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Elementary Level Wordlist and Multiple-choice Exercises

The Black Cat

John Milne
Word Page Phonetic Part Of Med Definition Sample Sentence Translation Exercises
Spelling Speech Star
antiquities Introductory /ænˈtɪkwətiz/ noun objects and The museum has a 1–5) Choose the correct
Note [plural] buildings that collection of Ancient words and fill the gaps in
p6 existed in ancient Roman antiquities. the sentences below.
times and still exist
archeologist 6 /ˌɑːkiˈɒləʤɪst/ noun someone who An archeologist is antiquities / archeologist /
[count] studies ancient excavating the site. bend / cabin / corridor
societies by looking
at old buildings and 1) The ruins were discovered
other objects by an ____________ in the
bend 30 /bend/ noun a curve in Careful! There’s a sharp
[count] something such as bend in the road here. 2) A plan showing the cabin
a road or river numbers could be found at
the end of each
cabin 38 /ˈkæbɪn/ noun 1 a bedroom on a We’ve booked a cabin for
____________ .
[count] ship two.
3) Slow down! This is a
corridor 39 /ˈkɒrɪdɔː/ noun 2 a long passage A steward helped us along
dangerous ____________ .
[count] inside a building or the corridor with our
4) Our ____________ was
ship with doors on luggage.
small but comfortable.
each side
5) People come here to
admire the ____________ .
dangerous 25 /ˈdeɪnʤ(ə)rəs/ adjective 3 likely to cause harm Driving when you’re very 6–10) Choose the correct
or have a bad effect tired can be dangerous. words and fill the gaps in
the sentences below.
deck 38 /dek/ noun one of the outside She stood on the deck,
[count] levels on a ship with the wind blowing in her
hair. dangerous / deck / detective /
diamond / disturb
1) Passengers had arrived on
detective 10 /dɪˈtektɪv/ noun 1 a police officer Hercules Poirot is a well-
the lower ____________ .
[count] whose job is to known fictional detective.

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Elementary Level Wordlist and Multiple-choice Exercises

discover 2) She became a

information about a ____________ after ten years
crime in the police force.
diamond 23 /ˈdaɪəmənd/ noun a very hard, clear The diamond on her 3) The storm meant that it
[count] stone that is used in necklace shone in the was too ____________ to
jewellery and is sunlight. sail.
very expensive 4) A sign on the door said:
“Do not ____________ .”
disturb 45 /dɪˈstɜːb/ verb 2 to interrupt Try not to disturb her –
someone and stop she’s working. 5) The box contained a
them from ____________ and other
continuing what jewels.
they were doing
docks 20 /dɒks/ noun the area in a port People were waiting at the 11–15) Choose the correct
[plural] where ships stay docks for the ship’s arrival. words and fill the gaps in
while goods are the sentences below.
taken on and off
fan 10 /fæn/ noun 2 a machine that Can we switch the fan on? docks / fan / (somebody’s)
[count] makes the air in a It’s boiling in here. fault / gang / gangway
room move so that
it feels less hot 1) If we’re late, it’s your
____________ !
somebody’s 48 /ˌsʌmbədɪz phrase to be responsible The child’s gone missing,
fault for a bad or and it’s my fault. 2) Police arrested a
ˈfɔːlt/ unpleasant situation ____________ of drug
gang 30 /gæŋ/ noun a group of criminals A gang of thieves had
3) There were hundreds of
[count] working together broken into the store.
people watching the ship
gangway 28 /ˈgæŋˌweɪ/ noun a flat structure that Passengers came down arrive at the ____________ .
[count] is put between a the gangway waving and 4) A ____________ was
ship and land to let shouting. turning above her head.
people get off or on 5) The ____________ was
the ship completely blocked.
gold 23 /gəʊld/ noun 2 a valuable yellow His watch is made of gold. 16–20) Choose the correct
[uncount] metal that is used words and fill the gaps in
for making jewellery the sentences below.
gun 41 /gʌn/ noun 3 a weapon that A man came into the room gold / gun / injured / map /
[count] shoots bullets pointing a gun. missing

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Elementary Level Wordlist and Multiple-choice Exercises

injured 31 /ˈɪnʤəd/ adjective hurt in an accident She was injured in the

or attack accident and broke her leg. 1) The man is armed with a
____________ and
map 13 /mæp/ noun 2 a drawing of an Draw me a map so we
[count] area that shows the know how to get there.
position of different 2) That’s a beautiful
places ____________ necklace.
3) Look! The church is
missing 12 /ˈmɪsɪŋ/ adjective 2 something that is He suddenly realized his
marked on the ____________
missing is not car keys were missing.
, here.
where it should be
4) When did you first notice
and you cannot find
your handbag was
____________ ?
5) He was ____________
and couldn’t walk properly.
murdered 8 /ˈmɜːdəd/ verb 1 to commit the crime He murdered his girlfriend 21–25) Choose the correct
to murder of deliberately in a jealous rage. words and fill the gaps in
killing someone the sentences below.
officer 12 /ˈɒfɪsə/ noun 3 a police officer I opened the door and saw
[count] an officer standing there. murdered / officer / pharaoh /
plan / porter
pharaoh 22 /ˈfeərəʊ/ noun a king in ancient Tutankhamun was an
[count] Egypt Egyptian pharaoh.
1) We asked the
plan 39 /plæn/ noun 3 a drawing that They studied the plan of ____________ to help us.
[count] shows an area and the ship carefully. 2) An ____________ was
the position of guarding the entrance.
different things in it 3) He was a ____________ in
porter 14 /ˈpɔːtə/ noun someone whose job A porter was hurrying Ancient Egypt.
[count] is helping people along the platform. 4) They ____________ the
with their bags leader of the gang in revenge.
5) Will you draw me a
____________, please?

prison 50 /ˈprɪz(ə)n/ noun 3 an institution where She’s just spent six months 26–30) Choose the correct
[count] people are kept as in prison. words and fill the gaps in
a punishment for the sentences below.
committing a crime
protect Introductory /prəˈtekt/ verb 3 to keep something We protect the books by prison / protect / pyramids /
Note safe putting them in plastic rail / robber
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Elementary Level Wordlist and Multiple-choice Exercises

p6 covers.
pyramids Introductory /ˈpɪrəmɪdz/ noun a large, pointed Have you ever visited the 1) A safety ____________
Note [count] stone structure with Pyramids in Egypt? had been erected at the edge
p6 a square base of the cliff.
2) The huge ____________
rail 42 /reɪl/ noun 2 a metal or wooden We held tightly onto the
[count] bar that you hold rail. could clearly be seen in the
onto to stop distance.
yourself falling 3) A ____________ wearing
a mask entered the bank.
robber 23 /ˈrɒbə/ noun someone who A robber had stolen from
4) Glass cases
[count] steals money or several shops in the area.
property ____________ the
5) They sent her to
____________ .
ruins 30 /ˈruːɪnz/ noun the parts of a The ruins of Pompeii are 31–35) Choose the correct
[plural] building that remain fascinating. words and fill the gaps in
after it has been the sentences below.
severely damaged
seaport 37 /ˈsiːˌpɔːt/ noun a town by the sea Cars were queuing at the ruins / seaport / shed /
[count] with a large port seaport, waiting to catch smugglers / spring
the ferry.
1) At one time, the bay was
used by ____________ .
shed 28 /ʃed/ noun a small building All the tools and equipment
[count] used for storing are stored in a shed. 2) Portsmouth is a well-known
things ____________ in England.
3) It’s nearly ____________ ,
smugglers 30 /ˈsmʌgləz/ noun someone who Goods were brought in by
and the days are getting
[count] secretly and smugglers in the middle of
illegally takes the night. longer.
goods into or out of
a country 4) Archaeologists spent years
studying the ____________ .
spring 27 /sprɪŋ/ noun 2 the season Spring is my favourite
5) Please put everything back
[unncount / between winter and season of the year.
count] summer in the ____________ .
steep 25 /stiːp/ adjective 1 a steep slope goes He started sweating as he 36–41) Choose the correct
up or down very climbed the steep hill. words and fill the gaps in
quickly the sentences below.
steward 39 /ˈstjuːəd/ noun a man whose job is A steward helped us along
[count] to look after the the corridor with our steep / steward / telegram /
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Elementary Level Wordlist and Multiple-choice Exercises

passengers on a luggage. tomb / treasures / trick

telegram 36 /ˈtelɪˌgræm/ noun a message that A messenger stood at the 1) We enjoyed looking at the
[count] people sent by door with a telegram. gold and silver
telegraph in the ____________ .
past 2) The road through the
mountains is ____________.
tomb Introductory /tuːm/ noun a place or large, Tombs of famous people
Note [count] stone structure can be found in the 3) Ask the ____________ if
p6 where a dead cemetery. you need any information.
person is buried 4) We studied the inscription
on the ____________ .
treasures 53 /ˈtreʒəz/ noun a valuable piece of The exhibition was called
5) A ____________ arrived
[count] art or a valuable The Treasures of Ancient
historical object Rome. containing dreadful news.
6) What a nasty
trick 38 /trɪk/ noun 2 a deliberate attempt The boys played a trick on
____________ !
[count] to make someone their little sister.
believe something
that is not true
twisted 25 /ˈtwɪstɪd/ verb 1 if a road or river The river twisted along the 42–47) Choose the correct
to twist twists, it has a lot of valley floor. words and fill the gaps in
bends in it the sentences below.
valley 11 /ˈvæli/ noun 1 a low area of land From the hillside, there was
[count] between mountains a fantastic view across the twisted / valley / valuable /
or hills valley. verandah / wallet / wave
valuable Introductory /ˈvæljʊb(ə)l/ adjective 2 worth a lot of Original paintings can be
Note money extremely valuable. 1) He lost a ____________
p6 containing £100.
2) Antiquities such as these
verandah 27 /vəˈrændə/ noun a covered area We sat and had tea on the
are very ____________ .
[count] along the outside of verandah.
a house 3) Sheep were grazing on the
sides of the ____________ .
wallet 13 /ˈwɒlɪt/ noun a small, flat case for Someone’s stolen my
4) A huge ____________
[count] keeping money in wallet!
knocked her over.
wave 43 /weɪv/ noun 2 a line of water that The waves on the sea 5) The road ____________ in
[count] rises up on the were enormous. and out through the hills,
surface of the sea 6) After lunch, we enjoy
relaxing on the
____________ .

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Elementary Level Wordlist and Multiple-choice Exercises

Wordlist definitions adapted from the Macmillan Essential Dictionary © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2003

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