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Primitive Music
Music and dance are the oldest forms of artistic
expression in humanity.
There is no direct evidence of the existence of
music in prehistory, although the existence of
tools and objects that may have a musical
application is known: bone flutes, string arches
and other objects used to percuss.

Ancient Music

In ancient times the belief that music had supernatural

powers was widespread. It has been present in numerous
ancient civilizations:
 Far East
 India
 Pre-Columbian America
 Classical Greece
 Ancient Rome
Music in the Middle Ages
Religious Monkey: Gregorian Singing:
 It owes its name to Pope Gregory I the Great.
 Monodic singing, one voice.
 It's sung in Latin.
 It is sung by men in Churches and monasteries.
Polyphony: Ars Antiqua, Ars Nova
Two different styles of composing that arise in Europe.
Popular Music: Minstrels and Troubadours:
Profane art of a lyrical character, the language used is that of the people, singing Romances
in which they narrate songs of love or battles of important knights.

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