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Reviewing the

Marc Massó and Miquel A. Alós, Inprocess Technology and Consulting Group,
Spain, describe the steps that should be taken during a flare network capacity
assessment, using both a conventional approach or dynamic simulation.

gas plant was originally designed to produce Aspen HYSYS (including its safe sizing analysis features), Aspen
2.1 billion ft3/d of net sales gas. The owner operator Flare Analyser (AFA) and Aspen HYSYS Dynamics from
wanted to increase the production to Aspentech, Flaresim from Softbits and IPSV-DB from Inprocess.
2.2 billion ft3/d and run three out of the four The use of dynamic simulation showed that the current
onshore gas treatment trains; this is called train downgraded facilities were appropriate for accommodating the relief loads,
operation (TDO). The study aimed to determine the safety whereas the steady state-based conventional methods
limitations related to the TDO at 2.2 billion ft3/d and, in suggested that a revamping of the overpressure protection
particular, the revalidation of the pressure safety valves (PSVs) equipment was required.
protecting the discharge sales gas compressor line and the
impact on the flare network. Methodology
In order to reach the objectives of the study, Inprocess Figure 1 represents the project methodology workflow used
applied commercial process simulation features: both steady to complete the study. One model representing the normal
state and dynamic process simulation were used to provide an operation at 2.1 billion ft3/d was developed using
accurate analysis of the plant behaviour during the sizing Aspen HYSYS. The model was validated against the heat and
emergency scenario under TDO conditions. The following material balance (H&MB) provided by the owner operator.
software packages were used to complete the study: The model was then upgraded to produce 2.2 billion ft3/d
increase the flowrate across each train by 33%
(from 25 to 33% in terms of total production). It
may appear easy to extrapolate the required
capacity of the relief system, protecting the
discharge line at each train, that should be
increased accordingly in case of a blocked outlet.
Once the TDO has been simulated and the
production has been increased to 2.2 billion ft3/d,
the sale gas flowrate at the compressor discharge
Figure 1. Project methodology workflow. is 629 t/hr. In order to calculate the required relief
area, the discharge line of the compressor needs
to be pressurised at 116% of its design pressure. By
moving the compressor operation to such
discharge conditions, the simulated flow rate to be
relieved is 687 t/hr. This calculation is obtained
directly from the model as it takes into account
the performance curve of the compressor
provided by the compressor supplier. Therefore,
the required capacity must be 687 t/hr divided by
three PSVs. The results obtained from the
simulation model are introduced in the pressure
relief analysis tool within Aspen HYSYS in order to
revalidate the PSVs. The calculated relieving
capacity, which is based on the thermodynamic
equation of state provided by the process
simulator, shows that the actual PSV rated capacity
is 194.2 t/hr. Thus, a relieving capacity of
194.2*3 PSV, 583 t/ hr, is available. Consequently,
the conventional analysis study conclusions noted
Figure 2. Pressure profile.
that three PSVs would not be enough, meaning
that the spare valve must be placed in service in
and later downgraded to operate with three out of four onshore gas order to cover the required capacity. According to
treatment trains. this, the available capacity (194.2*4 PSV, 777 t/hr)
The Aspen HYSYS model was used to analyse the sizing case scenario, would be higher than the required one (687 t/hr).
which is a blocked outlet at the export gas line. The equipment is protected by Figure 2 shows the pressure profile from the
three PSVs located at the compressor discharge line. A fourth spare PSV may be demethaniser to the export gas line. Pressure
put in service, depending on the study results. The calculation of the required values are shown at different pipe locations:
relief area for the TDO conditions was carried out using the pressure relief pipe 105-19 is downstream of the demethaniser
analysis feature included within Aspen HYSYS. The reporting of such and pipe 105-23 is upstream of the PSV, which is
information was delivered using the IPSV-DB documentation tool from protecting the discharge line. A scheme of the
Inprocess. process model is included in the figure, showing
The blocked outlet scenario occurs together with the blowdown of a the different unit operations involved in the
second process unit. Therefore, a model of the flare network system was pressure profile.
required to analyse the limitations of the relief disposal equipment. After that, The blue plot in Figure 2 corresponds to the
flow rates from the blowdown and relief design rates from the blocked outlet pressure profile at normal operating conditions.
scenario were introduced into the AFA model and the design constraints were The orange plot represents the pressure profile at
checked. Flaresim software was used for the radiation, dispersion and noise the relieving conditions. When the compressor
analysis at the flare stack. discharges at 116% of the PSV’s set pressure (SP)
This procedure fulfills the conventional approach for the analysis of the – SP is 44.08 barg to protect the discharge
relief disposal equipment. However, the approach is recognised as conservative pipeline – the demethaniser operates at 39.5 barg.
and may lead to the oversizing of plant equipment. Blowdowns and reliefs to However, this pressure is significantly higher than
the flare are intrinsically dynamic phenomena. In this study, an Aspen HYSYS the SP of the PSV, which is protecting the column
Dynamic Simulation model of the flare network is developed and connected (38 barg). Consequently, the PSV protecting the
to the gas plant model. The results from the blocked outlet scenario and the column should open. In fact, if this PSV is
simultaneous blowdowns are compared with the previous results coming from incorporated to the simulation, it will open with a
the conventional approach. discharge of 150 t/hr. These results allow one to
conclude that the area of the PSV protecting the
Blocked outlet scenario column is also available in the case of a blocked
The capacity upgrade from 2.1 to 2.2 billion ft3/d only represents 5% of the outlet and, therefore, the spare valve is not
production throughput. However, the downgrade from four to three trains will necessary.

Reprinted from October 2016 ENGINEERING
hydraulics of the unit, revealed that the relieving capacity
available with the current configuration was sufficient. This
calculation was completed easily using Aspen HYSYS in the
dynamic mode.

Flare network capacity

In the event of a blocked outlet in the sale gas discharge line, a
simultaneous blowdown of unit 200, containing nine parallel
export compressor lines, will happen with a total flow peak of
1230 t/hr. Since the PSV’s design flow rate is 687 t/hr, the total
load sent to the flare is 1918 t/hr. Maximum flare capacity is
1800 t/hr. Therefore, if the blowdown discharge and the shot
of the PSV occurs at the same time, the total flow sent to the
Figure 3. PSV lift curve. tip, 1918 t/hr, will exceed the flare capacity by 6%.
Design constraints for the flare network piping are:
Mach number = 0.7; momentum ρv² (kg/m/s²) =
150 000 maximum; and design pressure in a range from 13.5 bara
to 18.8 bara, depending on the tail pipe. A simulation model is
developed using the standard AFA software (previously known
as Flarenet). Design relief PSV flow rates and blowdown peak
flow rates are introduced into the model in order to check the
design criteria momentum and Mach number at all the
sub-headers and headers along the flare network. The model
includes loads from 6 PSV and 17 blowdown valves (BDV).
Figure 4. Flare radiation and noise.
According to AFA results, one can observe that only the
back pressure for the unit discharging through the
Even though the final result of the relieving model reaches BDV 200-BDV-007 (15.7 bara) is above the design limit (13.5 bara).
steady state conditions, the system requires a unique solution, The last step of this analysis is to determine the impact on
which incorporates the compressor performance and PSV lift radiation, noise and emission caused by the relief loads.
curve to the pressure flow hydraulic behaviour of the system Radiation must be lower than 9.5 kW/m2 at the flare base,
(column, piping and valves). Dynamic simulation links all the 4.7 kW/m2 at the restricted area and 2 kW/m2 at the impacted
hydraulic behaviour of the process, including the dynamics of area. Noise must be under 115 A-weighted decibels (dBA) at the
the PSV and the performance curve of the compressor, and flare base and restricted area, and under 95 dBA at the
allows an accurate and easy analysis of the whole system impacted area. The composition and mass flow rate values at
behaviour. Special attention must be paid to the PSV lift curve, the flare tip are obtained from the AFA model and introduced
the percentage of overpressure to get the PSV fully opened into the FlareSim simulation software for the estimation of
and the hysteresis curve. Figure 3 shows a typical PSV lift curve. these design variables. Figure 4 shows the calculated radiation
When the pressure reaches the SP, the PSV shoots and it and noise in different areas, together with the maximum
becomes fully opened when the pressure reaches 104% of the allowable value represented by the red lines.
SP. At a pressure of 102% (of the design pressure) the PSV starts It can be observed in Figure 4 that all the values are
to close and, once reaching 95% of the design pressure, is fully acceptable, with the exception of the radiation at the
closed. Obviously, the pressure at which the full area available impacted area. In this case, the value is 100% higher than the
is reached has a strong impact on the flow dynamic behaviour maximum radiation.
across the PSV. In particular, for this case study, it was found Regarding flammable gas dispersion, H2S dispersion and
that if the PSV reached the fully open position at 110% of the SO2 dispersion, no issues were found due to the very low
design pressure, the relieved flow rate during the scenarios content of H2S and SO2 in the flare loads. Furthermore, the
across the demethaniser PSV is around 50 t/hr, meaning that flammable level, considered 100% lower flammable limit (LFL),
the spare valve is required. However, if the fully open position does not reach the ground either inside or within the vicinity
is reached at 105%, the flow rate is around 150 t/hr and the of the plant.
spare valve is not necessary. This range of possible obtainable In summary, the conventional approach shows that, in the
solutions reinforces the necessity of having the safety valve event of a blocked outlet and a simultaneous blowdown in
characteristics (the lift curve) available when running the unit 200, the flare is overloaded by 6% of its capacity, back
emergency scenarios, in order to obtain a consistent pressure is not acceptable downstream of the 200-BDV-007
conclusion of the assessment study. Therefore, in order to restriction orifice (RO), and radiation at the impacted area is
provide a concise conclusion to the study, it is highly 100% higher than the allowable value.
recommended to have the PSV's functional lift curve available.
Summarising the analysis, the conventional approach Dynamic analysis of the flare network
indicated that the spare valve was needed in service to provide during the release
the required capacity. However, a more detailed analysis, Some additional topics are taken into consideration when
incorporating the compressor map and PSV curve lift to the dynamic simulation is applied to a relief analysis:

ENGINEERING Reprinted from October 2016
75 seconds after the start of the blowdown operation. Both
phenomena are related to the flare network packing effect.
Evidently, the reduction of the overload and the shorter time
required by the peak to reach the flare strongly depend on the
size of the flare network.
Figure 6 shows the other two process variables, which
were above the design limits of the conventional approach:
stack radiation, blue curve, and back pressure at
200-BDV-007, orange curve.
Stack radiation was 3.8 kW/m2 while the limit was 2.0
(dashed red line). However, the dynamic study shows that such
a limit is only exceeded along the first six minutes (blue line)
Figure 5. Flare network mass flow during blowdown. of the emergency situation, and it is higher than
3 kW/m2 only along the first two relief minutes.
Figure 5 also shows the back pressure downstream of the
200-BDV-007 RO, which was exceeding the design pressure of
the tail pipe, 13.5 bara (dashed green line). Similar to the
radiation curve, the design pressure is only observed to have
exceeded along the first 20 seconds of the emergency
situation (orange curve).
Therefore, the benefits from the dynamic simulation
analysis of the sizing relief scenario may be summarised as
The conventional approach shows that, for the flare
network sizing case:
Figure 6. Radiation and back pressure during the nn The flare capacity is exceeded by 6%.
blowdown. nn Back pressure is above the design pressure in the BDV 7
tail pipe.
nn Radiation at the impacted area is 100% higher than its
nn Impact of thermodynamics on the flow composition to
allowed value.
the flare during the blowdown.
nn Dynamic interaction between the utilities and process While the dynamic simulation analysis shows that:
equipment. nn There is still 6% of available capacity. This is due to the
flare network packing effect which reduces by 12% the
nn Impact of hydraulics and equipment size and geometry.
peak of load at the flare stack.
nn Pipe packing effects on the flare network.
nn The back pressure in the 200-BDV-007 tail pipe is only
All these phenomena provide valuable information that is above the design pressure for less than 20 seconds.
missed during the conventional approach based on steady nn The radiation at the impacted area limit is only exceeded
state assumptions. along the first six minutes. It is only 50% higher than its
allowable value two minutes after the blowdown shot.
The dynamic Aspen HYSYS simulation model is expanded
once the flare network and the unit 200 have been
incorporated. The blocked outlet scenario and the Conclusion
simultaneous blowdown in unit 200 is carried out. Figure 5 Conventional analysis, based on steady state simulation
shows relief mass flow during the scenario. The brown curve, assumptions, advises placing the spare PSV in service to
which is almost constant during the transition event, provide enough area. The dynamic simulation analysis of the
represents the flow rate through the PSV. The blue curve, with complete plant demonstrates that the PSV protecting the
a peak of 1230 t/hr, represents the sum of all the flow rates demethaniser is relieving part of the flow to the flare, so,
from the blowdown unit at the restriction orifices. therefore, the current area available would be enough to
The conventional approach conclusions are obtained by protect the discharge line in case of a blocked outlet.
considering a constant flow rate equal to the yellow line peak When performing the analysis of the flare relieving
flow (sum of brown and blue lines). This value is 6% higher equipment, the conventional approach leads to the
than the stack capacity, represented by the dashed red line. conclusion that the flare capacity is exceeded by 6%,
However, dynamic simulation shows that the stack is only back pressure is above the design pressure in one of the BDV's
overloaded for under 45 seconds. tail pipes, and radiation at the impacted area is 100% higher
However, the main contribution from incorporating the than its allowable value. While the dynamic simulation
flare network within the dynamic simulation model is the analysis shows that there is still 6% of available flare capacity,
ability to check the impact of the flare network volume, which back pressure in the BDV tail pipe is above the design pressure
must be pressurised during the relief. In fact, the grey curve for less than 20 seconds, and the radiation at the impacted
shows the flowrate values at the flare stack. The peak of flow area is only 50% higher than its constraint value for the first
is approximately 1700 t/hr, slightly lower than the stack two minutes and six minutes after it is below the maximum
capacity of 5.6%. The peak also reaches the flare stack allowable value.

Reprinted from October 2016 ENGINEERING

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