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Page 10 fil•am press December 1-15, 2010

WikiLeaks affecting the Philippines

WASHINGTON, D.C (Star)— veterans to join them. iting Forces Agreement with the the Philippines.
Foreign Secretary Alberto The SAVE Act would grant U.S. needed to be updated to It fell into disuse in the 1990s
Romulo lamented the disclo- duty-free status to garments “strengthen even more the rela- when the present embassy at
sure by WikiLeaks of more than and apparel wholly assembled tionship between the two coun- 1600 Massachusetts Avenue
250,000 confidential U.S. em- in the Philippines, on condition tries.” was built.
bassy cables and said “we will that these are made of U.S.- “Lessons of the past give us
have to confront it.” made textiles, fabrics, yarn and the impetus and rational to up- On alert
Asked if he expected a call cotton. date the agreement,” he said. Bureau of Immigration officer-
from Secretary of State Hillary Supporters said aside from Romulo has been foreign sec- in-charge Ronaldo Ledesma,
Clinton on the leaks, which pro- creating some 2,000 jobs in the retary since August 2004. meanwhile, said fugitive
vide unprecedented insight into U.S., the passage of the bill Asked how long he expected to WikiLeaks founder Julian SEN. CHRISTOPHER BOND
U.S. foreign activities, he said, would create some 200,000 jobs remain in his post he replied: Assange is unlikely to arrive
“I expect they will tell each of
their allies.”
As Romulo spoke to Filipino
in the Philippines.
Romulo said he was confident
the U.S. Congress will pass the
“My future is secure.”
In a short ribbon-cutting
speech at the new consular of-
and hide in the country but
stressed his men are ready to
hold him just in case he tries to
Romulo meets
reporters at the inauguration
on December 1 of the new con-
SAVE Act if not this year, then
most certainly next year.
fice of the Philippine embassy
Romulo paid tribute to Consul
General Domingo Nolasco for
sneak in.
“As of now, we have not yet U.S. senator
sular office of the Philippine He said in his talks with Sen. received an official notice from
embassy here, State Depart-
ment spokesman P.J. Crowley
Alberto Romulo
Daniel Inouye of Hawaii, the
main architect of the compen-
his leadership in the smooth
transition of the consular office
the Interpol but we are aware of
it because it is already posted
over SAVE Act
at the Washington Foreign tary of state.” sation package for Filipino from the main embassy build- in the Internet. I have already WASHINGTON, D.C.— U.S.
Press Center said the U.S. was “She has made some calls to World War II veterans, Inouye ing to what used to be the old directed our personnel to make Senator Christopher Bond of
mounting a major effort at world leaders. She is going to promised to continue sponsor- chancery at 1617 Massachu- the necessary precautions that Missouri State, the principal
damage control to contain fall- make more calls to world lead- ing bills that would benefit the setts Avenue. in the event he would come to sponsor of a key legislation that
out from the leaks. ers. But we have reached out to Philippines, in particular the Romulo congratulated the Philippines, we have to alert could save the Philippines’ gar-
Crowley said aggressive ac- every government in some fash- SAVE Act. Nolasco on his promotion to our Interpol counterparts so ment industry, and Philippine
tions have been taken to reach ion to express our regret for He said he handed Inouye a ambassadorial rank. they can act appropriately,” Foreign Secretary Alberto G.
out to friends and allies “to ex- what has happened,” he added. personal letter from President The old chancery has been Ledesma said. Romulo met on December 3 in
press our regret for what has Romulo is on a visit to Wash- Aquino and reiterated an old- owned by the Philippine govern- Reports said Interpol had al- Washington, D.C.
happened... and to demonstrate ington to lobby U.S. legislators standing invitation for him to ment since the U.S. colonial pe- ready raised a global alert for This follows an earlier meet-
our commitment to our ongoing to support the proposed Save visit the Philippines. riod and was the headquarters the arrest of Assange on rape ing with U.S. Senator Daniel
relationship.” the Industries Act and the Fam- In his wide-ranging talks with of the government-in-exile dur- and molestation charges in Inouye of Hawaii, in connection
Crowley said, “We have 190 ily Reunification bill which reporters Romulo said the Vis- ing the Japanese occupation of Sweden. with the Philippine campaign
countries, give or take, with seeks to allow about 20,000 for the current U.S. Congress to
which we have diplomatic rela- sons and daughters and minor pass the key legislation.
tions. We only have one secre- grandchildren of U.S. Filipino
Pinoys overseas can continue SSS membership The legislation is known as
the Save Our Industries Act
(SAVE Act or S. 3170) in the U.S.
THE Philippine Social Security maternity, sickness, partial/ Members may also join the Senate.
System ( SSS ) wishes to an- permanent disability, retire- SSS Flexi-fund Program or Provi- According to the Department
nounce to all its members that ment with 13th-month pay or dent fund by investing any of Foreign Affairs, Bond assured
they can continue their member- Christmas bonus, death, and amount (not lower than Php Romulo that he would continue
ship even when they are abroad. funeral or burial 200.00) on top of the member’s his support for SAVE Act and do
SSS maintains its policy that According to Atty. Sylvette C. monthly premium contribution. his best to carry it through with
once a member, always a mem- Sybico, department manager of Investment and interest may be Senator Inouye if an opportunity
ber, and members will never its Foreign Branch Expansion withdrawn anytime. presents itself during the so-
lose premium contributions for and Monitoring Department, For queries on SSS matters, called “lame-duck session” of
life. SSS has arranged with Lucky including application forms, Congress.
SSS members may continue Money, Metrobank, Bank of please visit its website at The Philippines considers
paying their premiums and New York, and Western Union or send an email SAVE a “win-win legislation,”
avail of the following benefits: for payment of premiums. to which Inouye co-sponsors.

Alphans elect West Coast chancellor

LOS ANGELES, Calif.—The West Coast chapter of the University of the
Philippines’ Alpha Phi Beta Fraternity alumni on November 20 elected its
new chancellor.
Elected by unanimous acclamation is Noriel Flores, Batch 71, a a long-
time lawyer practicing out of Los Angeles, California. He will serve as
chancellor for the next two years.
In an admirable display of leadership by example and in promoting
fraternity unity and cooperation, he appointed his losing opponent,
Ferdinand “Bong” Silerio, as vice-chancellor, a gesture applauded by the
fraternity members in the Philippines and all the chapters abroad.
A total of 79 West Coast Alphans, including three from Texas, voted in
person or by mail.
JUN Magpale (left) and Bong Silerio (right) raise the arms of
Flores succeeds Desiderio “Jun” Magpale, who served as West Coast
Noriel Flores, newly elected West Coast chancellor of the Al- chancellor for four years. His outstanding leadership was acknowledged
pha Phi Beta Fraternity alumni. and recognized by the fraternity.

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