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Quality Gurus

TQM Gurus and Their Contributions

1. Walter Shewhart: Developed Circular model for
quality improvement known as PDCA (Plan, Do,
Check, Act) Cycle.
2. Edwards Deming: He is known as Father of
Quality. He has given 14 Points, which provide a
theory for quality improvement.
3. Joseph Juran: Given Juran Trilogy for managing
4. Philip Crosby: Introduced the concept of ‘Zero
5. Genichi Taguchi: Developed Quality Loss
6. Kaoru Ishikawa: Developed Cause-and-effect
7. Armand Feigenbaum: Introduced the concept of
Total Quality Control.
1. Walter Shewhart
• He is called as the Grandfather of Total Quality
• He has developed a repetitive four-stage circular
model for continuous improvement in 1920.
• That Model is called PDCA cycle.
• PDCA cycle is developed by Walter
Shewhart and later popularized by
Dr. W. Edwards Deming in 1950.
PDCA Cycle
• It is circular model for continuous improvement.
• The PDCA Cycle is a repetitive four-stage
problem-solving technique used to improve the
• The model is implemented to improve the quality
and effectiveness of production processes.
– P = Plan
– D = Do
– C = Check
– A = Act
Plan Do Check Act
Evaluate current Implement the Check whether If plan is working,
process plan for test basis plan is working implement this plan in
or not? process
Identify the Measure the Document the results
problem improvement
Develop the plan Go through cycle once
for improvement again for new problem
Example 1: The Student with Poor Grades
Example 1: The Student with Poor Grades

• Ramesh is a first-year engineering student who has

just taken his first semester of examinations and is
very unhappy with the results.
• Process: Class participation, Self study, Writing
• Ramesh has evaluated current process.
• He has identified two problems, which are
o He has spent too little time for studying.
o Not attending class regularly.
• He has developed plan to improve the current
– He decided to put more hours in self study. (he must
socialize less, get up earlier, study late light.)
– And to attend class regularly.
• He implemented this plan for test basis by writing
mid-term exam.
• He measured the improvement.
• He checked whether plan is working or not.
• Ramesh finds that he is able to get good marks.
• This plan is working, hence he can implement
this plan for next semester.
• He can document the results for future use.
• Now he can go to another problem.
Example 2: Low Sales at supermarket
Example 2: Low Sales at supermarket

• Evaluate the current process and identify the
– Keeping the product that customers don’t need.
– Competitor.
• Develop the plan for these problems.
– Do market survey and identify what customer wants?
– Give discount, delighted offers on products.
• Implement this plan for test basis for few products.
• Measure the improvement.
• Check whether plan is working or not?
• After the implementation of plan for test basis
Manager finds that sales rate is improved.
• Plan is working.
• Now you can implement this plan to the
• Document the result for future use.
2. Edwards Deming
• William Edwards Deming (1900-1993) was an
American statistician.
• He was a famous as quality management guru
who strived for continuous improvement of
• He is best known for the
– 14 principles of managing the quality
of product.
– PDCA Cycle.
Deming 14 points
1. Create constancy of purpose toward
improvement of product and service

o Constancy of purpose means long term planning

for quality improvement.
o Our objective is to improve the quality of product.
o To achieve that we require to follow some quality
improvement practice (Example: employee
training, process improvement, use of quality
o According to Deming we should make long term
plan for quality improvement.
2. Adopt the new philosophy
o Today business environment is competitive and
full of challenges.
o To survive in market, we have to always
implement new philosophy and technology in
our production process.
Example: 1
o Six Sigma is methodology to improve the
production process, started by Motorola in early
of 1980.
o After that no. of companies like
• Bank of America,
• General Electric,
• Boeing,
• Ford Motor Company
adopted this concept.
o In India Six Sigma approach is followed by
companies such as
• Cummins India,
• Tata Motors,
• Reliance,
• Asian Paints.
o Example 2: JIT (Just in Time) philosophy is
developed by Toyota at Japan to minimize the
waste in production system.
o After that this concept is following by no. of
companies such as:
• Dell,
• Harley Davidson,
• McDonald etc.
3. Stop dependencies on quality inspections

• We have to always take preventive action not a

corrective action.
• Corrective action is too costly.
• It is too late to react to the quality of a product
when the product leaves the door.
• Quality not comes from inspection but it comes
from improving the production process.
4. Move towards a single supplier for any
one item

o Make long term relationship with your supplier.

o Long-term relationship will be based on the
loyalty and trust between two parties.
o Once loyalty and trust will build, then there will
be assurance of quality product (raw materials)
from your supplier.
5. Improve constantly and forever the
production system
o There is a need for constant improvement the
production system.
o Continuous improvement is a concept of never-
ending improvement.
o There are number of tools and techniques
available for continuous process improvement.
o Example: Six Sigma, Kaizen, Lean
Manufacturing, Toyota Production System.
What is production system?

o It is the methods, procedure or arrangement which

includes all functions required
Ø to procure the inputs,
Ø process the inputs, and
Ø produce the marketable output
6. Institute training on the job
o Training is concerned with increasing the knowledge
and skills of employees to carry out a given job
o Training enhances job performance.
o Through the training efficiency of worker will
o Example of training are:
ü Communication skills
ü Conflict resolution
ü Time management
ü Technical Skills Development Training
ü Health and safety at workplace
ü Emergency drill
ü Safe use of machinery
7. Use Leadership Skill
o Leadership is the action of leading a group of
people at any organization.
o Provide leadership to your employee.
o Leader
o Should creates an inspiring vision of the future
o Motivates and inspires people to engage with that vision
o Manages delivery of the vision
8. Eliminate fear from work place
o Fear will make employee week.
o Employees should not be afraid to express their
ideas or ask questions.
o Therefore, fear must be eliminated at the work
place so that everyone can work effectively for the
company and can give innovative idea.
9. Break down barriers
8. Eliminate between
fear from workdepartment
o People from various department such as research,
design, sales and production must work as a team.
o Teamwork will increase the productivity of the
10. Eliminate slogans,
8. Eliminate exhortations
fear from form the
work place
10. Eliminate slogans,
8. Eliminate exhortations
fear from form the
work place
o Let people know exactly what you want – don't
make them guess with the slogans and
o Slogans, exhortations create confusion at work
11. Eliminate
8. Eliminate targets
fear from work place
11. Eliminate
8. Eliminate targets
fear from work place

o Don’t make any target to employee.

o Deming said that production targets encourage
high output and low quality.
o Rushing through the work can cause production
o Hence managers should focus on quality rather
than quantity.
8.12. Removefear
Eliminate barriers
fromto pride
work of
o Let employees be proud of their work and
o Treat workers the same, and don't make them
compete with other workers for monetary or other
8. Eliminate
13. Organize vigorous program
fear from workofplace
and self-improvement for employee
o Management should be encouraging everyone to
get additional education or additional knowledge.
o This is the process of self-improvement.
8. Eliminate
14. Put everybodyfear
in the
fromcompany to work
work place
to accomplish the transformation
o The transformation is everybody’s job and
management must create a vision and program to
include and inspire every employee.
o Everybody in the company has to give their
contribution to achieve high quality product.
o Every one has to perform their task too seriously.
o Don’t ignore even small things in the
3. Joseph Juran
• Joseph Juran (1904-2008) was a Romanian-born
American engineer and management consultant.
• Joseph Juran made many contributions to the field
of quality management.
• He has written the Quality Control Handbook,
which is a classic reference for quality engineers.
• He is best known for Juran Trilogy.
Juran Trilogy
• Juran Trilogy is given by Joseph Juran for quality
• It is model of quality management on the basis of
three universal processes which have been
popularly named a Juran Trilogy.
Juran Trilogy
• Juran Trilogy is given by Joseph Juran for quality
• It is model of quality management on the basis of
three universal processes which have been
popularly named a Juran Trilogy.
• Three process are:
1. Quality planning
2. Quality control
3. Quality improvement
Process 1: Quality Planning
• Quality planning is the planning of all the activities that
need to be done to satisfy the end user of the product.
• This quality planning will improve the quality of
• Quality planning comprises:
– Understand your customer
– Determine their needs
– Define the product features and specification as per the
customer's need.
– Design the product as per the defined features and specification
– Now develop the production process that will enable to meet
customer needs.
Process 2: Quality Control
• Once the process developed, the responsibilities is now to
periodic checks and track the production process, to
ensure that
– The process is in control or not
– Producing product as per the set features and specification or not.
• There are several tools that can be used for this purpose
– Pareto analysis
– Flow diagrams
– Cause and effect diagram
– Control chart
• Whenever there is a defect, a corrective and preventive
action need to be done.
Process 3: Quality Improvement
• There are chances that product features and
specifications may fail to meet customer
requirements and design targets.
• Quality improvement is the approach that
improve the level of performance of the process.
• This can be done through
– Innovation
– Technological advancement
4. Philip Crosby
• Philip B. Crosby was a legend in the discipline of quality.
• He is a noted quality professional, consultant, and author.
• He is widely recognized for promoting the concept of
"zero defects“.
• Zero Defects term introduced by Mr. Philip Crosby in his
book “Absolutes of Quality Management”
• He wrote another two books,
– “Quality Without Tears" and
– "Quality is Free"
Concept of Zero Defects
• Zero Defects concept is given by Philip Crosby.
• According to him:
– Reduce and minimise the number of errors in a production
– To do things right at the first time.
• But technically it is not possible to attaining zero defects
in any size of manufacturing organization.
• According to Six-Sigma standard, the definition of zero
defects is defined as 3.4 defects per million opportunities
5. Kaoru Ishikawa
• Kaoru Ishikawa (1915-1989) was a Japanese
professor, advisor and motivator in the field of
quality management.
• He is best known for the concept of the Cause
and Effect diagram, which is also known as
the “Ishikawa diagram”.
• This is a type of root cause analysis, which is
very much famous among the people for
identifying the root cause of the particular
Cause and Effect Diagram
• It is developed by Kaoru Ishikawa in 1943.
• It is also called Ishikawa diagram or fishbone
diagram because of its shape.
• It is graphical tool that helps to identify, sort, and
display all the possible causes of a problem or all
the possible causes of defective product, so that it
can be corrected.
• The effect (problem) is shown at the right (like
fish’s head), with all the causes extending to the
left (as fish-bones).
• Causes can be identify through brain-storming
with a group of people who are familiar with
• Causes are typically separated in to categories of
people, process, machines, materials.
• Once the all possible causes are identified,
solution can be developed for the problem.
Example 1: The Student with Poor Grades
Example 2: Car Failure
6. Armand Feigenbaum
• Armand Feigenbaum (1922-2014) was an
American quality control expert and businessman.
• He introduced the concept Total Quality Control,
which eventually led to Total Quality
• This concept is introduced in his well-known book
“Total Quality Control: Principles Practice and
Concepts of Total Quality Control
• According to Feigenbaum 40% of the capacity of
the every factory is wasted.
• So he has given Total Quality Control Concepts
to minimize the waste.
• According to him quality developments are
integrated throughout the entire organization.
• Management and Employee both should have
total commitment towards minimizing the waste
in order to improve quality.
Waste: Waste (Muda) means any activity in
process that does not add value to the product.
There are seven types of waste
1. Transport: Unnecessary movement of products
between work stations.
This is the waste caused by moving things
2. Excess inventory: Excess raw materials, excess
work-in-progress (WIP) inventory.
3. Motion waste: Unnecessary movement of
person and machine while conducting operation.
4. Waiting: The act of waiting of machine or
worker due to any reason.
• Wastage of machine and worker time
5. Over production: Producing product more than
what customer has order.
• This will add holding cost.
6. Over processing: Conducting operations more
than required.
7. Defects: Producing defective products, results
• It requires additional time, resource and money
to fix the issues.
7. Genichi Taguchi
• Genichi Taguchi (1924-2012) was a statistician and
engineer who is best known for Quality loss
• He created the Taguchi methods which are
statistical methods to improve the quality of
finished goods.
Quality Loss Function

• Taguchi defines quality in terms of social loss i.e.

loss to manufacturer and loss to consumers.
• Quality loss function is graphical representation of
how production of each non-perfect part results in
a loss for the company as well as consumer.
• The smaller the value of social loss, larger the
quality of product.
• Social loss means
– Manufacturing of each defective product results in a
loss for the company (Rework, Scrap).
– Defective products may cause injury to consumers.
• Example: Let’s assume that you are the producer of
doors and door frames.
• Your job is to produce a door, where dimensions
(length and width of the door) of door specified by
customer are (3’ x 7’).
• If door size is less than target level, then air will
enter through the cracks between the door and the
door frame (customer dissatisfaction)
• If door size is greater than target level, then there
will be hard to open the door because it rubs
against the door frame (customer dissatisfaction).
• Hence Quality loss function is method of
measuring losses that are incurred due to
production of defective product.
• i.e. loss associated with poor quality product.
Measure of loss
Traditionally Measure of Loss (Traditional loss
• In traditionally specification limits, customer is
satisfied as long as variation stay within the
specification limit.
• If the variation exceeds the limits, then the
customer immediately feels dissatisfied.
• The specification limits divide satisfaction from
• Example: Consider example of soft-drink
• Target: 500 ml
• Upper limit: 510 ml
• Lower limit: 490 ml
• If the lower limit is 490 ml, and the upper limit is
510 ml, then a measurement of 491 ml will lead
to customer satisfaction, while a measurement of
489 ml will lead to customer dissatisfaction.
Traditional Loss Function

ØAll products within specifications equality good

ØAll products outside specifications equally bad
Measure of loss based on Taguchi’s Approach

• Taguchi states that when a product moves from

its target will cause the loss even if the product
lies or not within limits.
• According to Taguchi, any variation away from
the nominal (target) performance will begin to
customer dissatisfaction.
• As the variation increases, the customer will
gradually become dissatisfied.
Quality Loss Function
Taguchi Statement
• As per the Taguchi statement, “Any variation
away from the target value will lead to loss to
society (customer dissatisfaction).
• As the variation increases, loss will increase
• Taguchi loss function can also be state that:
“The loss due to performance variation of
product is directly proportional to the square of
the deviation of the performance characteristic
from its nominal value”.
• Where
§ L = loss to society
§ k = quality loss function
§ m = target value
§ y = product characteristic
§ y-m = deviation from the target value
• Hence it can be concluded that
– Quality does not suddenly plummet once limits
– Rather quality gradual degrade when variation away
from the target (m) value.
A real life example of the Taguchi Loss Function
• Consider you have purchased an orange at the
• The target date to eat orange is day 5. i.e. when
the orange taste will be the best (customer
• Limits to eat the orange are Day 2 to Day 8.
• If you eat the orange on day 1 you will be highly
dissatisfied, as it is not ready to eat.
• This would fall below the lower limit.
• On Day 3 it would be acceptable to eat, but you
are still dissatisfied because it doesn’t taste as
good as eating on the target date (Day 5).
• If you wait for Day 5, you will be satisfied,
because it is eaten on the ideal date.
• If you wait until Day 6, you will be slightly
dissatisfied, because it is one day past the ideal
date, but it will still be within the limits provided
by the supermarket.
• If you wait until Day 9, you will be again highly
dissatisfied, as it will be too far past the ideal
• So, you are dissatisfied from Day 2 through 4,
and from Day 6 through 8, even though
technically you are within the limits provided by
the supermarket.
• The highest satisfaction occurs on the target date,
and each day removed from the target date incurs
slightly more dissatisfaction.
Problem: 1
• If the diameter specification of a plastic pipe are
10±3 c.m. and the average re-pair cost is $230,
determine the loss function. Determine the loss at
y = 12.
Problem: 2
• A part dimension on a power tool is specified as
32.25±0.25 mm. Company repair records shows
that at the ±0.25 mm tolerance there is a 75%
chance that the product will be returned for
replacement. The cost associated with replacing
the product, which includes not only the product
cost but also the additional paperwork and
handling associated with replacement, is
estimated to be Rs. 12,500. Determine k and
Quality Loss Equation.
Problem: 3
• A certain quality characteristic has a
specification of 0.50 ± 0.02. An analysis of
company record revels that if the value of quality
characteristic meet or exceeds the target by
tolerance of 0.02 on either side, the product is
likely to fail during the warranty period and may
cost Rs. 100 for repair. Determine the total loss
using Taguchi’s loss function for a deviation of
Different types of Loss function
• Although Taguchi developed more than 68 loss
function, but the following three are major one.
– Nominal the best
– Smaller the better
– Larger the better
Nominal the best
• Nominal-the-best loss function is applicable
whenever quality characteristic ‘y’ is symmetric
on either side of the target value.
• i.e. either positive deviation or negative deviation
both will causes to loss.
• Example: Manufacturing of wooden door,
Custom made of Shirt, Frequency settings in
• Assume that loss at (m±Δ) is Ao (i.e. L = Ao).
• Then equation (1) will become:
Smaller the better
• Some product quality characteristic have target value
• Have some upper specification limit but lower
specification limit is not possible.
• Example:
• Radiation leakage from microwave oven,
• response time of computer,
• pollution from automobile,
• The departure time of aircraft from the airport,
• Defects
• These characteristic can never have negative value
• The quality loss in such situation can be
approximated by following function

• Target value m = 0, y = Δ and L = Ao

Larger the better
• Some quality characteristic also don't have any
negative value.
• Example:
• Bond strength of adhesive
• Welding strength
• Cell phone battery life
• In this type of product target value m = ∞
• And at y = 0, worst case
• When m = ∞, y = Δ, L = Ao
Problem: 4
• A machine makes 5000 parts at a cost of $3.00
each. Upon inspection 200 parts are rejected.
Determine the loss per part.
Quality Loss Function for multiple defective product

• If you are producing ‘m’ number of product.

• From that ‘n’ (n ≤ m) number of product is
• Then Quality loss function is given by:

L = loss to society
k = quality loss function
MSD = mean square deviation.

y5 y4 m y1 y2 y3
Quality Characteristic
Problem: 5
• A Company produces 1,000 unit, 12 inches
diameter tyres per day at a current production
loss of $.50/tyre. From 1,000 product 10 products
are defective. Calculate the value of ‘k’.
• Size of defective tyres are: 12.10, 12.05, 11.95,
11.90, 12.30, 11.85, 11.75, 12.35, 12.19, 11.88.
Problem: 6
• A machine produces 10,000, 6 feet long coil springs
per day at a current production loss of $.30/part
(overhead & rejection). Upon inspection 5 parts
identified as a defective. Company have improved
their process and this time 4 defective product
produced. Samples examined before and after
improvement of the process are as follows:
• Length of defective products before: 6.1 5.8 6.3
6.4 5.7
• Length of defective products after: 6.15 6.2 5.9
• Calculate the expected savings.

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