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Of Mystics and Mistakes



mistakes,” says Sadhguru, leaving readers in no doubt of
the category to which they belong!
That sounds damning. But mistakes can thankfully be
rectified. And that’s the hope this book holds out to
seekers. It reminds us that each one of us can make the
journey—from confusion to clarity, from error to
enlightenment, from self-deception to self-discovery—if
only we choose.

Sadhguru is the founder of Isha Foundation. A contemporary

guru, rooted as strongly in mundane and pragmatic matters
as he is in inner experience and wisdom, Sadhguru works
tirelessly towards the physical, mental, and spiritual well-
being of all. His life and work serve as a reminder that yoga is
not an esoteric discipline from an outdated past, but a
contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times.

J-2164 Forthcoming
ISBN 978-81-8495-308-4
14 cm x 21.6 cm


Midnights with the Mystic

J-2060 ` 250 240p ISBN 978-81-8495-166-0

Don’t Polish Your Ignorance ...It May Shine

J-2087 ` 250 216p ISBN 978-81-8495-200-1

The Mystic Eye

J-1816 ` 275 272p ISBN 978-81-7992-883-7
Also available in Hindi

Himalayan Lust
J-1994 ` 195 228p ISBN 978-81-8495-076-2

Essential Wisdom from a Spiritual Master

J-1815 ` 275 344p ISBN 978-81-7992-882-0
Also available in Hindi

Pebbles of Wisdom
J-1885 ` 150 136p ISBN 978-81-7992-952-0

Joy 24x7

J-1847 ` 150 148p ISBN 978-81-7992-914-8

World Rights Available on all titles

When God Steps In
Miracles Happen
Neale Donald Walsch

MIRACLES HAPPEN EVERY DAY. From every corner of the

world and from all walks of life, readers of Conversations
with God have written to Neale Donald Walsch about their
own experiences of God’s presence in their lives. Their
stories of incredible synchronicities, extraordinary
coincidental circumstances, and everyday miracles are
“Neale Donald Walsch is a man of vision, integrity, and
collected here in this warm inspirational book.
heart. His dedication to honesty, clarity, and service is
impeccable. He has helped millions toward the light. Walsch weaves their narratives seamlessly into the
Love lives through Neale.” concepts and messages presented in the Conversations
with God books. Each one takes you closer to realizing that
—Alan Cohen, author of How Good Can It Get? and a
God is always at our side, making life work out in ways
contributing writer to The New York Times’ #1 bestselling
that are always beneficial to our soul.
series Chicken Soup for the Soul

Neale Donald Walsch is an author of internationally

bestselling books on spirituality and personal development.
His books have sold more than 7.5 million copies worldwide
and have been translated into 37 languages. Walsch lives in
Ashland , Oregon, USA.

J-2145 ` 225 220p


ISBN 978-81-8495-287-2
14 cm x 21.6 cm
Path to Happiness & Prosperity
take stock of that in which we truly are abundant, and
choose to share it freely with everyone whose life we
touch, we find that what we thought was
abundance—money—comes to us freely.

J-1640 ` 150 144p ISBN 978-81-7992-680-2 14 cm x 21.6 cm

Joy of Relationships
reason, relationships are sacred—all relationships. That is
why we yearn so for relationships—and for relationships APPLIC I N G
of meaning. It is also, no doubt, why we have such trouble ES
with them. Yet it is possible to have joyful relationships,
and the extraordinary insights in this book shows us how.

J-1641 ` 150 104p ISBN 978-81-7992-690-1 14 cm x 21.6 cm

Inspirational Living
I HAVE LEARNED ABOUT LIFE that when we live wholly,
we live holy. Holistic living means being aware that you
are part of a whole system, a whole idea, a whole reality,
and that everything you think, say, and do affects that
reality—indeed, at some level, creates it.

J-1642 ` 150 112p ISBN 978-81-7992-691-8 14 cm x 21.6 cm

Happier than God

J-1813 ` 250 272p ISBN 978-81-7992-880-6

The Conversations with God Companion:

A Guide to Books 1, 2 & 3
J-1992 CD ` 275 336p ISBN 978-81-8495-074-8

Conversations with God

Book 1 – Guide
CD Edition: J-1752 CD ` 195 216p ISBN 978-81-7992-816-5
Standard Edition: J-1541 ` 195 216p ISBN 81-7992-572-2

All titles for sale in the Indian sub-continent only

Change Your Life
Change the World

Ryuho Okawa

THIS BOOK IS A MESSAGE OF HOPE and urgency. It holds

the solution to the state of crisis in which we find
ourselves today as war, terrorism, and economic disaster
spread grief and strife throughout the continents. It urges
us to awaken to the truth of our heritage and, as brothers
and sisters, to rebuild our planet into a united Earth of
peace, prosperity, and happiness.

Ryuho Okawa is a spiritual leader, contemporary visionary

and founder of ‘Happy Science’. He has devoted his life to the
truth and ways to happiness. Born in 1956 in Japan, Okawa
studied law in Tokyo and then international finance in New
York. In 1986 he renounced his business career at a major
Japanese trading house in New York, and established Happy
Science. In 1987, he established the IRH Press Co., Ltd. Since
then, Okawa has published over 500 books which have
combined sales of over 20 million copies.

J-2138 ` 295 224p

ISBN 978-81-8495-277-3
14 cm x 21.6 cm

The Golden Laws


been present on Earth in both the East and the West at crucial
points in human history to further our spiritual development.
Among them were Shakyamuni Buddha, Jesus Christ, Confucius,
Socrates, Krishna and Mohammed. The Golden Laws reveals how
Buddha’s Plan has been unfolding on Earth, and outlines five
thousand years of the secret history of humankind.

J-2031 DVD ` 295 216p

ISBN 978-81-8495-125-7

All titles for sale in the Indian sub-continent only

The Laws of Eternity

IN THIS ENLIGHTENING BOOK, author and religious leader

Ryuho Okawa reveals the multidimensional aspects of the
Other World, describing its dimensions, its characteristics,
and its governing laws. The Laws of Eternity fully explains
why it is essential for us to understand the structure and
history of the spirit world, for now is the time to give
proper motivation to our lives—to prepare for the Golden
Age which awaits us.

Includes DVD
J-2032 DVD Forthcoming
ISBN 978-81-8495-126-4

The Rebirth of Buddha

J-2030 DVD ` 250 264p ISBN 978-81-8495-124-0
Also available in 2 regional languages

The Laws of the Sun

J-1953 CD ` 295 260p ISBN 978-81-8495-027-4

The Laws of Courage

J-1940 ` 195 168p ISBN 978-81-8495-014-4

“I’m Fine” SPIRIT

J-1914 ` 195 108p ISBN 978-81-7992-986-5
Also available in 2 regional languages

The Laws of Happiness

J-1881 ` 250 200p ISBN 978-81-7992-948-3

10 Rules of Wisdom
J-1668 ` 250 300p ISBN 978-81-7992-720-5

The Essence of Buddha


J-1726 ` 225 212p ISBN 978-81-7992-786-1

An Unshakable Mind
J-1758 ` 195 140p ISBN 978-81-7992-822-6
Also available in 2 regional languages

Invincible Thinking
J-1507 ` 195 168p ISBN 978-81-7992-683-3

Also available in 5 regional languages

Conquering the Mind

Eknath Easwaran


body, spiritual disciplines can shape a secure personality
and a resilient, loving mind.
Writing as an experienced, friendly coach, Easwaran
explains how we can train the mind not just during
meditation but throughout the day. Working with difficult
colleagues, choosing what to eat, and listening to a child’s
needs are all opportunities to try out different, wiser
Easwaran shows how training the mind is a glorious
challenge—one that brings joy and purpose to life.

Eknath Easwaran was Professor of English Literature at the

University of Nagpur, India, and an established writer, when
he came to the United States on the Fulbright exchange
program in 1959. As Founder and Director of the Blue
Mountain Center of Meditation and the Nilgiri Press, he taught
the classics of world mysticism and the practice of meditation
from 1960 till his death in 1999.

J-2134 ` 225 224p

ISBN 978-81-8495-271-1
14 cm x 21.6 cm

Classics of Indian Spirituality

The Bhagavad Gita
DVD Edition: J-1989 DVD ` 350 296p ISBN 978-81-8495-071-7
Standard Edition: J-2008 ` 250 296p ISBN 978-81-8495-090-8

The Upanishads
DVD Edition: J-1990 DVD ` 350 384p ISBN 978-81-8495-072-4
Standard Edition: J-2009 ` 295 384p ISBN 978-81-8495-091-5

The Dhammapada
DVD Edition: J-1991 DVD ` 350 280p ISBN 978-81-8495-073-1
Standard Edition: J-2010 ` 250 280p ISBN 978-81-8495-092-2

All titles for sale in the Indian sub-continent only

Gandhi the Man

THE STORY OF A GREAT SOUL: the power of non-violence.

Easwaran, who grew up in Gandhi’s India, gives a moving
account of the turning points and choices in Gandhi’s life
that made him not just a great political leader but also a
timeless icon of non-violence.
Gandhi’s inner transformation, the essence of this
biography, contains an urgent message for us today. Non-
violence, Easwaran explains, is a practical method for
resolving problems, healing relationships, and raising the
quality of our lives. It is a skill that is essential for the
evolution, and perhaps even the survival, of our

J-815 ` 350 216p

ISBN 81-7224-517-3
16.5 cm X 23 cm

The Bhagavad Gita for Daily Living Living Thoughts of Great People
J-763 ` 275 384p ISBN 81-7224-427-4
JH-257 HB ` 1,800 ISBN 81-7224-616-1
J-1000 PB ` 795 ISBN 81-7224-818-0 Discovering Your Hidden Spiritual Resources
J-838 ` 195 240p ISBN 81-7224-580-7

1000 Names of Vishnu

J-839 ` 295 328p ISBN 81-7224-581-5

Sacred Literature of the World

J-840 ` 195 208p ISBN 81-7224-582-3

Dialogue with Death

J-959 ` 225 240p ISBN 81-7224-757-5

Your Life is Your Message

J-1121 ` 125 126p ISBN 81-7224-986-1

Set of 3 Love is God

J-1220 ` 195 234p ISBN 81-7992-154-9

Volumes God Makes the Rivers to Flow

J-1361 ` 250 336p ISBN 81-7992-330-4

The Constant Companion

J-1485 ` 295 296p ISBN 81-7992-507-2

Words to Live By
J-1539 ` 295 400p ISBN 81-7992-570-6

Strength in the Storm


J-1552 ` 275 184p ISBN 81-7992-583-8

Take Your Time

J-1677 ` 275 208p ISBN 978-81-7992-729-8

J-1749 ` 250 256p ISBN 978-81-7992-813-4

Timeless Wisdom
J-1883 ` 250 232p ISBN 81-7224-818-0

The Two Gandhis

J-1902 ` 375 240p ISBN 978-81-8495-041-0
Management Mantra

H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


more and more attention to how to prevent their
workforce from getting burnt out due to an unrelenting
pace of work. Views are radically changing on practices to
ensure the employees perform consistently well over
many years. What kind of a work environment will this
require? What kind of managers can keep their team
members and subordinates inspired?
In this book, Sri Sri offers valuable tips for managers and
leaders to become more effective in their roles and also
on how to develop a conducive work environment so that
both the employees and the organisation add value to
each other.

H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, a spiritual leader and

humanitarian, was born in 1956 in southern India. He was
often found deep in meditation as a child. At the age of four,
he astonished his teachers by reciting the Bhagvad Gita. To
globalise the knowledge of leading a happy, stress-free life,

H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar established an international

educational and humanitarian NGO—The Art of Living, in
1982. Today, with a presence in over 151 countries, the Art of
Living is one of the largest voluntary organisations in the

J-2165 Forthcoming
ISBN 978-81-8495-309-1

14 cm x 21.6 cm
For sale in India only
Celebrating Silence

IN THIS BOOK, SRI SRI DISCUSSES topics ranging from

doubt and fear to love and dispassion. He describes what it
means to be on the spiritual path—a path of service,
sadhana and surrender. He leads us through an
understanding of God and back to our inner Self—what we
really seek, often without knowing.

ISBN 978-81-9079-640-8
14 cm x 21.6 cm

God Loves Fun Wonder (Includes Free CD)

ISBN 938011453-2 ` 99 ISBN 978-81-9217-982-7 ` 199

25 Ways to Improve Your Life (Includes Free CD)

ISBN 9789380592329 ` 99

Ashtavakra Gita
ISBN 938059283-3 ` 349

Celebrating Love
ISBN 818929186-6 ` 99

Enlightenment (Includes Free CD)

ISBN 938059276-0 ` 99

An Intimate Note to the Sincere Seeker

ISBN 9789380592787 ` 399

Know Your Child

ISBN 819217980-X ` 199

Know Your Mind (Includes Free CD)


ISBN 819217981-8 ` 99

Shiva Sutras
ISBN 938059280-9 ` 249

Timeless Wisdom
ISBN 938011406-0 ` 399

The Yogasara Upanishad (Includes 2 Free CD)

ISBN 938011437-0 ` 129

Titles on this page published by Sri Sri Publication Trust

& exclusively distributed by Jaico Publishing House
Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda

Autobiography of a Yogi
A Globally Acclaimed Spiritual Classic

Collector’s Slipcase Edition

530 pages, 84 photos, ` 345

Paramahansa Yogananda narrates the inspiration of his life—the

experiences of his remarkable childhood and encounters with many
saints and sages during his youth. It is a beautifully written account of
an exceptional life and a profound introduction to the science and
philosophy of yoga meditation. Considered a modern spiritual
classic, the book has been translated into 26 languages and is widely
used as a text and reference work in colleges and universities.
T Boxed slipcase with magnetic latch

T Gold gilded hardcover binding

T Over 80 archival photos of the people and places mentioned in the book

T Includes free Mp3 CD containing chapters 1-4 from the audiobook

Mp3 edition of Autobiography of a Yogi read by Academy Award Winner
Sir Ben Kingsley who portrayed the Father of Our Nation in Sir Richard
Attenborough’s film Gandhi

PB `95, HB ` 175
Also available in Hindi, Bengali,
For a free catalogue of all the books published by Yogoda Satsanga Society Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam,
of India, all of which are distributed in India by Jaico, please contact Jaico or Marathi, Nepali, Oriya, Tamil, Telugu,
Yogoda Satsanga Society of India, www.yssofindia.org and Urdu.
Born in Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, on January 5, 1893, PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA was initiated into sannyas by his guru
Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri. He initiated thousands of sincere seekers in the science of Kriya Yoga. He sought to awaken in all a
greater understanding of the harmony underlying all true religions and the one goal they all share—God-realisation.
Yogananda entered mahasamadhi on March 7, 1952 in Los Angeles.

The Second Coming

of Christ
The Resurrection of the Christ Within You

A revelatory commentary on the original teachings of Jesus.

“A thousand Christs sent to earth would not redeem its
people unless they themselves become Christ-like by
purifying and expanding their individual consciousness to
receive therein the second coming of the Christ
Consciousness, as was manifested in Jesus... Contact with
this consciousness, experienced in the ever new joy of
meditation, will be the real second coming of Christ—and
it will take place right in the devotee’s own
—Paramahansa Yogananda

2 Volumes,
PB ` 395,
1688 pages,
32 pictures

God Talks with Arjuna:

The Bhagavad Gita
The words of Lord Krishna to Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita,
writes Yogananda, are at once a profound scripture on the
science of Yoga, union with God, and a textbook for
everyday living.

2 Volumes, PB ` 395, 1312 pages, 6 pictures

2 Volumes, HB ` 625, 1312 pages, 22 pictures


Man’s Eternal Quest The Divine Romance Journey to

PB `150, 510 pages, 14 Photos PB `150, 510 pages, 1 photo Self-realization

HB ` 195, 510 pages, 14 Photos HB `195, 510 pages, 12 photos PB ` 150, 468 pages, 14 photos
HB ` 195, 468 pages, 14 photos
99 Thoughts on Ganesha
Devdutt Pattanaik

IN THE GAME OF CRICKET, having scored 99 runs, when a

batsman stands poised on the threshold of that much
coveted century, he experiences the moment that is best
associated with Ganesha. Fear and uncertainty envelope
him; he needs to focus, get rid of all hurdles, perform, get
the final run, and achieve what he so longs for. In other
words, he needs to think of Ganapati.
This book brings together 99 meditations to better
understand the stories, symbols and rituals of that ador-
able elephant-headed Hindu god who removes hurdles
and brings prosperity and peace. Known variously as
Ganapati, Gajanana, Vinayaka or Pillayar, he can help all of
us score a century in the game called life.

Devdutt Pattanaik is a bestselling author whose works

focus on myth and mythology and their relevance in modern
times. He is currently the Chief Belief Officer at Future Group,
and writes regularly in The Times of India and The Economic Times.

Also available
in 5 regional

J-2055 ` 195 240p

ISBN 978-81-8495-152-3

14 cm x 21.6 cm
World Rights Available
Religion & Philosophy

Kindle Life
Swami Chinmayananda


into the essentials of a higher, value-based life. A preliminary text
of Vedantic Studies, this work lays a very good foundation for all
advanced studies. Full of guidance for right living, the book
inspires every reader to pursue true spirituality.

Swami Chinmayananda was one of the 20th century’s most

world-renowned and revered exponents of Vedanta. His teachings
were highly appreciated, and led to the formation of the ‘Chinmaya
Mission’ in 1953. In his 42 years of relentless service, Swami
Chinmayananda left an indelible mark in the hearts and minds of

J-2054 ` 195 308p

ISBN 978-81-8495-151-6
14 cm x 21.6 cm
World Rights Available


Andrew Cohen


contemporary world—a world characterized by
exponential change and an ever-expanding
appreciation for the processes of evolution. Based on
years of groundbreaking work as a spiritual teacher,
Cohen has synthesized an original path, practice, and
philosophy focused entirely on aligning yourself with
what he calls “the evolutionary impulse.”

Andrew Cohen is an internationally respected spiritual

teacher, cultural visionary, and founder of the global
nonprofit EnlightenNext and its award-winning
EnlightenNext magazine. For the last 24 years, Cohen has
been traveling the world giving public lectures and
intensive retreats.

For sale in the Indian sub-continent only
The Voice of Silence


AS THESE BEAUTIFUL TALKS on Mabel Collins’ Light on the Path

unfold, Osho gives us step-by-step guidance on how to find
our inner voice, the voice of silence, so that we can begin,
travel on and complete the journey from unconsciousness to

Osho continues to inspire millions of people worldwide in

their journey to define a new approach to individual
spirituality that is self-directed and responds to the everyday
challenges of contemporary life. He was named by The Sunday
Times of London as one of the ‘1000 Makers of the 20th

J-1944 ` 395 584p

ISBN 978-81-8495-018-2
14 cm x 21.6 cm

This Very Body The Buddha The Hidden Splendor

J-1095 ` 250 320p ISBN 81-7224-952-7 J-1828 ` 395 584p ISBN 978-81-7992-974-2

The Last Morning Star

J-1943 ` 395 520p ISBN 978-81-8495-017-5

Joking Around
J-1544 ` 250 240p ISBN 81-7992-575-7

The Razor’s Edge

J-1911 ` 395 624p ISBN 978-81-7992-983-4

The Great Secret

J-1725 ` 295 384p ISBN 978-81-7992-785-4

I Am That
J-1693 ` 325 388p ISBN 978-81-7992-747 -2

Tao: The Golden Gate

J-1525 ` 250 244p ISBN 81-7992-556-0

The White Lotus

J-1094 ` 295 310p ISBN 81-7224-951-9

The Revolution: Talks on Kabir

J-1020 ` 275 330p ISBN 81-7224-859-8

The First Principle: Talks on Zen

J-1210 ` 275 288p ISBN 81-7992-128-X

J-574 ` 375 696p ISBN 81-7224-566-1
Swami Sukhabodhananda

Adi Shankaracharya’s Bhaja Govindam

J-2093 ` 295 280p ISBN 978-81-8495-206-3

Shiva Sutras
J-1908 ` 295 250p ISBN 978-81-7992-979-7

Personal Excellence through the Bhagavad Gita

J-1678 ` 250 164p ISBN 978-81-7992-731-1

Celebrating Success & Failure

J-1548 ` 250 224p ISBN 81-7992-579-X

Wordless Wisdom
J-1503 ` 250 244p ISBN 81-7992-528-5
World Rights Available on all above titles

Books published by Prasanna Trust and Exclusively Distributed by Jaico

Hey Mana, Relax Please

Marathi - ` 120 & Gujarati - ` 125

Hey Jeevana, Relax Please

Marathi - ` 120 & Gujarati - ` 125

Religion & Philosophy Spiritual Leaders

Excuse Me God… Sri Ramakrishna: The Mind of The Mind of The Basic Writings
Sirshree The Face of Silence Ramana Maharshi J. Krishnamurti of S. Radhakrishnan
J-1968 ` 195 228p Swami Nikhilananda & Arthur Osborne Editor – Luis S. R. Vas Robert A. McDermott
ISBN 978-81-8495-044-1 Dhan Gopal Mukerji
J-126 ` 250 276p J-363 ` 295 336p J-384 ` 225 340p
J-2068 ` 250 344p ISBN 81-7224-211-5 ISBN 81-7224-213-1 ISBN 81-7224-234-4
ISBN 978-81-8495-176-9 World Rights Available World Rights Available

The Mind of The Mind of Sai Baba of Shirdi Chanakya: Messages from Amma
Swami Vivekananda Adi Shankaracharya M. V. Kamath & V. B. Kher His Teachings & Advice Editor – Janine Canan
Gautam Sen Y. K. Menon J-661 ` 275 380p Ashwani Sharma J-1915 ` 225 192p
J-411 ` 195 216p J-430 ` 175 172p ISBN 81-7224-030-9 J-858 ` 150 100p ISBN 978-81-7992-987-2
ISBN 81-7224-212-3 ISBN 81-7224-214-X World Rights Available ISBN 81-7224-602-1

World Rights Available World Rights Available Also available in World Rights Available
3 regional languages


God Spoke to Me The Presence Process A Walk with Four Life as a Prayer Oneness
Eileen Caddy (with CD) Michael Brown Spiritual Guides John McQuiston II Received and Transcribed by
Andrew Harvey Rasha
J-2072 ` 195 200p The Art of Presence J-1712 ` 195 192p
ISBN 978-81-8495-180-6 Eckhart Tolle J-1430 ` 150 184p ISBN 978-81-7992-771-7 J-1723 ` 395 408p
ISBN 81-7992-424-6 ISBN 978-81-7992-783-0
J-2091 CD ` 325 340p
ISBN 978-81-8495-204-9

Dadi Janki Spirituality/Self-Help Philosophy Hinduism

90 Minutes in Heaven Companion of God The Art of War Philosophy of Life and Death Spiritual Heritage &
Don Piper with Cecil Murphey Dadi Janki Sun Tzu M. V. Kamath Cultural Symbols of India
J-1788 ` 250 208p J-2042 ` 175 148p J-2006 ` 195 252p J-704 ` 250 352p Jhaver P. Shreeniwas
ISBN 978-81-7992-854-7 ISBN 978-81-8495-136-3 ISBN 978-81-8495-088-5 ISBN 81-7224-175-5 J-973 ` 225 192p
World Rights Available ISBN 81-7224-736-2
Also available in Gujarati World Rights Available

J. P. Vaswani Dev Prasad Stephen Knapp

The Seven Snacks for the Soul Krishna: A Journey through The Secret Teachings of Spiritual India Handbook
Commandments of the J-1731 ` 250 340p the Lands & Legends of the Vedas J-1950 ` 395 592p
Bhagavad Gita ISBN 978-81-7992-791-5 Krishna J-679 ` 295 428p ISBN 978-81-8495-024-3
World Rights Available Dev Prasad ISBN 81-7224-091-0
J-2001 ` 295 388p
ISBN 978-81-8495-083-0 J-2063 ` 295 364p
World Rights Available ISBN 978-81-8495-170-7
World Rights Available

Jaya Row Mahatma Gandhi Buddhism


Profile of the Upanishads for The Vedanta Way to The Bhagavad Gita Basic Buddhism The Buddha and
Perfect Person the Modern World Peace & Happiness Mahatma Gandhi Nan Huai-Chin His Teachings
Jaya Row G. K. Pillai Swami Adiswarananda J-2007 ` 295 396p J-993 ` 195 256p Narada

J-1208 ` 195 148p J-1377 ` 295 310p J-1719 ` 275 228p ISBN 978-81-8495-089-2 ISBN 81-7224-809-1 J-1590 ` 350 532p
ISBN 81-7992-126-3 ISBN 81-7992-347-9 ISBN 978-81-7992-778-6 World Rights Available ISBN 81-7992-617-6

World Rights Available World Rights Available World Rights Available

Together We Are One
Thich Nhat Hanh

WHAT IS YOUR TRUE NAME? Where is your true home?

Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh demonstrates how
connecting with our ancestors and our unique cultural
backgrounds can lead us to a deeper sense of community.
The book includes insights on how to heal our individual
and collective suffering, personal stories from people of
many backgrounds and teachings on mindfulness
practice. This is a deeply inspirational and practical guide.

Thich Nhat Hanh is a Vietnamese Buddhist monk whose

lifelong efforts to generate peace and reconciliation moved
Martin Luther King, Jr. to nominate him for the Nobel Peace
Prize in 1967. He lives in southwest France and travels
regularly, leading retreats on the art of mindful living. He is the
author of The Energy of Prayer, Being Peace, and many other

J-2127 ` 295 256p

ISBN 978-81-8495-256-8
14 cm x 21.6 cm


Walking Meditation
J-2035 DVD ` 250 104p ISBN 978-81-8495-129-5

Sunshine & Green Leaves

Edited by Robert Ellsberg
J-1887 ` 195 176p ISBN 978-81-7992-954-4

The Energy of Prayer

J-1748 ` 175 180p ISBN 978-81-7992-812-7

Buddha Mind, Buddha Body

J-1759 ` 195 154p ISBN 978-81-7992-823-3

All titles are for sale in the Indian sub-continent only

His Holiness The Dalai Lama Islam

Ocean of Wisdom The Fourteen Dalai Lamas Worlds in Harmony The Quran: 365 Sayings of Prophet
The Dalai Lama Glenn H. Mullin His Holiness The Dalai Lama Essential Teachings Muhammad
J-1760 ` 195 164p J-1877 ` 395 576p J-2041 ` 175 140p Abdur Raheem Kidwai Compiled and Translated by
ISBN 978-81-7992-824-0 ISBN 978-81-7992-944-5 ISBN 978-81-8495-135-6 Abdur Raheem Kidwai
J-1538 ` 275 202p
ISBN 81-7992-569-2 J-1774 `` 295 416p
ISBN 978-81-7992-838-7
World Rights Available

Christianity World Religion

Meditations on Life: What’s So Great The Lost Years of Jesus Chinese Wisdom for Today Glimpses of
Mother Teresa About Christianity Elizabeth Clare Prophet Stephen Mitchell World Religions
Selected & Arranged By Dinesh D’Souza J-2033 DVD ` 395 356p J-2018 ` 195 216p J-124 ` 195 276p
Anthony Stern, MD ISBN 978-81-8495-127-1 ISBN 978-81-8495-103-5 ISBN 81-7224-156-9
J-1767 ` 295 368p
J-1727 ` 195 188p ISBN 978-81-7992-831-8 World Rights Available
Standard Edition
ISBN 978-81-7992-787-8 J-1945 ` 295 356p
ISBN 978-81-8495-019-9

Robert van de Weyer has written or

edited more than 40 books on religion,
history, politics and philosophy. He is
minister of a church dedicated to the unity
of all religions, and lives in Cambridge,

366 Readings from Hinduism

J-1171 ` 275 374p ISBN 81-7992-070-4

366 Readings from Buddhism

J-1172 ` 275 374p ISBN 81-7992-071-2

366 Readings from Islam

J-1173 ` 275 374p ISBN 81-7992-072-0

366 Readings from Taoism &


J-1174 ` 275 374p ISBN 81-7992-073-9

366 Readings from Christianity

J-1175 ` 275 374p ISBN 81-7992-074-7

366 Readings from World Religions

J-1571 ` 325 452p ISBN 81-7992-602-8

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