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a. Corporate level & branch level




Marketing Dept






b. Board of Directors.

Total Members – 18

c. what type of structure is it?

It is a vertically integrated organization, UB Ltd., is an ISO 9001-2000 ISO 1400

OSHAS 18001 certified company. . It is one of the largest plant is India which has
further capacity for expansion up to 10.11 lakh cases/ month. The Group’s
principal activity is the production & sale of Beer. There are around 45 production
divisions of UB group across India

d. What are the different departments and what are their functions?

1. 1. Manufacturing.

This department is employed in manufacturing of beer i.e. converting raw

materials into beer. This department gets raw materials from stores, once the quality of
raw materials is checked then it passes to manufacturing process. UBL has good
infrastructure and well equipped machineries to carry the manufacturing process. In each
and every step the quality is checked.
Raw materials used:
• Malt 60%
• Adjuncts 30%
- Maize flakes
- Rice
- Broken rice
- Maize grits
• Sugar 10%
• Hop products
• Yeast

2. Quality.
This department works for the assurance of good quality & standardization of
the organization. Starting from raw materials to finished goods random samples are
collected and checking for UBL specifications (UBL has their own specifications for
all the products). Quality department carries all in house analysis, and also this
department gives standards and specification for storing and handling raw materials.

The materials tested on lab are:

• Raw water
• Filtered water
• Processed water
• Malt
• Adjuncts
• Sugar
• Gypsum
• Calcium chloride
• Enzymes
• Compressed air

• CO2 cylinders
• Common salt
• Pasteurized beer
• Bottled beer

3. Engineering

This department takes care of all the machineries and equipments in the bottling
hall, in this department the beer is filled into bottles and cans.

Machineries used:
• Bottle washer
• Filler
• Pasteurizer
• Labeler
• Case sealer
• Tape sealer

4. Commercial

This department takes care of commercial activities of organization.

Commercial is mainly divided into 3 sub departments.
• Purchase
• Empty bottle stores
• Ware house & sales.
5. Stores.
Stores department is working with storage and issuing of raw materials.

Quality objective:
Identification of all items & minimizing the retrievable time.

1. Stores personnel maintain a copy of the purchase order raised from procurement
of materials followed from purchase officer.
2. Stores personnel shall co-ordinate maintain purchase by updating the receipts and
stock details.

Mainly 3 types of function are carried out by this department.

1. Recite function.
2. Issue function.
3. Perpetual inventory control.

6. Accounts & Finance Department.

The function and activities carried out by this department include Finance management
and maintaining books of accounts, records and other supporting documents.


 Arranging and disbursement of funds, inter group, inter unit, head office,
suppliers, Governmental and statutory payments etc. . .
 Cash management .
 Working capital management
 Maintenance of books of accounts & records
 Internal and External audit

 Compliance with income tax, sales tax, excise duty and other statutory provisions
 Final reports presentation


Brewery monthly report a summary of all the activities of a month in the unit.

Cash flow statement; daily, fortnightly, monthly and yearly Statutory reports and return
such as income tax. Sales tax, IDS. TCS etc...


Personnel and Administration (Human resource department)
UBL defines Human resource department as facilitating wing. HR manager is
called as facilitator. The functions carried out by the department include attendance and
payroll, manpower planning and recruitment, performance appraisal, training, workers
welfare, safety and security.
II. Staff:



Identifying And Planning The Human Resource Needs

Input: Systems changes leading to requirement of manpower


Manpower Requirement
requiremen from
Yes No
-Breweries specification &

Transfer Division responsibilities

Personal Advertiseme
Data bank Consultants
contacts nt

Collecting Bio-
data’s Screening Sending
call letters
Before Bio-data’s
conducting Giving offer and
interviews/ Short- getting Joining
Obtain acceptance of Report
employment form offer
appointmen On the job
program End
t letters training
1. The Human resource needs are identified & planned based on the Competency,
System changes and requirements for continuous improvement of quality
performance of the organization in all its activities.
2. The manpower requirements shall be identified by the respective Department heads.
3. The manpower requirements also shall be identified through Management review
Meetings conducted by the MR.
Output: Identified Manpower requirement
Input: Manpower requirement
1. HR In charge shall collect the applications from the following Sources
a) Advertisements
b) Consultants.
c) Employee reference
2. Based on the Application forms received, HR In charge shall organize the Interview
and communicate accordingly to the applicant.
3. HR In charge shall arrange for the interview of all the candidates by DVP/CE
4. Based on the selected candidate list given by the DVP/CE HR in charge shall
communicate the selected employee through offer letter
5. HR in charge prepare a personal file of the employee, which shall contain the details
like Qualification, Experience, Interview comments, etc., after receiving the
acknowledgement from the employee.
Out Put: Employment offer letter and Personal file.
B) Details of Training Programme

Training is provided both for the employees depending upon the organizational
requirement (new machinery is installed or if there is any modifications in the existing
system or to improve the performance of the employee if there is any promotion or job

 Department head in consultation with employees assess the training needs.

 Training needs will also be identified during MRM or need basis, based on the
requirements such as introduction of new process or new equipment.
 Training needs of the employees will be identified at the year.
 The training need of the employee will be informed to the HR department.
 For each financial year the manager HRM will prepare a tentative training
calendar consolidating training needs.
 Training records will be maintained through attendance form.
 Training calendar will reflect
 Training activities to be conducted during the calendar year.
 Training code and name of training.
 The training activities will cover all special requirements. In addition to these
employees may also he sponsored for seminars/ workshops organized by
professional bodies.
 Training calendar will cover all the employees of the organization.
 Training calendar will be reviewed as and when fresh training inputs are received
from HOD.
 Any action required should be identified and necessary modification will be
incorporated in training plan.
 Training activities
 Either internal or external faculty will conduct the training program. Manager
HRM will identify the internal Faculty to conduct such program based on their
experience in functional area.
 Whenever the needs so identified and are not capable of being met by such in-
house program, an external agency will he identified to conduct such program
based on reputation and experience.
 HR department will finalize the training date, time, venue, participants and
 The training schedule will be conveyed to all participants.
 Training record will be obtained from the participants after attending the training
 Department head will depute the employee nominated for the training program.
 Efficiency of the training program is checked.
 The employee identified for the training program will be deputed by the
concerned department heads and employee shall give due importance attending
the training at scheduled date and time.
 On the job training is provided by Job instruction.
 Off the Oh training is imparted by Class room teaching, Other plant visits
 So far training for staff (year 2007 )is provided in the following area Process of
Production, Quality awareness, knowledge forum, Selected accounting
standards ,Service Tax importance inventory management .
For workers training like Industrial safety ,Fire fighting, Quality of work life
environmental Pollution & remedies, Moral of life & Motivation
C) Details of Facilities provided to the staff:

Medical Care

The organization will provide a group health insurance plan for all its full-time and part-
time employees on a pro-rated basis based on the number of hours worked. Interns and
consultants are not eligible for health insurance coverage. In addition, the organization
will cover 90% of individual coverage and 70% of family coverage for its employees.

Long Term Disability

The organization will provide its employees a long term disability insurance package
which will provide for 60% of one's salary after the qualifying period if the employee
becomes disabled.

Life Insurance

Each salaried employee of the organization will have a life insurance policy with a face
value equal to one times their annual salary.


The organization will contribute 4% of each employee's annual salary to their retirement
fund. Each individual may also contribute to the fund at their discretion according to the
rules of the plan.

Worker's Compensation
Worker's compensation insurance premiums will be paid for each employee as required
by law.

Unemployment Compensation

Unemployment compensation insurance premiums will be paid for each employee as

required by law.

III. Skills.

a) What are the different type of skills that the Organization looks for?

We constitute a large, global group based in India. We associate with world leaders in
order to adopt technologies and processes that will enable a leadership position in a large
spectrum of activities.

We are focused on assuming leadership in all our target markets.

We seek to be the most preferred employer wherever we operate.

We recognize that our organization is built around people who are our most valuable

We will always be the partner of choice for customers, suppliers and other creators of
innovative concepts.

We will continually increase the long-term value of our Group for the benefit of our

We will operate as a decentralized organization and allow each business to develop

within our stated values.

We will be a major contributor to our National Economy and take full advantage of our
strong resource base.

We commit ourselves to the ongoing mission of achieving Scientific Excellence.

Quality leadership is vital to the long-term success of the UB Group in an increasingly
competitive marketplace.

Building quality into our workplace, products and service is essential to a successful
future for our customers, employees, supplier’s communities and shareholders.

The UB Group will work to provide products and services that always meet or exceed

Management will commit resources and create an environment in which each employee
can contribute skills, talents and ideas to a never-ending process of improvement and
innovation in all aspects of our business.

a) What are the skills expected at various levels?(Skill Matrix)


Workers are classified based on skill as unskilled, semiskilled, skilled, highly

skilled employees.

Level Description Criteria Symbol

0 Cannot do • Insufficient knowledge or experience
to perform to standard

1 Knows all • Has fully reviewed instructions
elements of Reference materials and is familiar
task with tools of the job
2 Can do the • Has received instruction from a level
basics 4 instructor
• Has performed task currently before 
a level 4 instructor

3 Can do fully • Qualified by level 4 instructor

4 Can teach others • Has taught or audited another

how to do person’s work within 90 days

c) What are they doing for skill development/enhancement:

The Company has well established Centres for imparting training to the various
levels of the new and old inductees. Regular Training Programmes, Seminars
are arranged for the benefit of the Employees. Inhouse training is conducted
frequently along with outhouse training too as and when required. Conceptual,
Communication, Technical and Non-Technical Skills along with the right attitudes
are imparted to the trainees to keep in focus with the Organisation Mission and
IV. Systems

A) Details of MIS, Quality Systems and Performance Appraisal System

a) UB Group’s MIS

Large and varied portfolio of brands, including the well-known Kingfisher

We supply beer under well known brands which inter alia includes
“Kingfisher Lager”, “Kingfisher Strong”,” Kingfisher Premium”, “Kalyani Black
Label Strong”, “Kalyani Black Label Premium”, “UB Premium Ice”, “Charger
Extra Strong”, “UB Export Lager”, “London Pilsner”, “London No.1 Strong”,
“Kingfisher Premium Draught Beer”, “Kingfisher Strong Draught”, “Guru
Lager”, “Sand Piper Premium”, “Bullet Super Strong” and“Zingaro Super
Our strong national presence is strengthened by ownership of the
“Kingfisher” line of beers, such as Kingfisher Lager and Kingfisher Strong, which
are market leaders in their respective beer segments. Our market share is also
strengthened by the breadth and diversity of our portfolio, to ensure that we
occupy the major segments of
the beer market.
State of the art brewing facilities (both owned and contracted) across India
in all major States.
We manufacture products in 12 owned breweries, 4 breweries through our
joint venture and 9 contract manufacturing facilities in India and have marketing
operations spread across India. Our Company has breweries in 15 of the 30 states
in India where it is legal to produce and sell beer products. This geographic
diversity allows us to mitigate exposure to the government policies and decisions
of any one state.

Established marketing and wide distribution network across India

Our Company has an established marketing & sales network that ensures
availability of the brands across the country. Our Company deals through a
network of exclusive distributors where ever allowed by Excise Authorities. In
other States where primary distribution is handled by State Government agencies,
our Company uses this network to ensure widespread reach of all its brands. Our
Company deploys various marketing tools to ensure that its brands continue to
dominate the market.
Experienced management team comprising of professionals with wide
Our Company has attracted and retained an experienced and strong
management team. Our Chairman, Dr.Vijay Mallya, provides strategic direction
and leadership to our Company as a whole. Many of our directors and senior
management have been with us for a long time and provide leadership in the areas
of finance, business and resource planning to our Company’s business.


 India’s foremost producers of quality beer.

 Satisfy & even exceeds consumer expectation.

 Stay ahead of competition in terms of product, packing and quality.
 Maintain highest housekeeping, healthy, safety & environmental
This department works for the assurance of good quality & standardization of
the organization. Starting from raw materials to finished goods random samples are
collected and checking for UBL specifications (UBL has their own specifications for
all the products). Quality department carries all in house analysis, and also this
department gives standards and specification for storing and handling raw materials.


Is a formal structured system of measuring & evaluating employee’s job related

behaviors & outcomes to discover how & why the employee is presently performing on
the job & how the employee can perform more effectively in the future so that the
employee, organization & society will get benefited.

Appraising people for meeting Company's goal would be the prime focus
of performance management. The new Performance Appraisal System based on
work planning and commitment (mutually agreed tasks) , self review and
performance analysis, performance review and feedback would ensure that the
focus would be on value adding activities rather than on routine activities which
bear no relationship with organizational goals and objectives.

Identification of low performers and resultant corrective action through out the
company would be given priority. Similarly, faster career growth opportunity
would be provided to high performers.


Managing Directors

General Manager

Additional General Manager


Deputy General Manager


Chief Manager

Senior Manager

Deputy Manager


c. Detailed description of any one System

a Objectives:
 India’s foremost producers of quality beer.

 Satisfy & even exceeds consumer expectation.

 Stay ahead of competition in terms of product, packing and quality.
 Maintain highest housekeeping, healthy, safety & environmental

This department works for the assurance of good quality & standardization of
the organization. Starting from raw materials to finished goods random samples are
collected and checking for UBL specifications (UBL has their own specifications for
all the products). Quality department carries all in house analysis, and also this
department gives standards and specification for storing and handling raw materials.

The materials tested on lab are:

• Raw water
• Filtered water
• Processed water
• Malt
• Adjuncts
• Sugar
• Gypsum
• Calcium chloride
• Enzymes
• Compressed air
• CO2 cylinders
• Common salt

• Pasteurized beer
• Bottled beer


 Quality Control Raw Material. Packing Material. Production Chemical and

 Other Materials
 Accept or Reject the Materials from Supplier
 Sample checking at every stage of production
 Microbiologist: - Checking Infection and growth at every stage of Brewing
 Calibration of various checking and measuring equipments


 Hot air over :- Sterilization of glass wares, etc., & even drying of wares
 Balance: - Used for weighing lab regents
 pH Meter – To know the pH of Beer wort & Water
 Spectrophotometer :- Used for checking Bettering unites, & colour in Beer &
wort it is also used for checking the diacetyl content in beer apart from this
number of other parameters will be checked.
 Autoclave:- Used for sterilization of the relevant microbial substance.
 BOD incubator: - Used for checking the BOD of effluents & other brewery
related liquids.
 Laminar flow bench:- this is used for doing the microbial transfers or aseptic
transfer .
 Microscope:- Viewing the microorganisms which is not visible to naked eye.
 Moisture Balance : - This is used for checking the moisture in the raw materials
 Traveling Microscope:- This is used for used for checking the head stability
 Heating Mantle: This is instrument having automatic temperature control. It is
used for heading the liquid samples.


 Material report. Malt. Maize, bags etc.

 Brew house record
 Lager Report:
 Beer analysis record
 Calibration report and records


a. Participative or autocratic style?

Participative Style.

b. Description to be based on the style of decision making.

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