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Skinner - Behavioral Analytic Theory / Radical Behaviorism

ASSUMPTIONS 1. Variables and forces in the environment that shape overt behavior
2. Conditioning shapes human behavior.
CONCEPTS E. Thorndike’s Law and Effect According to B.F. Skinner, a Essential Factors in Operant
-- responses followed by a stimulus-response theory of Conditioning (ABC)
satisfier tend to be learned psychology can account for
-- when a behavior or all of the overt behavior that a. Antecedent/Environment
performance is accompanied psychologists seek to explain. -- environment in which
by satisfaction, it tends to the behavior takes place
be firmly established or Overt behavior can be
increased completely comprehended b. Behavior/Response
in terms of responses to
J. Watson’s Behaviorism factors in the environment. c. Consequence
-- psychology must deal with The effort to understand or -- what follows the
the control and prediction of explain behavior in terms of behavior
behavior and that behavior internal structures such as -- rewarding the behavior
is the basic data of scientific a personality or an ego is to
psychology speak about “fictions” because Types of Behavior
such structures cannot be
Philosophy Science directly observed. a. Respondent Behavior
-- reflexes or automatic
-- psychologists should be Kinds of Conditioning responses that are
concerned about the evoked or elicited by
conditions under which a. Classical stimuli
human behavior occurs in -- a conditioned -- may be conditioned
order to predict and control stimulus is paired or changed through
human behavior with an unconditioned learning
-- psychologists should not stimulus until it is
attribute inner motivations to capable of bringing b. Operant Behavior
human behavior about a previously -- responses emitted
-- scientific behaviorism unconditioned response without a stimulus
interprets the behavior, but necessarily being
does not explain the cause of b. Operant present
a behavior -- reinforcement is used to -- occur spontaneously
increase the probability -- their subsequent
Characteristics of Science that a given behavior frequency are
will recur determined by its
-- its findings are cumulative consequences
-- it rests on an attitude that Skinner believed that operant
values empirical observation conditioning is of far greater Shaping
-- it searches for order and significance than simple -- the deliberate process of
reliable relationships classical conditioning molding behavior in order to
1 I PSYC 211 – Advanced Personality Psychology I Welison Evenston G. Ty
B.F. Skinner - Behavioral Analytic Theory / Radical Behaviorism
CONCEPTS achieve the desired behavior is followed by the consequences or human
-- the reinforcement of termination of an imposition
successive approximations of unpleasant situation
the target behavior increasing the likelihood Conditioned Reinforcer
-- example: when a child learns of that behavior in -- stimuli that are not by nature
to speak its native language similar situations satisfying (i.e. money), but
that can become so when
Operant discrimination b. Positive Reinforcement they are associated with a
-- the ability to tell the -- occurs when a behavior primary reinforcer (i.e. food)
difference between stimuli is followed by a
that are and are not situation that increases Generalized Reinforcer
reinforced the likelihood of that -- a conditioned reinforcer that
-- refers to the various behavior occurring in has become associated with
responses of different the future several primary reinforcers
organisms to the same
environmental contingencies Generalized conditioned Schedule of Reinforcement
-- results from different reinforcers
histories of reinforcement -- learned and have the power a. Continuous Reinforcement
to reinforce a great number -- the desired behavior is
Stimulus Generalization of different behavior reinforced each time that
-- the application of a response -- example: praise and affection it occurs
learned in one situation to a -- extremely effective in
different but similar situation Punishment initially developing and
-- happens when people -- any event that decreases strengthening a behavior
respond similarly to different a behavior either by
environmental stimuli presenting an aversive b. Interval Reinforcement
stimulus or by removing a -- the desired behavior
Reinforcement positive one is reinforced after a
-- anything within the -- occurs when a behavior is certain time period has
environment that strengthens followed by an unpleasant elapsed, regardless of the
a behavior situation designed to response rate
-- anything that increases the eliminate it -- may occur on a fixed or
likelihood of a response -- example: imprisonment, variable basis
-- may be positive or negative suspension i. fixed-interval
-- the organism is
a. Negative Reinforcement Punishment and reinforcement reinforced for the first
-- occurs when a behavior can result from either natural response following a
designated period of
Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning time
ii. variable-interval
Cause of behavior stimulus “free will” -- the organism is
Nature of reinforcement precedes reinforcement follows the reinforced after the
lapse of various
reinforcement behavior behavior periods of time
2 I PSYC 211 – Advanced Personality Psychology I Welison Evenston G. Ty
B.F. Skinner - Behavioral Analytic Theory / Radical Behaviorism
CONCEPTS c. Ratio Reinforcement the probability of certain
-- the rate of reinforcement b. Operant Extinction behavior emotions
is determined by the -- elimination or weakening »» can be accounted for
number of appropriate response in an operant by the contingencies
responses that the conditional model of survival and
organism emits reinforcement
i. fixed-ratio Forces that shape human ii. purpose and intention
-- the number of behavior »» felt sensations and exist
responses required within the skin
prior to reinforcement a. Natural selection
is stable and -- human behavior is shaped While human behavior
unchanging by the contingencies of is subject to the same
ii. variable-ratio survival (behavior that principles of operant
-- the number of was beneficial to the conditioning it is much more
appropriate operant human species tended to complex and difficult to
behavior must occur survive while those that predict or control
prior to reinforcement did not tended to drop
changes from time to out) Complex Behavior
-- most effective in b. Evolution of cultures a. High Mental Processes
maintaining behavior -- societies that evolved -- thinking, problem solving
-- responses maintained certain cultural practices and reminiscing are
under these conditions (i.e. tool making and covert behavior that take
are highly resistant language) tended to place within the skin
to extinction and less survive
likely to disappear -- societies whose members b. Creativity
-- example: gambling behave in a cooperative -- result of random or
manner tended to survive accidental behavior that
Extinction happen to be rewarded
-- the gradual weakening of c. Individual’s history of
a conditioned response reinforcement Most of human behavior is
that results in the behavior -- refers to an individual’s unconscious (or automatic).
decreasing or disappearing exposure to various Not thinking about certain
-- the tendency of a previously schedules of experiences is reinforcing.
acquired response to reinforcement
become progressively Unconscious Behavior
weakened upon non- d. Inner states - nearly all our behavior is
reinforcement -- refers to an individual’s unconsciously motivated.
drives and awareness but In a more limited sense,
a. Classical Extinction do not cause behavior behavior labelled unconscious
-- elimination or weakening i. drives when people no longer
response in a classical »» effects of deprivation think about it because it has
conditional model and satiation related to been suppressed through
3 I PSYC 211 – Advanced Personality Psychology I Welison Evenston G. Ty
B.F. Skinner - Behavioral Analytic Theory / Radical Behaviorism
CONCEPTS Punishment Reinforcement
discourages bad behavior encourages good behavior
causes behavior to happen less frequently causes behavior to happen frequently
have positive and negative forms
are means of controlling behavior

punishment negative reinforcement as d. Arranging the environment

well as punishment to allow the escape from
Dreams b. Describing contingencies aversive stimuli
-- covert and symbolic forms -- using language to e. drugs
of behavior that are subject inform people of the f. doing something else to
to the same contingencies of consequence of their avoid behaving undesirably
reinforcement as any other behavior
behavior -- exampe: advertisements In Skinner’s view (1984),
-- reinforced when repressed c. Deprivation and satiation operant conditioning is to
sexual or aggressive stimuli -- techniques that increase the origin of behavior what
are allowed expression the likelihood that people natural selection is to the
will behave in a certain origin of species in Darwin’s
Social Behavior way theory.
-- “...groups do not behave; only -- example: food
individuals do. Individuals d. Physical restraint “survival is the only value
establish groups because -- includes jailing of according to which a culture
they have been rewarded for criminals is eventually to be judged”
doing so.” -- example: lawbreakers in
prison After birth, environmental
Methods of Social Control conditioning shapes each
Skinner denied the existence one of us in this life.
All of a person’s behavior is of free will.
controlled by the environment.
Societies exercise control Techniques to manipulate
over their members through variables in one’s environment
laws of a nation, rules of an to exercise some self-control
organization and customs of a
culture that transcend any one a. Physical restraint
person’s means of counter- b. Physical aids (tools,
control machines, financial
a. Operant conditioning c. Changing environmental
-- includes positive and stimuli
4 I PSYC 211 – Advanced Personality Psychology I Welison Evenston G. Ty
B.F. Skinner - Behavioral Analytic Theory / Radical Behaviorism
ABNORMAL Possible outcomes of social »» passively resisting it: »» excessively restrained
and self-control most likely to be used behavior
DEVELOPMENT where escape and »» blocking out reality
a. Counteracting Strategies revolt have failed »» defective self-
-- people can counteract knowledge
excessive social control by b. Inappropriate Behavior »» self-punishment
»» escaping from it: -- follows from self-
withdrawing from defeating techniques
the controlling agent of counteracting
either physically or social control or from
psychologically unsuccessful attempts at
»» revolting against it: self-control
counter attacking the -- examples:
controlling agent »» vigorous behavior

PSYCHOTHERAPY Although Skinner himself

criticized psychotherapy
as an obstacle to human
behavior, behavior therapists
apply behavior modification
techniques and point out the
positive consequences of some
behavior and the averse effect
of others.

RELATED a. How operant conditioning (Pickering and Gray) behavioral activation

RESEARCH affects personality -- For highly anxious people, had greater activation to
-- when given a choice, impulsivity acts as a pictures of rewarding food
smokers would choose buffer to responsiveness in five specific areas of
a cigarette rather than to negative stimuli; people the brain (Beaver et al.)
money (Tide et al.) vary in their responses to
reinforcers depending on d. Psychological behaviorism
b. How personality affects their personality (Corr) (Staats): personality
conditioning characteristics, traits,
-- impulsivity, anxiety and c. Reinforcement and the temperaments, abilities,
introversion/extraversion brain interests, and attitudes
relate to ways people -- People biologically are due to a long-term,
respond to environmental respond to rewards complex, continuous
reinforcers; Reinforcement differently: people process of learning
Sensitivity Theory who scored higher on

5 I PSYC 211 – Advanced Personality Psychology I Welison Evenston G. Ty

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