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type Lumen5.



Fill-out the Sign-up Details

Click ‘Create Account’

In my case,
I already have an
So I’ll just Log-in

Enter Log-in details

and Click ‘LOGIN’

When inside Lumen5 -
Click ‘Create Video’

You will see this

Select ‘Use your media’

Click ‘Upload media’

It’s time to get your

remember?? from Day2 task

Upload your 5 pictures

Make sure pics are in order

Click ‘Continue’

You will see this

From this point,
you can select your desired
Video Format
but for this 5-Day Training
we will choose “YouTube”
Scroll Down until you see “YouTube”

Select “YouTube”

Choose any theme

Your Video is almost Ready!

Click this little + icon under Pic1

This will create a New Slide

Then Type your Video’s TITLE

Click the ^ icon to move the slide UP

This will make your TITLE the 1st slide

Next, type your captions

Next, scroll down ’til you see ‘Outro’

Click ‘Show outro’

Outro slide will pop out

Type your ‘Call-To-Action’

Logo is totally optional

Next, on the left-hand side,
click the ‘note’ icon

Select your desired ‘AUDIO’

Now, you’re all SET

You can click ‘PREVIEW’

or click ‘PUBLISH’ (to finalize)

Wait until your video
was fully rendered…

Click ‘Download’

Yay! Congrats!
You’ve created your

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