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Physical Education Unit Plan

High School (Grades 9,10,11,12) Basketball Unit Plan

By: Brandon Royal
Subject Area Physical Education
Grade Level Grade 9-12
Unit Plan Topic Basketball
Length of Unit 10 days

Throughout this basketball unit, students will be given plenty of opportunity to develop skills and

fundamentals that will be essential for their continued success and involvement in basketball and other

similar sports. I believe its important to develop a student’s physical literacy by improving their

fundamental skills and giving them plenty of valuable feedback which can help guide them towards

success. Throughout this unit students will be given a wide array of feedback from their peers and

teachers to help develop their confidence and competence with basketball related skills. This constant

feedback will also help to keep the students motivated, as they will always have something in their mind

that they can actively be working on improving. I believe its important that in physical education

students are assessed on more then just their ability. Personal growth, effort, attitude, sportsmanship

and cooperation are all qualities that I place a higher value in then someone’s ability. These are all

qualities that will be essential for a student’s entire life, and many are applicable outside of physical

education. While there will still be assessment on a student’s ability to perform various skills and

techniques related to basketball, it will not be the main focus and that will be represented in how

students are graded. Participation is essential from all students if they wish to improve, so that is

something that I will expect from all students. It is my responsibility to bring activities to class that will

encourage participation from every student. My goal is to create and foster a classroom environment

where each student will feel motivated and safe to participate and enjoy a variety of activities. Through

this participation and constant feedback students will be able to improve and develop their competence

in a variety of physical activities. My philosophy and rationale towards physical education is intended to

encourage as many students as possible to lead an active life long after they’ve left the classroom. This

specific unit also emphasizes a sport education model, which helps motivate students to participate.
Subject Area Physical Education
Grade Level Grade 9-12
Unit Plan Topic Basketball
Length of Unit 10 days

Using this model allows students to be competitive, while also giving students who may not have the

highest ability in basketball an opportunity to contribute in other ways to their team. This can increase

buy in and participation from students that otherwise might not contribute as actively for a variety of

Subject Area Physical Education
Grade Level Grade 9-12
Unit Plan Topic Basketball
Length of Unit 10 days

Assessment Plan
Assessment FOR Assessment OF
Assessment Tool Brief Description Learning Learning
Class discussion/fist to five. Looking at what
students’ previous knowledge and experience with
Pre-Assessment basketball. This allows for the teacher to see what X
needs to be reviewed with the class.

 After going over the key elements of each,

students will get into groups of three and
demonstrate the skills just introduced to them.
One group member will offer peer feedback on
how the student is doing
This assessment will happen when students learn
Peer Assessment X
and practice the non-locomotor, locomotor and
passing skills. This gives students quick feedback
so they can make corrections with regards to their
skills. Students peer assess multiple times during
the unit when new topics/skills are introduced. 

Students will get a quiz that will test their

knowledge on what they’ve learned in the first
week of class. This will cover the rules and skills
Skill Quiz X
covered. This quiz will be about 5 multiple choice
questions and 5 true or false questions.

BEEF - Balance; Eyes; Elbow; Follow-through.

Students. As students get ready to go and get
changed for their next class, they will demonstrate
Exit Slip BEEF to the teacher. This will be reinforced and X
checked throughout the unit. This ensures the
students are practicing the proper technique.

Students will either use a pedometer to measure

the steps they take while performing various
activities in class throughout the unit.  Students
can use a scale of 1 to 10 to show the teacher they
Perceived Rate of perceive as their level of exertion (1 = low; 10 =
Exertion high). These methods will give the students a way
to measure their perceived rate of exertion. This
ensures that all students are putting in a certain
amount of effort.
Subject Area Physical Education
Grade Level Grade 9-12
Unit Plan Topic Basketball
Length of Unit 10 days

Students will research a professional basketball

player (Or another athlete with the instructor’s
permission) and analyze their nutritional habits.
Students will then be asked to make a weekly
nutritional plan, based on their athlete of choices
nutritional habits, that their team could follow for X
a week. This would also include a rationale for
why someone would want to follow this plan and
the health/performance benefits someone would
receive for following it.

 Students will be put into groups of 4-5 and they

will have to come up with a skills game to share
with the class. They will need to decide on their
team name and a cheer to show the class as well.
This skill game can be similar to drills practiced in
class but with the student’s own twist on it. This
Performance Task X
will demonstrate the students understanding of the
skills learned in this unit. They can also use
drills/types of games that were not necessarily
used in this unit but are still applicable to the sport
of basketball.
Grade: 9-12 Unit: Basketball Dates March 16th to March 27th

Date Lesson Title GLO SLO’ Assessment Key Learning Activities Safety Instructional Equipment/ Motivation
Planned ’s s Questions Strategies Resources/
to Teach related to Technology
this Lesson

March Introductio A A-2 Observations How - Introduce nutritional plan -Proper Cooperative - - Personal Interest
2nd n/Nutrition nutrition assignment Clothing and Learning Computers/ (For the research
B A-5 Pre-
can help - Introduce rules and Footwear Research assignment)
B-1 performan violations related to Device
-Personal Health
Nutritional ce basketball.
- Handball
plan - In groups of 3 have -Best results in
students pick a rule to the tourney
familiarize themselves
with. They will then
explain this rule to the
rest of the class.
- Finish off with a game of
handball, focusing on
similarities in skills that
you can use in basketball
(Pivot, etc..) Since
students have already
done handball this will be
a good way to transition.

March Shooting A A-5 Observations How to - Introduce the concept of Proper DI , -Basketball - Games and
3rd use proper BEEF to help with students Clothing and Cooperative Competition
C A-6 Peer -Cones
technique shooting form Footwear Learning
Assessment -Useful Feedback
C-3 when - Have students assess each
-Watch for
Exit Slip shooting other practicing their
C-6 basketballs
shooting form on a line in
rolling over
the gym.
- Variety of shooting games
(around the world, HORSE,

March Passing A A-2 Observations How to - Practice bounce and chest -Proper DI, TGFU -Basketball - Games and
4th use passes with a partner Clothing and Competition
C A-5 Peer -Pinnies
passing to - Small games slightly Footwear
Assessment -Useful Feedback
A-6 gain an modified from real
-Watch for
advantage basketball. (No dribbling
C-3 basketballs
since we haven’t done
rolling over
that skill yet.)
- Min of 5 passes before
you can score, once a
teammate scores they
must leave the court, only
passing with their left
hand etc..)

Dribbling A A-2 Observations Skill and - Game of Piranha -Proper DI, TGFU -Basketball - Games and
technique (Everyone dribbles in a Clothing and Competition
March C A-5 Performance -Cones
for confined space, last one Footwear
5th Task -Useful Feedback
A-6 dribbling, left wins)
-Watch for
- Variety of Relay games
C-3 What rules basketballs
that use all the skills we
must be rolling over
have worked on up to
C-6 followed
now. -Keep relay
finish line
away from the

March Drill Work A A-5 Observations How will - Put students into teams -Proper Peer Teaching, -Basketball - Music
6th Period my drill or for the tourney next week. Clothing and
C A-6 Skill Quiz Sport -Cones
warmup (This will change Footwear
D C-3 help other depending on class size
teams get and hoops available. Can
D-4 ready for do 4 teams, with 2 games
their of 5 on 5 happening at
games once. Or 3 on 3 with 4
games happening at
- Students will have the
opportunity to develop
their own drill/warmup
that will be used before
tourney games next week.

Tourney A A-2 Observations - Introduce students to the -Proper Sport -Basketball - Games and
tourney we will be doing. Clothing and Education Competition
March C A-5 Perceived Rate -Pinnies
- There will be 2 days of Footwear
9th of Exertion - Rate of exertion
A-6 seeding games, then the
-Watch for
final 2 days will be - Students role
C-3 basketballs
playoffs. The finals will
rolling over
happen on the last day.
- Before each game one
team will put the other
teams through their
- Students will also be given
different roles to fulfill for
each team

March Tourney A A-2 Observations - First seeding day -Proper Sport -Basketball - Games and
10th Clothing and Education Competition
C A-5 Perceived Rate -Pinnies
of Exertion - Rate of exertion
-Watch for
- Students role
C-3 basketballs
rolling over

March Tourney A A-2 Observations -2nd seeding day. Have teams that -Proper Sport -Basketball - Games and
11th haven’t played each other play Clothing and Education Competition
C A-5 Perceived Rate -Pinnies
of Exertion - Rate of exertion
A-6 -Watch for - Students role
rolling over

March Tourney A A-2 Observations - First day of playoffs. Play games -Proper Sport -Basketball - Games and
12th up until finals Clothing and Education Competition
C A-5 Perceived Rate -Pinnies
of Exertion - Rate of exertion
-Watch for
- Students role
C-3 basketballs
rolling over

March Tourney/ A A-2 Observations - finals (1st vs 2nd) as well as -Proper Sport -Basketball - Games and
13th Closure consolation games. Clothing and Education Competition
C A-5 Perceived Rate -Pinnies
of Exertion - Rate of exertion
-Watch for
- Students role
C-3 basketballs
rolling over

Learnin Stage 2: Assessments

g How hard
Outcome are you
What do Help a working? Nutritional Performance Task
s Title you know? friend
Skills quiz (Exit
(Perceived Analysis (Create a Warmup/drill)
Rate of

Type Formative Formati Summativ Formati Formative Summative Summative

ve e ve
Weighting N/A N/A 15% N/A N/A 25% 40%
A30-1 analyze,
evaluate and adapt
performance of
locomotor skills and
space and Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
perform and create a
variety of activities to
improve personal
A30-5 analyze,
evaluate and adapt
performance of
manipulative skills
and concepts—effort,
space and Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
perform and create a
variety of activities to
improve personal
A30-3 analyze,
evaluate and adapt
performance of
nonlocomotor skills
and concepts—effort,
space and Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
perform and create a
variety of activities to
improve personal
B30-1 design and
justify nutrition plans Yes
that will positively
affect performance for
a variety of physical
activities; e.g.,
triathlon training
versus fitness

C30-3 demonstrate
Yes Yes
etiquette and fair play

C30-6 identify and
demonstrate positive
behaviours that show Yes Yes Yes Yes
respect for self and
D30-4 analyze,
design and assess
warm-up and cool-
down activities

This unit would consist of 4 different summative assessments.

1. Skills Quiz (15%) – 10 marks

2. Nutritional Analysis (25%) – 15 marks
3. Warmup/Drill Activity (40%) – 25 marks
4. Attendance/Participation (20%)

The skills quiz will be worth the smallest percentage because of my physical education rationale. Its not something I wanted to take out entirely
though because I think there is still some value in the students having knowledge of the rules and violation of basketball to better prepare them
for the tournament.

Attendance and Participation will be recorded daily and will be a score out of 5. If a student has more then two scores below a 3 in a week then I
would have a conversation with them. This would at the very least make them aware of their performance and give them time to make a change
before the end of the unit.

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