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Policy Enforcement 1

The Principal’s Role in Policy Enforcement

Lindsay Coyne

EDU 505

February 10, 2020

Policy Enforcement 2

Becoming familiar with the laws surrounding education is a crucial piece of

becoming a leader. Principals must learn and become fluent in the school’s policies in

order to most effectively serve and protect their staff and students. Each district differs

with their mission, their vision and the overall policies and rules that govern each school

as well as local and state laws that they must abide by. These policies are put in place

to best keep personnel, students and instructional programs effective and meeting all

standards and successfully performing. I currently work in a K – 8 charter school in

Syracuse, NY. We are governed under National Heritage Academies (NHA) which is

based out of Michigan and follow the policy and protocols of a local school district. Our

leadership team follows the policy and regulations handed down by both our governing

board and the local district in a most effective and cohesive matter. We follow an NHA

developed Vision & Mission that aligns with local and state policies. The NHA Handbook

states, “This handbook has been written with the intent to comply with applicable local,

state, and federal law…” (NHA, 2019.)

As a leader in an NHA school, principals must go through a year long training

specifically designed to learn the ways and policies of a charter school. The principal

works side by side with the Chief Executive Officer and the Director of School Quality to

most effectively learn the NHA way, including the vision and the mission. In accordance

with NHA, the producers of the handbook have incorporated some specific policies from

the local school district to ensure meeting state standards as well. As a principal, it is

your duty to learn all of the policies in entirety, so as to most effectively serve as a

leader. Under the Syracuse City School District handbook, it states the principal must

“be knowledgeable about the policies of the Board of Education and administrative

regulations and rules, and enforce them fairly and consistently” (SCSD, 2019). NHA has
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adopted that statement into their own handbook, therefor creating a cohesiveness

between both the charter and the local schools.

Legally the principal is mandated to follow all of these policies and must be

ensured that they are accurately and fairly doing so by the governing board. As a part of

the hiring process, the principal is required to sign the Code of Conduct, Character and

Support under the Pursuant to Education Law. This binds the principal by law to follow

and enforce all of these policies and makes them aware of any legal repercussions that

follow if not. It states in the NHA Handbook, “individuals in a supervisory or

management position who knowingly do not follow and abide by the policies and

regulations will be subject to disciplinary action including but not limited to legal

repercussions and immediate discharge (NHA, 2019). These handbooks are adapted

and put into place in order to protect all parties involved including the principal as well as

to govern and follow all education laws and policies. Another important piece of being a

leader is not only knowing the current policies and laws but keeping current with all

statues and laws. Fortunately, when it comes to education there are databases

designed to assist with this. Both LexisNexis and Westlaw are two databases that

provide sources for legal research and tools for educational professionals (Essex, p.14).

With all of these tools and supports in place, it is very difficult for a principal to fail or

falter from that as long as they follow the correct pathway and keep current and up to


The mission and vision of any education establishment is the founding piece of

the institute. Knowing that vision and mission are key in running a successful operation.

NHA schools were founded around families. They are the driving force in all NHA

schools and what the vision, mission and core values are based on. Being a principal in

an NHA school, you are required to lead under the 5 governing principals. These
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include taking owner ship for the success of the students, do the right thing always,

behave with care, making the schools the best choice for parents’ students and acting

with discipline to sustain our academic success and financial viability. (NHA Schools,

2020). A leader must act and rule with these principles in mind. Each of these

principles align with the policies and governing bodies of the school making the job of

the principal clear and able to follow and abide by.

Each school is very different in their educational policies and procedures, yet

they all have on common goal of providing an education that is effective and meets all

state and local standards and requirement. As the principal it is their duty to ensure that

this happens. Becoming knowledge, aware and efficient in the policies and laws that

govern their academic program will only help them be successful and protect them in all

areas of leadership. As a leader you must make it your goal to understand the

connection between all governing pieces as well as implement and align those into the

school’s vision and mission.

Policy Enforcement 5


Essex, Nathan. (2016). School Law and the Public Schools: A Practical Guide for Educational

Leaders, 6th edition. Pages 1 – 14, Chapter 1.

National Heritage Academies. (2020). Employee Handbook. Grand Rapids, MI.

National Heritage Academies: Who We Are. (2020, February 10). Retrieved from

Syracuse City School District. (2020). Code of Conduct, Character and Support. Syracuse,


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