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Robert Kasumi 2/12/19

ECE 162 – 061 Lab 10

Lab 10
Experiment: Alternating current source through an op amp.

Purpose: To study the op amp as a linear amplifier and in saturation.

Theory: Operation amplifiers, or op amp for short, are linear devices that have all the properties required for
nearly ideal DC amplification and are therefore used in signal conditioning or filtering. Op amps
are voltage amplifying devices and are designed to be used with external feedback components
such as resistors and capacitors between its output and input terminals. These components
determine the function or “operation” of the amplifier and can perform a variety of different
operations, giving the electrical device its name.

Experimental Build the circuit of Fig 8.6 on page 193. Choose R1 = 10Ω, Rf = 100kΩ, and V1 equal to the
Method: amplitudes given in the table below all at 100 c/s. Determine the voltages that are output by the op
amp circuit and discuss the similarities and differences between the three cases.


Fig 1. Waveform
Graph showing the
voltage output by the
op amp circuit with a
0.25 input voltage
Fig 2. Waveform
Graph shoing the
voltage output by
the op amp circuit
with a 0.5 input
V1 (Volts) V0 (Volts) Voltage Gain (V0/V1) Is amplification
0.25 -2.6 -10.4 Yes
0.5 -5.2 -10.4 Yes
2 -29.2 -14.6 No


Fig 3. Waveform V 0 −2.6

= =−10.4
Graph showing the V 1 0.25
saturated voltage V 0 −5.2
output by the op amp = =−10.4
V 1 0.5
circuit with a 2 input
V 0 −29.2
voltage = =−14.6
V1 2
Discussion: Through the analysis of a an RC circuit implementing an op amp and a waveform graph of the
alternating voltages output by the graph, we were able to calculate both the voltage gain and
determine if this gain was linear or not. The experimental voltage amplitude was found by
analyzing the waveform graphs of the voltages outputted by the circuit. After finding the
experimental voltage amplitudes, the gain of the op amp was calculated through the equations,
Gain= , which yielded a gain of -10.4, -10.4, and -14.6 volts. For the first two cases, the
amplification is linear because the

Conclusions: The oscilloscope is a very useful tool when finding characteristics of an RC circuit implementing
an op amp, such voltage gain. Through an analysis of the waveform graph, we are able to
determine these quantities and whether they are linear using the voltage output of the circuit.

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