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Geological processes are events that occur on a geological timescale ranging
between millions of centuries,hundreds of meters and thousands of
kilometers. Compare to this the everyday models from physics and
engineering operate at laboratory units and scale of human lifetime.
Geological concepts represent an abstraction of nature and numerical model
represents a tremendous simplification of geological concept. Geological
models are conceptualized with the physical,chemical and biological
processes observed from stratigraphic sequences and syn-depositional and
postdepositional phenomena introduced by external and internal tectonic
forces. Uncertainties are present at various levels and these limitations are to
be appreciated. Outcomes need to be compared with observations. A
geological model can be considered predictive only when the applied
parameters are within a reasonable range of values,supported either by
measurements or by some type of geological reasoning,and only when the
difference between the model outcome and observations is within an
acceptable range of uncertainty. There is no guarantee with respect to the
uniqueness of result in a particular situation and hence these should be
expressed in a probabilistic rather than in a single-value manner.

Mankind lives on the earth and, while the ground upon which we live seems to
be,for the most part,firm,stable and static,in actuality it is dynamic and in a
continual state of flux as the lithosphere (the earth’s outermost crust) adjusts
to the Earth’s inner,molten core. In addition, wind, rain,rivers stream,and
human activity continually modify the earth’s surface. Geologic Hazards are
naturally occurring (or man-made) geologic conditions capable of causing
damage or loss of property and/or life. Geologic Hazards Mitigation is the
application of geologic engineering principles to minimize or prevent the
effects of naturally occurring geologic hazards.

Landslide, also called landslip, the movement downslope of a mass of rock,
debris, earth,or soil(soil being a mixture of earth and debris). Landslides occur
when gravitational and other types of shear stresses within aslope exceed the
shear strength(resistance to shearing)of th materials that form the slope.

Landslides are generally classified by type of movement
(slide,flows,spreads,topples,or falls) and type of materials (rock,debris,or
earth).Sometimes more than one type of movement occurs within a single
landslide, and, because the temporal and spatial relationships of these
movement are often complex ,their analysis often requires detailed
interpretation of both landforms and geological section or cores.

Rockslide and other types of slides involve the displacement of material along
one or more discrete shearing surfaces. The slidingcan extend downward and
outward along a broadly planar surface (a translational slide), or it can be
rotational along a concave-upward set of shear surfaces (a slump). A
translational slide typically takes place along structural features, such as a
bedding plane or the interface between resistant bedrock and weaker
overlying material. If the overlying materials moves as a single, little-deformed
mass, it is called a block slide. A translational slide is sometimes called a mud
slide when it occurs along gently sloping, discrete shear planes in fine-grained
rocks (such as fissured clays) and the displaced massis fluidized by an
increase in pore water pressure. In a rotational slide the axis of rotation is
roughly parallel to the contours of the slope. The movement near the head of
the slide is largely downward, exposing a steep head scarp,and movement
within the displaced mass takes place along internal slip planes, each tending
to tilt backward. Over time, upslope ponding of water by suck back-tilted
blocks can enlarge the area of instability, so that a stable condition is reached
only when the slope is reduced to a very low gradient.
A type of landslide in which the distribution of particle velocities resembles
that of a viscous fluid is called a flow. The most important agent is water, but
trapped air is sometimes involved. Contact between the flowing mass and the
underlying material can be distinct,or the contact can be one of diffuse shear.
The difference between slides and flows is gradational ,with variations in fluid
content,mobility,and type of movement and composite slide movement and
flow movement are common.
A spread is the complex lateral movement of relativity coherent earth
materials resting on a weaker substrate that is subject to liquefaction or plastic
flow.spreads occur as the result of liquefaction caused by water saturation or
earthquake shock in suc substrates as loess, a weakly cemented wind-lain
Rotation of a mass of rock,debris,or earth outward from a steep slope face is
called toppling. This type of movement can subsequently cause the mass to
fall or slide.

Almost every landslide has multiple causes. Slope movement occurs when
forces down-slope (mainly due to gravity) exceed the strength of the earth
materials that compose the slope. Causes include factors that increases the
effects down-slope forces and factors that contribute to low or reduced
strength. Landslides can be initiated in slopes already on the verge of
movement by rainfall, snowmelt, changes in water level, stream
erosion,changes in ground water,earthquakes,volcanic activity,disturbance by
human activities, or any combination of these factors. Earthquake shaking
and other factors can also induce landslides underwater. These landslides are
called submarine landslides. Submarine landslides sometimes cause
rsunamis that damage coastal areas.

 Result from seismic disturbances
 Flood
 Sheared rocks
 Poorly consolidated
 Loose accumulations of fine-grained surface
 Movement of fractured rock
 Lots of garbage
 Massive rain
 Typhoon
 Earthquake
 Breaking of rocks

 Lose of property
 Kills people
 Breakdown of trees
 Floods
 Cover up a place
 Damage of properties
 Loss of agricultural properties
The table below shows how we help our community about landslides. We
can’t deny the fact that most places that are located in mountains are prone to
landslides. Lots of places here in Bohol are landslide prone. In order to avoid
this kind of phenomena, we should do things that can help to avoid landslide.
Put (/) if it’s Always,sometimes,frequently,never.

1 2 3 4
Always sometimes frequently never
1. I segregate my wastes

2. I throw my wates properly

3. I follow the

4. I burn plastics

5. I participate during cleaning

activities in our community

6. I try to minimize garbages by

using eco-friendly materials

7. I participate tree planting in

our community

8. I avoid cutting trees

9. I do land fills
10. I avoid irragating the soil

11. I help taking care of the


12. I burn trees near our

house(check only if there are
trees near you reside)

13. I join reforestation program in

our community

14. I care about our polluted


15. I use plastics


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