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Contents Starter * Numbers Achat Friends * Colours (pages 4-9) 2 At school © Questions and short answers Acomic strip (pages 10-15) » Imperatives 2 Let’s play! © What's his /her ... ?How old is he/she? | An email (pages 16-21) » Adjectives 3 Pet show * In, on, under A project (pages 22-27) © Like /I don't like... 4 Lunchtime * I've got /I haven't got... Atext message {pages 28-33) * Have... got any... ? 5 Free time © Free time activities Ablog (pages 31-39) * Do you... ? Yes, Ido. /No, I don’t. 6 The old house © There's / There are... An project (pages 40-45) ® Is there / Are there... ?/How many... ? 7 Get dressed! * Do you like this / these ... ? Achat (pages 46-51) » Is he/she + -ing? 8 The robot * Can / can't for ability A forum (pages 52-57) * Questions with can 9 At the beach * Suggestions A magazine (pages 58-63) © Where's / Where are .. ———— What's your ») en and oes (_How old are you? J i —_ ‘es m seven. ig “LEN, I'm Ned and bai icin I'm eight. Use How old are you? and I’m... to ask and answer about ages. How old are you? Peale I'm ten. © Match the numbers. How old are you? (Tmseven.) * Be | I'm seven. | 9 1 ee EE - Tm three. | 3 5 7 am) "Gam 10 ‘eS z a Imfive 3 © e Follow the numbers in the maze. e@ Write the numbers. i= 3 Colours T'm Ned. My hat is blue. I'm Ben. My hat is green. T’'m Alice. My hat is purple. Use colours to describe different objects. Aredhat. My hat is green. © Match the colours with the words. o blue orange & yellow red green ounWwn s purple e Write the letters to complete the colours. 1 gre en 2ituotnsal lexsinicn 4 areas lt 5 ies Ewe Gaby e © Write the colours. 1A blue balloon. me Ay balloon. aA balloon. 4& A balloon. 5 A balloon. 6 An balloon. aC) Reading: a chat @ Read the conversation and match the phrases. Sally Green Hil I'm Sally. What's your name? Hugo Black I'm Hugo. How L- old are you? Sally Green T'm eight. How old are you? Hugo Black 1 Sally a seven 2 Hugo b Green 3 Sally is ¢ eight 4 Hugois d Black Writing © Write the questions. 1 you/ old / How / are /? 2 your / name / What's / ? © Write a chat with a friend. Draw pictures. Questions and short answers What's this? Is it a pencil? What's this? Is ita bag? Yes, itis. It's a purple pencil. No, it isn’t. It’s a crayon. Use What’s this? to ask about objects and It’s a ... to answer. Use Is it ... ? to ask about objects and No, it isn’t. / Yes, itis to give short answers. What's this? It’s a pencil. Isitapen? No, itisn’t./Yes, itis. Is it a rubber? Is it a pencil? Is it a desk? Is it a pencil case? Is it a ruler? _— ca ~~ @ Look at the pictures. Match the questions with the responses. 1 2 3 4& 5 6 © Match the questions with the responses. 1 Gia << What's this? a — Yes, itis. ae (No. it isn't. 2 =, =< Isitapen? ) b = It’sa rubber. q : , = No, it isn't. = Isit a pencil case? c It's a pencil. ethic? It’s a notebook. 4 ws —<{ what's this? 2 a © Write questions and answers. w 1 this / What's /? 4 this / What's /? What’s this ? ? a /It’s/desk/. a/It's/bag/green/. 2 rubber /it/Is/a/? 5 this / What's /? 2 2 is / Yes, /it/. a/ desk / yellow / It’s /. 3 it/notebook/Is/a/? isn’t /it/No,/. en) e Imperatives Pe 2 Put away your y bag, please. Zs ( Open your Sit at your desk, please. ee eases) Use imperatives to give instructions. Open your book, please. Pass me a ruler, please. Sit at your desk, please. Close your bag, please. Put away your book, please. Take out your ruler, please. Close your bag, please. 4 Passmeapen, please. |_| Pass me a ruler, please. 5 Take out your ruler, please. |_| © Match the sentences with the pictures. 1 2 3 Take out your book, please. [| 6 Open your bag, please. | ° Ba Cm, Soe ON ONE ©. eo we 12 EE e@ Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Put Turn Pass Open away Pass peer abe MOv eh 5 jae 5 Please, “y oS ev Aa i ee your sha books, please. i y your ‘ == rubber on (your head. zy $4 Pie) + Put your | | bags, please a) a me a ruler, -aruler, please. 7 © Look and write. » eS g — 1 Open 2 Sit at 3 Close your bags, please. please. 4 Pass 5 Take 6 Put please. please. please. I Reading: a comic strip © Read the text and draw lines. Look at the desk. It's a mess. What's this? Is it your blue pen, Jane? (Is it your red (ruler, Sam? Yes, itis. No, it isn’t. This is my Put away your ruler. Is it your pink Isityour i Yes, itis. rubber, Kim? book, Mia? It’s my blue book. mi No, it isn’t. This is my yellow pencil. Put away your book. Writing eo What objects are on your desk and in your classroom? a black book eo Write a story. Draw pictures. ( What's his ( What's his favourite toy? name? ig Sa ee His name doh Hesse He's six. NY His favourite Her name is Grace. She's ‘ \ toy’ his ball ) | seven and her favourite | toy is a ball too! = © Match the questions with the responses. What's her name? He’s ten. What's her favourite toy? His name's Tim. How old is she? Her name's Kim. What's his favourite toy? She's six. What's his name? Her favourite toy’s her bike. How old is he? His favourite toy’s his plane. Bano © Complete the sentences with the words from the box. favourite her She's What's name she ( Ie, a oe 4 <=, What's her name? Her 's Sophie — ae ne favourite toy?) (Her toy’s her go-kart. == 3 =, How old is ? seven. > eo Write questions and answers. g > 1 his / What's / name /? ( Se ae j = a Pea, BAPEIRET UEP IRA Ad YG) nh | Ben / His / name's /. Sy eee (pee Mts Uhl ied ala 2emoby/ How old is a seven / He's/. cae )sbit ba boos . BN BAS SRS: 3 his/ What's / number / favourite /? | Z UP number / favourite / is / His / ten /. ( - a 4 her/ What's / name /? name's / Mary / Her/. big \ yellow plan -— It's along A : Fy It’s an ugly » red train. orange monster! © Read and tick (/) or cross (x). It's a long red train It's a big green ball. It's an ugly blue monster. It's a new pink go-kart. It’s a long blue train. It’s a big yellow ball. Circle the correct words to complete the sentences. It's(aVanshort 2 It’sa/anugly 3 It’s a beautiful new / green train. purple monster. new beautiful doll. @ & It’s a/ an small 5 It'sagreenbig/ 6 It'sa/anold black yellow ball. big green monster. go-kart. Write sentences with a / an and the words from the box. bike” ugly green monster yellow and red plane beautiful doll blue car big ball do om ® It’s a yellow bike, it’s Pies alts! + A It’s Reading: an email © Read the text and answer the questions. Hi Ana I'm Tom and I'm seven. My favourite toy’s my yellow go-kart. It’s new! Look — this is my go-kart! What's your favourite toy? How old are you? Tom Hi Tom I'm seven. My favourite toy isn’t a doll or a computer game. My favourite toy's my bike. It's a new green bike. My favourite colour’s green. Look = this is my bike! What's your favourite colour? Ana 1 What's his name? 4 What's her name? His name’s Tom. 2 How old is he? 5 What colour is her bike? 3 What's his favourite toy? 6 What's her favourite colour? Writing eo Write answers. What's your favourite toy? What isn’t your favourite toy? What colour is it? Is it new or old? © Write an email to Tom or Ana. Use your notes from Exercise 2. Draw a picture of the toy. ' The dog is under the desk. The cat is on the desk. The rat is in the bag. Super Grammar Use prepositions to describe where things are. The lizard is the bag. @ Match the sentences with the pictures. The cat is under the desk. The frog is in the bag. The lizard is on the bag. The lizard is in the pencil case. The rat is under the desk. 2 =D upwn a © Write in, on or under. Draw lines. 1 Theratsare in __ the desk. 2 The ducks are on the books. 3 The elephants are the ruler. 4 The cats are the desk. 5 The lizards are the bag. 6 The spiders are the pencil case. Look and write. The spider is in the pencil case. Oununs@ | like7I don’t like ... I like jellyfish. eT a 4 = 1 like bees too. ae ry OCR een Rs CMa modo nce molar Re cre ® I like dogs. ® I like dogs too. (eee ce Co @ Circle the correct words to complete the sentences. Tlike/ don't like dogs. ® ® I like / don’t like ducks. ie @ wd 1 like / don't like cats. ° I like / don’t like frogs. r . : a urRWwn = I like / don’t like rats. (=p eo Complete the sentences with the words from the box. e Look and write. 1 too like green Ben Tim Ben Tim Ben | like cats az don't lizards 11__ like dogs. I like dogs ? bia! like rats. What about you? I like rats and I* lizards. I like § too - they are my favourite - big © lizards! Reading: a project © Look at the pictures. Read the texts and choose yes or no. This is my cat. His name is Felix. He’s nine. His favourite toy’s his doll. Felix is a small brown and black cat. He’s in my bag! | ike cats - cats are my favourite. I don’t like dogs. What about you? Sophie This is my rat. Her name is Rita. She’s five. Her favourite toy’s her ball. Rita is a small white rat. | like rats - rats are my favourite. | don’t like cats. What about you? Max Felix is a rat. yes /(no Felix's favourite toy is his doll. yes / no Felix is on the bag. yes / no Rita is five. yes / no Her favourite toy is her doll. yes / no OunnRWN She is black and white. yes/no Writing © Write the sentences. 1 nine /is / years / old. / Digby 2 is/ white. / He / black / and 3 ball. / favourite / His / a toy / toy / is eo Write about Digby. Use the sentences from Exercise 2. 47 I?ve got/ - Vhaven‘t got... (T've got a cake. ) (Tve ve get an apple. | ee (Te got a cheese \ \ sandwich. } i I haven’ 't gota \ cheese sandwich. . Thaven't got a cake. } Super Grammar, Me too! I've got La big green apple. / Use have got and haven’t got to talk about possessions. I’ve got a sandwich and an apple. I haven’t got a banana. I've got a cake. I've got bananas. I've got pizza. I haven't got peas. Thaven't got chicken. @ Look and write yes or no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 I've got orange juice. 2s TES © Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Me got too got ‘ve haven't 1 {te got a kiwi. (Me toot ———— 2 <\ I've got pizza. ) { I got pizza. I’ve got chicken. = (seca Tec aiceneeaien Ae 3 << I've got a cake. Me Bs 4 What's for lunch? ) | I haven't chicken. I've got sausages. = oe ve got Wat a got meatballs but I oF ‘(Cand peas \ haven't got peas. I've got carrots. 6 —< I've got a cheese sandwich. tools © Look and write. — / 4 _I haven't got a cake. 2 x v @ EE © 1 2 3 4& 5 6 Use Have .. Use Yes, we have and No, we haven’t to give short answers. Have we got any cheese? Have we got any sausages? { Have we got Have we e got \ any cheese? & any cake? No, we haven't. We've got pizza. Hooray! I like pizza. .. got any ...? to ask about possessions. BT No, we haven't. Look at the pictures. Match the questions with the responses. Have we got any apples? Have we got any bananas? — ‘ei Have we got any orange juice? @.. Have we got any sausages? Have we got any cheese? é iS ve » ( Yes, we “vestwelhaten e. No, we ‘No, we haven't. ) Have we got any chicken? © Write the dialogue in the correct order. Have you got sausage on your pizza? ) Me too! I like sausages. No, I haven't. I don't like carrots. I've got cheese. (res, Thave. I’ve got cheese and sausage. Sausage is my favourite. ) Have you got carrots on your pizza? Alice Have you got carrots on your pizza? Katy Alice Katy Alice ~ © Write questions. Ae] 1 Have we got any apples? 2 3 4 5 6 Reading: a text message 1) Read. Tick (V) the food in the text messages. sausage |/| steak chicken pizza carrots | | peas bananas [|_| apples | sandwich apple juice orange juice milk | Hi May! I'm at the shop. I haven't got my shopping list. Look in the kitchen and help me please! Have we got any cheese? OK. Have we got any bananas and apples? eee lea OK, May! A cheese pizza too! oe Write the food words. We haven't got any * apples but we've got one? and we've got ? We haven't got any * or® but we've got eight © Writing © Look and write the food. cheese >) Free time On Thursdays I play football. What about you? I go to school on Saturdays. t It's OK. School is cool. ~ Igo swimming on Thursdays. I play football on Saturdays. What do you do on Saturdays? Use the verbs go ... and play ... to talk about free time activities. I go swimming on Mondays. BMD Sa celel ote] MelgeLoL go (0) On Mondays I ride my bike. © Match the sentences with the pictures. Og, 1 2 On Fridays I play computer games. 3 Igo swimming on Thursdays. 4 ‘What do you do on Sundays?’ ‘I watch TV and sleep!’ 5 I play football with friends on Saturdays. 6 On Tuesdays I play with my toys. @ = © Circle the correct words to complete the sentences. Iplay / go football on Saturdays. I play / go swimming on Fridays. What do you do / go on Thursdays? I ride / play my pony on Sundays. Ido / play computer games on Tuesdays. Ido / play the piano on Wednesdays. aunwn a © Write sentences with the words from the boxes and days. go play ride watch football computer games swimming TV ball bike | play football on Tuesdays Do you... ? Yes, | do./ No, I don’t. Do you watch TV at the weekend? RR ee Do you play computer games at the weekend? _] No, I don't. Super. Grammar) » Use Do you ... ? to ask about activities. Use Yes, I do and No, I don’t to give short answers. Do you watch TV at the weekend? No, I don’t. Do you play in the park at the weekend? Yes, I do. @ Write Yes, I do or No, I don’t. 1 2 A 4& 5 6 Do you watch TV at the weekend? Do you play with your toys on Sundays? ¥ Do you play football at the weekend? Do you ride your bike on Tuesdays? v Do you play in the park at the weekend? ¥ Do you go swimming on Fridays? 36 eo Match the sentences with the pictures. 1 Do you watch TV at the weekend? Yes, Ido. 2 Do you play computer games on Fridays? Yes, Ido. 3 Do you play computer games at the weekend? |_| No, I don't. I play football. 4 Do you watch TV on Sundays? No, I don't. I read a book. 5 Do you play hide-and-seek at the weekend? |_| o No, I don't. I sing with my friends. 6 Do you play football on Sundays? tel Yes, Ido. wea eo Write the questions. 1 ride / Do/ you / at the weekend / your / bike /? Do you ride your bike at the weekend? 2 Do/ football / you / on Sundays / play / ? 3 go/you/ at the weekend / swimming / Do /? 4 you/ hide-and-seek / play / on Saturdays / Do /? 5 watch / at the weekend / you/ Do/TV/? 6 Do/ the piano / play / you / on Mondays / ? Reading: a blog © Read the blog. Write Sam's diary. for one hour and on Tuesday I swim for one hour. On Wednesday and Friday I watch TV and read a book. On Thursday I ride my bike with my friend Meg - we ride our bikes for two hours. Saturday is my favourite day! I go to the park and play with my friends - we play football. On Sunday I watch TV and play computer games. What do you do at the weekend? Monday Frickay play tennis Tuesday Saturday Wednesckay Sunday Thursday Writing © Write your diary. Monday Friday play tennis Tuesday Saturday Wednesday Sunday Thursday © Write a blog. Use your diary in Exercise 2 to help you. Draw your picture. MyBlog There he “s/There are’... r “There are two beautiful butterflies on the flower. (There's a big scary spider in the tree. There's ... a monster under the table. Aagh! Oh, it’s Spot! a Use there is and there are to say what singular and plural nouns Selene leo BURR ee aol a cel ce Pe eee Rigel Ue ee gee) ) ol oe eee eo Write There is or There are. 1 There is 2 3 a cat in the living five frogs in my room. bedroom. 4 5 6 a frog in my a monster under two cats in the bedroom. the table. dining room. © Look and write. 1 There is a snake in the cellar. (a snake / cellar) 2 (a lizard / bedroom) 3 (seven crocodiles / bathroom) 4 (five tigers / garden) 5 (a spider / kitchen) 6 (a cat / living room) Are there any bikes? How many cars are there? 2 ange @ Circle the correct words to complete the sentences. Aré)/ Is there any pears? Are / Is there any rats? How many cars are / is there? Are / Is there a plane? Are / Is there a go-kart? How many cakes are / is there? @ Be deers Is there a cat? Yes, there is. Are there any balls? Is there a frog? a How many sausages are there? © Look and write answers. 1 2 3 4 5 Is there a go-kart? 6 How many apples are there? & yj ® © Complete the questions and answers. 1 Are there any bikes? Yes, there are. 2 cars? Yes, : Ei are there? eight kites. 4 a plane? 5 a park? 6 are there? one cake. Reading: a project @ Read the text and the sentences. Write yes or no. I live in a big house. It isn’t old, it’s new. There are four bedrooms, a kitchen, a dining room, a living room and a hall. My bedroom is my favourite room. It’s blue. There are posters of animals and I’ve got a green rug. There's a desk in my bedroom and I've got a computer. There isn’t a TV. My toys are in my bedroom and my teddy bear is on my bed. I play with my toys at the weekend. The house is small. no There are five bedrooms. The rug is blue. There’s a TV in the bedroom. 1 2 3 4 There isn’t a computer. 5 6 There are toys in the bedroom. Writing © Make notes about your house and bedroom. Rooms My bedroom Adjectives © Draw and write about your house and your bedroom. Dojyoullike\this/ ae EheSey pn Bishce ) Do you like ) 9 this jacket? [ Do you like \ these jeans? et rE Doyou like | these shoes? } PSS Sey No, Idon't! Put B on these shoes. FE / A on this jacket. y (Yes, Ido! ea d Super Grammar Use Do you like this ... ? to ask about singular nouns. Use Do you like these ... ? to ask about plural nouns. Use Yes, I do and No, I don’t to give short answers. PRE Ce ua el ee Yes, Ido. Do you like these shoes? No, I don’t. © Match the words with the pictures. © @nes * (eth 2) ( (these _) eee / ~ 46 etree 1 2 3 4 5 6 © Write the questions. this / Do / like / hat / you /? these / you / shoes / Do / like /? like / jacket / you / this / Do /? like / you / shorts / these / Do /? T-shirt / Do / you / like / this / ? you / jeans / like / Do / these /? Look and write. Do you like this hat i ©ves, Ido Do you a ®No, Do ? Do you like this hat? A 2 Do you ® No, & Ah =a ‘Is he wearing Is he/she + + =ing?\: tease No, he isn’t. He’s wearing a blue sweater. ~ ie, \ ( Where's James? Is ‘ \_ he ploying pone Oh yes!Ican | \ see him. \ Use Is he/she + -ing to ask what people are doing. | Use Yes, he is and No, she isn’t to give short answers. | Use is + -ing to describe what people are doing. Olivia’s wearing a red sweater. Is he wearing a blue T-shirt? re BE Rll eB eed. te oi @ Read the questions. Write yes or no. 4 Is Emma watching TV? 2 Is Paul playing a game? 3 Is Lara singing? 4 Is Ken playing a game? 5 Is Emma wearing a green T-shirt? 6 Is Ken wearing a blue sweater? e Write Yes, he/she is or No, he/she isn’t. 1 Is he wearing red shorts? Yes, he is 2 Is he watching TV? 3 Is he wearing 4 Is she eating cake? a red sweater? 5 Is he playing 6 Is she playing football? computer games? 3) Write the questions and sentences. 1 Anna/is/ wearing / a blue skirt /. Anna is wearing a blue skirt 2 is/What/ doing / Bob /? 3 Are/ Amy and Hannah / bikes / riding /? 4 are/TV/watching / Emma and Tom / . 5 playing / Oscar / football / is /. 6 asandwich / Kylie / Is / eating /? Reading: a chat @ Read the conversation and answer the questions. fel N Eero sterol ial cialety oO James Brown Amy Little Is he sleeping? Where are your mum and brother, Luke? Is your mum eatin: 1 Who is James talking to? 4 Where is Mum? He’s talking to Amy 2 What is the cat doing? 5 Where is Luke? 3 What is James doing? 6 Is mum watching TV? Writing © Make notes. You are at home. What are you doing? What is your mum doing? Where is she? Have you got a cat or a dog (what is he/she doing?) What is your brother/sister doing? Where is he/she? e Write a conversation with your friend. CHATS School friends ‘S) Can/can’t for ability { andtcan stand on one leg too! Use can and can’t to talk about ability Ican stand on one leg. Ican’t touch my toes. Rye ado He can’t skip. He can't swim. a He can play football. He can skip. She can stand on one leg. She can't play the piano. She can't ride a bike. 2 ED OunWNnN © Write can or can’t. 1 2 3 (ay = e (xHe can’t ) (7 He ) (x She swim. ride a horse. play tennis. 4 5 6 | { XHe play v She | iB) v She =e the piano. =< ride a bike. \__ do ballet. © Look and write. Alice v v x 1 Ned can’t play the piano. 4 2 6 Questions with can Can you ride a horse? J Pea re aay a bike? J (Can you play tennis? > ee 00 Use can to ask about ability. Use Yes, I can and No, I can’t to give Seen CoE Yes, I can. Can you dance? No, I can't. @ Match the questions with the responses. 1 Can you dance? a I don't know. Let’s see. Woah! No, I can’t. Can you fly a kite? Yes, I can. I can play the piano too. Can you ride a horse? Yes, I can, and I can sing. No, I can't. I haven't got a kite. Can you play the guitar? Yes, I can. I swim at the weekends. ~ooaags 2 3 4 Can you stand on one leg? 5 6 Can you swim? No, I can’t, but I can ride a bike. eo Complete the sentences with the words from the box. sing speak play can yes can’t Karl Hello, May. Can you dance? May * Yes ,Ican. Karl Can you? the guitar? 4 May No, 1? . But I can play the piano and I can * Karl Can you ® Spanish? May No, I can’t. But my sister ° I t eo Write questions. Nat tig 4 (piano) Can you play the piano? No, I can’t. But I can play the guitar. 2 (speak Spanish) Yes, I can. jHola! 3 (play tennis) No, I can't. I can play football. 4 (ride a bike) Yes, I can. My bike is pink. 5 (swim) Yes, I can. 6 (ride a horse) No, I can't. I don’t like horses. Reading: a forum @ Read the text and write yes or no. Can your cat sing?! = My cat is called Bob. He’s black with one white foot! He's two years old. He can run and jump AND he can sing! What can your pet do? Wow! No way! My cat can’t sing. T've got a dog too. His name is Patch. He can swim and he can play football - we play football in the garden! Look at my photo. Cool! I haven't got a cat or a dog, but I've got a horse. Her name is Jazzy. She’s a big black horse - E she’s beautiful. She can’t sing. She can jump up high, : stand on two legs and she can skip. Bob is one. no Bob can't sing. Patch can swim. 1 2 3 4 Jazzy is a horse. 5 Jazzy is ugly. 6 Jazzy can skip and jump. Writing © Choose a pet and make notes. Pet What's her/hisname? = What colour is she/he? How old is he/she? a ies eS She/he can A bb cS . She/he can’t © Write a forum post. Use your notes from exercise 2 to help you. 4 Let’s swim in the sea! } So Suggestions aaa PA TU eMart ele (folate Good idea. Let’s play the guitar. Peele go Sorry, I don’t want to. © Match the sentences with the pictures. Let’s paint a picture. [d Let's takea photo. | | Let’s look for shells. Let’s listen to music. Let's go to the park. Ounwn = Let’s go swimming. LEB) At the beach Let's idea play sure eat want fT VAS ae Hugo: * Let’s look for shells. Tony: I'm not? , Hugo: OK. Let's * football. Tony: Sorry, I don’t “ to — we haven't got a ball. Hugo: Let's ® an ice cream. Tony: Good ® . Banana is my favourite ice cream! eo Look and write. se 4 Let’s play the guitar. 2 of Good idea. X Sorry, A Where’s/Where' are ... 2 Where's the Where are the \ Where are the red T-shirt? green shoes? | (er black shorts? IT they're in the bag, {™ bis Gus Mum! 4 Super Grammar Use Where's ...? to ask about singular items. Use It’s ... to answer about singular items. Use Where are ...? to ask about plural items. Use They're ... to answer about singular items. Where's the blue book? Bese m l-Me lesen lle Where are the orange books? _‘They’re in the black bag. © Write the questions. are / Where / small / the / shells / ? 2 is / the / dog / Where / big / ? ? are / blue / shoes / the / Where /? the / Where / is / cat /? a beach / the / Where / is /? ? orange / Where / the / are / kites / ? aunRWDn co STD —=—_ au Where's the blue book? It’s in the green bag. Where's the green lizard? Where are the green books? Where's the black spider? Where are the red books? Where's the yellow lizard? Look. Complete the questions and answers. Where _’s the lizard ? Its in the bedroom. ! Ye the crocodiles? | in the bathroom. [sy ees room. the spider? , me It’s in the cellar. rh, Reading: a magazine © Read the text and answer the questions. Come to Wales Wales is a beautiful country. There are lots of places to see. You can walk in the high mountains and swim in the sea at the beautiful beaches. There are lots of mountains, but go to Snowdon mountain - it’s really high, so take your walking shoes! There are also lots of castles - go to famous Conwy Castle ~ it’s very old. You can walk to the top of the castle and take photos of the mountains and the sea. You can see sheep too! Have lunch in the Castle café and eat Welsh cakes! Wales is fantastic! Welsh cakes 1 What adjectives can you find? What do they describe? beautiful country 2 What activities can you do on holiday in Wales? 3 What is the name of the high mountain? What can you do at Conwy castle? 5 What animals can you see from the castle? What food can you try? Writing © Match the phrases. a 2 walk up Ben Nevis a bagpipe music go to Edinburgh b the Loch Ness monster listen to c¢ haggis (meat with onion) eat d= amountain look for shells on e acity find f the fantastic beaches Write a magazine article about Scotland. Use the phrases in Exercise 2 to help you.

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