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Shivaji's contemporary, the

poet Kavi Bhushan stated: Had not

there been Shivaji, Kashi would have
lost its culture, Mathura would have
been turned into a mosque and all
would have been circumcised".
"Shivaji is one of the greatest
national saviours who emancipated
our society and our Hindu
dharma when they were faced with
the threat of total destruction. He
was a peerless hero, a pious and
God-fearing king and verily a
manifestation of all the virtues of a
born leader of men described in our
ancient scriptures. He also embodied
the deathless spirit of our land and
stood as the light of hope for our
In what far-off country, upon what
obscure day
I know not now,
Seated in the gloom of some
Mahratta mountain-wood
O King Shivaji,
Lighting thy brow, like a lightning
This thought descended,
"Into one virtuous rule, this divided
broken distracted India,
I shall bind.

 Shivaji's statues and monuments are
found almost in every town and city
in Maharashtra as well as in different
places across India including Goa,
Bangalore, Vadodara, Surat, Indore,
Agra, Arunachal Pradesh, and Delhi.
 There is a statue of Shivaji inside the
premises of the National Defence
Academy (NDA), Pune.
 An equestrian statue can be seen inside
the Parliament House complex in Delhi.

 A statue of Shivaji was proposed in 2014,

to be built on the Mumbai coastline by
the Maharashtra government by 2020,
with a planned height of 312 feet
(95.0976 metre). If built it would be
among the tallest statues in the world.
Armed forces
 The Indian Navy has named one of its
bases after Shivaji, christening it as INS
 The Government of India issued postage
stamps commemorating Shivaji in 1961,
1974, 1980 and a definitive
postage stamp in the "Makers of India"
definitive series in 2015.
Airports and railway stations
 Mumbai international airport (then
known as Bombay International) was
renamed the Chhatrapati Shivaji
International Airport in 1996.
 A statue of Shivaji was also placed within
the forecourts of the international
terminal, however it was removed in 2011
to make way for the extension of the
 The Victoria Terminus railway station was
similarly renamed as the Chhatrapati
Shivaji Terminus.

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