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Nama kelompok :

1. Aulia Nur Hibah (1711009) (Nurse 1)

2. Danial. F (1711016) (Dr. spesialis gigi/ Dr.g)
3. Dwi Andriani (1712019) (Nurse 2)
4. Eli Ernawati (1711021) (Nurse klinik)
5. Kaetrin Deschrismasti R (1711030) (patient)

Nurse conversations with patients

- Nurse 1 : Hello! Good morning

- Patient : Good morning, too.
- Nurse 1 : How are you?
- Patient : Fine
- Nurse 1 : I’d like to introduce myself. I’m nurse Aulia. I’ll take care of you today.
- Patient : a pleasure to meet you
- Nurse 1 : It’s my pleasure to introduce nurse Dwi. I’d like to introduce you to nurse
Dwi. This is Kaetrin
- Nurse 2 : Hello. nice to meet you, Kaetrin.
- Patient : Nice to meet you too nurse Dwi.
- Nurse 1 : Let me go back to the nurse station first. If something happens, please press
the bell button.
- Patient : yes nurse, thank you

(After a few hours, Kaetrin pressed the bell button and a nurse came over Kaetrin’s room.)

- Nurse 2 : What makes you call me ?

- Patient : I have a toothace
- Nurse 2 : How long have you experienced this?
- Patient : Since one hour ago
- Nurse 2 : You have an inflammation in your gum. How long have you had this
- Patient : 6 months ago
- Nurse 2 : I will first report the doctor about your toothache. Later, a dental specialist
will examine your tooth.
- Patient : oke nurse, thank you.

(after a few hours, the dental specialist come to see patient)

- Doctor : Hello! Good morning.

- Patient : Good morning too doctor.
- Doctor : What is your complaint? Is your tooth still painful?
- Patient : Yes doctor.
- Doctor : I will check it first
- Patient : Yes doctor
- Doctor : Your tooth has cavities. That’s the cause of pain in your tooth. I wiil give
medicine, if you are stiil sick, you can control to the dental clinic next week.
- Patient : Okey doctor thank you.

(after one week, kaetrin tooth remained sore and swollen then he went to the dental clinic)

- Nurse clinic : Good morning, can help you?

- Patient : Good morning too. My tooth is still sore and swollen, I want to see
- Nurse clinic : Please enter the doctor’s office
- Doctor : Hello Ms. Kaetrin, is it true that your tooth is still sore and swollen?
- Patient : Yes doctor
- Doctor : Currently your tooth has civites and must be removed so that they do
not brcoce infected
- Patient : Okay doctor, I want to have the best.

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