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Survey Project


An organization’s capacity to oversee its employee satisfaction is closely related to its capacity

to attain tall execution levels and prevalent trade outcomes. Fully involved workers will remain

with the company, be an advocate of the company and its items and administrations, and

contribute to bottom levels trade victory. Engaged representatives moreover regularly perform

better and are more persuaded. There's a noteworthy connect between representative satisfaction

and productivity. Worker satisfaction survey is basic to any organization that looks for not as it

were to hold esteemed workers, but too increment its level of business performance. We will

analyze employee satisfaction survey results in this paper.

Creating the survey

To create this survey, I have did a lot of research on several survey questionnaire I participated in

my previous jobs and current job. I realized the importance of employment satisfaction survey

while I answer them and look at measures taken by my organization in making their services

better to their staff. I always thought few areas were missing in the surveys I came across, so I

made sure to include them in my survey so that full picture of survey can be analyzed. I divided

my survey in to two parts. 1. Employee demographic portfolio 2. Job functioning. This helped

me concentrate on two sections of my survey to analyze each and every employee separately as it

is very important to study their present situation and their thoughts about their workplace. In

order to create this survey I have taken below factors in to consideration,

 Collaboration of employee

 Effective communication of employee

 Focus of employee

 Engagement of employee

 Inclusiveness of organization

 Growth and Development

 Performance & Accountability

 Satisfaction of employee.

Administering the survey

Once the list of questions to be asked is sorted out I sent invites to my peers at my work place, I

wanted to make a great beginning with impression on the e-mail invites or presentation on the

survey’s website. I tried to allow the questions to be brief, clear title. A comprehensible study

title will have more affect to a respondent and grant my survey questions validity. I tried to be

clear in my overview enlightening on how to legitimately handle the survey. I made sure to put

in non-threatening and curious questions to begin with so that audience won’t get bored. It will

pump up respondents to proceed on and to successfully complete the entire survey. I put my vital

overview questions early within the questionnaire. If the respondent chooses not to wrap up my

questions, I have already collected the foremost favored data upfront. I regularly followed up

with my audience on survey progress. Many of audience responded well and received positive

feedback from them on survey questionnaire.

Analyzing your survey results and creating data visualizations


After collecting all the responses, I had to do some data cleansing to the spreadsheet of responses

as I have some open ended questions, most of the people used different words to answer them, I

had to do some transformations to map them to specific set of words.

Demographic analysis:

Age of employee when asked for, employees responded 38.7% of them are under age group 25-

35, 32.3% are under 25, 22.6% are under 35-55, 6.4% are above 55 age.

Education of employees when asked for, 32.3% are undergrad, 25.8% are high school, 22.6% are

graduate, 16.1% are diploma, 3.2% are Doctorate candidates.

Marital status of employees when asked for, 64.5% married, 35.5 are not married.

Salary range of employees when asked for, 35.5% are 30000-80000, 22.6% are 10000-30000,

22.6% are 0-10000, 19.4% above 80000.


Employment type when asked with employees, 58.1% are full time employees, 16.1% are part

time employees, 16.1% are on contract basis, 9.7% are on probation period.

Job functioning:

Resources for employees within the company when asked83.9% responded yes, and the rest

16.1% responded no.


When employees are asked about work culture, on a scale of 0-5, with 0 being strongly disagree

and 5 strongly agree, 9.7% are highly satisfied, and 6.5% are very dissatisfied.

When employees are asked about recommending to others on a scale of 0-5, 12.9% are more

likely to recommend to others, while 9.7% strongly disagreed with this.


When employees are asked about fetching Jobs outside, 51.6% responded NO and 32.3%

responded yes and the rest 16.1% responded Maybe.

When employees are asked regarding Encouragement, on a scale of 0-5, 29% are strongly agree

with encouragement and 9.7% employees are strongly disagree.


When employees are asked about latest technologies in the market, on a scale of 0-5, 25.8% of

them strongly agreed with this, while 9.7% strongly disagreed.

When employees are asked about additional resources, 12.9% responded that they are lacking in

sports, while 19.4% responded with dining, 29% with gym, 3.2% with gym facility, 3.2% with

IT, 32.3% responded that they are not sure with the resources.

When employees are asked about areas of Investment in company for future success.16.1%

responded with facility, 19.4% in IT, 12.9% are not sure, 45.2% with recreation, 3.2% with


When employees are asked about Benefits package in the market, 9.7% of them strongly agreed,

19.4% agreed, 22.6% strongly disagree, 41.9% disagreed with this, while the rest 6.4% are


Awareness and Reasoning- Analysis

After consolidating all the responses, I used Google forms survey tool to give my data a visual

form. Looking at the results, organization did well in majority of the sections like resources,

tools they provide and other areas of encouragement employees receive from their supervisors.

More than 40% of employees choose to be with present company, also likely to recommend to

their friends and family. They also have more than 50% believe in their managers helping them.

The main takeaways from this survey and recommendations we can offer to management from

this survey are, When asked about area of scope for investment, more than 45% of audience

responded they needed recreational facilities, this tells company lacks that area and definitely

needs to invest in that area. When asked for missing additional resources , folks voted for

Dining, Gym other sections that needs attention from higher authorities.

Another important area is benefits, When asked if company is offering best benefits in market,

more than 40% voted ‘NO’ so this is major area of concern for top management at this

organization. Thus google survey tools helped me collect this information and perform data

analysis that served some purpose of identifying areas of scope for company.


Kirk, A. (2016). Data visualisation: a handbook for data driven design. Sage

Brace, I. (2018). Questionnaire design: How to plan, structure and write survey material for

effective market research. Kogan Page Publishers.

Sanchez, M. E. (1992). Effects of questionnaire design on the quality of survey data. Public

Opinion Quarterly, 56(2), 206-217.

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