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D Obesity
GN_Hon 4070H/F_S 4301: Deaton Scholars Program- Zero Hunger Challenge
FALL 2019
Bria Dexter (Nursing); Karlin Peters (Marketing); Shelby Grant (Food Science)
Facilitator: Dr. Kiruba Krishnaswamy (BBCE & Food Science)
University of Missouri- Columbia

The Population: Connecting the SDG Dots

❏ Spina Bifida is a neural tube defect that occurs within the

first 28 days after conception Walmart Foundation
❏ Most common birth defect in the United States
❏ Caused by a folic acid and vitamin B12 deficiency
❏ In Missouri, 5 out of every 10,000 babies are born with
Spina Bifida

(Photo courtesy: )

Image depicting the spinal cord of a child born with spina

bifida. The location of the spinal fluid pooling and the
amount of spinal fluid influences the level of paralysis the
child will experience.

Current Solutions Our Solution: The E.N.D App

DASA- Disabled Athletes Sports

E Association
Spina Bifida Demographic Data Exercise
(Photo courtesy:

Online dietary guides from Spina Bifida

The Problem: N Association and National Center on
Nutrition Health, Physical Activity and Disability

“ Over 50% of those with Spina Bifida will become

overweight in their lifetime. ” D The Frog- a mobility device for
children with Spina Bifida
Our app will be the platform that allows individuals with Spina Bifida to
Device easily access exercise and nutrition resources, as well as other
community resources that may be available, such as community
exercise classes or physical therapists. The app will be free to
download and available in numerous languages so that it can be used
by people around the world.


❏ Walmart Foundation
(Photo courtesy: ) ❏ Applying for an initial grant to start application creation
❏ Decreased mobility can make it difficult for the population to ❏ Walmart donates $1 to those in poverty every time
participate in traditional exercises somebody downloads the app
❏ Gaining weight can further decrease mobility ●

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