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I. Introduction
A. Background information
B. Objective to the study
C. Significance of the study
D. Conclusion

II. Body
A. Definition of technology
B. The importance of technology
C. The Importance of technology in healthcare
D. The importance of technology in business

III. Conclusion

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Background Information

The plight of the modern 21st century student is extremely different from that of students of
previous generations. Gone are the days of card catalogues, microfilms, and unaided, unadorned
lectures. Even the introduction of slides and televisions into classrooms left education relatively
the same Students in today’s classrooms were brought up learning their letters and numbers from
interactive LeapFrog LeapPads rather than paper and glue books. Today’s K-12 student
population represents the first generations to have been raised on technology in every aspect
from communication and entertainment to information gathering Unfortunately, for the most
part, the only place technology has not inundated these generations of “digital natives,” those
raised on technology, is the classroom This lack of technology in the classroom may actually be
a disservice to digital natives as their experiences with technology have fundamentally changed
their thinking patterns from those of “digital immigrants,” previous generations who were not
raised on technology Unfortunately, despite overall increased access by digital natives and
digital immigrants to technology and computers both in and out of the classroom, technology is
often still not being used to support learning and instruction paradigms that are believed to be the
most beneficial for the student Ultimately, the necessary educational cultural shift necessary to
appropriately utilize technology in a meaningful manner begins with the teacher as an agent of
change, However, appropriate and sustainable professional development aimed at helping
teachers to change the way they teach rather than just how to use computers in necessity to create
a technological environment in which technology is used to create the deep and connected
knowledge that is necessary for the 21st century.

In an effort to assist teachers in the adoption of technology beyond methods that support lecture-
based instruction, the TeachUp! Program was designed by Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT) to
empower teachers and improve educational quality. The TeachUp! Program improves teacher
and administrator confidence and use of technology in day-to-day teaching activities through the
use of TeachUp! interns. TeachUp! interns are placed in the schools and are present as a
continuous support system or “safety net” to assist teachers and administrators as they begin to
step out of the traditional and into the new and innovative. This embedded informal professional
development allows teachers to take control of their learning and reflect on their practices and
share with colleagues in a beneficial manner Additionally, the TeachUp! program removes lack
of technical support from being a barrier According to the TeachUp! website, interns are recent
college graduates who undergo an intensive training program before being placed in
communities. During this training program, the interns learn to be facilitators, coaches, mentors,
communicators and technology gurus Educational and instructional technologies and usages
include self-directed drill and practice, online training, testing, interactive learning software,
instructional delivery augmentation (i.e., video clips, smart boards), communication, publication,
and Internet-based information accessing.

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This Study aims to answer

Following questions:

1:What is Technology?

•Technology is a body of knowledge devoted to creating tools, processing actions and the
extracting of materials. The term ‘Technology” is wide, and everyone has their way of
understanding its meaning. We use technology to accomplish various tasks in our daily lives, in
brief; we can describe technology as products and processes used to simplify our daily lives. We
use technology to extend our abilities, making people the most crucial part of any technological

2.What is the difference between science and technology.

•The words science and technology can and often are used interchangeably. But the goal of
science is the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake while the goal of technology is to create
products that solve problems and improve human life. Simply put, technology is the practical
application of science.

3.What is the Advantage of Technology?

•The increased automation of manufacturing and many other jobs, thanks to computers, means
greater efficiency, less people doing boring repetitive jobs, and an increase in flexibility
regarding work times.

4.What is the Disadvantages of Technology

•Technology is a good thing but it's man made meaning it's not natural rather than it's making
people lazy it can malfunction, Hacked or programmed.



This study is expected to throw light on the extent to which teaching enriched with technology
can benefit learners and is capable of conveying scientific knowledge in a superior way as
compared to traditional method of teaching. Hence, the present study assumes significance from
research point of view.
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The importance of technology in our daily lives is undeniable. This is due to the fact that in
today’s dynamic world, life without technology is meaningless. Technology, which basically
refers to bringing together tools that ease creation, use and exchange of information, has a major
goal of making tasks easier to execute as well as solving many mankind’s problems. As
technology continues to advance and direct even more easiness in our lives, there is a need to
stress how advantageous it has been to our lives.

One of the areas that technology has been of great use is the health industry. Modern electronic
equipments have been discovered which have improved the quality of treatment people receive
at the health institutions as well as increasing their survival chances from various ailments.

There are countless reasons why technology is a key aspect of learning in the schools. Whether
we like it or not, technology is everywhere; and in order for our students to survive in post-
secondary education and the business world, they must know technology.

To narrow it down and just for the purpose of this research I will give 10 reasons Why
Technology is important to education.

1.Students demand it.

Students are engaging with technology constantly outside of the classroom. Kids like to be
interactive, and learning through technology has now become a part of their lifestyle.

2.New teachers are demanding it.

The technology movement has been implemented in post-secondary education as well as other
professional jobs. For new teachers, technology is considered a necessity for the learning

3.Kids are the digital native.

Kids know technology better than most adults. It has become the easiest way they learn, because
it is such an integral part of their life. Engaging with technology in the classroom has not only
helped them learn better, but they also acquire multi-tasking skills. At this day in age, they
hardly know how to learn without it. This knowledge is important, because they would be way
behind in the real world without it.

4.Kids can learn at their own pace.

We know from years of experience that kids learn at their own pace, but sometimes the
traditional classroom makes it difficult to do so. With the integration of technology in education,
children have the ability to slow down and go back over lessons and concepts, and more
advanced kids can go ahead. It also frees up the teacher to help kids on a more one-on-one level.

5.With technology, there are no limitations.

Having access to other information outside of the book gives students many different ways to
learn a concept. Teachers can come up with creative ways to teach their students that keeps them
engaged. Technology has changed the learning environment so that learning is more hands-on.

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Schools throughout the nation are diverse in income, and often kids don’t always get the
resources they need. The implementation of technology in schools helps close that gap.

6.Technology has the ability to enhance relationships between teachers and students.
When teachers effectively integrate technology into subject areas, teachers grow into roles of
adviser, content expert, and coach. Technology helps make teaching and learning more
meaningful and fun. Students are also able to collaborate with their own classmates through
technological applications.
Testing has gone online
One protocol that schools don’t have control over, but must adapt to, is online testing.

7.Testing online is the way of the future, but it has a lot of advantages.
Assessing students’ performance can be done instantly with technology. Beyond seeing test
scores in real-time, teachers can better track and understand students’ grasp of the subject.

8.Multitude of resources.
Computers, tablets, and other forms of technology bring multiple resources for the teacher that’s
not in the book. They not only keep students engaged with exciting new features and apps, but
also have other ways to teach students material. Every kid learns differently, and technology
helps with this gap as well.

9.Technology keeps kids engaged.

The students of this generation are considered technological learners. They learn best being more
interactive, and technology is what helps them do that. Children often struggle to stay on task or
interested, and with resources to help the teacher, they can better stay focused and learn faster.

10.Technology is necessary to succeed outside of primary and secondary education.

Whether we like it or not, technology is an essential concept to learn. Because it changes so
quickly, children are better off learning about it sooner. It is a primary part of every industry, and
there is no way around it. These days, technology means more than just learning basic computing
skills. Technology has made itself part of every aspect of our lives today, and the students who
understand it are the ones who succeed in the business world.

Technology can give us lots of Benefits and whether we like it or not Technology is the future of
our world.



The purpose of this study was to explore students’ technology use and its relationship with their
psychosocial development. Previous research explored students’ computer use in conjunction
with their cognitive development. This study examined the effects of computer use and other

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technologies, such as instant messaging, handheld gaming devices, and MP3 players, and the
impact they have on students’ peer relationships, academic involvement, and healthy lifestyles.

On average, students in the 2005 study reported that they spend 11 to 15 hours a week using
technology. Despite the increase in all types of technology, little is known about how these
technologies impact student development. A perception by colleges is that technology will have
a positive impact on student learning. Academically, computers allow students to communicate
with faculty more often (Arend, 2005), which can improve student-faculty relationships.
Students claim to have a better understanding of course material through the use of technology in
the classroom (Arend, 2005). Some research studies, however, have conflicting results. Kuh and
Vesper (2001) examined the relationship between students’ use of computers and students’
cognitive and intellectual development gains reported on the College Student Experiences
Questionnaire. These 23 developmental gains include student reported gains such as writing
clearly, ability to learn on own, understanding other people, and understanding science as some
examples. Students who used computers more often outscored students with low use on every
developmental gain.

Computer-based technology has infiltrated many aspects of life and industry, yet there is little
understanding of how it can be used to promote student engagement, a concept receiving strong
attention in higher education due to its association with a number of positive academic outcomes.
The purpose of this article is to present a critical review of the literature from the past 5 years
related to how web-conferencing software, blogs, wikis, social networking sites (Facebook and
Twitter), and digital games influence student engagement. We prefaced the findings with a
substantive overview of student engagement definitions and indicators, which revealed three
types of engagement (behavioral, emotional, and cognitive) that informed how we classified
articles. Our findings suggest that digital games provide the most far-reaching influence across
different types of student engagement, followed by web-conferencing and Facebook. Findings
regarding wikis, blogs, and Twitter are less conclusive and significantly limited in number of
studies conducted within the past 5 years. Overall, the findings provide preliminary support that
computer-based technology influences student engagement, however, additional research is
needed to confirm and build on these findings. We conclude the article by providing a list of
recommendations for practice, with the intent of increasing understanding of how computer-
based technology may be purposefully implemented to achieve the greatest gains in student


A. Definition of Technology

Technology is one of the most greatest invention of mankind, it allow us to make our jobs easy
and it allow us to make everything fast because of it's automated system, whether we accept it or
not Technology is already a part of the world and it grows with it, it is a application of scientific
knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.

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B. The importance of technology

The importance of technology in our daily lives is undeniable. This is due to the fact that in
today’s dynamic world, life without technology is meaningless. Technology, which basically
refers to bringing together tools that ease creation, use and exchange of information, has a major
goal of making tasks easier to execute as well as solving many mankind’s problems. As
technology continues to advance and direct even more easiness in our lives, there is a need to
stress how advantageous it has been to our lives.

One of the areas that technology has been of great use is the health industry. Modern electronic
equipments have been discovered which have improved the quality of treatment people receive
at the health institutions as well as increasing their survival chances from various ailments.

Another notable benefit of technology is that it have enabled doctors to discover most health
problems while they are still in the developing stages, and have treated them before they can
develop into severe stages.

Communication across the globe is now easy. This is due to the invention and use of internet
which have reduced the world into a global village. People hailing from different geographical
regions can virtually communicate through video calls, e-mails as well as many social media
platforms available. Business owners have realized the power of using internet to achieve more
customers for their products easily by creating business websites where customers click on the
items to buy them at the comfort of their homes.

Another importance of technology in our daily lives is that it has eliminated the bulkiness
associated with paperwork. With technology, information can now be stored virtually in various
storage devices such as compact disks and microchips. More so, the information stored in these
technological devices is secured with passwords and codes which are only known by the
proprietors of the information, making it a better way of storing confidential information.

Telephone has evolved over the decades in terms of technology as the scientists have realized the
need for people to communicate at anytime, anywhere. This necessity has led to invention of
highly portable cellular phones which have taken communication a notch higher as people can
network easily. The device is also fun to use as they are coupled with extraordinary
entertainment features such as games. We cannot fail to mention that technology have been of
great benefit to agricultural industry. Contrary to the agrarian revolution period which happened
decades ago, it’s now possible to determine the climatic changes as well as climatic conditions
that favor various plants.

Domesticated animals can as well be taken care of as technology has seen inventions of vaccines
and other medications to treat them for various diseases. The importance of technology, as seen
from the above information, cannot be underestimated. It has led to great things especially when
it comes to use of internet to communicate across the globe: a great technological invention of all
times that will enhance communication worldwide and thus more discoveries. The scientists are
working on more advanced projects that will make almost all our daily tasks easier to
accomplish, making the world a better place to be.
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C. The Importance of technology in healthcare

Technological changes in the healthcare market will allow more customers to bid farewell to
some of the most annoying parts of a distressed health care system. Waiting hours together to see
the physician, carrying hand-written medicines to the pharmacy during sick, pursuing medical
records, and being absent in the dark regarding what healthcare will cost are all problems that a
customer faces in his daily sick life. Here comes the importance of technology in healthcare that
makes some developments, which will make health care superior for customers, a sample of such
technology is the development of hair loss medications and procedures (like using hair loss
shampoos like nioxin which have good percentage of success,l although some of them have side
effects (Rogaine, Minoxidil).

Mobile health is a promising, exploding class that allows customers to track their activity and
other measurements that assist perk up wellness and deal with chronic infections. This wellness
technology is as well, turning out to be embedded in homes, where mirrors reproduce the health
statistics of occupants. This had even led to the development of special and safe for common
cold; which was never done before.

While more technology goes home with sick people, more can correspond with health suppliers
remotely. Distant access also enables more patients to get the required care where and when it is
convenient for them. Programs, such as Apple’s FaceTime and Microsoft’s Skype allow patients
to have practical doctor’s visits from their home.

Patients who qualify for a medical program can take home a computer monitor and a camera, in
addition to equipment to observe vital symptoms remotely. They shun hospital infections, at the
same time as receiving suitable care in the ease of their home. They can even exercise at the
comfort of their own home, using treadmills, elliptical, or even the untapped Gymnastics
bars(which is the most efficient).

D. The Importance of technology in business

With the rapid growth of world trade, companies must implement changes quickly. Technology
is a means to achieve this goal. Companies must bring new products to market quickly, while
meeting the quality requirements of the customer. To succeed in the international market,
companies must also eliminate unnecessary products and make management to reduce costs and
time in product development measures. The growth of global quality standards and processes in
business has also increased the need for companies to use technology to implement the necessary
changes and comply with the new requirements. Also new work standard and regulation coerce
workplaces to
provide proper work boots that keeps the employees health.

Technology helps companies in managing changes in operations. Companies have reduced costs
by making a revision of business processes and removing actions that customers find it less
valuable. A key issue for company leaders and staff technology challenge, however, is shifting
the focus of projects focused on reducing costs to projects that develop innovative products and
generate revenue. Both businesses and consumers have benefited from improvements driven by
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technology such as online ordering, traveling without obtaining tickets physically and inventory
time management.

Another importance of technology in business is the ability for computers to perform multiple
tasks simultaneously. Assuming the hardware is able to stand, the operator can have many
different programs running simultaneously. Even computers are generally able to perform
complex calculations, such as math equations or travel distances, very quickly and accurately.

Departments of a company use the results of internal support services in identifying functions
that multiple departments can share. Technology allows companies to eliminate duplication of
functions and even outsourcing some administrative functions such as accounting or
management functions



Technology usage might produce comparatively more significant increases in academic achievement than
would non-usage. Further research is warranted to examine its effects. The possibility are endless when it
comes to Technology, it is because of us that the technology will never end, so why not used it to its full
extent, it can give a lot of benefit to the world, that is why understanding its purpose is important.

Progress in many of the basic computing and information technologies has been rapid in recent years, and
the committee does not expect the pace of change to slow down in the foreseeable future. While some
technologies are reaching maturity now, many important technologies have enormous future potential. As
more of the world’s information is digitized and more people and things are networked, the economics of
the digital, networked economy will become ever more important. This includes the ability to make
copies of goods and services at almost zero cost and deliver them anywhere on the planet almost
instantaneously. Furthermore, digitization of products, services, processes, and interactions makes it
possible to measure and manage work with far more precision. Data-driven decision making and machine
learning provide vast opportunities for improving productivity, efficiency, accuracy, and innovation.

The committee expects important innovations to come in the area of artifical intelligence (AI) and
robotics. Several decades ago, humans were unable to converse with machines using ordinary speech;
now it is done routinely. Machines are learning to effectively translate from one language to another, a
task once seen only in science fiction. We are moving from an era where machines were blind, unable to
recognize even simple objects, to an era where they can distinguish faces, read street signs, and
understand the content of photographs as well as—or better than—humans. They are being put to work
reading X-ray and MRI images, advising doctors on potential drug interactions, helping lawyers sift
through documents, and composing simple stories about sports and finance for newspapers. Machines are
becoming much better at reasoning and can now defeat the best humans at most games of skill, from
checkers and chess to trivia and Go. Machines are learning to drive cars, which could potentially save
thousands of lives in the United States and millions worldwide. Bipedal robots are learning to navigate
stairs and uneven terrain, while their cheetah-like brethren can outrun even the fastest humans. Many of
the technologies with the greatest impact will likely look unlike any human or animal, but will transport

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shelves of inventory throughout warehouses, assemble basic electronics in factories, fly to disaster zones
with medicine, swim beneath the waves to gather data for oceanographers, and haunt computer networks
in search of cyberattacks. In fact, many of these exist in some form already, although they are likely to
become more widespread and more competent.

While there are undoubtedly important technological breakthroughs to come, it is critical to note that the
technologies that exist today and those under active development have important implications for the
workforce. They create opportunities for new products, services, organizational processes, and business
models as well as opportunities for automating existing tasks, even whole occupations. Many cognitive
and physical tasks will be replaced by machines. At the same time, we expect new job opportunities to
emerge as increasingly capable combinations of humans and machines attack problems that previously
have been intractable.

Advances in IT and automation will present opportunities to boost America’s overall income and wealth,
improve health care, shorten the work week, develop new goods and services, and increase product safety
and reliability.

These same advances could also lead to growing inequality, decreased job stability, increasing demands
on workers to change jobs, and changes in business organization. There are also important implications
for other aspects of society, both intended and unintended, not the least of which include potentially
profound changes in education, privacy, security, social relationships, and even democracy.

The ultimate effects of these technologies are not predetermined. Rather, like all tools, computing and
information technologies can be used in many different ways. The outcomes for the workforce and
society at large depend on our choices. Technology can be a powerful tool. What do we want for our
future society? How do we decide this?

Potential future technological capabilities and innovations are largely unpredictable, and their
implications and interactions are complex. Investing in extensive and effective data gathering, a robust
infrastructure for analyzing these data, and multidisciplinary research will enable a deeper
understanding of emerging changes in technology and the workforce. The results of this research will
inform the adoption of policies that will help maximize the resilience and prosperity of the institutions,
organizations, and individuals in our society

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