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Windows Administration Commands

inetmgr Internet Information Server Console

eventvwr Event Viewer Console
services.msc Service Management Console
dsa.msc Directory Services Management (Active Directory) Console
dnsmgmt.msc DNS Management Console
query To list all the sessions (both servers should have same username
qwinsta and password) from another server
Eg: query session /server:<server name>
Eg: qwinsta /server:<server name>
logoff To log off a session (both servers should have same username and
rwinsta password) from another server
Eg: logoff <session id> /server:<server name>
Eg: rwinsta /server:<server name>
diskpar Disk Alignment Tool
diskpart Manage objects (disks, partitions, or volumes) (Win 2k3).
diskpar is more recommended
tasklist, taskkill, tslist Lists all Tasks with Task name and PID (like CUI based
Task Manager) for Win 2003 and terminates them
tasklist, kill, tskill Lists all Tasks with Task name and PID for Win 2000 and
terminate them
cluadmin Cluster Admin Console
control Control Panel
Fonts Opens C:\Windows\Fonts folder
secpol.msc Local Security Policy Console
compmgmt.msc Computer Management Console
perfmon.msc Performance Monitor Console
taskmgr Task Manager
cmd Command prompt (%systemroot%\system32\cmd.exe)
tsshutdn /reboot Remote reboot of Servers
date /t Show system time
time /t Show system time
w32tm /resync Windows time service synchronization
w32tm /monitor
drivers Go to C:\Windows\System32\Drivers directory
Drwtsn32 Dr. Watson for Windows Console
Regedit Windows Registry Editor for 2003
regedt32 Windows Registry Editor for 2000
reg Console (Command line) Registry Tool
regfind Search Registry
Winver Windows Version
Compatadmin Application Compatibility Tool Kit for 2003. Tool to bundle
application fixes
Qfixapp Bundled Application Fixes for distribution
Convert Convert Disk Tool
Wscript WSH (Windows Scripting Host). Window based
Cscript Command line based
Dcpromo DC Promote / Demote
. Represents Root Directory
Desktop Open Desktop / Profile folder
Dfscmd DFS Command Line Administration Tool
At Windows Scheduler
Iisreset Restart IIS and dependent services
Ipconfig IP Address Configuration / Display
Jetpack MS Jetpack tool to compress WINS DB

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Ldifde Import / Export AD data in to LDIF (LDAP Data Interchange
Netsh Migration Tool for DHCP Scopes
Ntbackup NT Backup Tool from %SystemRoot%\System32
Ntdsutil AD Restore Tool
Restore AD Restore Tool
Fsutil FS Utility (queries 8.3 file name)
poledit System Policy Editor
Restore CA Certification Authority Restore Wizard
Route Manage Static Routes
Rsm Removable Storage Management Command
Rss Remote Storage Administration Command
sc Service Controller
netsh winsock show Shows Winsock configuration
catalog netsh winsock show catalog > c:\lst.txt (backup)
netsh winsock reset Resets Winsock configuration to default
Whoami Currently logged in user
Net user <username> Query password particulars
| findstr /i pass

Windows Recovery Console Commands

Attrib Change attributes of file / folder
Batch Executes commands in a text file
Bootcfg Display / Modify Boot.ini file
Cd Change Directory
Chkdsk Check Disk
Cls Clear Screen
Copy Copy single file
Delete Delete single file
Dir Display files / folders in a directory
Disable Disable a system service / driver
Diskpart Manage partitions on a volume
Enable Enable a system service / driver
Exit Quit
Expand Expand a compressed file
Fixboot Writes a new Boot Sector on boot partition to fix corrupt boot sector
Fixmbr Repairs the Master Boot Record of boot partition to fix damaged
MBR (Can damage partition due to the presence of a virus or
hardware problem)
Format Formats specified drive to specified file system
Help Display Help for Recovery Console
Listsvc Lists all available services / drivers / start types. Uses
%SystemRoot%\System32\Config\SYSTEM hive to get the
Logon Lists all detected installations of 2003 / 2000 / XP / NT
Map Lists drive letters / File system types / partition sizes / physical
device mappings
Md Make Directory
More Display output of a command one screen at a time
Rd Remove Directory

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Ren Rename a Directory / File
Set Display / Modify Recovery Console environment options
Systemroot Sets current working folder to %SystemRoot%
Type Display contents of a text file
Doskey Enabling navigation through recently used commands

Windows Printer Commands

Print Prints the specified file to the specified printer
Net print Displays information about the specified print queue / job
Net start Starts specified service
Net start spooler
Lpr Prints the specified file to the specified LPD print queue
Lpq Displays information about the specified LPD print queue
Cscript prnmngr.vbs Add / Delete / List printers
Cscript prnjobs.vbs View / Manage print jobs on printer share
Cscript prncfg.vbs View / Change settings of printers
Cscript prnqctl.vbs Pause / Resume printing, Clear print queue, Print test page
Cscript prnport.vbs Administers all things related to printer ports
Cscript prndrvr.vbs Add / Delete / List printer drivers

Windows Server 2003 Support Tools.

Install these tools from \Support\Tools folder of Windows Server 2003 CD ROM to \Program
Files\Support Tools folder, and change directory to this in command prompt to
Acldiag ACL Diagnostics. Diagnose troubleshoot permission problem with
Replmon AD Replication Monitor. Display / Control AD replication information
Search.vbs AD Search Tool. Script tool used to search an LDAP Directory
Addiag Application Deployment Diagnostics. Displays the status of the
software deployed to the local computer using GP
Adsiedit.msc ADSI Edit. Low level editor to Add / Move / Delete objects in AD
Apmstat Advanced Power Management Status. Provides information about
APM features in older laptop computers
Bindiff Binary File Difference finder. Compares 2 binary files
Bitsadmin Administer BITS (Background Intelligent Transfer Service), which
manages background file transfers for IIS.
Browstat Browser status
Cabarc Cabinet Tool (.cab)
Clonepr.dll Creates clones of Win NT4 users and groups for migration
Depends Dependency Walker, scans all Win32 modules and reports all
dependencies. Used to find a minimum set of files needed to launch
an application
Devcon Device Console Utility. Device Manager at command prompt
Topchk.cmd DFS and SYSVOL Replication Topology Analysis Tool
Dhcpexim Export DHCP DB and configuration (Resource Kit)
Dhcploc DHCP Server Locator
Diruse Directory Disk Usage
Dsacls Directory Services ACL Editor

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Dsastat Directory Services Utility
Dfsutil DFS Utility
Dskprobe Diskprobe. Edit disk sector information (MBR)
Dmdiag Disk Manager Diagnostics
Dnscmd DNS Server Troubleshooting Tool
Dsdiag DC Diagnostic Tool
Efsinfo Encrypting File System Information
Exctrlst Extensible Performance Counter List
Ftonline Fault Tolerant Disk Mounter
Windiff File and Directory Comparison Tool
Ntfrsutil File Replication Utility
Filever File Version Reporter
Connstat.cmd FRS Connection Status Report
Health_chk.cmd FRS Health Check
Lologsum.cmd FRS Inbound and Outbound Logs Summary Report Tool
Getsid Get SID
Gflags Global Flags (Registry Settings in use by Kernel) Editor.
Httpcfg HTTP Configuration utlity
Iasparse IAS Parse Tool. IAS / RAS Log files parser.
Ktpass Kerberos Keytab Setup. Configures a non-Windows Kerberos
Ksetup Kerberos Setup
Ldp LDP Tool
Setspn Manipulate Service Principal Names for Accounts
Poolmon Memory Pool Monitor. Detects Memory Leaks
Memsnap Memory Profiling Tool
Movetree Move Users between Domains
Netdiag Network Connectivity Tester
Netcap Network Monitor Capture Utility
Nltest Query status of trusts, List PDC, Force shutdown, Force sync a
user DB to NT domain
Portqry Troubleshoot TCP / UDP Ports
Pviewer Process Viewer. Change Priority / Kill Process
Remote Run Command Line programs on remote computers
Rsdiag Remote Storage Diagnostic Utility
Rsdir Remote Storage File Analysis Utility
Repadmin Replication Diagnostic Tool
Sidewalk Security Administration Tools. Manage ACL
Sdcheck Security Descriptor Check Utility
Spcheck Service Pack Check
Netdom Windows Domain Manager
Msicuu MSI Cleanup Utility. Removes registry entries of faulty entries
Msizapp MSI Zapper. Removes registry entries of faulty entries. Use as last
Xcalcs Set / Display File ACLs

Windows Connectivity Commands

mstsc MS Terminal Services Client
conf Net Meeting
ping Packet Internet Gropper
net Net use, net stop, net start
telnet telnet
ftp File transfer protocol
Netstat Network statistics
Nbtstat NetBIOS over TCP/IP statistics

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Tracert Trace route
tsadmin Terminal Server Admin console
Tsmmc.msc Remote Desktops to TS servers

Windows Application Commands

Cmd Cmd.exe (MS DOS / Windows console)
Command Older version of Windows
iexplore Internet Explorer
winword MS Word
excel MS Excel
powerpnt MS Power Point
outlook MS Outlook
mspub MS Publisher
msaccess MS Access
explorer Desktop / Windows Explorer
Mspaint MS Paint
Clipbrd Clipboard Viewer
Calc MS Calculator
Wordpad MS Word Pad
Winchat Windows Chat Program
Dialer Phone Dialer
Mplayer Windows Media Player

Miscellaneous Windows Commands


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