstand wind and earthquakes.
6. The partition functions as a space-divider
7. The lowest floor acts as a moisture barrier of a building.

8. The lowest floor is designed to control the passage of heat

Part 5:
1. Wall systems are the vertical planes of a building, which define and enclose
its internal
2. The major function of the exterior walls of a building is to provide
protection from
weather for its interior spaces.
3. The exterior skin should be durable and resistant to the weathering effects
of sun, wind
and precipitation.
4. The requirements for natural light, ventilation, view, physical access and
some esthetic
factor determine the size and location of door and window openings.
5. In China and some eastern countries superstitious belief also determines

Unit 6. Process 2. Actions in Sequence

Part 1.

1.A 2.D 3. C 4. C 5. D 6.A 7.A 8. D

9. C 10.A 11.B 12. A

Part 2:

1.fixing 2. decorator 3. working 4. 5. completion


6. 7. specified 8. putting

Part 3: Use the words and phrases in each item to build a complete
sentence. You can make any changes or additions if necessary.

1. Excavation was delayed for 2 weeks because the excavator broke down.
2. Work now starts on the building.
3. By putting on extra men the building was completed on schedule
4. This resulted in the bricklayers working 3 weeks longer than expected.
5. Why have the steel frames been erected before the wall planks are fixed?
6.The workmen begin the initial state by excavating the ground.
7. The concrete foundations require solid ground to support them.
8. The weatherproof membrane is laid over the balustrade fixing panels.
9.As soon as the plumbers have finished, the carpenters begin.
10. While the cladding is being fixed some of the heating equipment is
11. The decorators should finish no later than end of week 50.
12. Bricks were in short supply during week 15 to 20.
Part 4:
1. Why are the column base plates fixed before the foundations have been
constructed ?
2. The plumbers begin their work immediately after the bricklayers have
3. Several building contractors are invited to do some work at a certain price
4. If the excavator had not broken down, excavation would not have been
delayed for 2
5. The steel erectors work at the same time as the bricklayers.
6. The machine drivers should finish by the end of week 8.
7. The plumbers simultaneously with the roofing contractor

8. After the workmen have completed the preparation of the site, they begin
the initial
9. The decorators work until the end of week 50.
10. This architect has been given the job of designing a building.
11. It took the roofing constructor seven weeks to lay the roof covering.
12. The suspended ceilings are fixed after the services have been installed
13.The glaziers should finish their work no latter than the end of week 44.
14.The cladding fixers work up to the end of week 30.
Part 5.
1. The engineers of modern times have the advantage of empirical
information and
scientific data that permit him to make careful calculation in advance.
2. The four factors that an engineer must consider when he plans a structure
include the
dead load, the live load, the impact and the safety factor.
3. A live load is the weight of all the people, cars, furniture, machines, and so
on that the
structure will support when it is in use.
4. The engineer must understand the different stresses to which the materials
in a structure
are subject. These include compression and tension.
5. A material might fracture along the line of stress.


Part 1. 1.C 2.C 3.B 4.D 5. B
Part 2.
6. Concrete and reinforced concrete are widely used throughout the non-
temperate zones
7. Concrete is most frequently used for the structure, foundations and floor
slabs of
8. Because concrete walls tend to be thin and concrete has a low resistance to
the passage
of heat
9. Salts in aggregates and water can cause corrosion of the reinforcement and
spalling of
the concrete cover
10. The rapid evaporation and shortage of water can result in low strength,
cracking and
high permeability.
Part 3:
11. The church is shaped like a triangular prism.
12. The short axis of the factory is orientated north-south.
13. The stone posts are spaced at 1 metre centers.
14. Mineral wool does not transmit heat easily.
15. The electric current of the room is measured in amperes.

Part 4:
16. What element acts as a space-divider in the building.?
17. The bottom of each stanchion is joined to a base plate by welds.
18. The concrete column has the capacity to take a compressive force of 2000
19. A high wall runs along the southern boundary of the building.
20. The classroom is 10 metres long.


Part 1: 1.A 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.C
Part 2:
6. Architecture is the design of buildings, executed by architects
7. The pronoun it in the second line refer to architecture
8. Construction became a basic factor in architectural thought during the
Roman era.
9. Architecture was symbolic in forms and decoration before that time.
10. Modern architects provide expert knowledge in design and construction
for both buildings and their landscape.
Part 3:
11. The cross-section of the library is rectangular in shape.
12. The post-and-lintel structure is composed of straight members.
13. The function of air conditioner is to control the temperature
14. The university functions as a place for educating students.
15. The chimney stack extends beyond the roof of the house.

Part 4:
16. The site is bounded by a railway line to the east.
17. Brick can resist high compressive forces.
18. The steel channel and the steel column are bolted together.
19. It took the roofing constructor seven weeks to lay the roof covering.
20. The shop has the capacity to serve up 200 customers per day


Part 1: 1.B 2.D 3. A 4. C 5.B
Part 2:
6. Wood is strong durable, light in weight, and easy to work. It offers natural
beauty and
warmth to sight and tough and it can be used in construction in many and
varied forms.
7. There are two major classes of wood. They are softwoods and hardwoods
8. Hardwoods are used for flooring, stairs, paneling, furniture, and interior
9. The manner in which a tree grows affects its strength, its susceptibility to
and contraction, its effectiveness as an insulator
10. Tensile forces perpendicular to the grain will cause the wood to split.
Part 3
11. The stadium is bounded by motorway to the east.
12. The apartment has a width of approximately 9 metres.
13. Mineral wool provides thermal insulation for walls. .
14. The lowest floor is designed to resist the passage of moisture.
15. The wooden joists span a distance of 3 metres.
Part 4:
16. Steel can resist high tensile forces.
17. The decorators work until the end of week 50
18. The partitions are erected after the suspended ceilings have been fixed.
19. The factory is capable of manufacturing up to 200 windows a day
20. The short axis of the library is orientated north-south


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