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4 — The Spread with Houses

We have reached the most complex spread in our book. In this spread,
w e use the countdown by astrological houses analogy. We have presented
this concept while explaining the Zodiac spread. However, it does not hurt to
repeat it.
In the Symbolism chapter, you noticed that we linked each card to a
planet, Zodiac sign and astrological house. We also linked the cards of our
deck to numbers, assigning a single-digit number (0-9) to each card. In the
Appendix chapter at the end of the book, y o u have all this presented at one
Let us move on to the interpretation techniques for this spread.
The inquirer shuffles and cuts the cards, and then he/she gives them to
the interpreter. T h e interpreter arranges the cards, from 1 to 36, face up.
W h e n the cards are arranged by the interpreter, everything is ready for card
In this spread, w e use several interpreting techniques, starting with:
a) interpreting the cards around particular significators — (the
cards above, below, left, right and four diagonal cards) — interpreting orient-
ation, movement and details position in the cards
b) the countdown with a number from 1 to 12, depending on which
astrological house w e observe. L e t us list again the meanings of particular
astrological houses and numbers linked to them.

1 — The inquirer, personality, body, character, the mind

2 — Money, finance, personal property, talents, food
3 — Relatives, neighbors, documents, courses, studying, communication,
4 — House, home, family, land, real estate, private business, father
5 — Love happenings, games, sports, children, places to go out and
have fun
6 — Sickness, everyday work, service, practice, obstacles, problems
7 — The partner, opponent, public enemy, trial, marriage, life change
8 — Dangers, crises, fears, death, somebody else's money, inheritance
9 — Travels, foreign countries, university, higher knowledge, spirituality
10 — Success, position, accomplishment, authority, job, career, mother
11 — Friends, acquaintances, groups, political parties, wishes, hopes,

Gypsy Cards in a New Light 393

Spreads Spreads
dreams However, when it comes to the significators of other people who
12 — Secret enemies, isolation, losses, mental problems, suffering, karma appear in a spread, all countdowns are performed from a particular sig-
nificator. In a situation when the inquirer is represented by the Lover card,
Thus, from each significator, or from any other observed card, we can and he asks a sub-question regarding his mother's health, the Widow card
count with the numbers from 1 to 12, not including the significator. w i l l represent his mother, and the sixth card from it w i l l indicate his mother's
You are probably wondering when and in what situation we are going health condition. F r o m that sixth card, w e w i l l count s i x cards again to see
to use a particular meaning of a house. For example, when does 2nd house what is going to happen to his mother in the field of health and sickness.
refer to finance, when to the inquirer's personal property, and when to a tal- However, if the main question of the spread has been asked because
ent that the inquirer possesses? of the mother's health condition, i.e. i f the inquirer's mother has the main
We have already discussed house representatives, by which we have role in the question asked, we w i l l count 6 cards from the Malady card, in
linked the cards to their appropriate houses. So, the Money card speaks about order to describe his mother's health condition and the w a y in which the situ-
the financial aspect of 2nd house, the Some Money card refers to personal ation regarding her illness develops. In this case, we do not observe the sixth
property and movables, and the Gift card implies the person's talents. In this card from the W i d o w card, because it w i l l only indicate what the inquirer's
way, when it comes to financial questions, we w i l l count 2 cards (number 2 mother thinks about her health. O f course, i n order to get a complete picture,
— 2nd house) from the Money card. B u t i f we want to find something out we w i l l consider all the cards around the W i d o w card. T h e surrounding (de-
about our bag, then the countdown starts from the Some Money card. In the scriptive) cards indicate exterior influences. We w i l l explain how all this
end, if we want to know about the inquirer's talents, w e w i l l count two cards works through an example.
from the Gift card. Let us note once again. T h e person for whom the question is asked
When w e talk about the question's main significators (Lover, Sweet- has the main role in the question, so the significators are assigned to this
heart), countdown meanings change slightly, so that in this case the houses person.
represent a psychological description of the inquirer. Houses here imply the Let us assume that the inquirer is interested to know i f his girlfriend
way in which the inquirer observes the world, and in this case, we can see w i l l get a job. T h e girl is represented by the Sweetheart card and she has the
the person's subjective attitude towards a field of life. main role in the interpretation. From the Officer card, the career significator,
we count 10 cards (number 10 - lOth house - a career, job) in order to de-
Lover/Sweetheart — the inquirer's psychological outlook scribe what is going on to the inquirer's girlfriend when it comes to her job.
1 - I — the inquirer's personality A l s o , we w i l l take a look at the tenth card from the Sweetheart card in order
2 - I I — the inquirer's material abilities, talents to see this girl's ambition, or her opinion regarding work, and then we w i l l
3 - I I I — the inquirer's mental abilities look at the surrounding cards to see the exterior influences on the situation.
4 - I V — the inquirer's psychological basis, childhood c) T h e countdown with number 13 — After finishing the count-
5 - V — amorous inclinations down that refers to the houses, we move on to the final countdown. We count
6 - V I — the inquirer's dutifulness and work habits every 13th card from the significator, and in this way, we interpret what des-
7 - V I I — the complement, the inquirer's opposition, the shadow tiny brings to the inquirer further.
8 - V I I I — the inquirer's fears, complexes and affects You have probably noticed that, so far, the most frequent were the
9 - I X — the inquirer's spiritual views countdowns with odd prime numbers ( 5 , 7), except for letter countdowns,
10 - X — the inquirer's ego, ambition when the countdown number depends on the name or a specific term or
11 - X I — the inquirer's wishes, hopes and dreams phrase. A simple reason for the use of odd prime numbers in countdowns is
12 - X I I — the inquirer's subconscious, animus/anima that the spreads with regular card arrangements are used ( 4 x 4 , 8x4, 5x6,

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9x4), so countdowns with some numbers are not recommendable. For ex-
ample, this is the case when it comes to the 9 x 4 (= 36) spread, when we per-
form countdowns with numbers 9, 6, 4, because they divide number 36, and
the series of cards which we interpret ends quickly. I f w e do the countdown
with number 9 in this spread, we w i l l have only 4 cards for reading (36/9=4),
and one of those cards is the significator itself. Therefore, even when you
create your own spreads, we advise y o u not to do the countdown with a num-
ber that divides the total number of cards of a particular spread. In our case,
numbers 5, 7, 1 1 , 13 do not divide number 36.
We have taken number 13 for two reasons. First, in the house count-
down, w e use the numbers from 1-12 and we do not want them to be repetit-
ive, and 13 is the first following number. There are twelve Zodiac signs. T h e
twelfth sign is Pisces, so i f we want to continue the circle, A r i e s becomes the
thirteenth sign, Taurus the fourteenth, G e m i n i the fifteenth and so on. We can
say that A r i e s number 13 is the future of Aries number 1. Therefore, every
thirteenth counted card represents the future developments. T h e second reas-
on is connected to the esoterie meaning of number 13, w h i c h is surrounded
by a veil of mystery. Number 13 is k n o w n as the number of destiny and
karma, and the number of time, most probably because of its connection with
the thirteenth card of the Major A r c a n a Tarot, "Death." Everyone knows that
superstitious people are afraid of this number, not knowing the right reason
for their fear. I n our case, this is the number which opens the Door to the
Let us return to our spread. We do the countdown with number 13
from the significator, not including it. L e t us assume that the Sweetheart card
is at place 2. I n this case, we w i l l interpret the following series of cards — 2-
15-28-5-18-31-8-21-34-11-24-1-14 and so on. We w i l l interpret at least 10
cards, but it is the best that we follow the series until we get a meaningful
story, which is completed; or until w e go through a circle and return to the
We move on to an example of this spread.
A young w o m a n has been running a private business for a year. She is
too much engaged in this business and she is already tired and exhausted.
She says she has health issues, and she does not make much money. She
wants to let someone else run the business and she wants to look for a new
job. She asked: "What to do and when to expect changes in the work

Gypsy Cards in a New Light

Gypsy Cards in a New Light 396
Spreads Spreads
dark (Death - Falseness). He has unrealistic wishes (Desire) and dreams
a) First, we interpret the cards around the significators. T h e inquirer is
(Hope). He is obsessed with unreal ideas (Jealousy - Hope). The only thing
represented by the Sweetheart card, the significator for work is the Officer
for which he has energy is to attack you, while you defend yourself (False-
card, and for a private business, it is the House card.
ness - the snake attacks the cat). Although he has a material basis (Money
"This is a period of making an important decision for you (Sweet-
below the Widower card), it looks like all that will fail and decay (Death -
heart, and Judge above). You want to escape from the current problems
Falseness). Your mutual life (Sweetheart - House - Widower) is, unfortu-
which are troubling you (Sweetheart is looking at the Message card), even if
nately, doomed (Death - Falseness). Run away and save yourself (Sweet-
you have to, with a small amount of money (Some Money, and the Message
heart - Message) if you have already made this decision (Sweetheart -
card is running to it), start something new (Baby). We can see that you
(Sweetheart) are your own boss (Judge - a director) and that you are run-
ning a private business (House - Judge - Sweetheart), but we believe that "There may be an important older man about whom you are thinking
an older man (Widower - House) is involved in it. He may be your husband (Judge above the Sweetheart card), very successful, and perhaps famous
or someone else who lives with you (Widower - House - Sweetheart). (Judge - Constancy), to whom you can talk (Message) and teil him (Judge)
Maybe he owns something regarding that business (Widower, and Money about your situation (Constancy), the misfortune that has befallenyou (Mis-
below), the money he inherited when someone died (Money - Death) or real fortune) and the necessity to change something (Journey). It is possible that
estate (Widower - House). But you should know that his inheritance and this man has a house by a sea, or he lives near a sea or water area, or per-
wealth is cursed and harmful in some way (Widower - Money - Death - haps he is from a foreign country (Judge - House - Hope). This man
Falseness), and that is why you are not successful in this business (Sweet- (Judge) can make your (Sweetheart) life easier (Gift), and you share spe-
heart - Falseness - House). Also, the relationship between the two of you is cial closeness, as if you were a family (Fidelity, Sweetheart - Judge -
decayed and full of negative energy (Widower - Falseness - Sweetheart). House)."
You are turning away from him and trying to get away (Sweetheart - Mes- — The woman worked for a famous and extremely rich foreign busi-
sage), but you are tied, because he has givenyou something to use (Gift - F i - nessman for over ten years. She and her husband used to keep and maintain
delity). You will make the right decision (Constancy - Judge), and perhaps, his house near a sea, but they lost the job because of her husband. T h i s man
it will be the best for you to run away from that place (Constancy - Mes- really did a lot for her and he loved her like a daughter, but she is ashamed to
sage) and prevent misfortune that is galloping towards you (Misfortune - ask help from him. —
Journey)." "Your job (Officer) is food-related (Fortune). Your husband is inter-
fering in your work (Widower - Jealousy - Officer), and always has some
— T h i s woman lives with her common-law husband with whom she
unrealistic (Hope) expectations (Desire). A brown-haired female (Fortune)
has a son, who lives and studies abroad. T h e two of them live in his apart-
has already offered you an agreement (Merriment), but there have been
ment which he inherited from his late mother, and the store which they keep
some problems (Anger). Your husband is to blame for those problems, be-
is also inherited. T h e i r relationship has been increasingly bad for many years,
cause he is meddling into everything (diagonal - Anger - Sadness - Wid-
but it still continues. —
ower - House, and the Widower - Jealousy - Officer combination). You
"Contrary to your husband, you (Sweetheart) have enough energy to
should know that you will not be broke and you will manage to get away (Of-
move (a vertical follows - Message, Journey - movable cards, Constancy -
ficer - Fortune) without significant material losses. Pay attention to the in-
Misfortune - fiery energetic cards). In spite of all the promises and hopes
spection in the next period (Officer - Jealousy). It is possible that you will
(Hope) mat he would change, he (Widower) simply has no energy (Death -
be visited by a young female inspector (Jealousy) with short (Desire) dark
Constancy) or will (Sadness) to change and move ( a l l the surrounding cards
(Sadness) hair, and it will happen unexpectedly (Unexpected Joy)."
are not movable - Death, Money, Sadness, Desire, Jealousy, Hope, House).
He is dissatisfied (Sadness) and he sits at home (House). He is negative and Although w e can add many things by interpreting the surrounding

Gypsy Cards in a New Light 398 Gypsy Cards in a New Light 399
(descriptive) cards, we w i l l stop here. Y o u noticed that we used the meanings ness is lurking like a thief (Malady - Thief). Pay attention to the symptoms.
of individual cards, but also combinations of two, three or even four cards. However, it will get better and you will recover (Ecclesiastic - 6 cards from
We went a few cards further from the significator (Sweetheart - Message - the Hope card), but only ifyou leave (Message - 6 cards from the Ecclesiast-
Some Money - B a b y ) and used the diagonals in order to explain a particular ic card) the negative man and place where you live now (Widower - House -
card (Anger - Sadness - Widower - House). Feel free to use all the possible Falseness - Sweetheart - Message)."
techniques. None of them should be dismissed. T h e y are all there to be util- — The woman admitted that she feit palpitations and that she was of-
ized at the right moment. ten scared of strong heartbeats. She also showed us mildly swollen glands on
b) Now w e w i l l do the countdown of houses. her neck. She had feit bad for a while, but she did not go to a doctor. She also
"Regarding the private business that you manage (counting 10 cards asked about her husband's health. We w i l l interpret the cards around the
forward from the House card, the private business significator), you will still Widower card, and then w e w i l l count 6 cards forward from it. —
be unhappy and feel like a victim (Sweetheart - Misfortune). Then you will "It is possible that he (Widower) poisons himselfand takes toxic sub-
get an opportunity to sign a contract (Letter - Marriage), but it will be pre- stances (Falseness next to the Widower card - a snake, poison). It is prob-
vented by unforeseen problems and obstacles (Thief - Anger), because your ably alcohol (Hope - water, liquid). He hides his health issues (Thief - 6
husband will interfere again (Jealousy - Widower), and terminate the pos- cards from the Widower card), but you have to know that his body is des-
sibility of a final agreement, with his stubbornness (Death - Fidelity). troyed (Misfortune - 6 cards from the Thief card). The urinary tract, kid-
However, the truth says that it will be better for you to accept a modest life neys, bladder (Thief), but also the liver due to high intake ofpoisonous toxic
with small resources (Constancy - Some Money). The man you like comes substances (Thief - Falseness). There is a possibility of inflammations and
to your work and offers love (Love - Lover). Currently you are hiding your infections of these organs (Misfortune)."
feelings regarding that (Love - Thief - L o v e r ) . " c) Now we w i l l perform the countdown with number 13 from the
"When it comes to the possibility to find a new job (counting 10 cards Sweetheart card, the inquirer significator.
forward from the Officer card, the job significator), search for something "The cards wam about a possible sickness that will happen soon
that can bring you more money (Desire - Money) than you have now. Look (Malady), which will make you stay at home for a while (House). Then, you
for and ask a favor from your ex-boss, the rich man (Visit - Judge), even if will recover from it quickly and get up from bed (Baby). You will think
you are afraid of this conversation (Message - Enemy), but also of a female (Thought) about sharing some money or property (Loss), and you will be
who is by his s/de, possibly his wife (Widow - Thief). He will be pleased and dissatisfied and disappointed, because you will not be able to reach an
surprised that you call him (Merriment - Unexpected Joy). You would not agreement with your husband (Sadness, and Widower next to it). You will
like to return to his house by the sea to work there (Hope - Falseness), but go on a trip (Journey) and it will bring you great happiness (Fortune), a
you can get a nice opportunity to change your job (Gift - Journey). You new life opportunity (Gift). The man you are emotionally attached to (Lov-
would make less money, but you would be closer toyour son (Loss - B a b y ) . " er) will not be honest to you and he will lie to you (Falseness). Your love
— T h e w o m a n was also interested to know about her health. We (Love) to this man is more platonic and imaginary (Hope). You will soon
count 6 cards forward from the Malady card - 6th house — sickness, health cool down and that love will not happen (Some Money - Unexpected Joy).
You should certainly go to see your ex-boss (Constancy is looking at the
"Your heart is endangered due to excessive stress and exertion (Jour- Judge card), because a meeting with him brings you merriment (Merri-
ney - 6 cards from the Malady card, and Misfortune above it). Because of ment), rediscovering your closeness (Fidelity) and support to carry on ( E c -
that, arrhythmias and high blood pressure are possible. Pay attention to wa- clesiastic). On the other hand, the cards advise that the relationship with
ter metabolism, lymph nodes and glands (Hope - 6 cards from the Journey your husband perhaps should be terminated (Death, and Widower in the up-
card). Your body is in a bad condition (Falseness - Sweetheart), and sick- per left), and you should accept to be alone for a while (Widow). Try to un-

Gypsy Cards m a New Light 400 Gypsy Cards in a New Light 401
derstand, as much as you find it difficult, that your husband (Widower) is
your enemy and he is bad for you (Enemy). He will always meddle intoyour
life (Jealousy) and the only way to deal with it is to run away (Message)
from all those difficulties and problems (Anger), and to finally make a de-
cision (Judge) to simply disappear (Thief)."
d) N o w w e w i l l try to answer to the question when the job change w i l l
happen. T o this end, we w i l l use the Death card's hourglass (*see the time
determining concept).
"You can expect a change of job in about a month (Giit = 1, Sweet-
heart - middle t i m e ) . "
In order to determine the time of some other events in the question,
we would use the time jump technique. In the previous example, we showed
how this method of time determining is used, so we are not going to repeat it
We only want to emphasize that, in this example, w e did not present
the entire interpretation, because it is too extensive. Sometimes it is possible
to interpret cards longer than an hour, when using this kind of spread. For
this reason, you w i l l gain much i f y o u master and perfect it, although it is
very demanding and complex. We have given you everything you need to
understand it and use it in practice. G o ahead.

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