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I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to Dr. R.C.

Chaudharywho gave me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful
assignment of Language And Writing on “Non Verbal
Communication” who also helped me in completing my assignment .I
am really thankful to him .
Many people especially my classmates, have made valuable comment
suggestions on this proposal which gave us an inspiration to improve my
assignment .I am thank all the people for their help directly and
indirectly to complete my assignment .

Page 1
we define nonverbal communication as any meaning shared through
sounds, behaviors, and artifacts other than words. Some of the
differences between verbal and nonverbal communication include the
fact that verbal communication uses one channel while nonverbal
communication occurs through multiple channels simultaneously. As a
result, verbal communication is distinct while nonverbal communication
is continuous. For the most part, nonverbal communication is enacted at
an unconscious level while we are almost always conscious of our verbal
communication. Finally, some nonverbal communication is considered
universal and recognizable by people all over the world, while verbal
communication is exclusive to particular languages.

There are many types of nonverbal communication including kinesics,

haptics, appearance, objects, artifacts, proxemics, our environment,
chronemics, paralanguage, and silence. These types of nonverbal
communication help us share meanings in our interactions. Now that you
have a basic understanding of verbal and nonverbal communication as a
primary focus of study in our field, let’s look at how theory helps us
understand our world.

Page 2
Non-verbal communication is communication by means of elements and
behaviours that are not coded into words. A glance, a star, a smile, a
frown, a provocative body movement - they all convey meaning.
Nonverbal communication includes all elements of communication, such
as gestures and the use of space, that does not involve words or do not
involve language. Porter has defined four aspects of non-verbal

1. Physical: pertaining to the personal method, i.e., facial

expressions, tone of voice, sense of touch, smell and body motion.
2. Esthetics: Creative expressions such as those found in music,
dancing or any of the creative arts.
3. Symbolic: Conveying messages through symbolic
representations of reality; includes religious, status or ego-building
4. Sign: mechanical means of conveying messages such as bills,
buzzers, locks on doors, etc.

The important categories of non-verbal communication include:-

Proxemics refers to the influence of proximity and space on
communication. The study of an individual's perception and use of
space, including territorial space, is called proxemics. Territorial space
refers to bands of space extending outward from the body.

These bands constitute comfort zones. In each comfort zone, different

cultures prefer different types of interaction with others. Typically there
are four zones of territorial space.

Page 3
a. Intimate Zone: (touching to two feet): This space is
normally reserved for closest family and friends. In this zone, we
interact with spouses, significant others, family members and
others with whom we have an intimate relationship.
b. Personal Zone: (two to four feet): Family and friends may enter
this zone without causing discomfort. Friends typically interact
with this distance.
c. Social Zone (four to twelve feet): The person comfortably
interacts with others in this zone. Most business transactions take
place within the social zone. We prefer that business associates and
acquaintances interact with us in this zone.
d. Public Zone (twelve feet to as far as the person can hear
and see): This is the most distant zone at which communication
can occur. Most of us prefer that strangers stay at least 12 feet from
us, and we become uncomfortable when they move closer.
Lectures and other formal presentations take place within this

In general, a person who moves into a closer zone of personal space is

signalling a desire for greater closeness. When the receiver of this non-
verbal message interprets it as a request for more closeness than is
desirable, the receiver probably will feel uncomfortable and try to move
away. Territorial space varies greatly across cultures. People often
become uncomfortable when operating in territorial space different from
those in which they are familiar.

Kinesics is the study of body movements, including posture. Like
proxemics, kinesics is culturally bound; there is no single universal
gesture. Kinesics behaviour refers to body movements, such as gestures,
facial expressions, eye movements and posture. We often draw
conclusions regarding people's feelings about an issue, not only from
their words but also from their non-verbal behaviour, such as their facial

Page 4
a. Facial Expressions: The face is a rich source of nonverbal
communication. The face often gives unintended clues to emotions
the sender is trying to hide. Although smiles have universal
meaning, frowns, raised eyebrows, and wrinkled foreheads must
all be interpreted in conjunction with the actors, the situation and
the culture.
b. Eye Behaviour: Eye behaviour are used to add cues for the
receiver. Eye contact can enhance reflective listening, and it varies
by culture. In India, a direct gaze indicates honesty and
forthrightness. Appropriate use of eye contact signals interest in
the other person.
c. Gestures: Some people use gestures extensively; others
communicate little through this channel. In India, the handshake is
a widely used gesture. People often use the handshake as a source
of information about another person's characteristics. A strong,
firm handshake is seen as a sign of confidence and enthusiasm.

Para language
Para language refers to vocal aspects of communication that relate to
how something is said rather than to what is said. Voice quality, tone of
voice, laughing, and yawning fit in this category. People make
attributions about the sender by deciphering (make sense of; interpret or
decode) para language cues. Rapid, loud speech may be taken as a sign
of nervousness or anger. Vocal tone includes pitch, loudness, rhythm,
rate, and clarity of speech. The standards for what is comfortable vary
from one culture to another.

Object Language
Object language refers to the communicative use of material things,
including clothing, cosmetics, furniture and architecture. A work area
adorned with expensive objects communicate high status.

Page 5
Employees' work areas are, in a sense, their territory. The way people
arrange themselves and others within their territory also conveys
messages. In a meeting or training session, arranging chairs in rows
signals that participants will be lectured to and encourages passive
behaviour. Arranging chairs in a circle signals that active participation is
encouraged. When interviewing or meeting with someone in his or her
office, a manager sends different messages depending on whether the
manager remains behind the desk or joins the other person in
comfortable chairs on the same side of the desk.

Physical Appearance
Aspects of personal appearance such as clothing, hairstyle, jewellery and
makeup communicate people's values and social group. In the
workplace, the norms for appropriate physical appearance depend on the
industry, job, and organizational culture. People who fail to live up to
these norms typically create a bad impression. Their physical appearance
is interpreted as meaning they either do not understand their role or do
not care about fulfilling it.

It is important for the receiver to be alert to these nonverbal aspects of


You should look for nonverbal cues as well as listen to the literal
meaning of a sender's words. You should particularly be aware of
contradictions between the messages.

Nonverbal communication is important for managers because of its

impact on the meaning of the message. However, a manager must
consider the total message and all media of communication. A message
can only be given meaning in context, and cues are easy to misinterpret.
The figure below presents common nonverbal behaviour exhibited by
managers and how employees may interpret them. Nonverbal cues can
give others the wrong signal.

Page 6

nonverbal behavior was perceived by teachers in this survey as

important to student success. Teachers could use these data to pursue a

better understanding and awareness of nonverbal communications.

Using self-reflections and self-evaluations, teachers could become more

aware of their nonverbal behaviors according to Standard 6 of the

Wisconsin Teacher Standards of 2000, "The teacher uses effective

verbal and nonverbal communication techniques as well as instructional

media and technology to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and

supportive interaction in the classroom." Professional development

programs could assist teachers in analyzing and changing their practices;

as one participant said, "We should be doing more for educators [...] to

assist them with developing these skills (tone of voice and body

language) and assist them with building their awareness for how these

things impact communication and ultimately their relationships and

rapport with kids."

Page 7
1. Blatner, Adam. "About Nonverbal Communications
2. Givens, David B., Ph.D. "Home." Center For Nonverbal
3. "Non Verbal Communication." Home :: Andrews University”
4. Buller D.B., & Burgoon, J.K. (1996). Interpersonal deception
theory. Communication Theory.
5. Knapp, M.L., & Hall, J. A.  (2002)1980). Nonverbal
communication in human interaction (5th ed.)
6. Medlej, Joumana. "Emotions and Facial Expression." 

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