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Customers arriving at a restaurant

In the following conversation in a restaurant in Portugal, a waiter speaks in English to two customers
who have just arrived and want to eat.
From the context, try to guess what the meaning of the words/phrases in bold are. Then do the quiz at
the end to check if you are right.

Waiter:'Boa noite, desejam jantar?'

Customer 1:'Sorry, do you speak English?'
Waiter:'Yes, I do. Good evening, would you like to order food?'
Customer 1:'Yes, we would.'
Waiter:'A table for two?'
Customer 1:'Yes.'
Waiter:'Inside or outside?'
Customer 1:'Outside, please.'
Waiter:'Please follow me.'
20 seconds later:
'Is this table ok?'
Customer 1:'No, it's very near the road. What about that table?'
Waiter:'Sorry, I'm afraid it's reserved. How about this table?'
Customer 1:'Yes, it's fine.'
Waiter:'I'll go and bring you the menus in English.'
2 minutes later:
'Here you are. The drinks we have are at the back of the menu. We also have a separate wine list,
which shows you what wines we have.'
Customer 1:'Thank you.'
Waiter:'I'll leave you to look at the menu.'
Customer 1:'Thank you.'
5 minutes later:
Waiter:'What would you like to drink?'
Customer 1:'Yes, can I have glass of red house wine, please.'
Waiter:'OK. And for you, madam.'
Customer 2:'I'll have a Coca Cola.'
Waiter:'With ice?'
Customer 2:'No, without is fine.'
Waiter:'Would you like water with your meal?'
Customer 1:'Yes, we would. A bottle of mineral water, do you have Perrier?'
Waiter:'I'm afraid we don't. We have Evian. Is that ok?'
Customer 1:'That's ok.'
Waiter:'Would you like still or sparkling water?'
Customer 2:'I don't like water with gas or bubbles, so no sparkling water for me.'
Customer 1:'Can we have a bottle of still mineral water, please.'
Waiter:'Of course. I'll go and bring you your drinks.'

1. A polite phrase to use when you give a customer something they have asked for (like a menu or salt
& pepper), is___________________________________________________________________________
2. The two places in some restaurants where people can eat, are __________________________________
3. The two types of water (with gas or without gas) that people drink in restaurants, are _______________
4. A politer way to ask a customer 'what do you want to drink?', is ________________________________
5. A politer way to say 'no problem' or 'yes' when a customer asks you for something, is _______________
6. When you tell a customer that you are going to find and give them menus to read, is ________________
7. A polite phrase used to ask a customer(s) if they want to drink water with their food, is ______________
8. A polite phrase used to tell a customer(s) that they can't sit at a table because it is for somebody else,
9. A phrase used to ask customers(s) what they want to order/drink/eat which includes the word 'for', is
10. A politer way to ask a customer 'do you want to eat?', is _____________________________________
11. A polite phrase you say to a customer(s) when you take them to a table, is _______________________
12. A menu for wine, is called a ___________________________________________________________
13. A phrase you ask a customer to confirm how many people they want a table in the restaurant for, is

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