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P.G Assistant in Zoology.
12th Standard
Time : 00:01:00 Hrs Total Marks : 236
I choose the correct answer: 236 x 1 = 236
1) Intake of less amount of protein leads to the deficiency disease called
(a) Beri Beri  (b) Rickets (c) Anaemia (d) Kwashiorkar
2) Each gram of lipid is capable of yielding.
(a) 9.3 calories (b) 8.2 calories (c) 7.1 calories (d) 6 calories
3) Deficiency of vitamin D causes
(a) Nyctalopia (b) Xerophthalmia (c) Osteomalacia (d) pellagra
4) The calorie requirement for IRM at heavy work during occupational activites is
(a) 1100 calories (b) 750 calories (c) 2200 calories (d) 460 calories
5) The  normal BMI (body mass index) range for adults is
(a) 10 - 15 (b) 12 - 24 (c) 15 -20 (d) 19 - 25
6) The normal blood glucose level during fasting is

(a) 70 to 110 mg/dl (b) 80 to 200 mg/dl (c) 100 to 150 mg/dl (d) 200 to 250 mg/dl
7) During emulsification,the bile salts convert bigger fat particles into smaller globules called
(a) granules (b) oil (c) chilomicrons (d) millimicrons
8) During root canal treatment, the cavity of the tooth is filled with a sealing paste made of 
(a) chitin (b) calcium carbonate  (c) iodised salt (d) gutta-percha resin
9) The gall stones are formed of 
(a) calcium (b) growing infected tissue  (c) cholesterol (d) sodium crystals
10) A fracture can be caused by 
(a) shock  (b) loss of blood supply (c) impact of force (d) malnutrition
11) The granulation of tissue around the site of fracture is called
(a) nodule (b) papilla (c) rudiment (d) callus
12) An inflammation of synovial membrane is called as 
(a) infective arthiritis (b) osteoarthritis (c) rheumatic arthiritis
(d) mechanical arthiritis
13) During the contraction of muscle the ATP molecules bind with the active site of
(a) myosin filament  (b) myofibrils (c) nerve endings (d) actin filaments
14) Ca ions necessary for the contraction of muscles are released from
(a) blood (b) protoplasm (c) synovial membrane (d) sarcoplasmic reticulum

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15) What is the substance that destroys the muscle protein during rigor mortis
(a) proteolytic enzymes (b) mitochondrial enzymes (c) lysosome enzymes
(d) esterases
16) The surface area of skin in our body is 
(a) 1.1 − 2.2m
(b) 2.2 − 3.3m
(c) 1 − 2m
(d) 0.5 − 1.5m

17) An oily substance called sebum is secreted by 

(a) sweat gland (b) sebaceous gland  (c) thyroid gland  (d) tear gland
18) Albinism is an extreme degree of generalized
(a) hyperpigmentation (b) hypopigmentation (c) failure of pigmentation 
(d) perioral pigmentation
19) Partial albinism causes
(a) leucoderma (b) vitiligo  (c) melanoma (d) dermatitis.
20) Excessive exposure to U V-rays can cause 
(a) vomitting  (b) redness of eyes (c) colour change  (d) skin cancer
21) Rag weed plant causes allergic responses and results in 
(a) photo dermatitis (b) herpetiformis dermatitis (c) dermatitis artefacta 
(d) all the above
22) The amount of urea present in blood is 

(a) 0.02gms/100ml (b) 0.06gms/100ml
23) Urea biosynthesis takes place in
(a) blood  (b) liver (c) cerebro-spinal fluid
(c) 0.08gms/100ml

(d) kidney
(d) 0.01gms/100ml

24) Number of ATP molecules spent to convert ammonia to urea is 

(a) four  (b) two  (c) three (d) one
25) During glomerular filtration the malpighian body acts like a 
(a) structural unit (b) biological filter (c) biological buffer (d) acid-base balancer
26) The amount of blood supplied to the kidneys is about 
(a) 20-25% of cardiac output  (b) 25-30% of cardiac output 
(c) 30 -35% of cardiac output  (d) 35-40% of cardiac output 
27) Net filteration force which is responsible for the filtration in glomerulus is
(a) 25 mm Hg (b) 50 mm Hg (c) 75 mm Hg (d) 80 mm Hg
28) The amount of urea reabsorbed in the urinary tubules is 
(a) 5 gm (b) 17gm (c) 21gm (d) 20gm
29) Area responsible for reabsorption of water, glucose,sodium phosphate and bicarbonates is
(a) glomerulus (b) proximal convoluted tubules (c) collecting duct 
(d) descending limb of Henle's loop

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30) The volume of water found in the glomerular filterate is 

(a) 170 lit (b) 168.5 lit (c) 165 lit (d) 162.8 lit
31) In recent days insulin resistant diabetes is commonly noticed in the age group of 
(a) 10 - 15 years  (b) 40 - 50 years  (c) 35 - 40 years  (d) 20 - 25 years
32) Which of the following is called the artificial  kidney?
(a) doner kidney  (b) dializer  (c) tissue-matched kidney  (d) preserved kidney 
33) The type of diabetes that develops due to heavy viral infection belongs to the category called
(a) Insulin dependent diabetes (b) non-insulin dependent diabetes
(c) inflammator diabetes (d) harmful diabetes
34) Who initially developed the vaccine for rabies in man ?
(a) Robert koch (b) Joseph Lister (c) Louis Pasteur (d) Stanley
35) Which one of the following fields paved the way for modern microbiology ?
(a) development of vaccines (b) technique of new viral strains
(c) discovery of new viral strains (d) development of pure culture technique
36) Which one of the following statements is incorrect regrading the structure of viruses ?
(a) Nucleic materials are covered by a protein coat, called capsid.
(b) The capsid is made up of capsomeres
(c) some animal viruses have an additional envelope

(d) The additional envelope is made up of glycoprotein
37) Virions contain only a single copy of nucleic acid, hence they are called 
(a) incomplete viruses (b) haploid viruses (c) ploidy viruses (d) complete viruses
38) Tumour inducing viruses are called 
(a) pathogenic viruses (b) oncogenic viruses (c) para viruses (d) variola viruses
39) Which one of the following is a protozoan disease ?
(a) African sleeping sickness (b) measles (c) Cholera  (d) Taeniasis
40) Sexual reproduction of plasmodium takes place in 
(a) Liver cells of man (b) RBCs of man (c) plasma of man (d) body of mosquito
41) The pathogenic form of entamoeba histolytica is
(a) encysted spores (b) vegetative trophozoite (c) merozoite (d) schizont
42) Which one of the following is a trematode worm ?
(a) Schistosomes  (b) Wuchereria  (c) Taenia (d) Ascaris
43) The more promising chemotherapeutic agent for treating viral diseases is 
(a) Tetracycline (b) Ampicillin (c) Interferon (d) Anthramycin
44) Which of the following can induce immunity
(a) Bacteria (b) Viruses (c) Parasites (d) All the above

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45) Skin is a/an -----------------

(a) anatomical barrier (b) physiological barrier (c) phagocytic barrier
(d) inflammatory barrier
46) Which among the following is anti-bacterial ?
(a) interferon (b) lysozyme (c) hormone (d) protein
47) Which of the following is anti-viral?
(a) lysozyme (b) interferon (c) protein (d) hormone
48) Identify the phagocytic cells from the following combinations
(a) Macrophage and neutrophil (b) Lymphocyte and eosinophil
(c) Macrophage and eosinophil (d) Eosinophil and neutrophil
49) Histamine is secreted by
(a) Epithelial cell (b) Mast cells (c) Red blood cells (d) White blood cells
50) Humoral immunity consists of .......................
(a) normal cells (b) pathological cells (c) cytotoxic cells (d) immunoglobulin molecules
51) Which type of graft is used in plastic surgery ?
(a) xenograft (b) allograft (c) autograft (d) isograft
52) MHC genes in mouse is located in
(a) Chromosome 1 (b) Chormosome 2 (c) Choromosome 4 (d) Chromosome 6

53) Which of the following is an auto immune disease ?
(a) AIDS (b) Multiple sclerosis  (c) Cancer 
54) Which antibody characterizes the allergic reaction ?
(d) Asthma

(a) IgG (b) IgA (c) IgM (d) IgE

55) SCID is due to --------------
(a) Adenosine deaminase deficiency (b) Glucose oxidase deficiency
(c) phosphatase deficiency (d) Lactate dehydrogenase deficiency
56) Which of the following  causes AIDS ?
(a) Bacteria  (b) Fungus (c) Retrovirus (d) TMV
57) Thymus growth occurs up to
(a) 17 years (b) 12 years (c) 5 years (d) 30 years
58) Which of the following secretes immunoglobulin?
(a) T-lymphocyte  (b) B-lymphocyte (c) Macrophage (d) Mast cells
59) The H-chain of immunoglobulin has a molecular weight 
(a) equivalent to that of light chain (b) Twice that of light chain
(c) Triple the amount of light chain (d) Twice as that of dark chain
60) Immunoglobulins are chemically 
(a) glycogens  (b) glyco-proteins (c) glycolipids (d) Lipo-proteins

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61) Hyper variability regions are present in ------------------  

(a) heavy chain only (b) light chain only (c) heavy and light  (d) dark chain
62) Organ transplantation from pig to human is an example for
(a) Autograft (b) Allograft (c) ISOgraft (d) Xenograft
63) Graft between identical twins is called -------------------
(a) Xenograft (b) Allograft (c) Auto graft  (d) Iso graft
64) In which prokaryote has voluminous genetical works been made
(a) TMV virus (b) Phage (c) Escherichia coli (d) coliform bacteria
65) Who discovered the double helix DNA model ?
(a) H.G. Khorana (b) Mendel (c) T.H.Morgan (d) Watson and Crick
66) About how many hereditary diseases in human beings had been identified ?
(a) more than 300 (b) less than 300 (c) about 400 (d) about 100
67) Which of the following methods help in obtaining of information about genetic characters in
man ?
(a) Biochemical test (b) Hybridization (c) Pedigree analysis (d) Inbreeding
68) Sickle cell anaemia is due to
(a) autosomal gene (b) sex chromosmal gene (c) vitamin deficiency
(d) hormone imbalance

69) Albinism is due to
(a) absence of melanin
(d) absence of hormone
(b) absence of vitamins (c) presence of melanin

70) Name the human disease due to autosomal dominant gene

(a) sickle cell anaemia (b) thalasemia (c) SCID (d) huntington's chorea
71) Idiogram means
(a) Diagrammatic representation of genes
(b) Diagrammatic representation of  chromosome (c) Graph showing heart defect
(d) electro cardiogram
72) In human choromosome karyotyping the choromosomes 4 and 5 belong to group
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D
73) What is the name for mobile genetic elements?
(a) plasmids (b) pili (c) barr body (d) transposons
74) What is the rate of growth of human population?
(a) 10 billion per year (b) 90 billion per year (c) 1 billion per year
(d) 80 billion per year
75) The present sudden acceleration of population is called as ...............
(a) population explosion (b) population bomb (c) population trap (d) all the above

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76) Global  warming is caused due to ............

(a) lack of rainfall (b) presence of a hole in ozone layer
(c) human activities against nature (d) extinction of animals and plants
77) The most abundant green house gas is ............. 
(a) N O2 (b) C O2 (c) O3 (d) SO2

78) which of the following gas destroys ozone layer faster?

(a) chloroflurocarbons (b) hydrochloroflurocarbons (c)  both (a) and (b)
(d) sulphur dioxide
79) Which is a better method to dispose large amount of water carrying relatively small amounts
of chemical wastes?
(a) land filling method (b) Deep-well injection (c) surface impoundments
(d) incineration
80) Which one  of the following organisms plays a vital role in pollination of trees in tropical
(a) mimic moths (b) orchid bees (c) Rhinocerous beetles (d) Humming birds
81) Which is commonly considered as a Biologist's paradise? (or) Which of the following is a
marine biosphere reserve?
(a) Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve (b) Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve (c) Nanda Devi

(d) Great Nicobar
82) The amount of energy  the earth receives from the sun per year is ..............................
(a) 1000 K calories (b) 10 X 1030 K calories (c) 5 X 1020 K calories
(d) 15 X 1025 K calories
83) Which is considered as a future source of power , that can meet our future unlimited
(a) Hydel power (b) Hydrogen (c) Thermal power (d) Solar power
84) Of the total amount of water, how much is available as fresh water?
(a) 10% (b) 3% (c) 15% (d) 50%
85) Which of the following countries depend on desalinisation process for getting fresh water?
(a) Dubai (b) Oman (c) Bahrain (d) all the above
86) The breeds of cattle now available in India are ...................
(a) 29 (b) 30 (c) 26 (d) 20
87) which one of the following is not a draught breed?
(a) Kangayam (b) Khillar (c) Kankrej (d) Hallikar
88) The other name for  the cattle 'Sindhi' is.....................
(a) Kongu (b) Nellore (c) Red Karachi (d) Deccan
89) Kangayam originated from
(a) punjab (b) coimbatore (c) karnataka (d) kathiawar

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90) Which of the following is not an exotic breed?

(a) jersey (b) Gir (c) Brown swiss (d) Ayreshire
91) which one of the following is a contagious disease of the cattle?
(a) constipation (b) Milk fever  (c) Cow pox (d) Diabetes
92) Feeding jaggery along with limewater is one of the first aid measure for
(a) diarrhoea (b) constipation (c) milk-fever (d) anthrax
93) Mating of closely related animals is  called
(a) out breeding (b) Artificial insemination (c) Cross breeding (d) Inbreeding
94) The milk which the following cow is characterised by high carotene content?
(a) sindhi (b) haryana (c) Gir (d) Jersy
95) For anthrax of the following symptom can be seen
(a) Swelling of udder (b) Blood discharge from natural openings (c) Loss of appetite
(d) Lack of chewing
96) The book 'Philosophie Zoologique' was published by _________
(a) Charles Darwin (b) August Weismann (c) Mc Dougall (d) Jean Baptiste de Lamarck
97) The German scientist who segregated germplasm from somatoplasm for the first time was
(a) Lamarck (b) Malthus (c) Weismann (d) Hugo de vries

98) Mc Dougall supported neo-Lamarckism and proved the concept of ----------------
(a) Direct action of environment on organism (b) Learning is an acquired character
(c) Speed of learning increased from generation to generation (d) All the above
99) Through which of the following concepts did Darwin explain his theory of evolution?
(a) arrival of the fittest (b) survival of the fittest
(c) The differentiation of somatoplasm and germplasm (d) genetic recombinations
100) The book "Process of Organic Evolution" to support modern synthetic theory of evolution was
written by ________
(a) Dobzhansky (b) G.L. Stebbins (c) Hardy-Weinberg (d) Hugo de Vries
101) The factor that enriches the genepool with new modified genes is ______________
(a) mutation (b) somatic variation (c) decrease in chromosomes
(d) increases in cytoplasm
102) Artificial system of classification of plants was proposed by a
(a) British botanist (b) Swedish botanist (c) German botanist (d) Indian botanist
103) Which of the following Classification is a sexual system of calssification ?
(a) Artificial system (b) Natural System (c) Phylogenetic system (d) Natural selection
104) The botanist who introduced binominal system is
(a) Carolus Linnaeus (b) Gaspard Bauhin (c) sir Joseph Dalton Hooker (d) Adolf Engler

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105) Genera Plantarum of Bentham and Hooker was Published in

(a)  a single volume (b) two volumes (c) three Volumes (d) four Volumes
106) In Bentham and Hooker classification of plants, the present day 'orders' were referred  to
by them as
(a) Series (b) Cohorts (c) orders (d) families
107) Plants having flowers with free petals are placed under..................
(a) Monochlamydeae (b) Monocotyledons (c) Gamopetalae (d) Polypetalae
108) Inferae includes
(a) 6 Orders and 34 families (b) 4 Order and 23 familes (c) 3 Ordrs and 9 familes
(d) 5 orders and 27 families
109) How many families were described by Bentham and Hooker in their classification?
(a) 204 (b) 212 (c) 202 (d) 222
110) In  Bentham and Hooker's classification of plants, the present by " families" were referred
to by them as
(a) families (b) Cohorts (c) Orders (d) series
111) Thalamiflorae includes
(a) 4 Orders and 23 families (b) 6 Orders and 34 families (c) 5 Orders and 27 families
(d) 3 Order and 12 families

112) Which one of the following series includes the epigynous flowers?
(a) Thalamiflorae (b) Disciflorae (c) Inferae
113) The family included under the series Unisexuales is
(d) Heteromerae

(a) Solanaceae (b) Euphorbiaceae (c) Malvaceae (d) Musaceae

114) Solanaceae is placed under
(a) Malvales (b) Polemoniales (c) Unisexuales (d) Ranales
115) In which of the following plants the midrib and veins are found with yellowish spines
(a) Solanum melongena (b) Datura metal (c) Solanum xanthocarpum
(d) Petunia hybrida
116) The Carpels are Obliquely placed in the members of
(a) Malvaceae (b) Solanaceae (c) Euphorbiaceae (d) Musaceae
117) Euphorbiaceae includes about
(a) 82 genera (b) 90 genera (c) 300 genera (d) 254 genera
118) Ricinus communis is a
(a) herb (b) shrub (c) tree (d) cladode
119) An example of cladode is
(a) Phyllanthus emblica (b) Ricinus communis (c) Jatropha curcas
(d) Euphorbia tirucalli

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120) In Hevea brasiliensis, the leaves are

(a) simple (b) trifoliately compound (c) sessile (d) Palmately lobed
121) "The bird of paradise flower" refers to
(a) Musa paradisiaca (b) Strelitzia reginae (c) Ravenala madagascariensis
(d) Heliconia sp
122) The phyllotaxy in Musa is
(a) alternate (b) opposite (c) distichous (d) spiral
123) The number of fertile stamens in Ravenala madagascariensis,is
(a) three (b) four (c) five (d) six
124) Thespesia populnea belongs to
(a) Solanaceae (b) Euphorbiaceae (c) Malvaceae (d) Musaceae
125) Malvaceae is placed in the series
(a) Thalamiflorae (b) Inferae (c) Heteromerae (d) Disciflorae
126) Anthers are monothecous in
(a) Solanaceae (b) Euphorbiaceae (c) Malvaceae (d) Musaceae
127) In Abelmoschus  esculentus, the fruit is
(a) drupe (b) schizocarp (c) regma (d) loculicidal capsule
128) Binomial of lady's finger is

(a) Hibiscus cannabinus
(d) Abelmoschus esculentus
(b) Thespesia populnea

129) The type of inflorescence in Ravenala madagascariensis 

(c) Gossypium barbadense

(a) compound cyme (b) branched spadix (c) simple raceme (d) compound raceme
130) The change from meristematic tissue to permanent tissue is called 
(a) differentiation. (b) self perpetuating. (c) photosynthesis. (d) cell division
131) The type of tissue presents in the petioles of banana and canna, is 
(a) stellate parenchyma (b) prosenchyma (c) aerenchyma (d) chlorenchyma
132) The tissue generally present in all organs of plant is (or)------------------- is found in all
organs of the plant.
(a) parenchyma (b) chlorenchyma (c) collenchyma (d) sclerenchyma
133) The lamellar collenchyma is seen in the hypodermis of 
(a) Datura (b) Helianthus (c) Ipomoea (d) Nicotiana
134) The root hairs are produced from 
(a) rhizodermis (b) trichomes (c) accessory cells (d) trichoblasts
135) The osteosclereids are seen in 
(a) seed coad of crotalaria (b) see coat of pisum (c) plup of pyrus
(d) petioles of banana

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136) Bicollateral vascular bundles are seen in the members of 

(a) Malvaceae (b) Musaceae (c) Solanaceae (d) Cucurbitaceae
137) The root hairs originate from,
(a) trichoblasts (b) endodermis (c) hypodermis  (d) pericycle
138) The casparian strips are found in the endodermis of 
(a) dicot stem (b) dicot root (c) monocot stem (d) dicot leaf
139) The passage cells are found in endodermis of 
(a) dicot stem (b) monocot stem (c) dicot root (d) dicot leaf
140) The polyarch condition is found in 
(a) monocot leaf  (b) dicot leaf (c) dicot stem (d) monocot root
141) The inner most layer of the cortex is 
(a) epidermis  (b) hypodermis (c) endodermis (d) pericycle
142) The vascular bundle with protoxylem facing centre of the stem is 
(a) exarch (b) endarch (c) tetrarch (d) polyarch
143) When the xylem and the phloem lie in the same radius, the vascular bundle is called
(a) conjoint  (b) radial (c) open (d) closed
144) The vascular bundles are skull shaped in 
(a) dicot root (b) monocot root (c) dicot stem (d) monocot stem

145) The protoxylem lacuna is present in the vascular bundles of 
(a) dicot root (b) monocot root
146) Isobilateral leaf is present in
(c) dicot stem (d) monocot stem

(a) grass (b) cucurbita (c) sunflower (d) bean

147) The vascular bundle in the leaf is 
(a) collateral and open (b) collateral and closed (c) bicollateral and open
(d) collateral and exarch
148) The term chromosome was introduced by
(a) Bridges (b) Waldeyer (c) Balbiani (d) Flemming
149) Who had first proved that the genes are carried by the chromosome?
(a) Bridges (b) Waldeyer (c) Balbiani (d) Flemming
150) The coupling test cross ratio is
(a) 1:7:7:1 (b) 7:1:1:7 (c) 1:1:1:1 (d) 9:3:3:1
151) Recombination of chromosome takes place in _________________ stage of prophase I of
(a) leptotene (b) zygotene (c) pachytene (d) diplotene
152) Hugo de Vries first used the term mutation based on his observation on
(a) Sorghum (b) Neurospora (c) Oenothera lamarckiana (d) Cicer gigas

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153) Biochemical mutants of ____________ failed to synthesize certain amino acids

(a) Sorghum (b) Neurospora (c) Cicer arietinum (d) Cicer gigas
154) The Gametes of Drosophila melanogaster carry
(a) three chromosomes (b) four chromosomes (c) seven chromosomes
(d) eight chromosomes
155) Nullisomy is represented by
(a) 2n - 1 (b) 2n +1 (c) 2n + 2 (d) 2n - 2
156) RNA is universally present in all organisms except in _______________.
(a) TMV (b) bacteria (c) algae (d) DNA viruses
157) mRNA is about _______________ of the RNA content of the cell
(a) 10 - 20% (b) 5 - 10 % (c) 3 - 5 % (d) 20 - 30%
158) In bacterial cell, there are more than _________ tRNAs  
(a) 200 (b) 70 (c) 300 (d) 400
159) Double helix DNA model was proposed by _____________
(a) Waston and Crick (b) O.T.Avery et al (c) Griffith (d) Stinberg
160) The width Of DNA molecule is
(a) 18 Å (b) 20Å (c) 34 Å (d) 35 Å
161) Restriction enzymes are synthesized by

(a) bacteria only
(d) all kinds of cells
(b) yeast and bacteria only

162) Each restriction enzyme cleaves a molecule only at

(c) eukaryotic cells only

(a) the ends of genes (b) methyl groups (c) nucleotide sequence
(d) the time of DNA replication
163) One of the following process is employed to introduce a foreign gene into a cell
(a) electrolysis (b) electroporation (c) plasmid (d) ligation
164) The number of transgenic plants available to-day are approximately
(a) six (b) two (c) twelve (d) fifty
165) A toxic protein called delta endotoxin is insecticidal and it is produced by
(a) Escherichia coli (b) Streptomyces griseus (c) Bacillus thuringiensis
(d) Bacillus lactii
166) Pseudomonas putida is a engineered bacterium that can
(a) produce a hormone (b) produce a antibiotic (c) digest crude oil slick
(d) pollute the soil
167) The inherent potential of any living plant cell to develop into entire organism is called
(a) differentiation (b) organogenesis (c) morphogenesis (d) totipotency

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168) The function of cytokinin is to increase

(a) cell elongation (b) fruit initiation (c) cell division (d) differentiation
169) By the application of tissue culture, one important product is formed
(a) artificial synthetic seeds (b) many seeded fruit (c) triploid endosperm
(d) induction of flowers
170) The two protoplasts are fused with a fusogen called
(a) polyethylene glycol (PEG) (b) Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) (c) Polyethane glycol (PEG)
(d) Phosphoric ethane
171) Somatic hybrids are produced through
(a) asexual fusion (b) protoplasmic fusion (c) vegetative propagation (d) grafting
172) One of the following organism is a SCP
(a) Nostoc (b) Rhizobium (c) Mushroom (d) Spirulina
173) Enriched vitamin tablets are produced from the following organism for human consumption
(a) Nostoc (b) yeast (c) Mushroom (d) Spirulina
174) Photosynthesis takes place in
(a) mitochondria (b) peroxisomes (c) chloroplasts (d) ribosomes
175) During cyclic electron transport,which one of the following is produced
(a) NADPH2 only (b) ATP only (c) NADH2 only (d) both ATP and NADPH2

176) Which one of the following  is a five carbon compound?
(a) fructose (b) erythrose
177) which one of the following is a
(c) ribose
C4 plant?
(d) DHAP

(a) rice (b) wheat (c) sugarcane (d) potato

178) The essential component for the formation of chlorophyll
(a) Mg (b) Fe (c) Cl (d) Mn
179) The pigment which is highly efficient in absorbing solar energy is
(a) phycobilins (b) chlorophyll (c) carotinoids (d) xanthophyll
180) Which of the following bacterium oxidizes ammonia to nitrate
(a) Nitrosomonas (b) Rhizobium (c) Closteridium (d) E.coli
181) Which of the following is a total  parasite
(a) Cuscuta (b) Viscum (c) Drosera (d) Monotropa
182) Which of the following wavelengths of light is most effective for photosynthesis
(a) 100nm to 200nm (b) 200nm to 300nm (c) 400nm to 700nm (d) 700nm to 900nm
183) Dark respiration is the function  of
(a) peroxisomes (b) mitochondria (c) chloroplast (d) ribosomes
184) The gas evolved during photosynthesis is
(a) carbondioxide (b) nitrogen (c) hydrogen (d) oxygen

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185) Dark reaction is also known as

(a) krebs cycle (b) Calvin cycle (c) pentosephosphate pathway (d) photorespiration
186) C4 pathway is otherwise known as
(a) EMP pathway (b) Hatch slack pathway (c) photorespiration
(d) electron transport chain
187) Photorespiration is otherwise called as
(a) C2 cycle (b) C3 cycle (c) C4 cycle (d) C5 cycle
188) An example for insectivorous plant is
(a) Drosera (b) Viscum (c) Monotropa (d) vanda
189) Which of the following is regarded as primary pigment?
(a) carotenoid (b) Xanthophyll (c) Chlorophyll  'a' (d) Chlorophyll  'b'
190) The dark  reactions of photosynthesis were discovered by
(a) Embden and Meyer (b) Melvin Calvin (c) Krebs (d) Parnas
191) Which of the following is a 5C compound ?
(a) Glucose (b) Fructose (c) phosphoglyceric acid (d) RuBP
192) In C3 plants light reactions and dark reactions occur in
(a) bundle sheath cells (b) mesophyll cells (c) epidermal cells (d) vascular cells
193) In C3 pathway acceptor molecule of  C O is


(a)  phosphoenol pyruvate (b) RuBP (c) PGA (d) DHAP

194) Which of the following is not a C4 plant?
(a) Maize (b) Tribulus (c) Amaranthus (d) Wheat
195) Vanda plant is a/an
(a) total parasite (b) partial parasite (c) epiphyte (d) saprophyte
196) The reducing power produced in the light reaction is
(a) NADP+ (b) ATP (c) ADP (d) NADPH2
197) Which of the following is not accessory pigments?
(a) phycobilins (b) chlorophylls (c) Carotenoids (d) Xanthophylls
198) The photosynthetic pigments are located in
(a) Cristae (b) Cisternae (c) thylakoid (d) stroma
199) Which of the following is the common respiratory substrate?
(a) proteins (b) Lipids (c) carbohydrates (d) vitamins
200) The number of high energy terminal bonds present in ATP  is
(a) one (b) two (c) three (d) four
201) The first step in aerobic respiration is
(a) glycolysis (b) krebs cycle (c) terminal oxidation (d) cyclic photophosphorylation
202) Glucose is phosphorylated to glucose -6- phosphate by the enzyme
(a) aldolase (b) enolase (c) pyruvic kinase (d) hexokinase
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203) Cisaconitic acid is coverted into isocitric acid by the addition of a molecule of water. This
reaction is catalyzed by
(a) citric acid synthetase (b) fumarase (c) malic dehydrogenase (d) aconitase
204) Complete oxidation of the one molecule of glucose yields
(a) 38 ATP (b) 36 ATP (c) 35 ATP (d) 2 ATP
205) Oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvic acid is catalysed by
(a) pyruvic dehydrogenase (b) pyruvic kinase (c) pyruvic mutase (d) pyruvic isomerase
206) -ketoglutaric acid is a_______carbon compound

(a) two (b) three (c) four (d) five

207) Glugose is phosphorylated to glugose -6- phosphate by
(a) aldolase (b) kinase (c) mutase (d) hexokinase
208) Respiratory quotient of glucose is
(a) zero (b) unity (c) more than one (d) less than one
209) One molecule of FADH2  on oxidation yields.
(a)  one ATP (b) two ATP (c) three ATP (d) four ATP
210) One molecule of NADH2 on oxidation  yields.
(a) one ATP (b) two ATP (c) three ATP (d) four ATP
211) Formation of ATP during electron transport chain is knows as

(a) dephosphorylation (b) phtophosphorylation
(d) substrate level phosphorylation
212) Which of the following is reffered to as EMP?
(c)   oxidative phosphorylation

(a) Glycolysis (b) krebs cycle (c) Electron transport chain

(d) pentose phosphate pathway
213) The total amount of energy released from one molecule of glucose on oxidation ia about
(a) 1600kJ (b) 2300kJ (c) 2500kJ (d) 2900kJ
214) Which of the following is a 5C compound?
(a) phosphoglyceraldehyde (b) Erythrose phosphate (c) Xylulose phosphate
(d) Sedoheptulose phosphate
215) Which one of the following plant hormones was first discovered?
(a) Auxin (b) Gibberellin (c) Cytokinin (d) Ethylene
216) An example for synthetic auxin is
(a) IAA (b) PAA (c) ABA (d) NAA
217) Apical dominance is due to
(a) ethylene (b) auxin (c) gibberellin (d) cytokinin
218) Bakanae disease in paddy is caused by
(a) abscissic acid (b) phenyl acetic acid (c) naphthelene acetic acid (d) gibberellic acid

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219) In sigmoid curve the rapid growth phase is designated as

(a) lag phase (b) log phase (c) dormant phase (d) steady state phate
220) Auxin prevents
(a) apical dominance (b) ageing process (c) parthenocarpy (d) abscission
221) "Foolish seedling" disease of rice is caused by
(a) auxin (b) gibberellins (c) cytokinin (d) abscisic acid
222) closure of stomata ia caused by
(a) auxin (b) gibbrellins (c) cytokinin (d) abscisic acid
223) The chemical used in the field  to eradicate weeds is
(a) 2, 4-D (b) IAA (c) ABA (d) urea
224) Abscission is prevented by
(a) Auxin (b) Gibberellin (c) Cytokinin (d) Ethylene
225) Which of the following is a gaseous hormone?
(a) Kinetin (b) Zeatin (c) Auxin (d) Ethylene
226) Which of the following is natural auxin found in higher plants?
(a) I.A.A. (b) 2,4-D (c) GA (d) Zeatin
227) The response of a plant  to relative lengths of ligtht and dark periods is knowns as
(a) vernalization (b) photorespiration (c) photosynthesis (d) photoperiodism

228) Photoperiodic response in flowering was first observed in
(a) Wheat (b) Maryland Mammoth (c) Oats
229) Which of the following  is a short day plant?
(d) Chrysanthemum

(a) wheat (b) tobacco (c) sunflower (d) maize

230) Which of the following is a long day plant?
(a) tobacco (b) sunflower (c) maize (d) wheat
231) Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate is cleaved to two molecules of 3 carbon compounds by
(a) aldolase (b) enolase (c) pyruvic kinase (d) hexokinase
232) Which pathogen causes the blast disease of rice?
(a) Cercospora personata (b) Pyricularia oryzae (c) Xanthomonas citri (d) Tungro virus
233) What is the collateral host plant of Pyricularia oryzae?
(a)  Oryza sativa (b) Digitaria marginata (c) Arachis hypogea (d) Citrus plant
234) Which pathogen causes Tikka disease of groundnut?
(a) Cercospora personata (b) Pyricularia oryzae (c) Xanthomonas citri (d) Tungro virus
235) Acalyphine is extracted from
(a) Acalypha indica (b) Aegle marmelos (c) Cissus quadrangularis (d) Mimosa pudica
236) Binomial of ‘vilvam’ is
(a) Acalypha indica (b) Aegle marmelos (c) Cissus quadrangularis (d) Mimosa pudica

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Munirunnisa A
P.G.Assistant in Zoology.

12th Standard

Time : 00:01:00 Hrs

Total Marks : 236

I choose the correct answer: 236 x 1 = 236

1) Intake of less amount of protein leads to the deficiency disease called
(a) Beri Beri  (b) Rickets (c) Anaemia (d) Kwashiorkar
2) Each gram of lipid is capable of yielding.
(a) 9.3 calories (b) 8.2 calories (c) 7.1 calories (d) 6 calories
3) Deficiency of vitamin D causes
(a) Nyctalopia (b) Xerophthalmia (c) Osteomalacia (d) pellagra
4) The calorie requirement for IRM at heavy work during occupational activites is

(a) 1100 calories (b) 750 calories (c) 2200 calories
5) The  normal BMI (body mass index) range for adults is
(d) 460 calories

(a) 10 - 15 (b) 12 - 24 (c) 15 -20 (d) 19 - 25

6) The normal blood glucose level during fasting is
(a) 70 to 110 mg/dl (b) 80 to 200 mg/dl (c) 100 to 150 mg/dl
(d) 200 to 250 mg/dl
7) During emulsification,the bile salts convert bigger fat particles into smaller
globules called
(a) granules (b) oil (c) chilomicrons (d) millimicrons
8) During root canal treatment, the cavity of the tooth is filled with a sealing paste
made of 
(a) chitin (b) calcium carbonate  (c) iodised salt (d) gutta-percha resin
9) The gall stones are formed of 
(a) calcium (b) growing infected tissue  (c) cholesterol
(d) sodium crystals
10) A fracture can be caused by 
(a) shock  (b) loss of blood supply (c) impact of force (d) malnutrition

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11) The granulation of tissue around the site of fracture is called

(a) nodule (b) papilla (c) rudiment (d) callus
12) An inflammation of synovial membrane is called as 
(a) infective arthiritis (b) osteoarthritis (c) rheumatic arthiritis
(d) mechanical arthiritis
13) During the contraction of muscle the ATP molecules bind with the active site of
(a) myosin filament  (b) myofibrils (c) nerve endings (d) actin filaments
14) Ca ions necessary for the contraction of muscles are released from
(a) blood (b) protoplasm (c) synovial membrane
(d) sarcoplasmic reticulum
15) What is the substance that destroys the muscle protein during rigor mortis
(a) proteolytic enzymes (b) mitochondrial enzymes (c) lysosome enzymes
(d) esterases
16) The surface area of skin in our body is 
(a) 1.1 − 2.2m
(b) 2.2 − 3.3m
(c) 1 − 2m
(d) 0.5 − 1.5m

17) An oily substance called sebum is secreted by 

(a) sweat gland (b) sebaceous gland  (c) thyroid gland  (d) tear gland

18) Albinism is an extreme degree of generalized
(a) hyperpigmentation
(d) perioral pigmentation
(b) hypopigmentation (c) failure of pigmentation 

19) Partial albinism causes

(a) leucoderma (b) vitiligo  (c) melanoma (d) dermatitis.
20) Excessive exposure to U V-rays can cause 
(a) vomitting  (b) redness of eyes (c) colour change  (d) skin cancer
21) Rag weed plant causes allergic responses and results in 
(a) photo dermatitis (b) herpetiformis dermatitis
(c) dermatitis artefacta  (d) all the above
22) The amount of urea present in blood is 
(a) 0.02gms/100ml (b) 0.06gms/100ml (c) 0.08gms/100ml
(d) 0.01gms/100ml
23) Urea biosynthesis takes place in
(a) blood  (b) liver (c) cerebro-spinal fluid (d) kidney
24) Number of ATP molecules spent to convert ammonia to urea is 
(a) four  (b) two  (c) three (d) one

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25) During glomerular filtration the malpighian body acts like a 

(a) structural unit (b) biological filter (c) biological buffer
(d) acid-base balancer
26) The amount of blood supplied to the kidneys is about 
(a) 20-25% of cardiac output  (b) 25-30% of cardiac output 
(c) 30 -35% of cardiac output  (d) 35-40% of cardiac output 
27) Net filteration force which is responsible for the filtration in glomerulus is
(a) 25 mm Hg (b) 50 mm Hg (c) 75 mm Hg (d) 80 mm Hg
28) The amount of urea reabsorbed in the urinary tubules is 
(a) 5 gm (b) 17gm (c) 21gm (d) 20gm
29) Area responsible for reabsorption of water, glucose,sodium phosphate and
bicarbonates is
(a) glomerulus (b) proximal convoluted tubules (c) collecting duct 
(d) descending limb of Henle's loop
30) The volume of water found in the glomerular filterate is 
(a) 170 lit (b) 168.5 lit (c) 165 lit (d) 162.8 lit
31) In recent days insulin resistant diabetes is commonly noticed in the age group

(a) 10 - 15 years 
(d) 20 - 25 years
(b) 40 - 50 years  (c) 35 - 40 years 

32) Which of the following is called the artificial  kidney?

(a) doner kidney  (b) dializer  (c) tissue-matched kidney 
(d) preserved kidney 
33) The type of diabetes that develops due to heavy viral infection belongs to the
category called
(a) Insulin dependent diabetes (b) non-insulin dependent diabetes
(c) inflammator diabetes (d) harmful diabetes
34) Who initially developed the vaccine for rabies in man ?
(a) Robert koch (b) Joseph Lister (c) Louis Pasteur (d) Stanley
35) Which one of the following fields paved the way for modern microbiology ?
(a) development of vaccines (b) technique of new viral strains
(c) discovery of new viral strains
(d) development of pure culture technique

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36) Which one of the following statements is incorrect regrading the structure of
viruses ?
(a) Nucleic materials are covered by a protein coat, called capsid.
(b) The capsid is made up of capsomeres
(c) some animal viruses have an additional envelope
(d) The additional envelope is made up of glycoprotein
37) Virions contain only a single copy of nucleic acid, hence they are called 
(a) incomplete viruses (b) haploid viruses (c) ploidy viruses
(d) complete viruses
38) Tumour inducing viruses are called 
(a) pathogenic viruses (b) oncogenic viruses (c) para viruses
(d) variola viruses
39) Which one of the following is a protozoan disease ?
(a) African sleeping sickness (b) measles (c) Cholera  (d) Taeniasis
40) Sexual reproduction of plasmodium takes place in 
(a) Liver cells of man (b) RBCs of man (c) plasma of man
(d) body of mosquito

41) The pathogenic form of entamoeba histolytica is
(a) encysted spores
(d) schizont
(b) vegetative trophozoite (c) merozoite

42) Which one of the following is a trematode worm ?

(a) Schistosomes  (b) Wuchereria  (c) Taenia (d) Ascaris
43) The more promising chemotherapeutic agent for treating viral diseases is 
(a) Tetracycline (b) Ampicillin (c) Interferon (d) Anthramycin
44) Which of the following can induce immunity
(a) Bacteria (b) Viruses (c) Parasites (d) All the above
45) Skin is a/an -----------------
(a) anatomical barrier (b) physiological barrier (c) phagocytic barrier
(d) inflammatory barrier
46) Which among the following is anti-bacterial ?
(a) interferon (b) lysozyme (c) hormone (d) protein
47) Which of the following is anti-viral?
(a) lysozyme (b) interferon (c) protein (d) hormone

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48) Identify the phagocytic cells from the following combinations

(a) Macrophage and neutrophil (b) Lymphocyte and eosinophil
(c) Macrophage and eosinophil (d) Eosinophil and neutrophil
49) Histamine is secreted by
(a) Epithelial cell (b) Mast cells (c) Red blood cells
(d) White blood cells
50) Humoral immunity consists of .......................
(a) normal cells (b) pathological cells (c) cytotoxic cells
(d) immunoglobulin molecules
51) Which type of graft is used in plastic surgery ?
(a) xenograft (b) allograft (c) autograft (d) isograft
52) MHC genes in mouse is located in
(a) Chromosome 1 (b) Chormosome 2 (c) Choromosome 4
(d) Chromosome 6
53) Which of the following is an auto immune disease ?
(a) AIDS (b) Multiple sclerosis  (c) Cancer  (d) Asthma
54) Which antibody characterizes the allergic reaction ?

(a) IgG (b) IgA (c) IgM
55) SCID is due to --------------
(a) Adenosine deaminase deficiency
(d) IgE

(b) Glucose oxidase deficiency

(c) phosphatase deficiency (d) Lactate dehydrogenase deficiency
56) Which of the following  causes AIDS ?
(a) Bacteria  (b) Fungus (c) Retrovirus (d) TMV
57) Thymus growth occurs up to
(a) 17 years (b) 12 years (c) 5 years (d) 30 years
58) Which of the following secretes immunoglobulin?
(a) T-lymphocyte  (b) B-lymphocyte (c) Macrophage (d) Mast cells
59) The H-chain of immunoglobulin has a molecular weight 
(a) equivalent to that of light chain (b) Twice that of light chain
(c) Triple the amount of light chain (d) Twice as that of dark chain
60) Immunoglobulins are chemically 
(a) glycogens  (b) glyco-proteins (c) glycolipids (d) Lipo-proteins

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61) Hyper variability regions are present in ------------------  

(a) heavy chain only (b) light chain only (c) heavy and light 
(d) dark chain
62) Organ transplantation from pig to human is an example for
(a) Autograft (b) Allograft (c) ISOgraft (d) Xenograft
63) Graft between identical twins is called -------------------
(a) Xenograft (b) Allograft (c) Auto graft  (d) Iso graft
64) In which prokaryote has voluminous genetical works been made
(a) TMV virus (b) Phage (c) Escherichia coli (d) coliform bacteria
65) Who discovered the double helix DNA model ?
(a) H.G. Khorana (b) Mendel (c) T.H.Morgan (d) Watson and Crick
66) About how many hereditary diseases in human beings had been identified ?
(a) more than 300 (b) less than 300 (c) about 400 (d) about 100
67) Which of the following methods help in obtaining of information about genetic
characters in man ?
(a) Biochemical test (b) Hybridization (c) Pedigree analysis
(d) Inbreeding

68) Sickle cell anaemia is due to
(a) autosomal gene
(d) hormone imbalance
(b) sex chromosmal gene (c) vitamin deficiency

69) Albinism is due to

(a) absence of melanin (b) absence of vitamins (c) presence of melanin
(d) absence of hormone
70) Name the human disease due to autosomal dominant gene
(a) sickle cell anaemia (b) thalasemia (c) SCID (d) huntington's chorea
71) Idiogram means
(a) Diagrammatic representation of genes
(b) Diagrammatic representation of  chromosome
(c) Graph showing heart defect (d) electro cardiogram
72) In human choromosome karyotyping the choromosomes 4 and 5 belong to group
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D
73) What is the name for mobile genetic elements?
(a) plasmids (b) pili (c) barr body (d) transposons

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74) What is the rate of growth of human population?

(a) 10 billion per year (b) 90 billion per year (c) 1 billion per year
(d) 80 billion per year
75) The present sudden acceleration of population is called as ...............
(a) population explosion (b) population bomb (c) population trap
(d) all the above
76) Global  warming is caused due to ............
(a) lack of rainfall (b) presence of a hole in ozone layer
(c) human activities against nature (d) extinction of animals and plants
77) The most abundant green house gas is ............. 
(a) N O2 (b) C O2 (c) O3 (d) SO2

78) which of the following gas destroys ozone layer faster?

(a) chloroflurocarbons (b) hydrochloroflurocarbons (c)  both (a) and (b)
(d) sulphur dioxide
79) Which is a better method to dispose large amount of water carrying relatively
small amounts of chemical wastes?
(a) land filling method (b) Deep-well injection (c) surface impoundments

(d) incineration
80) Which one  of the following organisms plays a vital role in pollination of trees in
tropical forest?
(a) mimic moths (b) orchid bees (c) Rhinocerous beetles
(d) Humming birds
81) Which is commonly considered as a Biologist's paradise? (or) Which of the
following is a marine biosphere reserve?
(a) Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve (b) Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve
(c) Nanda Devi (d) Great Nicobar
82) The amount of energy  the earth receives from the sun per year is
(a) 1000 K calories (b) 10 X 1030 K calories (c) 5 X 1020 K calories
(d) 15 X 1025 K calories
83) Which is considered as a future source of power , that can meet our future
unlimited demand?
(a) Hydel power (b) Hydrogen (c) Thermal power (d) Solar power
84) Of the total amount of water, how much is available as fresh water?
(a) 10% (b) 3% (c) 15% (d) 50%

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85) Which of the following countries depend on desalinisation process for getting
fresh water?
(a) Dubai (b) Oman (c) Bahrain (d) all the above
86) The breeds of cattle now available in India are ...................
(a) 29 (b) 30 (c) 26 (d) 20
87) which one of the following is not a draught breed?
(a) Kangayam (b) Khillar (c) Kankrej (d) Hallikar
88) The other name for  the cattle 'Sindhi' is.....................
(a) Kongu (b) Nellore (c) Red Karachi (d) Deccan
89) Kangayam originated from
(a) punjab (b) coimbatore (c) karnataka (d) kathiawar
90) Which of the following is not an exotic breed?
(a) jersey (b) Gir (c) Brown swiss (d) Ayreshire
91) which one of the following is a contagious disease of the cattle?
(a) constipation (b) Milk fever  (c) Cow pox (d) Diabetes
92) Feeding jaggery along with limewater is one of the first aid measure for
(a) diarrhoea (b) constipation (c) milk-fever (d) anthrax

93) Mating of closely related animals is  called
(a) out breeding
(d) Inbreeding
(b) Artificial insemination (c) Cross breeding

94) The milk which the following cow is characterised by high carotene content?

(a) sindhi (b) haryana (c) Gir (d) Jersy
95) For anthrax of the following symptom can be seen
(a) Swelling of udder (b) Blood discharge from natural openings
(c) Loss of appetite (d) Lack of chewing
96) The book 'Philosophie Zoologique' was published by _________
(a) Charles Darwin (b) August Weismann (c) Mc Dougall
(d) Jean Baptiste de Lamarck
97) The German scientist who segregated germplasm from somatoplasm for the
first time was ________
(a) Lamarck (b) Malthus (c) Weismann (d) Hugo de vries

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98) Mc Dougall supported neo-Lamarckism and proved the concept of ----------------

(a) Direct action of environment on organism
(b) Learning is an acquired character
(c) Speed of learning increased from generation to generation
(d) All the above
99) Through which of the following concepts did Darwin explain his theory of
(a) arrival of the fittest (b) survival of the fittest
(c) The differentiation of somatoplasm and germplasm
(d) genetic recombinations
100) The book "Process of Organic Evolution" to support modern synthetic theory
of evolution was written by ________
(a) Dobzhansky (b) G.L. Stebbins (c) Hardy-Weinberg
(d) Hugo de Vries
101) The factor that enriches the genepool with new modified genes is
(a) mutation (b) somatic variation (c) decrease in chromosomes

(d) increases in cytoplasm
102) Artificial system of classification of plants was proposed by a
(a) British botanist (b) Swedish botanist (c) German botanist
(d) Indian botanist
103) Which of the following Classification is a sexual system of calssification ?
(a) Artificial system (b) Natural System (c) Phylogenetic system
(d) Natural selection
104) The botanist who introduced binominal system is
(a) Carolus Linnaeus (b) Gaspard Bauhin (c) sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
(d) Adolf Engler
105) Genera Plantarum of Bentham and Hooker was Published in
(a)  a single volume (b) two volumes (c) three Volumes (d) four Volumes
106) In Bentham and Hooker classification of plants, the present day 'orders' were
referred  to by them as
(a) Series (b) Cohorts (c) orders (d) families
107) Plants having flowers with free petals are placed under..................
(a) Monochlamydeae (b) Monocotyledons (c) Gamopetalae
(d) Polypetalae

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108) Inferae includes

(a) 6 Orders and 34 families (b) 4 Order and 23 familes
(c) 3 Ordrs and 9 familes (d) 5 orders and 27 families
109) How many families were described by Bentham and Hooker in their
(a) 204 (b) 212 (c) 202 (d) 222
110) In  Bentham and Hooker's classification of plants, the present by " families"
were referred to by them as
(a) families (b) Cohorts (c) Orders (d) series
111) Thalamiflorae includes
(a) 4 Orders and 23 families (b) 6 Orders and 34 families
(c) 5 Orders and 27 families (d) 3 Order and 12 families
112) Which one of the following series includes the epigynous flowers?
(a) Thalamiflorae (b) Disciflorae (c) Inferae (d) Heteromerae
113) The family included under the series Unisexuales is
(a) Solanaceae (b) Euphorbiaceae (c) Malvaceae (d) Musaceae
114) Solanaceae is placed under

(a) Malvales (b) Polemoniales (c) Unisexuales (d) Ranales
115) In which of the following plants the midrib and veins are found with yellowish
(a) Solanum melongena (b) Datura metal (c) Solanum xanthocarpum
(d) Petunia hybrida
116) The Carpels are Obliquely placed in the members of
(a) Malvaceae (b) Solanaceae (c) Euphorbiaceae (d) Musaceae
117) Euphorbiaceae includes about
(a) 82 genera (b) 90 genera (c) 300 genera (d) 254 genera
118) Ricinus communis is a
(a) herb (b) shrub (c) tree (d) cladode
119) An example of cladode is
(a) Phyllanthus emblica (b) Ricinus communis (c) Jatropha curcas
(d) Euphorbia tirucalli
120) In Hevea brasiliensis, the leaves are
(a) simple (b) trifoliately compound (c) sessile (d) Palmately lobed

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121) "The bird of paradise flower" refers to

(a) Musa paradisiaca (b) Strelitzia reginae (c) Ravenala madagascariensis
(d) Heliconia sp
122) The phyllotaxy in Musa is
(a) alternate (b) opposite (c) distichous (d) spiral
123) The number of fertile stamens in Ravenala madagascariensis,is
(a) three (b) four (c) five (d) six
124) Thespesia populnea belongs to
(a) Solanaceae (b) Euphorbiaceae (c) Malvaceae (d) Musaceae
125) Malvaceae is placed in the series
(a) Thalamiflorae (b) Inferae (c) Heteromerae (d) Disciflorae
126) Anthers are monothecous in
(a) Solanaceae (b) Euphorbiaceae (c) Malvaceae (d) Musaceae
127) In Abelmoschus  esculentus, the fruit is
(a) drupe (b) schizocarp (c) regma (d) loculicidal capsule
128) Binomial of lady's finger is
(a) Hibiscus cannabinus (b) Thespesia populnea (c) Gossypium barbadense

(d) Abelmoschus esculentus
129) The type of inflorescence in Ravenala madagascariensis 
(a) compound cyme (b) branched spadix (c) simple raceme
(d) compound raceme
130) The change from meristematic tissue to permanent tissue is called 
(a) differentiation. (b) self perpetuating. (c) photosynthesis.
(d) cell division
131) The type of tissue presents in the petioles of banana and canna, is 
(a) stellate parenchyma (b) prosenchyma (c) aerenchyma
(d) chlorenchyma
132) The tissue generally present in all organs of plant is (or)------------------- is
found in all organs of the plant.
(a) parenchyma (b) chlorenchyma (c) collenchyma (d) sclerenchyma
133) The lamellar collenchyma is seen in the hypodermis of 
(a) Datura (b) Helianthus (c) Ipomoea (d) Nicotiana
134) The root hairs are produced from 
(a) rhizodermis (b) trichomes (c) accessory cells (d) trichoblasts

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135) The osteosclereids are seen in 

(a) seed coad of crotalaria (b) see coat of pisum (c) plup of pyrus
(d) petioles of banana
136) Bicollateral vascular bundles are seen in the members of 
(a) Malvaceae (b) Musaceae (c) Solanaceae (d) Cucurbitaceae
137) The root hairs originate from,
(a) trichoblasts (b) endodermis (c) hypodermis  (d) pericycle
138) The casparian strips are found in the endodermis of 
(a) dicot stem (b) dicot root (c) monocot stem (d) dicot leaf
139) The passage cells are found in endodermis of 
(a) dicot stem (b) monocot stem (c) dicot root (d) dicot leaf
140) The polyarch condition is found in 
(a) monocot leaf  (b) dicot leaf (c) dicot stem (d) monocot root
141) The inner most layer of the cortex is 
(a) epidermis  (b) hypodermis (c) endodermis (d) pericycle
142) The vascular bundle with protoxylem facing centre of the stem is 
(a) exarch (b) endarch (c) tetrarch (d) polyarch

143) When the xylem and the phloem lie in the same radius, the vascular bundle is
(a) conjoint  (b) radial (c) open (d) closed
144) The vascular bundles are skull shaped in 
(a) dicot root (b) monocot root (c) dicot stem (d) monocot stem
145) The protoxylem lacuna is present in the vascular bundles of 
(a) dicot root (b) monocot root (c) dicot stem (d) monocot stem
146) Isobilateral leaf is present in
(a) grass (b) cucurbita (c) sunflower (d) bean
147) The vascular bundle in the leaf is 
(a) collateral and open (b) collateral and closed (c) bicollateral and open
(d) collateral and exarch
148) The term chromosome was introduced by
(a) Bridges (b) Waldeyer (c) Balbiani (d) Flemming
149) Who had first proved that the genes are carried by the chromosome?
(a) Bridges (b) Waldeyer (c) Balbiani (d) Flemming

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150) The coupling test cross ratio is

(a) 1:7:7:1 (b) 7:1:1:7 (c) 1:1:1:1 (d) 9:3:3:1
151) Recombination of chromosome takes place in _________________ stage of
prophase I of meiosis.
(a) leptotene (b) zygotene (c) pachytene (d) diplotene
152) Hugo de Vries first used the term mutation based on his observation on
(a) Sorghum (b) Neurospora (c) Oenothera lamarckiana (d) Cicer gigas
153) Biochemical mutants of ____________ failed to synthesize certain amino
(a) Sorghum (b) Neurospora (c) Cicer arietinum (d) Cicer gigas
154) The Gametes of Drosophila melanogaster carry
(a) three chromosomes (b) four chromosomes (c) seven chromosomes
(d) eight chromosomes
155) Nullisomy is represented by
(a) 2n - 1 (b) 2n +1 (c) 2n + 2 (d) 2n - 2
156) RNA is universally present in all organisms except in _______________.
(a) TMV (b) bacteria (c) algae (d) DNA viruses

157) mRNA is about _______________ of the RNA content of the cell
(a) 10 - 20% (b) 5 - 10 % (c) 3 - 5 % (d) 20 - 30%
158) In bacterial cell, there are more than _________ tRNAs  
(a) 200 (b) 70 (c) 300 (d) 400
159) Double helix DNA model was proposed by _____________
(a) Waston and Crick (b) O.T.Avery et al (c) Griffith (d) Stinberg
160) The width Of DNA molecule is
(a) 18 Å (b) 20Å (c) 34 Å (d) 35 Å
161) Restriction enzymes are synthesized by
(a) bacteria only (b) yeast and bacteria only (c) eukaryotic cells only
(d) all kinds of cells
162) Each restriction enzyme cleaves a molecule only at
(a) the ends of genes (b) methyl groups (c) nucleotide sequence
(d) the time of DNA replication
163) One of the following process is employed to introduce a foreign gene into a cell
(a) electrolysis (b) electroporation (c) plasmid (d) ligation

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164) The number of transgenic plants available to-day are approximately

(a) six (b) two (c) twelve (d) fifty
165) A toxic protein called delta endotoxin is insecticidal and it is produced by
(a) Escherichia coli (b) Streptomyces griseus (c) Bacillus thuringiensis
(d) Bacillus lactii
166) Pseudomonas putida is a engineered bacterium that can
(a) produce a hormone (b) produce a antibiotic (c) digest crude oil slick
(d) pollute the soil
167) The inherent potential of any living plant cell to develop into entire organism is
(a) differentiation (b) organogenesis (c) morphogenesis (d) totipotency
168) The function of cytokinin is to increase
(a) cell elongation (b) fruit initiation (c) cell division (d) differentiation
169) By the application of tissue culture, one important product is formed
(a) artificial synthetic seeds (b) many seeded fruit
(c) triploid endosperm (d) induction of flowers
170) The two protoplasts are fused with a fusogen called

(a) polyethylene glycol (PEG)
(c) Polyethane glycol (PEG)
(b) Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
(d) Phosphoric ethane
171) Somatic hybrids are produced through
(a) asexual fusion (b) protoplasmic fusion (c) vegetative propagation
(d) grafting
172) One of the following organism is a SCP
(a) Nostoc (b) Rhizobium (c) Mushroom (d) Spirulina
173) Enriched vitamin tablets are produced from the following organism for human
(a) Nostoc (b) yeast (c) Mushroom (d) Spirulina
174) Photosynthesis takes place in
(a) mitochondria (b) peroxisomes (c) chloroplasts (d) ribosomes
175) During cyclic electron transport,which one of the following is produced
(a) NADPH2 only (b) ATP only (c) NADH2 only
(d) both ATP and NADPH2
176) Which one of the following  is a five carbon compound?
(a) fructose (b) erythrose (c) ribose (d) DHAP

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177) which one of the following is a C4 plant?

(a) rice (b) wheat (c) sugarcane (d) potato
178) The essential component for the formation of chlorophyll
(a) Mg (b) Fe (c) Cl (d) Mn
179) The pigment which is highly efficient in absorbing solar energy is
(a) phycobilins (b) chlorophyll (c) carotinoids (d) xanthophyll
180) Which of the following bacterium oxidizes ammonia to nitrate
(a) Nitrosomonas (b) Rhizobium (c) Closteridium (d) E.coli
181) Which of the following is a total  parasite
(a) Cuscuta (b) Viscum (c) Drosera (d) Monotropa
182) Which of the following wavelengths of light is most effective for
(a) 100nm to 200nm (b) 200nm to 300nm (c) 400nm to 700nm
(d) 700nm to 900nm
183) Dark respiration is the function  of
(a) peroxisomes (b) mitochondria (c) chloroplast (d) ribosomes
184) The gas evolved during photosynthesis is

(a) carbondioxide (b) nitrogen
185) Dark reaction is also known as
(a) krebs cycle (b) Calvin cycle
(c) hydrogen (d) oxygen

(c) pentosephosphate pathway

(d) photorespiration
186) C4 pathway is otherwise known as
(a) EMP pathway (b) Hatch slack pathway (c) photorespiration
(d) electron transport chain
187) Photorespiration is otherwise called as
(a) C2 cycle (b) C3 cycle (c) C4 cycle (d) C5 cycle
188) An example for insectivorous plant is
(a) Drosera (b) Viscum (c) Monotropa (d) vanda
189) Which of the following is regarded as primary pigment?
(a) carotenoid (b) Xanthophyll (c) Chlorophyll  'a' (d) Chlorophyll  'b'
190) The dark  reactions of photosynthesis were discovered by
(a) Embden and Meyer (b) Melvin Calvin (c) Krebs (d) Parnas
191) Which of the following is a 5C compound ?
(a) Glucose (b) Fructose (c) phosphoglyceric acid (d) RuBP

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192) In C3 plants light reactions and dark reactions occur in

(a) bundle sheath cells (b) mesophyll cells (c) epidermal cells
(d) vascular cells
193) In C3 pathway acceptor molecule of  C O2 is
(a)  phosphoenol pyruvate (b) RuBP (c) PGA (d) DHAP
194) Which of the following is not a C4 plant?
(a) Maize (b) Tribulus (c) Amaranthus (d) Wheat
195) Vanda plant is a/an
(a) total parasite (b) partial parasite (c) epiphyte (d) saprophyte
196) The reducing power produced in the light reaction is
(a) NADP+ (b) ATP (c) ADP (d) NADPH2
197) Which of the following is not accessory pigments?
(a) phycobilins (b) chlorophylls (c) Carotenoids (d) Xanthophylls
198) The photosynthetic pigments are located in
(a) Cristae (b) Cisternae (c) thylakoid (d) stroma
199) Which of the following is the common respiratory substrate?
(a) proteins (b) Lipids (c) carbohydrates (d) vitamins

200) The number of high energy terminal bonds present in ATP  is
(a) one (b) two (c) three (d) four
201) The first step in aerobic respiration is
(a) glycolysis (b) krebs cycle (c) terminal oxidation
(d) cyclic photophosphorylation
202) Glucose is phosphorylated to glucose -6- phosphate by the enzyme
(a) aldolase (b) enolase (c) pyruvic kinase (d) hexokinase
203) Cisaconitic acid is coverted into isocitric acid by the addition of a molecule of
water. This reaction is catalyzed by
(a) citric acid synthetase (b) fumarase (c) malic dehydrogenase
(d) aconitase
204) Complete oxidation of the one molecule of glucose yields
(a) 38 ATP (b) 36 ATP (c) 35 ATP (d) 2 ATP
205) Oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvic acid is catalysed by
(a) pyruvic dehydrogenase (b) pyruvic kinase (c) pyruvic mutase
(d) pyruvic isomerase

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206) α-ketoglutaric acid is a_______carbon compound

(a) two (b) three (c) four (d) five
207) Glugose is phosphorylated to glugose -6- phosphate by
(a) aldolase (b) kinase (c) mutase (d) hexokinase
208) Respiratory quotient of glucose is
(a) zero (b) unity (c) more than one (d) less than one
209) One molecule of FADH2  on oxidation yields.
(a)  one ATP (b) two ATP (c) three ATP (d) four ATP
210) One molecule of NADH2 on oxidation  yields.
(a) one ATP (b) two ATP (c) three ATP (d) four ATP
211) Formation of ATP during electron transport chain is knows as
(a) dephosphorylation (b) phtophosphorylation
(c)   oxidative phosphorylation (d) substrate level phosphorylation
212) Which of the following is reffered to as EMP?
(a) Glycolysis (b) krebs cycle (c) Electron transport chain
(d) pentose phosphate pathway
213) The total amount of energy released from one molecule of glucose on oxidation

ia about
(a) 1600kJ (b) 2300kJ (c) 2500kJ
214) Which of the following is a 5C compound?
(d) 2900kJ

(a) phosphoglyceraldehyde (b) Erythrose phosphate

(c) Xylulose phosphate (d) Sedoheptulose phosphate
215) Which one of the following plant hormones was first discovered?
(a) Auxin (b) Gibberellin (c) Cytokinin (d) Ethylene
216) An example for synthetic auxin is
(a) IAA (b) PAA (c) ABA (d) NAA
217) Apical dominance is due to
(a) ethylene (b) auxin (c) gibberellin (d) cytokinin
218) Bakanae disease in paddy is caused by
(a) abscissic acid (b) phenyl acetic acid (c) naphthelene acetic acid
(d) gibberellic acid
219) In sigmoid curve the rapid growth phase is designated as
(a) lag phase (b) log phase (c) dormant phase (d) steady state phate

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220) Auxin prevents

(a) apical dominance (b) ageing process (c) parthenocarpy (d) abscission
221) "Foolish seedling" disease of rice is caused by
(a) auxin (b) gibberellins (c) cytokinin (d) abscisic acid
222) closure of stomata ia caused by
(a) auxin (b) gibbrellins (c) cytokinin (d) abscisic acid
223) The chemical used in the field  to eradicate weeds is
(a) 2, 4-D (b) IAA (c) ABA (d) urea
224) Abscission is prevented by
(a) Auxin (b) Gibberellin (c) Cytokinin (d) Ethylene
225) Which of the following is a gaseous hormone?
(a) Kinetin (b) Zeatin (c) Auxin (d) Ethylene
226) Which of the following is natural auxin found in higher plants?
(a) I.A.A. (b) 2,4-D (c) GA (d) Zeatin
227) The response of a plant  to relative lengths of ligtht and dark periods is
knowns as
(a) vernalization (b) photorespiration (c) photosynthesis

(d) photoperiodism
228) Photoperiodic response in flowering was first observed in
(a) Wheat (b) Maryland Mammoth (c) Oats (d) Chrysanthemum
229) Which of the following  is a short day plant?
(a) wheat (b) tobacco (c) sunflower (d) maize
230) Which of the following is a long day plant?
(a) tobacco (b) sunflower (c) maize (d) wheat
231) Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate is cleaved to two molecules of 3 carbon compounds
(a) aldolase (b) enolase (c) pyruvic kinase (d) hexokinase
232) Which pathogen causes the blast disease of rice?
(a) Cercospora personata (b) Pyricularia oryzae (c) Xanthomonas citri
(d) Tungro virus
233) What is the collateral host plant of Pyricularia oryzae?
(a)  Oryza sativa (b) Digitaria marginata (c) Arachis hypogea
(d) Citrus plant

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234) Which pathogen causes Tikka disease of groundnut?

(a) Cercospora personata (b) Pyricularia oryzae (c) Xanthomonas citri
(d) Tungro virus
235) Acalyphine is extracted from
(a) Acalypha indica (b) Aegle marmelos (c) Cissus quadrangularis
(d) Mimosa pudica
236) Binomial of ‘vilvam’ is
(a) Acalypha indica (b) Aegle marmelos (c) Cissus quadrangularis
(d) Mimosa pudica



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