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Dini Okta Pravitasari/ 17020230004

Dick Whittington and His Cat

SCENE 1 – In a village
Dick Whittington was a poor boy. He was an orphan. He wanted to go to London where the
streets were paved with gold.

SCENE 2 – On the street

A friendly wagoner gave him a lift to the city.
Wagoner : Hi, boy! Where are you heading?
Dick : I’m gonna go to a big city, London. But I don’t know how to go there.
Wagoner : Could I help you?
Dick : It would be my pleasure.

SCENE 3 – In London
After arriving there, Dick was amazed. Unfortunately, he couldn’t find any gold on the street.
Few days, he ate no food and had no money. He collapsed in front of a kind rich merchant’s

SCENE 4 – At Merchant’s house

Merchant : What is your name?
Dick : I’m Dick Whittington
Merchant : Where do you live?
Dick : I live in a village. It’s far away from here.
Merchant : It doesn’t matter. You can stay here and do some work in the kitchen.
Dick : Thank you for your help, sir.

SCENE 5 – In the kitchen

Dick : Good morning, everyone! Glad to see you. (Greet all people in the
Kitchen dwellers : Good morning! Glad to see you too. (Welcome dick with smile)

But there was a cook disliking him. He maltreated him. Dick was made to sleep in a tiny room
with many rats and mice.
A cook: Hei, you! Don’t fuck with me. You have to sleep in this room. (Dragged and pushed
Dick into the room)
Dick : What’s wrong? I don’t do anything to you. (He tried to against)
A cook: Shut up your mouth!

The cook left him alone. Dick decided to buy a cat by using his saving. His clever cat was good
at catching mice and rats.
Dick Whittington asked the merchant who would go on a long voyage to sell his cat on his ship.
Dick : Would you mind to help me, sir?
Merchant : Sure. What can I do for you?
Dick : Please sell my cat on your ship. I need money.
Merchant : Sure. I will bring it with me.

SCENE 6 – On the ship

(Arriving in a destination)
King and Queen invited merchant to a feast. Suddenly, hundreds of rats gobbled all of food
King : Oh My God! How can it be? There are a lot of rats gobbling my food. (The King was
Queen : Aaaaarrrrggghhh! (screaming)

Merchant offered the clever cat to solve King’s problem.

Merchant : King, I have something which can help you to solve your problem.
King : What is that?
Merchant : This cat is good at catching those rats.

The clever cat was doing his job. All rats were caught by the cat.
King : Oh, Thank you very much for helping me. (The King was very happy)
I will give you a ship as a return. (The King showed the ship full of gold to merchant)

Finally, merchant gave all of the gold to Dick Whittington. He spent money wisely and helped

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