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Prvi pismeni zadatak drugi razred , grupa A

1.Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in capital letters.
0.He’s very ____romantic___, always buying me roses. ROMANCE
1.Tom’s very _______________ of my mood changes and never gets upset.TOLERATE
2.Oh no! I’ve left my keys behind. I’m so _______________. FORGET
3.Don’t be so _______________. Share your sweets with your friends. SELF
4.You should be more _______________ when your girlfriend’s got problems. SYMPATHY
5.He’s a good boy but a little bit _______________ sometimes. CHEEK
6.Make up your mind! Honestly, you’re so _______________. DECIDE

2.Rewrite the sentences. Use the words in capital letters. Do not change the meaning of the original
0.I think you should apologise. TO
I think ____you ought to apologise___.
1.My mother always cooked chicken on Sundays. WOULD
My mother ____________________________________________.
2.Were you scared of being kidnapped when you were young? USE
Did __________________________________________________?
3.I couldn’t write until I was eight. ABLE
I ____________________________________________________.
4.It’s not necessary to stand up when I come into the room. HAVE
You _________________________________________________.
5.The thief escaped and then the police arrived. HAD
.By the time ___________________________________________.
6.During my exam I felt sick. DOING
I felt ________________________________________________.

3.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

I 0was walking (walk) along Park Street at about ten pm. I 1_______________ (be) to the cinema and I
_______________ (try) to find a taxi. Suddenly I 3_______________ (see) a man on a ladder. He
_______________ (just climb) out of an upstairs window and he 5_______________ (carry) a bag over
his shoulder. I telephoned the police but, by the time they arrived, he 6_______________ (disappear).

4.Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets:

1.- If you ________ (be) a professional basketball player, who _________ (you/play) for?
2.- If he _________ (not study) now, he won’t have time later.
3.- If Susan took the map, she ________ (not get) lost.
4.- Where would you go on holiday if you _________ (can) choose?
5.- The teacher _________ (be) angry if you didn’t do your homework.
6.- What _______ (you/ give) me if it were my birthday tomorrow?
7.- If we recycle more, there _________ (not be) so much rubbish.
8.- If they had something to eat, they __________ (not be) hungry.

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