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Name: ________________________________ Class: _____________ Date: ____________


No. Formula Similarity to BM Examples of SVA (Subject Verb Agreement)
1 Present tense (SVA): (no similarities) 1 +s >1 -s
1 +s, >1 -s, It is They are
*except for ‘you’ & ‘I’ He was They were
She does We do
** including P3: Ali takes Ali and Abu take
‘was’ & ‘were’ The answer explains The answers explain
The child cries The children cry
P1: Present tense = +s/-s
P2: Process (continuous tense) = +ing Correct Wrong
P3: Past tense = +ed/spelling change
P4: Participle = +ed/spelling change/+n
2 Articles: imbuhan ‘se-‘ a boy boy
a/an +1, >1 +s gandakan perkataan boys a boys
(singular, plural)
* exception to the rule *‘s’ tidak ditambah *information, work informations, works
3 Process: B5 + P2 imbuhan ‘me-’ B5 +P2 P2
P1: am/is/are +ing I am playing I playing
P3: was/were + ing He is giving He giving
They were taking They was taking
am/is/are (P1)
was/were (P3)
4 Passive: B5 + P4 imbuhan ‘di-‘ B5 +P4 B5 +?
P1: am/is/are + P4 am shown am show
P3: was/were + P4 is made is making
was explained were explains
5 Perfect tense: 3H +P4 (no similarities) 3H +P4 3H +?
P1: has/have +P4 has flown has fly
P3: had +P4 have shaken have shakes
3H: had discussed had discussing
6 by + ing dengan + ‘me-‘ by taking by take
(dengan MENGambil) by takes
by took
by taken
7 for + ing untuk + ‘me-‘ for buying for buy
(untuk MEMbeli) for buys
for bought
8 to + ori untuk + kata dasar to choose to chooses
(untuk pilih) to choosing
to chose
to chosen
to choice (noun)
9 to + be + P4 untuk + ‘di-‘ to be seen to be see
(passive/songsang) (untuk DIlihat) to be sees
to be seeing
to be saw
10 modal + ori boleh/patut/mesti/ can smoke can smokes
MODALS: akan/mungkin + kata (boleh rokok) can smoking
can, could, must, may, shall, dasar can smoked
should, will, would, might, cannot
mustn’t, shouldn’t, won’t,
wouldn’t etc.
11 modal + be + P4 mesti/patut/boleh/ must be eaten must be eat
(passive/songsang) akan/mungkin + ‘di-’ (mesti DImakan) must be eats
must be eating
must be ate
(Intellectual Property of Mdm. Audrey Koh Sui Ean, 2014. DO NOT COPY AND DISTRIBUTE WITHOUT
PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT; email to or sms 0168451270 for approval.)
Name: ________________________________ Class: _____________ Date: ____________


+s -s +ing +ed/ sp +ed/ sp /+n FORMULA
am/is are being was were been 7 VERSIONS OF ‘BE’
has have having had had
makes make making made sp
holds hold holding held
advises advise advising advised
plays play playing played P3 = P4
prepares prepare preparing prepared +ed = +ed
scores score scoring scored
knows know knowing knew
throws throw throwing threw +n
steals steal stealing stole
eats eat eating ate eaten +n
Dia makan Mereka makan sedang makan telah makan dimakan
cooks cook +ed
Dia masak Mereka masak memasak sudah masak dimasak
takes take +n
Dia ambil Mereka ambil mengambil telah ambil diambil

Guided Quiz

Underline the error and write the correct word in the space provided. An example has been given.
The correct word must not change the meaning of the extract. There are no spelling errors in this extract.

Teaching are a very challenging job especially in this age of 0. ______ is __ ____ SVA (1 +s)
advanced technology. The most common of all challenge is 1. plural (>1 +s)
the fact that teachers are get too comfortable in their 2. B5 + P2 (+ing)
comfort zones. Some would not even thinking of bringing 3. modal + ori
laptops and projectors into class to making their lessons more 4. to + ori
interesting. This is because by avoid new technology, learning 5. by + ing
new skills can also be avoid. It is quite sad to note that some 6. modal + be + p4
teachers have surrender even before they try to use new 7. 3H + P4
technology in their language classrooms. For learn to take 8. for + ing
place effectively, teacher’s creativity is need to find new and 9. B5 + P4
exciting ways of teaching a subject as difficult to be learn as 10. to + be + P4
English. The first step is the hardest, but if teachers venture
forward bravely, nothing is impossible.

(Intellectual Property of Mdm. Audrey Koh Sui Ean, 2014. DO NOT COPY AND DISTRIBUTE WITHOUT
PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT; email to or sms 0168451270 for approval.)
Name: ________________________________ Class: _____________ Date: ____________

Samples of Coded-Marking:
Sample 1:

He also want to be famous person in the world, every country know he.

Sample 2:

The thief try to break into the shop to stealing many mobile phone.

Sample 3:

The teacher has advise Andy that he must paying attention and studying hard.

Sample 4:

Yesterday, we help by clean the beach and pick up rubbish to be throw away.

Sample 5:

The ingredients for make a banana cake is prepare by the baker.

Sample 6:

The boys is play a friendly match right now and has not score goal yet.

(Intellectual Property of Mdm. Audrey Koh Sui Ean, 2014. DO NOT COPY AND DISTRIBUTE WITHOUT
PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT; email to or sms 0168451270 for approval.)

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